Land Rover 300tdi Diesel Engine Overhaul 1997 Rover Manual
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ENGINEOVERHAUL 59 Crankshaft -regrinding NOTE: Crankshaft journalsmaybe reground tothe following dimensions. Main bearing journals =63.225 to63.237 mm Big-end bearingjournals =58.475 to58.494 mm CAUTION: Rotationofcrankshaft mustbe in an ANTI-CLOCKWISE directionwhen viewed fromflywheel endofcrankshaft. 1. Grind journals ensuring thatgrinding wheel travels beyond edgeofjournal Ato avoid formation ofastep B. CAUTION: Takecarenottodamage fillet radius C. 2. Final finishing shouldbecarried outusing a static lapping stonewithcrankshaft rotatingin a CLOCKWISE directionwhenviewed from flywheel endofcrankshaft. 3. On completion ofgrinding operations, thoroughly cleancrankshaft ensuringthatalloil passages areclear. Main bearing capsandsaddles -inspection 1. Ensure mainbearing capbolts andboltholes are clean anddry. 2.Fiteach mainbearing capless bearing shells to its correct location ensuring thatdirection marks oncap arefacing thecorrect way. 3. Fitand tighten eachpairofmain bearing cap bolts to133 Nm. 4. Slacken thebolt onone side ofeach main bearing cap. 5. Using feelergauges, checkthatthere isno gap between eachmainbearing capand saddle on the side ofthe cap with theslackened bolt. 6. Ifa gap exists, replace mainbearing capand re-check. 7. Ifgap stillexists, cylinder blockmustbe replaced. CAUTION: Donot attempt tomachine main bearing capsorsaddles. 8. Remove mainbearing caps. CAUTION: Keepmainbearing capbolts with their respective caps.
ENGINE 60OVERHAUL Main bearing clearance -checking CAUTION: Ifcrankshaft hasbeen reground, oversizemainbearing shells must befitted. 1. Degrease newmain bearing shellsandensure all traces ofoil are removed fromcrankshaft journals. 2. Fitnew main bearing shellstosaddles and main bearing capsensuring thattags are located inrecesses insaddles andbearing caps. NOTE: Number 5main bearing shellsare wider thannumbers 1to 4. 3. Using assistance, fitcrankshaft. 4. Place apiece ofPlastigage acrosswidthof each mainjournal. 5. Fitmain bearing capstotheir correct location ensuring thatdirection marksarefacing the correct way;fiteach pairofmain bearing cap bolts andtighten to133 Nm. CAUTION: Donot rotate crankshaft. 6. Remove mainbearing capsandbearing shells. CAUTION: Retainmainbearing shellsand cap bolts withtheir respective main bearing caps. 7. Measure widestportion ofPlastigage oneach main bearing journalusingthescale supplied; the graduation thatcorresponds tothe widest portion ofPlastigage indicatesmainbearing clearance. Main bearing clearance =0.031 to0.079 mm 8. Ifmain bearing clearances areincorrect, usea combination ofstandard andoversize main bearing shellsandre-check clearances. CAUTION: Keepmainbearing shells selected intheir fitted order. 9. Remove alltraces ofPlastigage usinganoily rag. 10. Using assistance, removecrankshaft. 11. Remove uppermainbearing shellsandkeep in their fitted order.
ENGINEOVERHAUL 61 Crankshaft end-float-checking 1. Lubricate uppermainbearing shellsand crankshaft mainbearing journals withengine oil. 2. Lubricate newstandard sizethrust washers with engine oiland position washers inrecess in centre mainbearing saddle. NOTE:Grooved sideofwashers mustface outwards. 3. Using assistance, fitcrankshaft. 4. Attach aDTI torear face ofcylinder blockwith stylus contacting endofcrankshaft; push crankshaft fullyrearwards andzero gauge. 5. Push crankshaft fullyforwards andmeasure end-float. 6. Ifend-float exceeds0.05to0.15 mm,remove crankshaft, fitcombinations ofstandard and oversize thrustwashers toachieve correct end-float. CAUTION: Variationsofthrust washer thicknesses oneach sideofcrankshaft must notexceed 0.08mm. 7. When end-float iscorrect, remove DTI. 8. Using assistance, removecrankshaft and thrust washers. Ensurethatthrust washers are identified totheir location.
ENGINE 62OVERHAUL Big-end bearingclearance -checking 1. Fitpistons andconnecting rods. 2. Degrease newbig-end bearingshells. 3. Fitbig-end bearingshellstoconnecting rods ensuring thattagislocated inrecess in connecting rod. 4. Fitbig-end bearingshellstobearing caps ensuring thattagislocated inrecess incap. 5. Temporarily fitcrankshaft pulleyboltand rotate crankshaft tobring numbers 1and 4journals to BDC. 6. Remove alltraces ofoil from crankshaft journals. 7. Pull numbers 1and 4connecting rodsonto crankshaft journals,removeplastictubingfrom connecting rodbolts. 8.Place astrip ofPlastigage acrosswidthof numbers 1and 4big-end journals. 9. Fitbearing capsandshells toconnecting rods ensuring thatreference marksoncaps and rods arealigned. 10. Fitbig-end bearingcapnuts andtighten to59 Nm. CAUTION: Donot rotate crankshaft. 11. Remove big-endbearingcapsandshells. 12. Measure widestportion ofPlastigage on crankshaft journalsusingthescale supplied; the graduation thatcorresponds tothe widest portion ofPlastigage indicatesbig-endbearing clearance. Big-end bearingclearance =0.025 to0.075 mm 13. Ifbig-end bearingclearances areincorrect, use a combination ofstandard andoversize bearing shellsandre-check clearance. CAUTION: Retainselected shellswiththeir respective connecting rodsandcaps. 14. Remove alltraces ofPlastigage usinganoily rag. 15. Repeat aboveprocedures fornumbers 2and 3 big-end bearings.
ENGINEOVERHAUL 63 Crankshaft, mainandbig-end bearings -refit Crankshaft andmain bearings CAUTION: Cylinderboresmustbe inspected beforecrankshaft isrefitted - Seecylinder block-inspection 1. Lubricate selectedmainbearing shells,thrust washers andcrankshaft journalswithengine oil, ensure boltholes inbearing saddles are clean anddry;fitbearing shellsinmain bearing caps andsaddles. 2.Fitseal guides LRT-12-035 tocylinder block ensuring thatedges ofguides areparallel to edge ofmain bearing caprecess. 3. Using asharp blade, cuta0.40 to0.80 mm wide chamfer onedge ofnew seals. 4. Lubricate oilseals withengine oiland fitto number 5main bearing cap. 5. Fitselected thrustwashers tocentre main bearing saddle. NOTE:Grooved sideofthrust washers must faceoutwards. 6. Using assistance, fitcrankshaft. 7. Fitmain bearing capsandbolts ensuring that they areintheir fitted order anddirection marks are facing thecorrect way.Lightly lubricate main bearing capbolts, fitand finger tighten bolts.
ENGINE 64 OVERHAUL 8. Tighten centremainbearing capbolts to133 Nm. 9. Temporarily fitcrankshaft pulleyboltand check that crankshaft rotatesfreelyandsmoothly. 10. Tighten eachpairofmain bearing capbolts to 133 Nminthe order No.2,No. 4,No. 1and No. 5.Check thatcrankshaft rotatesfreelyand smoothly aftertightening eachpairofbolts. 11. Remove sealguides LRT-12-035 andselect feeler gauges toathickness of0.80 mm, position gaugesonnumber 5main bearing cap adjacent tooil seals. 12. Position asharp bladeonfeeler gauges and keeping bladeparallel tobearing cap,slice excess material offoilseal 13. Repeat aboveprocedures forremaining seal. CAUTION: Sealsshould beleft tosettle for as long aspossible beforetheyare trimmed. Big-end bearings 1. Lubricate big-endbearingshellsand crankshaft journalswithengine oil. 2. Fitnumbers 1and 4big-end bearingcapsand shells, fitbearing capnuts andtighten to59 Nm. 3. Move numbers 1and 4connecting rodsfullyto one side ofcrankshaft journalandusing feeler gauges, checkend-float ofboth connecting rods onjournals isbetween 0.15and0.35 mm. 4. Ifend-float isoutside limits,replace connecting rod. 5. Check thatcrankshaft rotatessmoothly. 6. Repeat aboveprocedures fornumbers 2and 3 big-end bearings.
ENGINEOVERHAUL 65 Crankshaft rearoilseal -refit 1. Ensure thatoilseal running surfaceon crankshaft andoilseal housing matingsurface on cylinder blockareclean andoilfree andthat bolt holes incylinder blockareclean anddry. 2.Screw 2slave guide studsintocylinder block. 3. Position newgasket tocylinder blockensuring that groove alongbottom edgeofgasket is towards block. NOTE:Oring fitted toearly engines isno longer required. 4. Slide oilseal protector sleeveovercrankshaft, fit oil seal andhousing overguide studsand crankshaft, fitand finger tighten 3bolts, recover oilseal protector sleeve. CAUTION: Donot lubricate oilseal or running surfaceoncrankshaft. Donot separate protector sleevefromoilseal and do not touch lipofseal. Ifprotector sleeveis removed orseal isinadvertently handled,itmust not befitted asthe coating appliedtothe oilseal during manufacture willbedestroyed andoil leakage willresult. 5. Remove 2guide studs, fitand finger tighten remaining 2bolts. 6. Tighten 5bolts bydiagonal selection to25 Nm.
ENGINE 66OVERHAUL Pistons andconnecting rods-remove 1. Remove big-endbearings. 2. Suitably identifyeachpiston toits respective cylinder bore,check thatarrow onpiston crown is pointing towardsfrontofcylinder block;if arrow isnot visible, suitably markpiston. 3. Check thatplastic tubingisfitted toconnecting rod bolts. 4. Push eachpiston andconnecting rodup cylinder boreuntilthey canbewithdrawn. 5. Remove big-endbearingshellsfrom connecting rods. CAUTION: Big-endbearingshellsshould always berenewed. 6. Inspect pistonsandconnecting rods. Piston rings-remove 1. Using asuitable expander, removeanddiscard piston rings. 2. Using asquared-off endofan old piston ring, remove carbonfrompiston ringgrooves.
ENGINEOVERHAUL 67 Pistons -remove 1. Suitably identifyeachpiston toits connecting rod, note position ofbearing shelltagrecess in connecting rodrelative toarrow onpiston crown. 2. Remove anddiscard circlipsretaining gudgeon pin. 3. Push gudgeon pinout ofpiston, remove connecting rod.Retain gudgeon pinsand connecting rodswiththeir respective pistons. Pistons andconnecting rods-inspection 1. Remove carbonfrompiston usingfineemery cloth soaked inoil. 2. Measure andrecord pistondiameter atright angles togudgeon pinhole mid-way between hole andbottom ofskirt. Piston diameter: Standard =90.395 mm 1st oversize =90.649 mm 2nd oversize =90.903 mm
ENGINE 68OVERHAUL 3.Starting withnumber 1piston, invertpiston and with arrow onpiston crownpointing towards REAR ofcylinder block,insertpiston into number 1cylinder boreuntilbottom ofskirt is 30 mm from topofbore. 4. Using feelergauges, checkclearance between left hand sideofpiston andcylinder bore= 0.075 mm(viewed fromfrontofcylinder block ). 5. Repeat aboveprocedures forremaining pistons. Ifpiston tocylinder boreclearance for any piston exceeds figuregiven, cylinder block must berebored. 6. Measure gudgeon pindiameter ateach end and centre ofpin. Diameter =30.156 to30.162 mm 7. Renew gudgeon pinand piston asan assembly ifdiameter isless than specified orif excessive pintopiston clearance isevident. 8. Check smallendbushes forsigns ofwear or overheating, checkthatgudgeon pinsarea tight, sliding fitin the bushes withno perceptible sideplay. CAUTION: Smallendbushes cannotbe replaced, anew connecting rodmust be fitted. 9. Using thefingers only,check thatanew big-end bearingcapnutruns freely oneach connecting rodbolt; ifany nutistight onthe threads, renewbothbolts onthat connecting rod. CAUTION: Retainnutswiththeir respective connecting rodbolts. 10. Check connecting rodsforalignment - maximum =0.127 mmper25.4 mmoflength. Replace anyrodwhich ismisaligned.