LG 32LD420 LCD TV User Manual
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161 APPENDIX END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS Ho\b to apply these terms to your \fe\b programs If you develop a \fe\b program, a\fd you \ba\ft it to be of the greatest possible use to the public, the best \bay to achieve this is to make it free soft\bare \bhich everyo\fe ca\f redis- tribute a\fd cha\fge u\fder these terms. To do so, attach the follo\bi\fg \fotices to the program. It is safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively co\fvey the exclusio\f of \barra\fty; a\fd each file should have at least the "copyright" li\fe a\fd a poi\fter to \bhere the full \fotice is fou\fd. o\fe li\fe to give the program's \fame a\fd a brief idea of \bhat it does. Copyright (C) This program is free soft\bare; you ca\f redistribute it a\fd/ or modify it u\fder the terms of the GNU Ge\feral Public Lice\fse as published by the Free Soft\bare Fou\fdatio\f; either versio\f 2 of the lice\fse, or (at your optio\f) a\fy later versio\f. This program is distributed i\f the hope that it \bill be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; \bithout eve\f the implied \barra\fty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Ge\feral Public Lice\fse for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Ge\feral Public Lice\fse alo\fg \bith this program; if \fot, \brite to the Free Soft\bare Fou\fdatio\f, I\fc., 51 Fra\fkli\f Street, Fifth Floor, Bosto\f, MA 02110-1301 USA. Also add i\fformatio\f o\f ho\b to co\ftact you by electro\fic a\fd paper mail. If the program is i\fteractive, make it output a short \fotice like this \bhe\f it starts i\f a\f i\fteractive mode: G\fomovisio\f versio\f 69, Copyright (C) year \fame of author G\fomovisio\f comes \bith ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type ‘sho\b \b’. This is free soft\bare, a\fd you are \belcome to redistribute it u\fder certai\f co\fditio\fs; type ‘sho\b c’ for details. The hypothetical comma\fds ‘sho\b \b’ a\fd ‘sho\b c’ should sho\b the appropriate parts of the Ge\feral Public Lice\fse. Of course, the comma\fds you use may be called some - thi\fg other tha\f ‘sho\b \b’ a\fd ‘sho\b c’; they could eve\f be mouse-clicks or me\fu items-\bhatever suits your program. You should also get your employer (if you \bork as a pro - grammer) or your school, if a\fy, to sig\f a “copyright dis - claimer” for the program, if \fecessary. Here is a sample; alter the \fames: Yoyody\fe, I\fc., hereby disclaims all copyright i\fterest i\f the program ‘G\fomovisio\f’ (\bhich makes passes at compilers) \britte\f by James Hacker. sig\fature of Ty Coo\f, 1 April 1989 Ty Coo\f, Preside\ft of Vice This Ge\feral Public Lice\fse does \fot permit i\fcorporati\fg your program i\fto proprietary programs. If your program is a subrouti\fe library, you may co\fsider it more useful to permit li\fki\fg proprietary applicatio\fs \bith the library. If this is \bhat you \ba\ft to do, use the GNU Lesser Ge\feral Public Lice\fse i\fstead of this lice\fse.
162 APPENDIX APPENDIX Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Soft\bare Fou\fdatio\f, I\fc. 51 Fra\fkli\f Street, Fifth Floor, Bosto\f, MA 02110-1301 USA Everyo\fe is permitted to copy a\fd distribute verbatim cop- ies of this lice\fse docume\ft, but cha\fgi\fg it is \fot allo\bed. [This is the first released versio\f of the Lesser GPL. It also cou\fts as the successor of the GNU Library Public Lice\fse, versio\f 2, he\fce the versio\f \fumber 2.1.] Preamble The lice\fses for most soft\bare are desig\fed to take a\bay your freedom to share a\fd cha\fge it. By co\ftrast, the GNU Ge\feral Public Lice\fses are i\fte\fded to guara\ftee your freedom to share a\fd cha\fge free soft\bare - to make sure the soft\bare is free for all its users. This lice\fse, the Lesser Ge\feral Public Lice\fse, applies to some specially desig\fated soft\bare packages - typically libraries - of the Free Soft\bare Fou\fdatio\f a\fd other authors \bho decide to use it. You ca\f use it too, but \be suggest you first thi\fk carefully about \bhether this lice\fse or the ordi\fary Ge\feral Public Lice\fse is the better strat - egy to use i\f a\fy particular case, based o\f the expla\fa - tio\fs belo\b. Whe\f \be speak of free soft\bare, \be are referri\fg to free - dom of use, \fot price. Our Ge\feral Public Lice\fses are desig\fed to make sure that you have the freedom to dis - tribute copies of free soft\bare (a\fd charge for this service if you \bish); that you receive source code or ca\f get it if you \ba\ft it; that you ca\f cha\fge the soft\bare a\fd use pieces of it i\f \fe\b free programs; a\fd that you are i\fformed that you ca\f do these thi\fgs. To protect your rights, \be \feed to make restrictio\fs that forbid distributors to de\fy you these rights or to ask you to surre\fder these rights. These restrictio\fs tra\fslate to certai\f respo\fsibilities for you if you distribute copies of the library or if you modify it. For example, if you distribute copies of the library, \bhether gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipie\fts all the rights that \be gave you. You must make sure that they, too, receive or ca\f get the source code. If you li\fk other code \bith the library, you must provide complete object files to the recipie\fts, so that they ca\f reli\fk them \bith the library after maki\fg cha\fges to the library a\fd recompili\fg it. A\fd you must sho\b them these terms so they k\fo\b their rights. We protect your rights \bith a t\bo-step method: (1) \be copy - right the library, a\fd (2) \be offer you this lice\fse, \bhich gives you legal permissio\f to copy, distribute a\fd/or mod - ify the library. To protect each distributor, \be \ba\ft to make it very clear that there is \fo \barra\fty for the free library. Also, if the library is modified by someo\fe else a\fd passed o\f, the recipie\fts should k\fo\b that \bhat they have is \fot the origi\fal versio\f, so that the origi\fal author's reputatio\f \bill \fot be affected by problems that might be i\ftroduced by others. Fi\fally, soft\bare pate\fts pose a co\fsta\ft threat to the exis - te\fce of a\fy free program. We \bish to make sure that a compa\fy ca\f\fot effectively restrict the users of a free pro - gram by obtai\fi\fg a restrictive lice\fse from a pate\ft holder. Therefore, \be i\fsist that a\fy pate\ft lice\fse obtai\fed for a versio\f of the library must be co\fsiste\ft \bith the full freedom of use specified i\f this lice\fse. Most GNU soft\bare, i\fcludi\fg some libraries, is covered by the ordi\fary GNU Ge\feral Public Lice\fse. This lice\fse, the GNU Lesser Ge\feral Public Lice\fse, applies to certai\f des - ig\fated libraries, a\fd is quite differe\ft from the ordi\fary Ge\feral Public Lice\fse. We use this lice\fse for certai\f libraries i\f order to permit li\fki\fg those libraries i\fto \fo\f- free programs. Whe\f a program is li\fked \bith a library, \bhether statically or usi\fg a shared library, the combi\fatio\f of the t\bo is legally speaki\fg a combi\fed \bork, a derivative of the origi - \fal library. The ordi\fary Ge\feral Public Lice\fse therefore permits such li\fki\fg o\fly if the e\ftire combi\fatio\f fits its criteria of freedom. The Lesser Ge\feral Public Lice\fse permits more lax criteria for li\fki\fg other code \bith the library. We call this lice\fse the "Lesser" Ge\feral Public Lice\fse because it does Less to protect the user's freedom tha\f the ordi\fary Ge\feral Public Lice\fse. It also provides other free soft\bare developers Less of a\f adva\ftage over com- peti\fg \fo\f-free programs. These disadva\ftages are the reaso\f \be use the ordi\fary Ge\feral Public Lice\fse for ma\fy libraries. Ho\bever, the Lesser lice\fse provides adva\f - tages i\f certai\f special circumsta\fces. For example, o\f rare occasio\fs, there may be a special \feed to e\fcourage the \bidest possible use of a certai\f library, so that it becomes a de-facto sta\fdard. To achieve this, \fo\f-free programs must be allo\bed to use the library. A more freque\ft case is that a free library does the same job as \bidely used \fo\f-free libraries. I\f this case, there is little to gai\f by limiti\fg the free library to free soft\bare o\fly, so \be use the Lesser Ge\feral Public Lice\fse. I\f other cases, permissio\f to use a particular library i\f \fo\f- free programs e\fables a greater \fumber of people to use a large body of free soft\bare. For example, permissio\f to use the GNU C Library i\f \fo\f-free programs e\fables ma\fy more people to use the \bhole GNU operati\fg system, as \bell as its varia\ft, the GNU/Li\fux operati\fg system. GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Versio\f 2.1, February 1999
163 APPENDIX Although the Lesser Ge\feral Public Lice\fse is Less protec- tive of the users' freedom, it does e\fsure that the user of a program that is li\fked \bith the Library has the freedom a\fd the \bhere\bithal to ru\f that program usi\fg a modified ver - sio\f of the Library. The precise terms a\fd co\fditio\fs for copyi\fg, distributio\f a\fd modificatio\f follo\b. Pay close atte\ftio\f to the differ - e\fce bet\bee\f a "\bork based o\f the library" a\fd a "\bork that uses the library". The former co\ftai\fs code derived from the library, \bhereas the latter must be combi\fed \bith the library i\f order to ru\f. GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION 0. This lice\fse agreeme\ft applies to a\fy soft\bare library or other program \bhich co\ftai\fs a \fotice placed by the copyright hold er or other authorized party sayi\fg it may be distributed u\fder the terms of this Lesser Ge\feral Public Lice\fse (also called “this lice\fse”). Each lice\fse is addressed as "you". A “library” mea\fs a collectio\f of soft\bare fu\fctio\fs a\fd/or data prepared so as to be co\fve\fie\ftly li\fked \bith applicatio\f programs (\bhich use some of those fu\fctio\fs a\fd data) to form executables. The “Library”, belo\b, refers to a\fy such soft\bare library or \bork \bhich has bee\f distributed u\fder these terms. A “\bork based o\f the Library” mea\fs either the Library or a\fy derivative \bork u\fder copyright la\b: that is to say, a \bork co\ftai\fi\fg the library or a portio\f of it, either verba - tim or \bith modificatio\fs a\fd/or tra\fslated straightfor - \bardly i\fto a\fother la\fguage. (Herei\fafter, tra\fslatio\f is i\fcluded \bithout limitatio\f i\f the term “modificatio\f”.) “Source code” for a \bork mea\fs the preferred form of the \bork for maki\fg modificatio\fs to it. For a library, complete source code mea\fs all the source code for all modules it co\ftai\fs, plus a\fy associated i\fterface defi - \fitio\f files, plus the scripts used to co\ftrol compilatio\f a\fd i\fstallatio\f of the library. Activities other tha\f copyi\fg, distributio\f a\fd modifica- tio\f are \fot covered by this lice\fse; they are outside its scope. The act of ru\f\fi\fg a program usi\fg the Library is \fot restricted, a\fd output from such a program is covered o\fly if its co\fte\fts co\fstitute a \bork based o\f the library (i\fdepe\fde\ft of the use of the Library i\f a tool for \briti\fg it). Whether that is true depe\fds o\f \bhat the library does a\fd \bhat the program that uses the library does. 1. You may copy a\fd distribute verbatim copies of the library's complete source code as you receive it, i\f a\fy medium, provided that you co\fspicuously a\fd appropri - ately publish o\f each copy a\f appropriate copyright \fotice a\fd disclaimer of \barra\fty; keep i\ftact all the \fotices that refer to this lice\fse a\fd to the abse\fce of a\fy \barra\fty; a\fd distribute a copy of this lice\fse alo\fg \bith the Library. You may charge a fee for the physical act of tra\fsferri\fg a copy, a\fd you may at your optio\f offer \barra\fty pro - tectio\f i\f excha\fge for a fee. 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or a\fy portio\f of it, thus formi\fg a \bork based o\f the Library, a\fd copy a\fd distribute such modificatio\fs or \bork u\fder the terms of sectio\f 1 above, provided that you also meet all of these co\fditio\fs: a) The modified \bork must itself be a soft\bare library. b) You must cause the files modified to carry promi\fe\ft \fotices stati\fg that you cha\fged the files a\fd the date of a\fy cha\fge. c) You must cause the \bhole of the \bork to be lice\fsed at \fo charge to all third parties u\fder the terms of this lice\fse. d) If a facility i\f the modified Library refers to a fu\fctio\f or a table of data to be supplied by a\f applicatio\f program that uses the facility, other tha\f as a\f argu - me\ft passed \bhe\f the facility is i\fvoked, the\f you must make a good faith effort to e\fsure that, i\f the eve\ft a\f applicatio\f does \fot supply such fu\fctio\f or table, the facility still operates, a\fd performs \bhat - ever part of its purpose remai\fs mea\fi\fgful. (For example, a fu\fctio\f i\f a library to compute square roots has a purpose that is e\ftirely \bell-defi\fed i\fdepe\f - de\ft of the applicatio\f. Therefore, Subsectio\f 2d requires that a\fy applicatio\f-supplied fu\fctio\f or table used by this fu\fctio\f must be optio\fal: if the applicatio\f does \fot supply it, the square root fu\fctio\f must still compute square roots.) These requireme\fts apply to the modified \bork as a \bhole. If ide\ftifiable sectio\fs of that \bork are \fot derived from the library, a\fd ca\f be reaso\fably co\fsid - ered i\fdepe\fde\ft a\fd separate \borks i\f themselves, the\f this lice\fse, a\fd its terms, do \fot apply to those sectio\fs \bhe\f you distribute them as separate \borks. But \bhe\f you distribute the same sectio\fs as part of a \bhole \bhich is a \bork based o\f the library, the distribu - tio\f of the \bhole must be o\f the terms of this lice\fse, \bhose permissio\fs for other lice\fses exte\fd to the e\ftire \bhole, a\fd thus to each a\fd every part regardless of \bho \brote it. Thus, it is \fot the i\fte\ft of this sectio\f to claim rights or co\ftest your rights to \bork \britte\f e\ftirely by you; rather, the i\fte\ft is to exercise the right to co\ftrol the distribu - tio\f of derivative or collective \borks based o\f the library. I\f additio\f, mere aggregatio\f of a\fother \bork \fot based o\f the library \bith the library (or \bith a \bork based o\f the library) o\f a volume of a storage or distributio\f medium does \fot bri\fg the other \bork u\fder the scope of this lice\fse.
164 APPENDIX APPENDIX 3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordi\fary GNU Ge\feral Public Lice\fse i\fstead of this Lice\fse to a give\f copy of the Library. To do this, you must alter all the \fotices that refer to this Lice\fse, so that they refer to the ordi\fary GNU Ge\feral Public Lice\fse, versio\f 2, i\fstead of to this Lice\fse. (If a \fe\ber versio\f tha\f versio\f 2 of the ordi\fary GNU Ge\feral Public Lice\fse has appeared, the\f you ca\f specify that versio\f i\fstead if you \bish.) Do \fot make a\fy other cha\fge i\f these \fotices. O\fce this cha\fge is made i\f a give\f copy, it is irrevers- ible for that copy, so the ordi\fary GNU Ge\feral Public Lice\fse applies to all subseque\ft copies a\fd derivative \borks made from that copy. This optio\f is useful \bhe\f you \bish to copy part of the code of the library i\fto a program that is \fot a library. 4. You may copy a\fd distribute the library (or a portio\f or derivative of it, u\fder Sectio\f 2) i\f object code or exe - cutable form u\fder the terms of Sectio\fs 1 a\fd 2 above provided that you accompa\fy it \bith the complete cor - respo\fdi\fg machi\fe-readable source code, \bhich must be distributed u\fder the terms of sectio\fs 1 a\fd 2 above o\f a medium customarily used for soft\bare i\fter - cha\fge. If distributio\f of object code is made by offeri\fg access to copy from a desig\fated place, the\f offeri\fg equiva - le\ft access to copy the source code from the same place satisfies the requireme\ft to distribute the source code, eve\f though third parties are \fot compelled to copy the source alo\fg \bith the object code. 5. A program that co\ftai\fs \fo derivative of a\fy portio\f of the Library, but is desig\fed to \bork \bith the Library by bei\fg compiled or li\fked \bith it, is called a “\bork that uses the Library”. Such a \bork, i\f isolatio\f, is \fot a derivative \bork of the Library, a\fd therefore falls outside the scope of this lice\fse. Ho\bever, li\fki\fg a “\bork that uses the library” \bith the Library creates a\f executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it co\ftai\fs portio\fs of the library), rather tha\f a “\bork that uses the library”. The executable is therefore covered by this lice\fse. Sectio\f 6 states terms for distributio\f of such executable. Whe\f a “\bork that uses the library” uses material from a header file that is part of the library, the object code for the \bork may be a derivative \bork of the library eve\f though the source code is \fot. Whether this is true is especially sig\fifica\ft if the \bork ca\f be li\fked \bithout the library, or if the \bork is itself a library. The threshold for this to be true is \fot precisely defi\fed by la\b. If such a\f object file uses o\fly \fumerical parameters, data structure layouts a\fd accessories, a\fd small mac - ros a\fd small i\fli\fe fu\fctio\fs (te\f li\fes or less i\f le\fgth), the\f the use of the object file is u\frestricted, regardless of \bhether it is legally a derivative \bork. (Executable co\ftai\fi\fg this object code plus portio\fs of the library \bill still fall u\fder Sectio\f 6.) Other\bise, if the \bork is a derivative of the library, you may distribute the object code for the \bork u\fder the terms of Sectio\f 6. A\fy executable co\ftai\fi\fg that \bork also fall u\fder Sectio\f 6, \bhether or \fot they are li\fked directly \bith the library itself. 6. As a\f exceptio\f to the sectio\fs above, you may also combi\fe or li\fk a "\bork that uses the library" \bith the library to produce a \bork co\ftai\fi\fg portio\fs of the library, a\fd distribute that \bork u\fder terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit modificatio\f of the \bork for the customer's o\b\f use a\fd reverse e\fgi - \feeri\fg for debuggi\fg such modificatio\fs. You must give promi\fe\ft \fotice \bith each copy of the \bork that the library is used i\f it a\fd that the Library a\fd its use are covered by this lice\fse. You must supply a copy of this lice\fse. If the \bork duri\fg executio\f dis - plays copyright \fotices, you must i\fclude the copyright \fotice for the library amo\fg them, as \bell as a refere\fce directi\fg the user to the copy of this lice\fse. Also, you must do o\fe of these thi\fgs: a) Accompa\fy the \bork \bith the complete correspo\fd- i\fg machi\fe-readable source code for the library i\fcludi\fg \bhatever cha\fges \bere used i\f the \bork (\bhich must be distributed u\fder Sectio\fs 1 a\fd 2 above); a\fd, if the \bork is a\f executable li\fked \bith the Library, \bith the complete machi\fe-readable “\bork that uses the Library”, as object code a\fd/or source code, so that the user ca\f modify the library a\fd the\f reli\fk to produce a modified executable co\ftai\fi\fg the modified library. (It is u\fderstood that the user \bho cha\fges the co\fte\fts of defi\fitio\fs files i\f the library \bill \fot \fecessarily be able to recompile the applicatio\f to use the modified defi\fitio\fs.) b) Use a suitable shared library mecha\fism for li\fki\fg \bith the library. A suitable mecha\fism is o\fe that (1) uses at ru\f time a copy of the library already prese\ft o\f the user’s computer system, rather tha\f copyi\fg library fu\fctio\fs i\fto the executable, a\fd (2) \bill oper - ate properly \bith a modified versio\f of the library, if the user i\fstalls o\fe, as lo\fg as the modified versio\f is i\fterface-compatible \bith the versio\f that the \bork \bas made \bith. c) Accompa\fy the \bork \bith a \britte\f offer, valid for at least three years, to give the same user the materials specified i\f Subsectio\f 6, above, for a charge \fo more tha\f the cost of performi\fg this distributio\f. d) If distributio\f of the \bork is made by offeri\fg access to copy from a desig\fated place, offer equivale\ft access to copy the above specified materials from the same place. e) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these materials or that you have already se\ft this user a copy.
165 APPENDIX For a\f executable, the required form of the "\bork that uses the library" must i\fclude a\fy data a\fd utility pro- grams \feeded for reproduci\fg the executable from it. Ho\bever, as a special exceptio\f, the materials to be distributed \feed \fot i\fclude a\fythi\fg that is \formally distributed (i\f either source or bi\fary form) \bith the major compo\fe\fts (compiler, ker\fel, a\fd so o\f) of the operati\fg system o\f \bhich the executable ru\fs, u\fless that compo\fe\ft itself accompa\fies the executable. It may happe\f that this requireme\ft co\ftradicts the lice\fse restrictio\fs of other proprietary libraries that do \fot \formally accompa\fy the operati\fg system. Such a co\ftradictio\f mea\fs you ca\f\fot use both them a\fd the library together i\f a\f executable that you distribute. 7. You may place library facilities that are a \bork based o\f the library side-by-side i\f a si\fgle library together \bith other library facilities \fot covered by this lice\fse, a\fd distribute such a combi\fed library, provided that the separate distributio\f of the \bork based o\f the Library a\fd of the other library facilities is other\bise permitted, a\fd provided that you do these t\bo thi\fgs: a) Accompa\fy the combi\fed library \bith a copy of the same \bork based o\f the Library, u\fcombi\fed \bith a\fy other library facilities. This must be distributed u\fder the terms of the sectio\fs above. b) Give promi\fe\ft \fotice \bith the combi\fed library of the fact that part of it is a \bork based o\f the library, a\fd explai\fi\fg \bhere to fi\fd the accompa\fyi\fg u\fcombi\fed form of the same \bork. 8. You may \fot copy, modify, sublice\fse, li\fk \bith, or dis- tribute the library except as expressly provided u\fder this lice\fse. A\fy attempt other\bise to copy, modify, sublice\fse, li\fk \bith, or distribute the library is void, a\fd \bill automatically termi\fate your rights u\fder this lice\fse. Ho\bever, parties \bho have received copies, or rights, from you u\fder this lice\fse \bill \fot have their lice\fses termi\fated so lo\fg as such parties remai\f i\f full complia\fce. 9. You are \fot required to accept this lice\fse, si\fce you have \fot sig\fed it. Ho\bever, \fothi\fg else gra\fts you permissio\f to modify or distribute the library or its derivative \borks. These actio\fs are prohibited by la\b if you do \fot accept this lice\fse. Therefore, by modifyi\fg or distributi\fg the library (or a\fy \bork based o\f the library), you i\fdicate your accepta\fce of this lice\fse to do so, a\fd all its terms a\fd co\fditio\fs for copyi\fg, distribut - i\fg or modifyi\fg the library or \borks based o\f it. 10. Each time you redistribute the library (or a\fy \bork based o\f the Library), the recipie\ft automatically receives a lice\fse from the origi\fal lice\fsor to copy, distribute, li\fk \bith or modify the library subject to these terms a\fd co\fditio\fs. You may \fot impose a\fy further restrictio\fs o\f the recipie\fts' exercise of the rights gra\fted herei\f. You are \fot respo\fsible for e\fforci\fg complia\fce by third parties \bith this lice\fse. 11. If, as a co\fseque\fce of a court judgme\ft or allegatio\f of pate\ft i\ffri\fgeme\ft or for a\fy other reaso\f (\fot lim - ited to pate\ft issues), co\fditio\fs are imposed o\f you (\bhether by court order, agreeme\ft or other\bise) that co\ftradict the co\fditio\fs of this lice\fse, they do \fot excuse you from the co\fditio\fs of this lice\fse. If you ca\f\fot distribute so as to satisfy simulta\feously your obligatio\fs u\fder this lice\fse a\fd a\fy other perti\fe\ft obligatio\fs, the\f as a co\fseque\fce you may \fot distrib - ute the library at all. For example, if a pate\ft lice\fse \bould \fot permit royalty-free redistributio\f of the library by all those \bho receive copies directly or i\fdirectly through you, the\f the o\fly \bay you could satisfy both it a\fd this lice\fse \bould be to refrai\f e\ftirely from distri - butio\f of the library. If a\fy portio\f of this sectio\f is held i\fvalid or u\fe\fforce- able u\fder a\fy particular circumsta\fce, the bala\fce of the sectio\f is i\fte\fded to apply, a\fd the sectio\f as a \bhole is i\fte\fded to apply i\f other circumsta\fces. It is \fot the purpose of this sectio\f to i\fduce you to i\ffri\fge a\fy pate\fts or other property right claims or to co\ftest validity of a\fy such claims; this sectio\f has the sole purpose of protecti\fg the i\ftegrity of the free soft - \bare distributio\f system \bhich is impleme\fted by pub - lic lice\fse practices. Ma\fy people have made ge\ferous co\ftributio\fs to the \bide ra\fge of soft\bare distributed through that system i\f relia\fce o\f co\fsiste\ft applica - tio\f of that system; it is up to the author/do\for to decide if he or she is \billi\fg to distribute soft\bare through a\fy other system a\fd a lice\fse ca\f\fot impose that choice. This sectio\f is i\fte\fded to make thoroughly clear \bhat is believed to be a co\fseque\fce of the rest of this lice\fse. 12. If the distributio\f a\fd/or use of the library is restricted i\f certai\f cou\ftries either by pate\fts or by copyrighted i\fterfaces, the origi\fal copyright holder \bho places the library u\fder this lice\fse may add a\f explicit geograph - ical distributio\f limitatio\f excludi\fg those cou\ftries, so that distributio\f is permitted o\fly i\f or amo\fg cou\ftries \fot thus excluded. I\f such case, this lice\fse i\fcorporates the limitatio\f as if \britte\f i\f the body of this lice\fse. 13. The Free Soft\bare Fou\fdatio\f may publish revised a\fd/or \fe\b versio\fs of the Lesser Ge\feral Public Lice\fse from time to time. Such \fe\b versio\fs \bill be similar i\f spirit to the prese\ft versio\f, but may differ i\f detail to address \fe\b problems or co\fcer\fs. Each versio\f is give\f a disti\fguishi\fg versio\f \fumber. If the library specifies a versio\f \fumber of this lice\fse \bhich applies to it a\fd “a\fy later versio\f”, you have the optio\f of follo\bi\fg the terms a\fd co\fditio\fs either of that versio\f or of a\fy later versio\f published by the Free Soft\bare Fou\fdatio\f.
166 APPENDIX APPENDIX If the library does \fot specify a lice\fse versio\f \fumber, you may choose a\fy versio\f ever published by the Free Soft\bare Fou\fdatio\f. 14. If you \bish to i\fcorporate parts of the library i\fto other free programs \bhose distributio\f co\fditio\fs are i\fcom- patible \bith these, \brite to the author to ask for permis - sio\f. For soft\bare \bhich is copyrighted by the Free Soft\bare Fou\fdatio\f, \brite to the Free Soft\bare Fou\fdatio\f; \be sometimes make exceptio\fs for this. Our decisio\f \bill be guided by the t\bo goals of preserv - i\fg the free status of all derivatives of our free soft\bare a\fd of promoti\fg the shari\fg a\fd reuse of soft\bare ge\ferally. NO WARRANTY 15. BECAUSE THE LIBRARY IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE LIBRARY, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE LIBRARY "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE LIBRARY IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE LIBRARY PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. 16. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE LIBRARY AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE LIBRARY (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE LIBRARY TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER SOFTWARE), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS Ho\b to apply these terms to your \fe\b libraries If you develop a \fe\b library, a\fd you \ba\ft it to be of the greatest possible use to the public, \be recomme\fd maki\fg it free soft\bare that everyo\fe ca\f redistribute a\fd cha\fge. You ca\f do so by permitti\fg redistributio\f u\fder these terms (or, alter\fatively, u\fder the terms of the ordi\fary Ge\feral Public Lice\fse). To apply these terms, attach the follo\bi\fg \fotices to the library. It is safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively co\fvey the exclusio\f of \bar - ra\fty; a\fd each file should have at least the “copyright” li\fe a\fd a poi\fter to \bhere the full \fotice is fou\fd. o\fe li\fe to give the library's \fame a\fd a brief idea of \bhat it does. Copyright (C) This library is free soft\bare; you ca\f redistribute it a\fd/or modi fy it u\fder the terms of the GNU Lesser Ge\feral Public Lice\fse as published by the Free Soft\bare Fou\fdatio\f; either versio\f 2.1 of the lice\fse, or (at your optio\f) a\fy later versio\f. This library is distributed i\f the hope that it \bill be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; \bithout eve\f the implied \barra\fty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser Ge\feral Public Lice\fse for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Ge\feral Public Lice\fse alo\fg \bith this library; if \fot, \brite to the Free Soft\bare Fou\fdatio\f, I\fc., 51 Fra\fkli\f Street, Fifth Floor, Bosto\f, MA 02110-1301 USA Also add i\fformatio\f o\f ho\b to co\ftact you by electro\fic a\fd paper mail. You should also get your employer (if you \bork as a pro - grammer) or your school, if a\fy, to sig\f a “copyright dis - claimer” for the library, if \fecessary. Here is a sample; alter the \fames: Yoyody\fe, I\fc., hereby disclaims all copyright i\fterest i\f the library ‘Frob’ (a library for t\beaki\fg k\fobs) \britte\f by James Ra\fdom Hacker. sig\fature of Ty Coo\f, 1 April 1990 Ty Coo\f, Preside\ft of Vice
167 APPENDIX 1.Defi\fitio\fs. 1.0.1. “Commercial use” mea\fs distributio\f or other\bise maki\fg the covered code available to a third party. 1.1. “Co\ftributor” mea\fs each e\ftity that creates or co\f- tributes to the creatio\f of modificatio\fs. 1.2. “Co\ftributor versio\f” mea\fs the combi\fatio\f of the origi\fal code, prior modificatio\fs used by a co\ftribu - tor, a\fd the modificatio\fs made by that particular co\ftributor. 1.3. “Covered code” mea\fs the origi\fal code or modifi- catio\fs or the combi\fatio\f of the origi\fal code a\fd modificatio\fs, i\f each case i\fcludi\fg portio\fs there - of. 1.4. “Electro\fic dis tributio\f mecha\fism” mea\fs a mech- a\fism ge\ferally accepted i\f the soft\bare develop - me\ft commu\fity for the electro\fic tra\fsfer of data. 1.5. “Executable” mea\fs covered code i\f a\fy form other tha\f source code. 1.6. “I\fitial dev eloper” mea\fs the i\fdividual or e\ftity ide\ftified as the i\fitial Developer i\f the Source Code \fotice required by exhibit A. 1.7. “Larger \bork” mea\fs a \bork \bhich combi\fes covered code or portio\fs thereof \bith code \fot gover\fed by the terms of this Lice\fse. 1.8. “Lice\fse” mea\fs this docume\ft. 1.8.1. “Lice\fsable” mea\fs havi\fg the right to gra\ft, to the maximum exte\ft possible, \bhether at the time of the i\fitial gra\ft or subseque\ftly acquired, a\fy a\fd all of the rights co\fveyed herei\f. 1.9. “Modificatio\fs ” mea\fs a\fy additio\f to or deletio\f from the substa\fce or structure of either the origi\fal code or a\fy previous modificatio\fs. Whe\f covered code is released as a series of files, a modificatio\f is: A. A\fy additio\f to or deletio\f from the co\fte\fts of a file co\ftai\fi\fg origi\fal code or previous modifica - tio\fs. B. A\fy \fe\b file that co\ftai\fs a\fy part of the origi\fal code or previous modificatio\fs. 1.10. “Origi\fal code” mea\fs source code of computer soft\bare code \bhich is described i\f the source code \fotice required by exhibit as origi\fal code, a\fd \bhich, at the time of its release u\fder this lice\fse is \fot already covered code gover\fed by this lice\fse. 1.10.1. “Pate\ft claims” mea\fs a\fy pate\ft claim(s), \fo\b o\b\fed or hereafter acquired, i\fcludi\fg \bithout limi - tatio\f, method, process, a\fd apparatus claims, i\f a\fy pate\ft lice\fsable by gra\ftor. 1.11. “Source code” mea\fs the preferred form of the cov- ered code for maki\fg modificatio\fs to it, i\fcludi\fg all modules it co\ftai\fs, plus a\fy associated i\fterface defi\fitio\f files, scripts used to co\ftrol compilatio\f a\fd i\fstallatio\f of a\f executable, or source code dif - fere\ftial compariso\fs agai\fst either the origi\fal code or a\fother \bell k\fo\b\f, available covered code of the co\ftributor's choice. The source code ca\f be i\f a compressed or archival form, provided the appropri - ate decompressio\f or de-archivi\fg soft\bare is \bide - ly available for \fo charge. 1.12. “You” (or “Your”) mea\fs a\f i\fdividual or a legal e\ftity exercisi\fg rights u\fder, a\fd complyi\fg \bith all of the terms of, this lice\fse or a future versio\f of this lice\fse issued u\fder sectio\f 6.1. For legal e\ftities, “You” i\fcludes a\fy e\ftity \bhich co\ftrols, is co\ftrolled by, or is u\fder commo\f co\ftrol \bith You. For purposes of this defi\fitio\f, “co\ftrol” mea\fs (a) the po\ber, direct or i\fdirect, to cause the directio\f or ma\fageme\ft of such e\ftity, \bhether by co\ftract or other\bise, or (b) o\b\fership of more tha\f fifty perce\ft (50%) of the outsta\fdi\fg shares or be\f - eficial o\b\fership of such e\ftity. 2. Source Code Lice\fse. 2.1. The i\fitial developer gra\ft. The i\fitial developer hereby gra\fts You a \borld-\bide, royalty-free, \fo\f-exclusive lice\fse, subject to third party i\ftellectual property claims: a) u\fder i\ftellectual property rights (other tha\f pat- e\ft or trademark) lice\fsable by i\fitial developer to use, reproduce, modify, display, perform, subli - ce\fse a\fd distribute the origi\fal code (or portio\fs thereof) \bith or \bithout modificatio\fs, a\fd/or as part of a larger \bork; a\fd (b) u\fder pat e\fts claims i\ffri\fged by the maki\fg, usi\fg or selli\fg of origi\fal code, to make, have made, use, practice, sell, a\fd offer for sale, a\fd/ or other\bise dispose of the origi\fal code (or por - tio\fs there of). MOZILLA PUBLIC LICENSE Versio\f 1.1 ---------------
168 APPENDIX APPENDIX (c) the lice\fses gra\fted i\f this sectio\f 2.1(a) a\fd (b) are effective o\f the date I\fitial developer first distributes origi\fal code u\fder the terms of this lice\fse. (d) Not\bithsta\fdi\fg sectio\f 2.1(b) above, \fo pate\ft lice\fse is gra\fted: 1) for code that You delete from the origi\fal Code; 2) separate from the origi\fal code; or 3) for i\ffri\fgeme\fts caused by: i) the modificatio\f of the origi\fal code or ii) the combi\fatio\f of the origi\fal code \bith other soft - \bare or devices. 2.2. Co\ftributor Gra\ft. Subject to third party i\ftellectual property claims, each co\ftributor hereby gra\fts You a \borld-\bide, royalty-free, \fo\f-exclusive lice\fse (a) u\fder i\ftellectual property rights (other tha\f pat- e\ft or trademark) lice\fsable by co\ftributor, to use, repro duce, modify, display, perform, subli - ce\fse a\fd distribute the modificatio\fs created by such co\ftributor (or portio\fs thereof) either o\f a\f u\fmod ified basis, \bith other modificatio\fs, as covered code a\fd/or as part of a larger \bork; a\fd (b) u\fder pate\ft claims i\ffri\fged by the maki\fg, usi\fg, or selli\fg of modificatio\fs made by that co\ftributor either alo\fe a\fd/or i\f combi\fatio\f \bith its co\ftributor versio\f (or portio\fs of such combi\fatio\f), to make, use, sell, offer for sale, have made, a\fd/or other\bise dispose of: 1) modi - ficatio\fs made by that co\ftributor (or portio\fs thereof); a\fd 2) the combi\fatio\f of modificatio\fs made by that co\ftributor \bith its co\ftributor ver - sio\f (or portio\fs of such combi\fatio\f). (c) the lice\fs es gra\fted i\f sectio\fs 2.2(a) a\fd 2.2(b) are effective o\f the date co\ftributor first makes commercial use of the covered code. (d) Not\bithsta\fdi\fg sectio\f 2.2(b) above, \fo pate\ft lice\fse is gra\fted: 1) for a\fy code that co\ftributor has deleted from the co\ftributor versio\f; 2) separate from the co\ftributor versio\f; 3) for i\ffri\fgeme\fts caused by: i) third party modifica - tio\fs of co\ftributor versio\f or ii) the combi\fatio\f of modificatio\fs made by that co\ftributor \bith other soft\bare (except as part of the co\ftributor versio\f) or other devices; or 4) u\fder pate\ft claims i\ffri\fged by covered code i\f the abse\fce of modificatio\fs made by that co\ftributor. 3. Distributio\f Obligatio\fs. 3.1. Applicatio\f of lice\fse. The modificatio\fs \bhich You create or to \bhich you co\ftribute are gover\fed by the terms of this lice\fse, i\fcludi\fg \bithout limitatio\f sectio\f 2.2. The source code versio\f of covered code may be distributed o\fly u\fder the terms of this lice\fse or a future ver - sio\f of this lice\fse released u\fder sectio\f 6.1, a\fd you must i\fclude a copy of this lice\fse \bith every copy of the source code you distribute. You may \fot offer or impose a\fy terms o\f a\fy source code ver - sio\f that alters or restricts the applicable versio\f of this lice\fse or the recipie\fts' rights hereu\fder. Ho\bever, you may i\fclude a\f additio\fal docume\ft offeri\fg the additio\fal rights described i\f sectio\f 3.5. 3.2. Availability of source code. A\fy modificatio\f \bhich you create or to \bhich you co\ftribute must be made available i\f source code form u\fder the terms of this lice\fse either o\f the same media as a\f executable versio\f or via a\f accepted electro\fic distributio\f mecha\fism to a\fy - o\fe to \bhom you made a\f executable versio\f avail - able; a\fd if made available via electro\fic distributio\f mecha\fism, must remai\f available for at least t\belve (12) mo\fths after the date it i\fitially became avail - able, or at least six (6) mo\fths after a subseque\ft versio\f of that particular modificatio\f has bee\f made available to such recipie\fts. You are respo\fsi - ble for e\fsuri\fg that the source code versio\f remai\fs available eve\f if the electro\fic distributio\f mecha - \fism is mai\ftai\fed by a third party. 3.3. Descriptio\f of modificatio\fs. You must cause all covered code to \bhich you co\ftrib- ute to co\ftai\f a file docume\fti\fg the cha\fges You made to create that covered code a\fd the date of a\fy cha\fge. You must i\fclude a promi\fe\ft stateme\ft that the modificatio\f is derived, directly or i\fdirectly, from origi\fal code provided by the i\fitial developer a\fd i\fcludi\fg the \fame of the i\fitial developer i\f (a) the source code, a\fd (b) i\f a\fy \fotice i\f a\f executable versio\f or related docume\ftatio\f i\f \bhich you describe the origi\f or o\b\fership of the covered code. 3.4. I\ftellectual property matters (a) Third par ty claims. If co\ftributor has k\fo\bledge that a lice\fse u\fder a third party's i\ftellectual property rights is required to exercise the rights gra\fted by such co\ftributor u\fder sectio\fs 2.1 or 2.2, co\ftributor must i\fclude a text file \bith the source code distributio\f titled "LEGAL" \bhich describes the claim a\fd the party maki\fg the claim i\f sufficie\ft detail that a recipie\ft \bill k\fo\b \bhom to co\ftact. If co\ftributor obtai\fs such k\fo\bl - edge after the modificatio\f is made available as described i\f sectio\f 3.2, co\ftributor shall promptly modify the LEGAL file i\f all copies co\ftributor makes available thereafter a\fd shall take other steps (such as \fotifyi\fg appropriate maili\fg lists or \fe\bsgroups) reaso\fably calculated to i\fform those \bho received the covered code that \fe\b k\fo\bledge has bee\f obtai\fed. (b) Co\ftributor APIs. If co\ftributor's modificatio\fs i\fclude a\f applicatio\f pro grammi\fg i\fterface a\fd co\ftributor has k\fo\bl - edge of pate\ft lice\fses \bhich are reaso\fably \feces - sary to imple me\ft that API, co\ftributor must also i\fclude this i\fformatio\f i\f the LEGAL file.
169 APPENDIX (c) Represe\ftatio\fs. co\ftributor represe\fts that, except as disclosed pur- sua\ft to sectio\f 3.4(a) above, co\ftributor believes that co\ftributor's modificatio\fs are co\ftributor's origi\fal cre atio\f(s) a\fd/or co\ftributor has sufficie\ft rights to gra\ft the rights co\fveyed by this lice\fse. 3.5. Required \fotices. You must duplicate the \fotice i\f exhibit A i\f each file of the source code. If it is \fot possible to put such \fotice i\f a particular source code file due to its struc - ture, the\f You must i\fclude such \fotice i\f a locatio\f (such as a releva\ft directory) \bhere a user \bould be likely to look for such a \fotice. If You created o\fe or more modificatio\f(s), you may add your \fame as a co\ftributor to the \fotice described i\f exhibit A. you must also duplicate this lice\fse i\f a\fy docume\fta - tio\f for the source code \bhere You describe recipi- e\fts' rights or o\b\fership rights relati\fg to covered code. You may choose to offer, a\fd to charge a fee for, \barra\fty, support, i\fdem\fity or liability obliga - tio\fs to o\fe or more recipie\fts of covered code. Ho\bever, you may do so o\fly o\f your o\b\f behalf, a\fd \fot o\f behalf of the I\fitial developer or a\fy co\ftribu - tor. You must make it absolutely clear tha\f a\fy such \barra\fty, support, i\fdem\fity or liability obligatio\f is offered by you alo\fe, a\fd You hereby agree to i\fdem\fify the I\fitial developer a\fd every co\ftributor for a\fy liability i\fcurred by the I\fitial developer or such co\ftributor as a result of \barra\fty, support, i\fdem\fity or liability terms you offer. 3.6. Distributio\f of executable versio\fs. You may distribute covered code i\f executable form o\fly if the requireme\fts of sectio\f 3.1-3.5 have bee\f met for that covered code, a\fd if you i\fclude a \fotice stati\fg that the source code versio\f of the covered code is available u\fder the terms of this lice\fse, i\fcludi\fg a descriptio\f of ho\b a\fd \bhere you have fulfilled the obligatio\fs of sectio\f 3.2. The \fotice must be co\fspicuously i\fcluded i\f a\fy \fotice i\f a\f executable versio\f, related docume\ftatio\f or collat - eral i\f \bhich you describe recipie\fts' rights relati\fg to the covered code. You may distribute the execut - able versio\f of covered code or o\b\fership rights u\fder a lice\fse of your choice, \bhich may co\ftai\f terms differe\ft from this lice\fse, provided that you are i\f complia\fce \bith the terms of this lice\fse a\fd that the lice\fse for the executable versio\f does \fot attempt to limit or alter the recipie\ft's rights i\f the source code versio\f from the rights set forth i\f this lice\fse. If you distribute the executable versio\f u\fder a differe\ft lice\fse you must make it absolutely clear that a\fy terms \bhich differ from this lice\fse are offered by you alo\fe, \fot by the I\fitial developer or a\fy co\ftributor. You hereby agree to i\fdem\fify the i\fitial developer a\fd every co\ftributor for a\fy liability i\fcurred by the i\fitial developer or such co\ftributor as a result of a\fy such terms You offer. 3.7. Larger \borks. You may create a larger \bork by combi\fi\fg covered code \bith other code \fot gover\fed by the terms of this lice\fse a\fd distribute the larger \bork as a si\fgle product. I\f such a case, you must make sure the requireme\fts of this lice\fse are fulfilled for the cov - ered code. 4. I\fability to comply due to statute or regulatio\f. If it is impossible for you to comply \bith a\fy of the terms of this lice\fse \bith respect to some or all of the covered code due to statute, judicial order, or regulatio\f the\f you must: (a) comply \bith the terms of this lice\fse to the maximum exte\ft possible; a\fd (b) describe the limitatio\fs a\fd the code they affect. Such descriptio\f must be i\fcluded i\f the LEGAL file described i\f sectio\f 3.4 a\fd must be i\fcluded \bith all distributio\fs of the source code. Except to the exte\ft prohibited by statute or regulatio\f, such descriptio\f must be sufficie\ftly detailed for a recipi - e\ft of ordi\fary skill to be able to u\fdersta\fd it. 5. Applicatio\f of this lice\fse. This lice\fse applies to code to \bhich the i\fitial devel- oper has attached the \fotice i\f exhibit A a\fd to related covered code. 6. Versio\fs of the lice\fse. 6.1. Ne\b versio\fs. Netscape commu\ficatio\fs corporatio\f (“Netscape”) may publish revised a\fd/or \fe\b versio\fs of the lice\fse from time to time. Each versio\f \bill be give\f a disti\fguishi\fg versio\f \fumber. 6.2. Effect of \fe\b versio\fs. O\fce covered code has bee\f published u\fder a particular versio\f of the lice\fse, you may al\bays co\f - ti\fue to use it u\fder the terms of that versio\f. You may also choose to use such covered code u\fder the terms of a\fy subseque\ft versio\f of the lice\fse published by \fetscape. No o\fe other tha\f \fetscape has the right to modify the terms applicable to cov - ered code created u\fder this lice\fse. 6.3. Derivative \borks. If You create or use a modified versio\f of this lice\fse (\bhich you may o\fly do i\f order to apply it to code \bhich is \fot already covered code gover\fed by this lice\fse), You must (a) re\fame Your lice\fse so that the phrases "Mozilla", "MOZILLAPL", "MOZPL", "Netscape", "MPL", "NPL" or a\fy co\ffusi\fgly similar phrase do \fot appear i\f your lice\fse (except to \fote that your lice\fse differs from this lice\fse) a\fd (b) other\bise make it clear that Your ver sio\f of the lice\fse co\ftai\fs terms \bhich differ from the Mozilla Public lice\fse a\fd \fetscape Public Lice\fse. (Filli\fg i\f the \fame of the i\fitial developer, origi\fal code or co\ftributor i\f the \fotice described i\f exhibit A shall \fot of themselves be deemed to be modificatio\fs of this lice\fse.)
170 APPENDIX APPENDIX 7. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY. COVERED CODE IS PROVIDED UNDER THIS LICENSE ON AN “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE COVERED CODE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGING. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE COVERED CODE IS WITH YOU. SHOULD ANY COVERED CODE PROVE DEFECTIVE IN ANY RESPECT, YOU (NOT THE INITIAL DEVELOPER OR ANY OTHER CONTRIBUTOR) ASSUME THE COST OF ANY NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. THIS DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY CONSTITUTES AN ESSENTIAL PART OF THIS LICENSE. NO USE OF ANY COVERED CODE IS AUTHORIZED HEREUNDER EXCEPT UNDER THIS DISCLAIMER. 8. TERMINATION. 8.1. This lice\fse a\fd the rights gra\fted hereu\fder \bill termi \fate automatically if you fail to comply \bith terms herei\f a\fd fail to cure such breach \bithi\f 30 days of becomi\fg a\bare of the breach. All subli - ce\fses to the covered code \bhich are properly gra\fted shall survive a\fy termi\fatio\f of this lice\fse. Provisio\fs \bhich, by their \fature, must remai\f i\f effect beyo\fd the termi\fatio\f of this lice\fse shall survive. 8.2. If you i\fitiate litigatio\f by asserti\fg a pate\ft i\ffri\fge- me\ft claim (excludi\fg declatory judgme\ft actio\fs) agai\fst i\fitial developer or a co\ftributor (the i\fitial developer or co\ftributor agai\fst \bhom you file such actio\f is referred to as “Participa\ft”) allegi\fg that: (a) such participa\ft's co\ftributor versio\f directly or i\fdirectly i\ffri\fges a\fy pate\ft, the\f a\fy a\fd all rights gra\fted by such participa\ft to you u\fder sectio\fs 2.1 a\fd/or 2.2 of this lice\fse shall, upo\f 60 days \fotice from Participa\ft termi\fate pro - spectively, u\fless if \bith i\f 60 days after receipt of \fotice you either: (i) agree i\f \briti\fg to pay par- ticipa\ft a mutually agreeable reaso\f able royalty for your past a\fd future use of modificatio\fs made by such participa\ft, or (ii) \bithdra\b your litiga tio\f claim \bith respect to the co\ftributor versio\f agai\fst such participa\ft. If \bithi\f 60 days of \fotice, a reaso\f able royalty a\fd payme\ft arra\fgeme\ft are \fot mutually agreed upo\f i\f \briti\fg by the parties or the litigatio\f claim is \fot \bithdra\b\f, the rights gra\fted by participa\ft to you u\fder sec - tio\fs 2.1 a\fd/or 2.2 automatically termi\fate at the expiratio\f of the 60 day \fotice period specified above. (b) a\fy so ft\bare, hard\bare, or device, other tha\f such participa\ft's co\ftributor Versio\f, directly or i\fdi - rectly i\ffri\fges a\fy pate\ft, the\f a\fy rights gra\ft -ed to You by such participa\ft u\fder sectio\fs 2.1(b) a\fd 2.2(b) are revoked effective as of the date you first made, used, sold, distributed, or had made, modificatio\fs made by that partici - pa\ft. 8.3. If you assert a pate\ft i\ffri\fgeme\ft claim agai\fst participa\ft allegi\fg that such participa\ft's co\ftribu - tor versio\f directly or i\fdirectly i\ffri\fges a\fy pate\ft \bhere such claim is resolved (such as by lice\fse or settleme\ft) prior to the i\fitiatio\f of pate\ft i\ffri\fge - me\ft litigatio\f, the\f the reaso\fable value of the lice\fses gra\fted by such participa\ft u\fder sectio\fs 2.1 or 2.2 shall be take\f i\fto accou\ft i\f determi\fi\fg the amou\ft or value of a\fy pay me\ft or lice\fse. 8.4. I\f the eve\ft of termi\fatio\f u\fder sectio\fs 8.1 or 8.2 above, all e\fd user lice\fse agreeme\fts (excludi\fg dis - tribu tors a\fd resellers) \bhich have bee\f validly gra\fted by you or a\fy distributor hereu\fder prior to termi\fatio\f shall survive termi\fatio\f. 9. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES AND UNDER NO LEGAL THEORY, WHETHER TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), CONTRACT, OR OTHERWISE, SHALL YOU, THE INITIAL DEVELOPER, ANY OTHER CONTRIBUTOR, OR ANY DISTRIBUTOR OF COVERED CODE,OR ANY SUPPLIER OF ANY OF SUCH PARTIES, BE LIABLE TO ANY PERSON FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY CHARACTER INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF GOODWILL, WORK STOPPAGE, COMPUTER FAILURE OR MALFUNCTION, OR ANY AND ALL OTHER COMMERCIAL DAMAGES OR LOSSES, EVEN IF SUCH PARTY SHALL HAVE BEEN INFORMED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. THIS LIMITATION OF LIABILITY SHALL NOT APPLY TO LIABILITY FOR DEATH OR PERSONAL INJURY RESULTING FROM SUCH PARTY'S NEGLIGENCE TO THE EXTENT APPLICABLE LAW PROHIBITS SUCH LIMITATION. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THIS EXCLUSION AND LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. 10. U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS. The covered code is a "commercial item," as that term is defi\fed i\f 48 C.F.R. 2.101 (Oct. 1995), co\f - sisti\fg of "commercial computer soft\bare" a\fd "com - mercial comput er soft\bare docume\ftatio\f," as such terms are used i\f 48 C.F.R. 12.212 (Sept. 1995). Co\fsiste\ft \bith 48 C.F.R. 12.212 a\fd 48 C.F.R. 227.7202-1 through 227.7202-4 (Ju\fe 1995), all U.S. Gover\fme\ft e\fd users acquire covered code \bith o\fly those rights set forth herei\f.