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Land Rover Defender Workshop 1993 Rover Manual

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Page 231

42. Locate  the rear  differential  bearing on to the  46. Clean  and check  high/low  selector fork 
hub  and  press 
it into position  using the  assembly for wear  and renew if necessary. 
smaller  end 
of tool 18G1424,  see instruction  47. To renew the selector  fork remove  the set 
36. screw  and slide  the fork  from  the shaft. 
43.  Fit 
the  stake  nut and  tighten 
to the specified  48. Fit 
the  new  selector  fork with  its boss  towards 
torque  using 

Page 232

Rear  output housing - refit 
1. Grease output housing  gasket and position on 
to the  rear  face  of the  transfer  box casing. 
2. Fit output  housing  and ensure  clearance  of 
100 mm (0.039 in) between  housing face and 
3. Fit the  six output  housing  bolts with Loctite 
290 on the  threads,  with washers  and tighten, 
evenly  to the  correct  torque,  which 
will pull the 
rear  bearing  into position. 
3. Fit selector  shaft ball and  spring  through  the...

Page 233

Front  output housing dismantle  and overhaul 6. Withdraw  the selector  shaft from the rear  of 
the  output  housing. 
1. Unscrew  seven retaining  bolts and washers 7. Remove  the selector  fork and  spring  through 
the  side  cover  aperture. 
8. Remove  lock - up sleeve  from the rear of the 
remove  the differential  lock selector  side 
2.  Unscrew  three 
retaining bolts and washers  output housing. 
lift the  differential  lock finger  housing  and 

Page 234

10. Remove  the output  flange  with oil seal  shield. 16. Drift  out centre  differential  front taper  roller 
bearing  track and shim. 
NOTE: These  parts need not be separated 
unless  the flange  bolts are to be  renewed. 
11.  Drift  output  shaft rearwards  from housing 
using  a soft  headed  mallet. 
12. Slide off the collar  from the output  shaft. 
13. Remove  and discard  oil seal  from  output 
housing  using service  tool 18G1271  to avoid 
damaging  the housing....

Page 235

22. Pre - grease and fit a new  oil seal  (lip side 
inwards)  using replacer 
tool 18G1422, until 
the seal  just makes  contact  with the circlip. 
29. Grease  and 
fit new gasket  and locate  the front 
output  housing  on the  transfer  box casing. 
30.  Secure  housing  with the eight  retaining  bolts 
and  washers,  the upper  middle  bolt being 
longer  than the rest.  Do not  tighten  the bolts 
at  this  stage. 
31.  Engage  high or 
low gear. 
32.  Check  the roiling...

Page 236

33. With the  correct  shim fitted  the load to turn NOTE:  Ensure  that the flange  bolts are 
should  be 1,36  kg to 4,53  kg (3 Ib to 10 Ib). 
NOTE: Alternatively,  fit the nut to the 41. Repeat  the above  operation  for the  rear  output 
output  flange  and  use a suitable  torque 
wrench  to turn  the differential.  The 
readings  should 
be 0.56 to 1.69 Nm (5 to 
in Ib).  New  bearings  will register  at  the 
top end of the  torque  range  and  used 
bearings  will...

Page 237

46. Compress  the spring  between  the fork  lugs Differential  lock finger  housing  - dismantle and 
and slide  the retaining  caps on to the shaft overhaul 
ensuring the spring  is captured  with the 
cupped  side of the  caps. 
1. Unscrew  and discard  the nyloc  nut and 
47. Apply  a suitable  sealant to a new  seal cup  remove the operating  lever and washer. 
and  drive  the cup  into position. 
2. Remove  the pivot  shaft  from lock finger 
3. Remove  the 0...

Page 238

9. Fit the  differential lock finger  housing  into its 
seating on the  front  output  housing,  ensuring 
that  the selector  finger is located  in the  flat 
the selector  shaft. 
10. Apply Loctite 290 to the bolt  threads  and 
retain  the 
lock finger  housing  with the three 
bolts  and washers 
to the specified  torque. 
11. Grease and fit the high/low  selector housing 
gasket  on the  front  output  housing. 
12. Fit high/low  cross - shaft housing,  ensuring 

Page 239

2. Secure hand press  MS47  in the  vice  and  7. Prop  up the  transfer  box casing  on the  bench 
using  collars  18G47 
- 7 and  button  18G47 - 
BB/3, remove  rear taper  roller bearing  from 
3. Invert input gear assembly  in hand  press  and 
remove  front taper  roller bearing. 
4. Clean  input gear.  with 
the rear  face  uppermost. 
8.  Drift  in the  front  taper  bearing  track. 
input  gear assembly. 
9. Reposition  transfer box casing so the front 
face  is...

Page 240

Checking input gear bearing  pre - load 19. Tie  a length  of string to the  split  pin and fit it 
to the  service  tool as shown. 
12.  Secure  bearing  support  plate in the  vice.  Drift  20. Attach  a spring  balance 
to the string  and 
out  input  gear bearing  track, and remove  carefully tension the spring  until a load 
to turn 
the input  gear is obtained. A pull of 2,26  kg to 
9 kg (5 Ib to 20 Ib) is required. 
NOTE: Alternatively  using a suitable  torque 
wrench  applied to the  nut...
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