Land Rover Defender Workshop Rover Manual
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10MAINTENANCE 10 MAINTENANCE NOTE: Achassis undertray maybefitted on some vehicle derivatives toconform to legal requirements. Whenunder chassis maintenance, orremove andrefit procedures are required, itmay benecessary toremove the undertray and/orintegral accesspanels See CHASSIS ANDBODY, Repair, Frontundertray or SeeCHASSIS ANDBODY, Repair, Rearundertray RENEW ENGINE OILAND FILTER 1. Ensure vehicleislevel. 2. Run engine towarm oil,switch offignition. 3. Disconnect battery. 4. Place suitable...
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MAINTENANCE11 MAINTENANCE RENEW GEARBOX OIL 1. Ensure vehicleislevel. 2. Place suitable trayunder gearbox. 3. Disconnect battery. 4.Clean areaaround filler/level plugs. 5. Remove bothplugs andallow oiltodrain completely. WARNING: Whendraining gearbox, care should betaken toensure thatoilisnot hot aspersonal scaldingcouldresult. 6. Refit drain plugandtighten to 30Nm (22lbf/ft). 7.Inject newoilinto gearbox untilitruns outoffiller hole. Allow excess oiltodrain andwipe clean. SeeLUBRICANTS, FLUIDSAND...
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10MAINTENANCE 12 MAINTENANCE RENEW FRONTANDREAR AXLEOIL 1. Ensure vehicleislevel andplace suitable tray under axletobe drained. 2. Using 13mm square drivewrench, removedrain and filler/level plugsfromaxleandallow oilto drain completely. 3. Clean andrefitdrain plug. A-Front andrear axle, 90models, front,110/130 models. B-Rear axle,110/130 models. 4. Inject newoil, SeeLUBRICANTS, FLUIDS AND CAPACITIES, Information, Recommended lubricantsandfluids until it runs outfrom filler/level hole.Allow excess oilto...
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MAINTENANCE13 MAINTENANCE LUBRICATE PROPELLER SHAFTUNIVERSAL AND SLIDING JOINTS 1. Clean allgrease nipples onfront andrear propeller shafts. 2.Using alow pressure handgrease gun,apply recommended grease SeeLUBRICANTS, FLUIDS ANDCAPACITIES, Information, Recommended lubricantsandfluids togrease nipples atfront andrear propeller shaftuniversal and sliding joints. VISUALLY CHECKBRAKE, FUEL,CLUTCH HOSES/PIPES/UNIONS FORCHAFING, LEAKS AND CORROSION CHECK EXHAUST SYSTEMFORLEAKS, SECURITY ANDDAMAGE RENEW...
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10MAINTENANCE 14 MAINTENANCE 2. When purediesel isemitted, retighten drain plug. 3. Disconnect fuelinlet pipe atsedimenter. Raise and support pipeabove leveloffuel tank to prevent fueldraining fromtank. 4.Support sedimenter bowl,unscrew boltand remove bowl. 5. Remove sedimenter element. 6. Clean allcomponents inkerosene. 7. Fitnew seals. 8. Fitelement intosedimenter bowl. 9. Secure bowltosedimenter head. 10. Fitfuel inlet pipe tosedimenter. 11. Slacken drainplugandwhen purediesel is emitted, retighten...
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MAINTENANCE15 MAINTENANCE ADDITIONAL MAINTENANCE SCHEDULES Camshaft drivebelt The engine timinggearsaredriven byatoothed rubber beltwhich mustberenewed atintervals determined bythe severity ofoperating conditions. In reasonable, temperateclimateoperation, thebelt should berenewed every120,000 km(72,000 miles) or every sixyears whichever occursearlier. In adverse operating conditions, suchaswork industy atmospheres, highambient temperatures, desertand tropical zones,renewthebelt every 60,000 km (36,000...
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ENGINE1 ADJUSTMENT VALVE CLEARANCES -CHECK ANDADJUST Service repairno-12.29.48 Adjust WARNING: Ifthe crankshaft isrotated with excessive valveclearace, itis possible that thepush rodscould bedislodged from thecam follower seatingandfracture the cam follower slide.Toprevent damage, eliminate all clearance fromanyloose rockers before turning thecrankshaft toadjust clearances. 1. Rotate crankshaft untilNo.8 valve (counting from front ofengine) isfully open. 2.Using a0,20 mm(0.008 in)feeler gauge adjust...
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ENGINE1 REPAIR CYLINDER COMPRESSION TEST Service repairno-12.25.01 1. Start andrunengine tonormal operating temperature. 2. Switch offengine. 3. Disconnect spillreturn hoseandfuelpipe from No.1 injector. 4. Remove retaining nut,release clampand withdraw injectorfromcylinder head. SeeFUEL SYSTEM, Repair,injectors 5.Disconnect electricalleadfrom fuelcut-off solenoid atinjection pumptoprevent delivery of fuel toinjectors. Onvehicles fittedwithadigital diesel shut-off valve(DDS) immobilisation system,...
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12ENGINE 2 REPAIR ENGINE OILPRESSURE TEST Service repairno-12.90.09/01 WARNING: Usesuitable exhaust extraction equipment ifan engine testis being carried outinaworkshop. WARNING: Ifvehicle hasbeen running, engine wilbehot; care must betaken when fitting testequipment toprevent personal injury. 1. Check thatengine lubricant isto correct level. 2. Remove oilpressure switch. 3.Connect pressure testgauge LRT-12-052A ,as shown. 4. Start andrunengine tonormal operating temperature. 5. With engine running...
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ENGINE3 REPAIR ENGINE Service repairno-12.41.01 Remove NOTE: Achassis undertray maybefitted on some vehicle derivatives toconform to legal requirements. Whenunder chassis remove andrefit procedures arerequired, itmay be necessary toremove theundertray and/or integral accesspanels. SeeCHASSIS ANDBODY, Repair, Front undertray orSee CHASSIS ANDBODY, Repair, Rear undertray CAUTION: Sealallexposed pipeends against ingress ofdirt after disconnection. 1. Ensure vehicleislevel andapply parkbrake. 2. Disconnect...