Lexmark E260dn User Manual
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The installer of this radio equipment must ensure that the antenna is located or pointed such that it does not emit RF fields in excess of Health Canada limits for the general population; consult Safety Code 6, obtainable from Health Canadas Web site www.hc-sc.gc.ca/rpb. The term IC: before the certification/registration number only signifies that the Industry Canada technical specifications were met. Industry Canada (Canada) Cet appareil est conforme à la norme RSS-210 dIndustry Canada. Son fonctionnement est soumis aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) cet appareil ne doit pas provoquer dinterférences et (2) il doit accepter toute interférence reçue, y compris celles risquant daltérer son fonctionnement. Cet appareil a été conçu pour fonctionner uniquement avec lantenne fournie. Lutilisation de toute autre antenne est strictement interdite par la réglementation dIndustry Canada. En application des réglementations dIndustry Canada, lutilisation dune antenne de gain supérieur est strictement interdite. Pour empêcher toute interférence radio au service faisant lobjet dune licence, cet appareil doit être utilisé à lintérieur et loin des fenêtres afin de garantir une protection optimale. Si le matériel (ou son antenne démission) est installé à lextérieur, il doit faire lobjet dune licence. Linstallateur de cet équipement radio doit veiller à ce que lantenne soit implantée et dirigée de manière à némettre aucun champ HF dépassant les limites fixées pour lensemble de la population par Santé Canada. Reportez-vous au Code de sécurité 6 que vous pouvez consulter sur le site Web de Santé Canada www.hc-sc.gc.ca/rpb. Le terme « IC » précédant le numéro de daccréditation/inscription signifie simplement que le produit est conforme aux spécifications techniques dIndustry Canada. Notice to users in the European Union Products bearing the CE mark are in conformity with the protection requirements of EC Council directives 2004/108/EC, 2006/95/EC, and 1999/5/EC on the approximation and harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility, safety of electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits and on radio equipment and telecommunications terminal equipment. Compliance is indicated by the CE marking. The manufacturer of this product is: Lexmark International, Inc., 740 West New Circle Road, Lexington, KY, 40550 USA. The authorized representative is: Lexmark International Technology Hungária Kft., 8 Lechner Ödön fasor, Millennium Tower III, 1095 Budapest HUNGARY, A declaration of conformity to the requirements of the Directives is available upon request from the Authorized Representative. This product satisfies the Class B limits of EN 55022 and safety requirements of EN 60950. Products equipped with 2.4GHz Wireless LAN option are in conformity with the protection requirements of EC Council directives 2004/108/EC, 2006/95/EC, and 1999/5/EC on the approximation and harmonization of the laws of the Notices 131 Downloaded From ManualsPrinter.com Manuals

Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility, safety of electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits and on radio equipment and telecommunications terminal equipment. Compliance is indicated by the CE marking. Operation is allowed in all EU and EFTA countries, but is restricted to indoor use only. The manufacturer of this product is: Lexmark International, Inc., 740 West New Circle Road, Lexington, KY, 40550 USA. The authorized representative is: Lexmark International Technology Hungária Kft., 8 Lechner Ödön fasor, Millennium Tower III, 1095 Budapest HUNGARY, A declaration of conformity to the requirements of the Directives is available upon request from the Authorized Representative. ČeskySpolečnost Lexmark International, Inc. tímto prohlašuje, že výrobek tento výrobek je ve shodě se základními požadavky a dalšími příslušnými ustanoveními směrnice 1999/5/ES. DanskLexmark International, Inc. erklærer herved, at dette produkt overholder de væsentlige krav og øvrige relevante krav i direktiv 1999/5/EF. DeutschHiermit erklärt Lexmark International, Inc., dass sich das Gerät dieses Gerät in Übereinstimmung mit den grundlegenden Anforderungen und den übrigen einschlägigen Bestimmungen der Richtlinie 1999/5/EG befindet. ΕλληνικήΜΕ ΤΗΝ ΠΑΡΟΥΣΑ Η LEXMARK INTERNATIONAL, INC. ΔΗΛΩΝΕΙ ΟΤΙ ΑΥΤΟ ΤΟ ΠΡΟΪΟΝ ΣΥΜΜΟΡΦΩΝΕΤΑΙ ΠΡΟΣ ΤΙΣ ΟΥΣΙΩΔΕΙΣ ΑΠΑΙΤΗΣΕΙΣ ΚΑΙ ΤΙΣ ΛΟΙΠΕΣ ΣΧΕΤΙΚΕΣ ΔΙΑΤΑΞΕΙΣ ΤΗΣ ΟΔΗΓΙΑΣ 1999/5/ΕΚ. EnglishHereby, Lexmark International, Inc., declares that this type of equipment is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. EspañolPor medio de la presente, Lexmark International, Inc. declara que este producto cumple con los requisitos esenciales y cualesquiera otras disposiciones aplicables o exigibles de la Directiva 1999/5/CE. EestiKäesolevaga kinnitab Lexmark International, Inc., et seade see toode vastab direktiivi 1999/5/EÜ põhinõuetele ja nimetatud direktiivist tulenevatele muudele asjakohastele sätetele. SuomiLexmark International, Inc. vakuuttaa täten, että tämä tuote on direktiivin 1999/5/EY oleellisten vaatimusten ja muiden sitä koskevien direktiivin ehtojen mukainen. FrançaisPar la présente, Lexmark International, Inc. déclare que lappareil ce produit est conforme aux exigences fondamentales et autres dispositions pertinentes de la directive 1999/5/CE. MagyarAlulírott, Lexmark International, Inc. nyilatkozom, hogy a termék megfelel a vonatkozó alapvetõ követelményeknek és az 1999/5/EC irányelv egyéb elõírásainak. ÍslenskaHér með lýsir Lexmark International, Inc. yfir því að þessi vara er í samræmi við grunnkröfur og aðrar kröfur, sem gerðar eru í tilskipun 1999/5/EC. ItalianoCon la presente Lexmark International, Inc. dichiara che questo questo prodotto è conforme ai requisiti essenziali ed alle altre disposizioni pertinenti stabilite dalla direttiva 1999/5/CE. LatviskiAr šo Lexmark International, Inc. deklarē, ka šis izstrādājums atbilst Direktīvas 1999/5/EK būtiskajām prasībām un citiem ar to saistītajiem noteikumiem. LietuviųŠiuo Lexmark International, Inc. deklaruoja, kad šis produktas atitinka esminius reikalavimus ir kitas 1999/5/EB direktyvos nuostatas. MaltiBil-preżenti, Lexmark International, Inc., jiddikjara li dan il-prodott huwa konformi mal-ħtiġijiet essenzjali u ma dispożizzjonijiet oħrajn relevanti li jinsabu fid-Direttiva 1999/5/KE. Notices 132 Downloaded From ManualsPrinter.com Manuals

NederlandsHierbij verklaart Lexmark International, Inc. dat het toestel dit product in overeenstemming is met de essentiële eisen en de andere relevante bepalingen van richtlijn 1999/5/EG. NorskLexmark International, Inc. erklærer herved at dette produktet er i samsvar med de grunnleggende krav og øvrige relevante krav i direktiv 1999/5/EF. PolskiNiniejszym Lexmark International, Inc. oświadcza, że niniejszy produkt jest zgodny z zasadniczymi wymogami oraz pozostałymi stosownymi postanowieniami Dyrektywy 1999/5/EC. PortuguêsA Lexmark International Inc. declara que este este produto está conforme com os requisitos essenciais e outras disposições da Diretiva 1999/5/CE. SlovenskyLexmark International, Inc. týmto vyhlasuje, že tento produkt spĺňa základné požiadavky a všetky príslušné ustanovenia smernice 1999/5/ES. SlovenskoLexmark International, Inc. izjavlja, da je ta izdelek v skladu z bistvenimi zahtevami in ostalimi relevantnimi določili direktive 1999/5/ES. SvenskaHärmed intygar Lexmark International, Inc. att denna produkt står i överensstämmelse med de väsentliga egenskapskrav och övriga relevanta bestämmelser som framgår av direktiv 1999/5/EG. Statement of Limited Warranty Lexmark E260, E260d, E260dn Lexmark International, Inc., Lexington, KY This limited warranty applies to the United States and Canada. For customers outside the U.S., refer to the country- specific warranty information that came with your product. This limited warranty applies to this product only if it was originally purchased for your use, and not for resale, from Lexmark or a Lexmark Remarketer, referred to in this statement as “Remarketer.” Limited warranty Lexmark warrants that this product: —Is manufactured from new parts, or new and serviceable used parts, which perform like new parts —Is, during normal use, free from defects in material and workmanship If this product does not function as warranted during the warranty period, contact a Remarketer or Lexmark for repair or replacement (at Lexmarks option). If this product is a feature or option, this statement applies only when that feature or option is used with the product for which it was intended. To obtain warranty service, you may be required to present the feature or option with the product. If you transfer this product to another user, warranty service under the terms of this statement is available to that user for the remainder of the warranty period. You should transfer proof of original purchase and this statement to that user. Limited warranty service The warranty period starts on the date of original purchase as shown on the purchase receipt and ends 12 months later provided that the warranty period for any supplies and for any maintenance items included with the printer shall end earlier if it, or its original contents, are substantially used up, depleted, or consumed. Notices 133 Downloaded From ManualsPrinter.com Manuals

To obtain warranty service you may be required to present proof of original purchase. You may be required to deliver your product to the Remarketer or Lexmark, or ship it prepaid and suitably packaged to a Lexmark designated location. You are responsible for loss of, or damage to, a product in transit to the Remarketer or the Lexmark designated location. When warranty service involves the exchange of a product or part, the item replaced becomes the property of the Remarketer or Lexmark. The replacement may be a new or repaired item. The replacement item assumes the remaining warranty period of the original product. Replacement is not available to you if the product you present for exchange is defaced, altered, in need of a repair not included in warranty service, damaged beyond repair, or if the product is not free of all legal obligations, restrictions, liens, and encumbrances. Before you present this product for warranty service, remove all print cartridges, programs, data, and removable storage media (unless directed otherwise by Lexmark). For further explanation of your warranty alternatives and the nearest Lexmark authorized servicer in your area contact Lexmark on the World Wide Web at http://support.lexmark.com. Remote technical support is provided for this product throughout its warranty period. For products no longer covered by a Lexmark warranty, technical support may not be available or only be available for a fee. Extent of limited warranty Lexmark does not warrant uninterrupted or error-free operation of any product or the durability or longevity of prints produced by any product. Warranty service does not include repair of failures caused by: —Modification or unauthorized attachments —Accidents, misuse, abuse or use inconsistent with Lexmark user’s guides, manuals, instructions or guidance —Unsuitable physical or operating environment —Maintenance by anyone other than Lexmark or a Lexmark authorized servicer —Operation of a product beyond the limit of its duty cycle —Use of printing media outside of Lexmark specifications —Refurbishment, repair, refilling or remanufacture by a third party of products, supplies or parts —Products, supplies, parts, materials (such as toners and inks), software, or interfaces not furnished by Lexmark TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, NEITHER LEXMARK NOR ITS THIRD PARTY SUPPLIERS OR REMARKETERS MAKE ANY OTHER WARRANTY OR CONDITION OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THIS PRODUCT, AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIM THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND SATISFACTORY QUALITY. ANY WARRANTIES THAT MAY NOT BE DISCLAIMED UNDER APPLICABLE LAW ARE LIMITED IN DURATION TO THE WARRANTY PERIOD. NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WILL APPLY AFTER THIS PERIOD. ALL INFORMATION, SPECIFICATIONS, PRICES, AND SERVICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME WITHOUT NOTICE. Limitation of liability Your sole remedy under this limited warranty is set forth in this document. For any claim concerning performance or nonperformance of Lexmark or a Remarketer for this product under this limited warranty, you may recover actual damages up to the limit set forth in the following paragraph. Notices 134 Downloaded From ManualsPrinter.com Manuals

Lexmarks liability for actual damages from any cause whatsoever will be limited to the amount you paid for the product that caused the damages. This limitation of liability will not apply to claims by you for bodily injury or damage to real property or tangible personal property for which Lexmark is legally liable. IN NO EVENT WILL LEXMARK BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST PROFITS, LOST SAVINGS, INCIDENTAL DAMAGE, OR OTHER ECONOMIC OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. This is true even if you advise Lexmark or a Remarketer of the possibility of such damages. Lexmark is not liable for any claim by you based on a third party claim. This limitation of remedies also applies to claims against any Suppliers and Remarketers of Lexmark. Lexmarks and its Suppliers and Remarketers limitations of remedies are not cumulative. Such Suppliers and Remarketers are intended beneficiaries of this limitation. Additional rights Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, or do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the limitations or exclusions contained above may not apply to you. This limited warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may also have other rights that vary from state to state. LEXMARK SOFTWARE LIMITED WARRANTY AND LICENSE AGREEMENT PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THIS PRODUCT: BY USING THIS PRODUCT, YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY ALL THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS SOFTWARE LIMITED WARRANTY AND LICENSE AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH THE TERMS OF THIS SOFTWARE LIMITED WARRANTY AND LICENSE AGREEMENT, PROMPTLY RETURN THE PRODUCT UNUSED AND REQUEST A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT YOU PAID. IF YOU ARE INSTALLING THIS PRODUCT FOR USE BY OTHER PARTIES, YOU AGREE TO INFORM THE USERS THAT USE OF THE PRODUCT INDICATES ACCEPTANCE OF THESE TERMS. LEXMARK SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT This License Agreement (“Software License Agreement”) is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or a single entity) and Lexmark International, Inc. (“Lexmark”) that, to the extent your Lexmark product or Software Program is not otherwise subject to a written software license agreement between you and Lexmark or its suppliers, governs your use of any Software Program installed on or provided by Lexmark for use in connection with your Lexmark product. The term “Software Program” includes machine-readable instructions, audio/visual content (such as images and recordings), and associated media, printed materials and electronic documentation, whether incorporated into, distributed with or for use with your Lexmark product. 1STATEMENT OF SOFTWARE LIMITED WARRANTY. Lexmark warrants that the media (e.g., diskette or compact disk) on which the Software Program (if any) is furnished is free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use during the warranty period. The warranty period is ninety (90) days and commences on the date the Software Program is delivered to the original end-user. This limited warranty applies only to Software Program media purchased new from Lexmark or an Authorized Lexmark Reseller or Distributor. Lexmark will replace the Software Program should it be determined that the media does not conform to this limited warranty. 2DISCLAIMER AND LIMITATION OF WARRANTIES. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN THIS SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT AND TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, LEXMARK AND ITS SUPPLIERS PROVIDE THE SOFTWARE PROGRAM AS IS AND HEREBY DISCLAIM ALL OTHER WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND ABSENCE OF VIRUSES, ALL WITH REGARD TO THE SOFTWARE PROGRAM. TO THE EXTENT LEXMARK CANNOT BY LAW DISCLAIM ANY COMPONENT OF THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, LEXMARK LIMITS THE DURATION OF SUCH WARRANTIES TO THE 90-DAY TERM OF THE EXPRESS SOFTWARE LIMITED WARRANTY. Notices 135 Downloaded From ManualsPrinter.com Manuals

This Agreement is to be read in conjunction with certain statutory provisions, as that may be in force from time to time, that imply warranties or conditions or impose obligations on Lexmark that cannot be excluded or modified. If any such provisions apply, then to the extent Lexmark is able, Lexmark hereby limits its liability for breach of those provisions to one of the following: providing you a replacement copy of the Software Program or reimbursement of the price paid for the Software Program. The Software Program may include internet links to other software applications and/or internet web pages hosted and operated by third parties unaffiliated with Lexmark. You acknowledge and agree that Lexmark is not responsible in any way for the hosting, performance, operation, maintenance, or content of, such software applications and/or internet web pages. 3LIMITATION OF REMEDY. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, ANY AND ALL LIABILITY OF LEXMARK UNDER THIS SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT IS EXPRESSLY LIMITED TO THE GREATER OF THE PRICE PAID FOR THE SOFTWARE PROGRAM AND FIVE U.S. DOLLARS (OR THE EQUIVALENT IN LOCAL CURRENCY). YOUR SOLE REMEDY AGAINST LEXMARK IN ANY DISPUTE UNDER THIS SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT SHALL BE TO SEEK TO RECOVER ONE OF THESE AMOUNTS, UPON PAYMENT OF WHICH LEXMARK SHALL BE RELEASED AND DISCHARGED OF ALL FURTHER OBLIGATIONS AND LIABILITY TO YOU. IN NO EVENT WILL LEXMARK, ITS SUPPLIERS, SUBSIDIARIES, OR RESELLERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, EXEMPLARY, PUNITIVE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOST PROFITS OR REVENUES, LOST SAVINGS, INTERRUPTION OF USE OR ANY LOSS OF, INACCURACY IN, OR DAMAGE TO, DATA OR RECORDS, FOR CLAIMS OF THIRD PARTIES, OR DAMAGE TO REAL OR TANGIBLE PROPERTY, FOR LOSS OF PRIVACY ARISING OUT OR IN ANY WAY RELATED TO THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE PROGRAM, OR OTHERWISE IN CONNECTION WITH ANY PROVISION OF THIS SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT), REGARDLESS OF THE NATURE OF THE CLAIM, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO BREACH OF WARRANTY OR CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR STRICT LIABILITY), AND EVEN IF LEXMARK, OR ITS SUPPLIERS, AFFILIATES, OR REMARKETERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, OR FOR ANY CLAIM BY YOU BASED ON A THIRD-PARTY CLAIM, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THIS EXCLUSION OF DAMAGES IS DETERMINED LEGALLY INVALID. THE FOREGOING LIMITATIONS APPLY EVEN IF THE ABOVE-STATED REMEDIES FAIL OF THEIR ESSENTIAL PURPOSE. 4U.S.A. STATE LAWS. This Software Limited Warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may also have other rights that vary from state to state. Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion of limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations may not apply to you. 5LICENSE GRANT. Lexmark grants you the following rights provided you comply with all terms and conditions of this License Agreement: aUse. You may Use one (1) copy of the Software Program. The term “Use” means storing, loading, installing, executing, or displaying the Software Program. If Lexmark has licensed the Software Program to you for concurrent use, you must limit the number of authorized users to the number specified in your agreement with Lexmark. You may not separate the components of the Software Program for use on more than one computer. You agree that you will not Use the Software Program, in whole or in part, in any manner that has the effect of overriding, modifying, eliminating, obscuring, altering or de-emphasizing the visual appearance of any trademark, trade name, trade dress or intellectual property notice that appears on any computer display screens normally generated by, or as a result of, the Software Program. bCopying. You may make one (1) copy of the Software Program solely for purposes of backup, archiving, or installation, provided the copy contains all of the original Software Program’s proprietary notices. You may not copy the Software Program to any public or distributed network. cReservation of Rights. The Software Program, including all fonts, is copyrighted and owned by Lexmark International, Inc. and/or its suppliers. Lexmark reserves all rights not expressly granted to you in this License Agreement. dFreeware. Notwithstanding the terms and conditions of this License Agreement, all or any portion of the Software Program that constitutes software provided under public license by third parties (“Freeware”) is licensed to you subject to the terms and conditions of the software license agreement accompanying such Freeware, whether in the form of a discrete agreement, shrink-wrap license, or electronic license terms at the Notices 136 Downloaded From ManualsPrinter.com Manuals

time of download. Use of the Freeware by you shall be governed entirely by the terms and conditions of such license. 6TRANSFER. You may transfer the Software Program to another end-user. Any transfer must include all software components, media, printed materials, and this License Agreement and you may not retain copies of the Software Program or components thereof. The transfer may not be an indirect transfer, such as a consignment. Prior to the transfer, the end-user receiving the transferred Software Program must agree to all these License Agreement terms. Upon transfer of the Software Program, your license is automatically terminated. You may not rent, sublicense, or assign the Software Program except to the extent provided in this License Agreement, and any attempt to do so shall be void. 7UPGRADES. To Use a Software Program identified as an upgrade, you must first be licensed to the original Software Program identified by Lexmark as eligible for the upgrade. After upgrading, you may no longer use the original Software Program that formed the basis for your upgrade eligibility. 8LIMITATION ON REVERSE ENGINEERING. You may not alter, decrypt, reverse engineer, reverse assemble, reverse compile or otherwise translate the Software Program, except as and to the extent expressly permitted to do so by applicable law for the purposes of inter-operability, error correction, and security testing. If you have such statutory rights, you will notify Lexmark in writing of any intended reverse engineering, reverse assembly, or reverse compilation. You may not decrypt the Software Program unless necessary for the legitimate Use of the Software Program. 9ADDITIONAL SOFTWARE. This License Agreement applies to updates or supplements to the original Software Program provided by Lexmark unless Lexmark provides other terms along with the update or supplement. 10TERM. This License Agreement is effective unless terminated or rejected. You may reject or terminate this license at any time by destroying all copies of the Software Program, together with all modifications, documentation, and merged portions in any form, or as otherwise described herein. Lexmark may terminate your license upon notice if you fail to comply with any of the terms of this License Agreement. Upon such termination, you agree to destroy all copies of the Software Program together with all modifications, documentation, and merged portions in any form. 11TAXES. You agree that you are responsible for payment of any taxes including, without limitation, any goods and services and personal property taxes, resulting from this Agreement or your Use of the Software Program. 12LIMITATION ON ACTIONS. No action, regardless of form, arising out of this Agreement may be brought by either party more than two years after the cause of action has arisen, except as provided under applicable law. 13APPLICABLE LAW. This Agreement is governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, United States of America. No choice of law rules in any jurisdiction shall apply. The UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods shall not apply. 14UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS. The Software Program has been developed entirely at private expense. Rights of the United States Government to use the Software Program is as set forth in this Agreement and as restricted in DFARS 252.227-7014 and in similar FAR provisions (or any equivalent agency regulation or contract clause). 15CONSENT TO USE OF DATA. You agree that Lexmark, its affiliates, and agents may collect and use information you provide in relation to support services performed with respect to the Software Program and requested by you. Lexmark agrees not to use this information in a form that personally identifies you except to the extent necessary to provide such services. 16EXPORT RESTRICTIONS. You may not (a) acquire, ship, transfer, or reexport, directly or indirectly, the Software Program or any direct product therefrom, in violation of any applicable export laws or (b) permit the Software Program to be used for any purpose prohibited by such export laws, including, without limitation, nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons proliferation. 17AGREEMENT TO CONTRACT ELECTRONICALLY. You and Lexmark agree to form this License Agreement electronically. This means that when you click the “Agree” or “Yes” button on this page or use this product, you acknowledge your agreement to these License Agreement terms and conditions and that you are doing so with the intent to “sign” a contract with Lexmark. Notices 137 Downloaded From ManualsPrinter.com Manuals

18CAPACITY AND AUTHORITY TO CONTRACT. You represent that you are of the legal age of majority in the place you sign this License Agreement and, if applicable, you are duly authorized by your employer or principal to enter into this contract. 19ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This License Agreement (including any addendum or amendment to this License Agreement that is included with the Software Program) is the entire agreement between you and Lexmark relating to the Software Program. Except as otherwise provided for herein, these terms and conditions supersede all prior or contemporaneous oral or written communications, proposals, and representations with respect to the Software Program or any other subject matter covered by this License Agreement (except to the extent such extraneous terms do not conflict with the terms of this License Agreement, any other written agreement signed by you and Lexmark relating to your Use of the Software Program). To the extent any Lexmark policies or programs for support services conflict with the terms of this License Agreement, the terms of this License Agreement shall control. MICROSOFT CORPORATION NOTICES 1This product may incorporate intellectual property owned by Microsoft Corporation. The terms and conditions upon which Microsoft is licensing such intellectual property may be found at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=52369. 2This product is based on Microsoft Print Schema technology. You may find the terms and conditions upon which Microsoft is licensing such intellectual property at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=83288. ADOBE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED NOTICE Contains Flash®, Flash® Lite™ and/or Reader® technology by Adobe Systems Incorporated This Product contains Adobe® Flash® player software under license from Adobe Systems Incorporated, Copyright © 1995-2007 Adobe Macromedia Software LLC. All rights reserved. Adobe, Reader and Flash are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Notices 138 Downloaded From ManualsPrinter.com Manuals

Index Numerics 202 paper jams, clearing behind the rear door 105 235 paper jams, clearing from standard exit bin 101 250-sheet drawer installing 19 251 paper jams, clearing from manual feeder 104 2-sided printing 57 31 Defective cartridge 108 32.yy Replace unsupported cartridge 108 550-sheet drawer installing 19 58 Too many flash options installed 108 58 Too many trays attached 109 59 Incompatible tray 109 88 Replace toner 109 A attaching cables 22 B booklet printing 62 both sides of paper (duplexing) printing manually 57 C cables Ethernet 22 parallel 22 USB 22 calling Customer Support 124 canceling a job from Macintosh 64 from the printer control panel 64 from Windows 64 card stock tips 61 checking an unresponsive printer 109 cleaning exterior of the printer 84 Close front door 107collate setting Finishing menu 67 configurations printer 11 conserving supplies 26 contacting Customer Support 124 control panel, printer 36 buttons 14 lights 14 Custom Types menu 73 D Default Source menu 68 documents, printing from Macintosh computer 56 from Windows 56 duplex printing 57 manual 57 E Embedded Web Server administrator settings 93 networking settings 93 Embedded Web Server Administrators Guide 93 emission notices 126, 127, 130, 131 envelopes loading 46 tips 60 environmental settings 26 Ethernet port 22 exterior of the printer cleaning 84 F factory defaults, restoring using Printer Settings 93 using the Local Printer Settings Utility 93 using the printer control panel 93 FCC notices 126, 130 finding information 9 publications 9 Web site 9 Finishing menu 78 using 67 G General settings menu 75 guidelines letterhead 59 I information, finding 9 installing options in driver 24 printer software 23 installing printer software adding options 24 installing software Local Printer Settings Utility 66 J jam light sequences 95 messages 95 jam recovery setting 65 jams accessing jam areas 94 avoiding 94 jams, clearing 200 99, 101 201 99, 101 233 103 behind photoconductor kit and toner cartridge unit 99 behind the rear door 105 from manual feeder 104 from standard exit bin 101 from standard tray 101 from Tray 1 101 from Tray 2 103 L labels, paper tips 61 letterhead guidelines 59 loading, manual feeder 59 loading, trays 59 light sequences on printer control panel 36 secondary error 36 Index 139 Downloaded From ManualsPrinter.com Manuals

linking trays 48 Load with 107 Load with 107 Load with 107 Load with 107 Load manual feeder with 108 Load manual feeder with 108 Load manual feeder with 107 loading envelopes 46 letterhead in manual feeder 59 letterhead in trays 59 manual feeder 46 optional 250-sheet tray 45 optional 550-sheet tray 45 standard 250-sheet tray 40 Local Printer Settings Utility installing 66 using 66 M manual duplex printing 57 manual feeder loading 46 memory card installing 17 troubleshooting 114 menu settings page printing 62 menus Custom Types 73 Default Source 68 Finishing 78 General settings 75 in Local Printer Settings Utility 66 Paper Loading 73 Paper Texture 70 Paper Weight 72 PCL Emul 81 PostScript 81 Quality 80 Setup 77 Size/Type 68 Universal Setup 74 moving the printer 91 N network setup page printing 62 Networking Guide 93 noise emission levels 127 notices 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131 N-up setting Finishing menu 67 O optional trays, loading 45 options 250-sheet drawer 19 550-sheet drawer 19 memory card 17 memory cards 16 ordering toner cartridges 85 P paper characteristics 50 letterhead 52 preprinted forms 52 recycled 26 selecting 52 setting size 40 setting type 40 storing 52 unacceptable 51 Universal Paper Size 74 Universal size setting 40 paper capacities manual feeder 50 trays 50 paper feed troubleshooting lights remain on after jam is cleared 114 page that jammed does not reprint 115 paper jam light sequences 95 messages 95 paper jams accessing jam areas 94 avoiding 94 locating 95 paper jams, clearing 200 99, 101 201 99, 101 233 103behind photoconductor kit and toner cartridge unit 99 behind the rear door 105 from manual feeder 104 from standard exit bin 101 from standard tray 101 from Tray 1 101 from Tray 2 103 Paper Loading menu 73 paper sizes supported by the printer 53 paper stop, using 47 Paper Texture menu 70 paper types duplex support 54 supported by printer 54 where to load 54 Paper Weight menu 72 parallel port 22 PCL Emul menu 81 photoconductor kit ordering 86 PostScript menu 81 Power Saver adjusting 27 print job canceling from Macintosh 64 canceling from the printer control panel 64 canceling from Windows 64 print quality test pages printing 63, 115 print quality troubleshooting blank pages 116 characters have jagged edges 116 clipped images 116 ghost images 117 gray background 117 poor transparency quality 121 print is too dark 118 print is too light 119 skewed print 120 solid black streaks 123 solid white streaks 123 streaked horizontal lines 121 streaked vertical lines 122 toner fog or background shading 120 toner rubs off 120 toner specks 121 print troubleshooting incorrect characters print 112 Index 140 Downloaded From ManualsPrinter.com Manuals