Land Rover Defender Workshop Rover Manual
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GENERALFITTINGREMINDERS 1 INFORMATION GENERAL FITTINGREMINDERS WORKSHOP SAFETYISYOUR RESPONSIBILITY! The suggestions, cautionsandwarnings inthe section areintended toserve asreminders for trained andexperienced mechanics.Thismanual is not adefinitive guidetoautomotive mechanics or workshop safety. Shop equipment, shopenvironment, andtheuse and disposal ofsolvents, fluids,andchemicals are subject togovernment regulationswhichare intended toprovide alevel ofsafety. Itis your responsibility toknow andcomply...
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07GENERAL FITTINGREMINDERS 2 INFORMATION PREPARATION 1. Clean components andsurrounding areapriorto removal. 2. Blank offany openings exposedbycomponent removal usinggreaseproof paperandmasking tape. 3. Immediately sealfuel, oilorhydraulic lineswhen separated, usingplastic capsorplugs, to prevent lossoffluid andentry ofdirt. 4. Close openendsofoilways, exposed by component removal,withtapered hardwood plugs orreadily visibleplastic plugs. 5. Immediately acomponent isremoved, placeitin a suitable...
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GENERALFITTINGREMINDERS 3 INFORMATION BALL ANDROLLER BEARINGS CAUTION: Neverrefitaball orroller bearing withoutfirstensuring thatitis in a fully serviceable condition. 1. Remove alltraces oflubricant frombearing under inspection bywashing inasuitable degreaser; maintainabsolute cleanliness throughout operations. 2. Inspect visually formarkings ofany form on rolling elements, raceways, outersurface of outer ringsorinner surface ofinner rings. Reject any bearings foundtobe marked, sinceany marking inthese...
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07GENERAL FITTINGREMINDERS 4 INFORMATION OIL SEALS NOTE: Ensure thattheseal running track is free from pits,scores, corrosion and general damage priortofitting replacement seal. 1. Always fitnew oilseals when rebuilding an assembly. 2. Carefully examinesealbefore fittingtoensure that itis clean andundamaged. 3. Coat thesealing lipswith clean grease; pack dust excluder sealswithgrease, andheavily grease duplexsealsincavity between sealing lips. 4. Ensure thatseal spring, ifprovided, iscorrectly fitted. 5....
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GENERALFITTINGREMINDERS 5 INFORMATION JOINTS ANDJOINT FACES 1. Always usecorrect gaskets wheretheyare specified. 2. Use jointing compound onlywhen recommended. Otherwisefitjoints dry. 3. When jointing compound isused, applyinathin uniform filmtometal surfaces; takegreat careto prevent itfrom entering oilways,pipesorblind tapped holes. 4. Remove alltraces ofold jointing materials prior to reassembly. Donot use atool which could damage jointfaces. 5. Inspect jointfaces forscratches orburrs and remove...
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07GENERAL FITTINGREMINDERS 6 INFORMATION FUEL SYSTEM HOSES CAUTION: Allfuel hoses aremade upof two laminations, anarmoured rubberouter sleeve andaninner vitoncore.Ifany of the fuel system hoseshavebeen disconnected, it is imperative thattheinternal boreisinspected to ensure thattheviton lining hasnotbecome separated fromtheamoured outersleeve. Anew hose must befitted ifseparation isevident. METRIC BOLTIDENTIFICATION 1.An ISO metric boltorscrew, madeofsteel and larger than6m m in diameter canbeidentified...
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GENERALFITTINGREMINDERS 7 INFORMATION COTTER PINS 1.Fitnew cotter pinsthroughout whenreplacing any unit. 2. Always fitcotter pinswhere cotterpinswere originally used.Donot substitute spring washers: thereisalways agood reason forthe use ofacotter pin. 3. Allcotter pinsshould befitted asshown unless otherwise stated. NUTS 1. When tightening aslotted orcastellated nut never loosen itto insert cotter pinorlocking wire except inthose recommended caseswhere this forms partofan adjustment. Ifdifficulty is...
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LUBRICANTS,FLUIDSANDCAPACITIES 1 INFORMATION RECOMMENDED LUBRICANTSANDFLUIDS All climates andconditions AMBIENTTEMPERATURE °C COMPONENT SPECIFICATIONVISCOSITY -30-20-10 010 20 30 40 50 Diesel RES.22.OL.PD-215W/40 Engine sump orCCMC PD-2 or API CD Main Gearbox manual ATF Dexron IID Final driveunits APIorGL5 90EP Swivel pinhousings MIL-L -2105 or MIL -L -2105B 80EP * Co rD Power steering ATFDexron IID Transfer box APIGL4 orGL5 90EP LT230T MIL-L -2105 or MIL -L -2105B 80EP Co rD NOTE: *Molytex EP00grease...
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09LUBRICANTS, FLUIDSANDCAPACITIES 2 INFORMATION Propeller shaftFront and Rear NLGI -2 Multi-purpose LithiumbasedGREASE Lubrication nipples (hubs, balljoints etc.) Seat slides Door lockstriker Brake andclutch reservoirs Brake fluidshaving aminimum boilingpointof260 °C (500 °F) and complying with FMVSS 116DOT4 Engine coolant Useanethylene glycolbased anti-freeze (containing nomethanol) with non-phosphate corrosioninhibitorssuitableforuse inaluminium enginestoensure the protection ofthe cooling...
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LUBRICANTS,FLUIDSANDCAPACITIES 3 INFORMATION CAPACITIES The following capacityfiguresareapproximate andareprovided asaguide only. Capacities (approx.)* LitresPints Engine sumpoil 5,8 ................................................................ 10.20 Extra when refilling afterfitting newfilter 0,85 .......................... 1.50 Manual gearbox 2,67 ............................................................... 4.70 Transfer gearboxoil 2,30 ............................................................