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Lucent Technologies Amis Analog Networking Guide

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Page 71

AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
May 1999
AUDIX Administration 
3-19 Implementation 
2. Chec k the resc hed uling  inc rements near the bottom of the form. 
The inc r1 throug h inc r5 fields d efine how long  the loc al system waits 
b efore attemp ting  to retransmit messag es that c ould  not b e d elivered  on 
the orig inal attemp t. 
For AMIS Analog  Networking , the system attemp ts to send  the messag e 
onc e at the sp ec ified  d elivery time (usually immed iately). If it is not...

Page 72

AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
May 1999
AUDIX Administration 
3-20 Implementation 
If the network is alread y running  and  you mad e minor ad justments to the p revious 
feature forms (for examp le, if you c hang e some minor p arameters b ut d id  not 
ac tivate or d eac tivate the AMIS Analog  Networking , Messag e Delivery, or 
Outc alling  feature), you c an run the following  aud its to ac tivate the c hanges 
without need ing  to restart the system: 
1. Type m au f
 on the p ath...

Page 73

AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
May 1999
AUDIX Administration 
3-21 Implementation 
nFi g u re  3 - 8, AMIS Casual Ad d ressing  to Loc al Numb ers, shows how to 
ad minister all loc al 7-d igit numb ers for AMIS c asual (two-step ) 
— Bec ause an AMIS prefix “ 7”  was ad ministered on the 
system:translation:analog network
 form, sub sc ribers 
must d ial this prefix b efore the other 7 d igits need ed  for loc al 
message addressing. 
— The AMIS messag e transmission sc hed...

Page 74

AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
May 1999
AUDIX Administration 
3-22 Implementation 
nFigure 3-10, Messag e Delivery Ad d ressing  to Loc al Numb ers, shows how 
to ad minister all loc al numb ers for the Messag e Delivery feature. The 
ad d ress p refix “ 6”  has b een selec ted  to help  sub sc rib ers distinguish 
b etween the AMIS Analog  Networking  and  Messag e Delivery features, 
and  to make b oth loc al ad d ress rang es uniq ue. 
Figure 3-7. Digital Networking to a Specific...

Page 75

AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
May 1999
AUDIX Administration 
3-23 Implementation 
Figure 3-8. AMIS Casual Addressing to Local Numbers
Localrl STATUS:  alarms: none,  logins: 1,   thresholds: none
PATH: system : translation : machine : audix/amis/call delivery
Error and confirmation information appears on this line.
machine name: localnums_ local/remote: r password: ________ ext length: 7 
voiced name (y/n)? y voice id: 3 AMIS callback no.: 1 (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) 
default community: 1...

Page 76

AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
May 1999
AUDIX Administration 
3-24 Implementation 
Figure 3-9. AMIS Pre-Administered Addressing to a Specific Machine
Localrl STATUS:  alarms: none,  logins: 1,   thresholds: none
PATH: system : translation : machine : audix/amis/call delivery
Error and confirmation information appears on this line.
machine name: chicago___ local/remote: r password: ________ ext length: 4 
voiced name (y/n)? y voice id: 4 AMIS callback no.: 1 (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) 

Page 77

AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
May 1999
AUDIX Administration 
3-25 Implementation 
Figure 3-10.  Message Delivery Addressing to Local Numbers
To add , d elete, or c hang e a remote mac hine p rofile, d o the following : 
1. Type sy tr m au
 on the p ath line to ac c ess the system:translation: 
machine:audix/amis/call delivery
 form. Press  . 
2. In the mac hine name field , type the name of the remote voic e mail system 
you p lan to ad minister and  press  . If this is a new (unassig...

Page 78

AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
May 1999
AUDIX Administration 
3-26 Implementation 
3. Go throug h the following  form field s b y p ressing  the   key, and  c hang e 
any field s need ed  to imp lement the AMIS Analog  Networking  and /or 
Messag e Delivery features: 
a. Loc al/remote 
This d isp lay-only field  shows r
 after the remote mac hine is 
ad ministered . 
b. Password 
This field  d oes not ap p ly to AMIS analog  networking  or messag e 
d elivery (it is used  for d ig ital...

Page 79

AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
May 1999
AUDIX Administration 
3-27 Implementation 
e. Voice id 
This d isp lay-only field  is b lank until you have suc c essfully ad d ed  
this remote mac hine. The system then automatic ally assig ns a 
numb er that it assoc iates with the name frag ment for this remote 
mac hine. This id entifier is used  when rec ord ing  the name of the 
remote system. 
f. AMIS c allbac k no. 
This field  app ears on R1V8 systems only. Enter the numb er from 1 
to 5 c...

Page 80

AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
May 1999
AUDIX Administration 
3-28 Implementation 
k. Dial string  
Typ e the string  the loc al system should  d ial in ord er to send  
messag es to this remote mac hine. Valid  entries vary for d ifferent 
network c onnec tion typ es as follows: 
— amisac  (op tional): For an amisac  c onnec tion typ e (AMIS 
c asual or two-step  ad d ressing ), the d ial string  is op tional. If 
used , it may be from 0 to 24 c harac ters and  c onsists of any 
numb ers...
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