Lucent Technologies
Communications System
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Administration Instructions Manual
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Administration Instructions Manual
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Introduction 1-5 System Management Tools 1 System Management Tools DEFINITY AUDIX system manag ement involves evaluating information ab out your system’s p erformanc e and taking ap p rop riate ac tions. This task is p art of your ongoing ad ministrative resp onsib ilities. System manag ement information is g enerated from the following sourc es: nAlarms, log s, and aud its — DEFINITY AUDIX system d iag nostic prog rams rec...
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Introduction 1-6 DEFINITY AUDIX Administrator Responsibilities 1 DEFINITY AUDIX Administrator Responsibilities Your resp onsib ilities as a DEFINITY AUDIX system ad ministrator inc lud e the following tasks: nPerforming the initial system ad ministration tasks suc h as c hang ing the system p assword , c ustomizing system announc ements (op tional), setting up the automated attend ants, and d istrib uting d oc umentation...
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Introduction 1-7 DEFINITY AUDIX Administrator Responsibilities 1 nIf you are using the Aud io Messag ing Interc hange Sp ec ific ation (AMIS) Analog Networking feature or the Messag e Delivery feature, you will b e responsib le for initial and ongoing ad ministration of these features. This ad ministration is d esc rib ed in AMIS Analog Networking , 585-300-512. nIf you use the Automated Attend ant feature, you also will b...
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Introduction 1-8 DEFINITY AUDIX Administrator Responsibilities 1
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Preparing for DEFINITY AUDIX System Operation 2-1 Overview 2 DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 2 Preparing for DEFINITY AUDIX System Operation This c hapter d esc rib es the ad ministrative ac tivities that you should c omp lete b efore sub sc rib ers start using the DEFINITY AUDIX system. Overview Your resp onsib ilities d uring the initial ad ministrative p hase b eg in after the Luc ent servic e tec hnic ians at your site have installed the DEFINITY AUDIX...
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Preparing for DEFINITY AUDIX System Operation 2-2 Initial Administration Prerequisites 2 nDec id ing how you will ad minister DEFINITY AUDIX system d ata, inc lud ing b ac king up and rec overing d ata and c ustomizing system announc ements nCustomizing system announc ements and /or frag ments (op tional) nCustomizing automated attend ants nDistrib uting ap p rop riate DEFINITY AUDIX system d oc umentation to new sub sc...
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Preparing for DEFINITY AUDIX System Operation 2-3 Initial Administration Prerequisites 2 Using the Administration Terminal and Administrative Forms DEFINITY AUDIX system ad ministration is p erformed at a d ata terminal or PC c onnec ted to the DEFINITY AUDIX ad ministration p ort. The following terminals are sup p orted for the DEFINITY AUDIX system: n513 n4410 n4425 n5420 nPC (using the ADAP p ac kag e) n715 (The 715...
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Preparing for DEFINITY AUDIX System Operation 2-4 Passwords 2 Passwords This section describes the login and system passwords. There are four log in IDs that c an ac c ess DEFINITY AUDIX sc reens. One of these is the cust login, whic h is sp ec ific ally alloc ated for ad ministration. This is the only login that you, the system ad ministrator, will use. The other log in IDs are reserved for Luc ent p ersonnel and are used to...
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Preparing for DEFINITY AUDIX System Operation 2-5 Customer Initial Administration Tasks 2 After you have log g ed in, the sc reen d isp lays: From this sc reen you c an ac c ess DEFINITY AUDIX sc reens to p erform ad ministration tasks or typ e logoff . Task 2: Changing Your Passwords After you are log g ed in, c hange the d efault log in p assword and the system p assword to password s of your c hoosing . Change the Login...
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Preparing for DEFINITY AUDIX System Operation 2-6 Customer Initial Administration Tasks 2 Change the System Password Chang e the system p assword . You will use this new system p assword eac h time you log in to perform DEFINITY AUDIX system ad ministration. NOTE: If you forg et your log in ID, your log in p assword , or the system p assword onc e you have c hang ed them, you must c ontac t the AUDIX Helpline to reassig n the...