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Lucent Technologies Amis Analog Networking Guide

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Page 91

DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 
AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
May 1999
DEFINITY AUDIX Administration
This c hapter d esc rib es how to imp lement the AMIS Analog  Networking  and /or 
Messag e Delivery features on a DEFINITY AUDIX R1.0 or later system. 
Information is organized as follows: 
nImp lementation and testing  
nOngoing administration 
To ad minister AMIS analog  networking  on an AUDIX R1 system, refer to 
Chap ter 3, AUDIX Ad ministration. To ad minister AMIS...

Page 92

AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
May 1999
DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 
4-2 Implementation 
This sec tion d esc rib es the tasks nec essary to implement the AMIS Analog  
Networking  and  Messag e Delivery features on a DEFINITY AUDIX system. These 
mac hine-spec ific  tasks must b e d one for eac h remote AMIS analog  mac hine or 
messag e d elivery telep hone numb er. Bec ause the AMIS Analog  Networking  and  
Messag e Delivery features have similar ad ministration...

Page 93

AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
May 1999
DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 
4-3 Implementation 
Task 1: Verify AMIS Service
You c annot ad minister the AMIS Analog Networking  or Messag e Delivery 
features until AMIS analog  networking has b een ac tivated  b y Luc ent 
Tec hnolog ies p ersonnel. To find  out if AMIS servic e has b een ac tivated : 
1. Log  into the DEFINITY AUDIX system as d esc rib ed in 
System — Ad ministration,
2. Enter display...

Page 94

AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
May 1999
DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 
4-4 Implementation 
Task 2: Display the Local Machine
The loc al system is always the system to whic h the terminal is c onnec ted . All 
others are c onsid ered  remote voic e mail systems reg ard less of where they are 
loc ated . 
To verify the loc al mac hine has b een ad ministered  c orrec tly: 
1. Enter change machine
 on the c ommand  line and  p ress  . 
See Fig ure  4-2, Loc al Mac hine Profile Sc reen, for a...

Page 95

AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
May 1999
DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 
4-5 Implementation 
Task 3: Administer Loopback Test Mailbox
This task is op tional for the AMIS Analog  Networking  feature and d oes not ap p ly 
to the Message Delivery feature. The loop bac k test mailb ox is used to test the 
AMIS Analog  Networking  feature. Any messag e d elivered  to this mailb ox c auses 
a rep ly to be sent to the send ing  mailb ox. 
If a remote user sends an AMIS messag e to this...

Page 96

AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
May 1999
DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 
4-6 Implementation 
Figure 4-3. The System-Parameters Analog-Network Screen
Figure 4-4. The System-Parameters Analog-Network Screen (R1.0/R2.0) 

Page 97

AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
May 1999
DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 
4-7 Implementation 
2. Go throug h the following  sc reen fields b y p ressing  the   or arrow keys, 
and  c hang e any fields need ed to imp lement the AMIS Analog  Networking  
or Messag e Delivery features: 
Enter the c omp lete telep hone numb er need ed  for the remote 
mac hine to c all the loc al system. The Loc al Numb er is the hunt 
g roup number assig...

Page 98

AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
May 1999
DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 
4-8 Implementation 
b . AMIS Analog  Networking  Inc oming  Allowed ? 
This field  app lies only to AMIS analog  networking . 
Set this field to “ y”  if you want the loc al system to ac c ep t inc oming  
AMIS analog  c alls. Set this field  to “ n”  if you want the loc al system 
to refuse inc oming  AMIS c alls. 
c . AMIS Analog  Networking  Outg oing  Allowed ? 
This field applies to 
both AMIS analog  networking...

Page 99

AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
May 1999
DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 
4-9 Implementation 
e.AMIS Protoc ol—Use 8 Minutes For Inc oming  Messag e Leng th 0? 
This field  app lies only to AMIS analog  networking . 
Some non-Luc ent Tec hnolog ies remote voic e mail systems c annot 
sp ec ify the messag e leng th and  use a zero (0) in the protoc ol. This 
field  enab les the loc al system to rec ord  these inc oming  messages 
as follows: 
nEn t e r  y
 for the loc al system to assume an...

Page 100

AMIS Analog Networking  585-300-512  Issue 7
May 1999
DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 
4-10 Implementation 
See Fi g u re  4 -5, the System-Parameters Outcalling screen, for a sample of 
this sc reen.
Figure 4-5. The System-Parameters Outcalling Screen
2. Go throug h the following  sc reen fields b y p ressing  the   or arrow keys, 
and  c hang e any fields need ed to imp lement the AMIS Analog  Networking  
or Messag e Delivery features: 
a. Outcalling Active? 
En t e r  n
 if you want to use the AMIS...
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