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InFocus Projector IN5132 User Manual

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    							13 section is held invalid or unenforceable under any particular circumstance, the balance of 
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    circumstances. It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any patents 
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    to the wide range of software distributed through that system in reliance on consistent 
    application of that system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing to 
    distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot impose that choice. 
    This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to be a consequence of 
    the rest of this License.
    12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in certain countries either by 
    patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the original copyright holder who places the Library 
    under this License may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those 
    countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus excluded. In 
    such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
    13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of the Lesser 
    General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to 
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    of this License which applies to it and any later version, you have the option of following 
    the terms and conditions either of that version or of any later version published by the Free 
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    choose any version ever published by the Free Software Foundation.
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    For software which is copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free 
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    							14 ,112(9(1781/(665(48,5(%
    							15 , 1 April 1990
    Ty Coon, President of Vice
    Thats all there is to it!
    This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL 
    Toolkit (http://www.openssl.org/). Copyright© 1998-2008 The OpenSSL Project. All rights 
    User's Manual (detailed)  
    Operating Guide
    Thank you for purchasing this projector.
    ►Before using this product, read all manuals for this product. 
    Be sure to read Safety Guide first. After reading them, store them in a safe 
    place for future reference.
    • The information in this manual is subject to change without notice.
    • The manufacturer assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in 
    this manual.
    • The reproduction, transfer or copy of all or any part of this document is not 
    permitted without express written approval.
    Trademark acknowledgment
    Various symbols are used in this manual. The meanings of these symbols are 
    described below. 
    About this manual
    This symbol indicates information that, if ignored, could possibly 
    result in personal injury or even death due to incorrect handling.
    This symbol indicates information that, if ignored, could possibly 
    result in personal injury or physical damage due to incorrect handling.
    Refer to the pages written following this symbol.
    •  Mac® is a registered trademark of Apple Inc.
    •  Windows®, DirectDraw® and Direct3D® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation 
    in the U.S. and/or other countries.
    •  VESA and DDC are trademarks of the Video Electronics Standard Association.
    •  HDMITM, the HDMI logo, and High-Definition Multimedia Interface are trademarks or registered 
    trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC in the United States and other countries.
    Trademark PJLink is a trademark applied for trademark rights in 
    Japan, the United States of America and other countries and areas.
    • Blu-ray DiscTM and Blu-rayTM are trademarks of Blu-ray Disc Association.
    •  DICOM® is the registered trademark of the National Electrical Manufacturers  Association 
    for its standards publications relating to digital communications of medical information.
    All other trademarks are the properties of their respective owners.
    NOTICEThis entry indicates the potential for trouble.
    Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
    Features ......................3
    Checking package contents ........3
    Part names ....................4Projector, Control panel and Indicators, Ports, Remote control
    Setting up  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
    Arrangement ...................7
    Connecting your devices .........10Fastening the cables
    Fastening the adapter cover ......15
    Using the security bar and slot ....15
    Connecting a power supply .......16
    Remote control  . . . . . . . . . . . .17
    Installing the batteries ...........17
    Using the REMOTE ID function ...17
    Changing the remote control signal frequency ...18
    About the remote control signal ...18
    Simple PC mouse & keyboard control ....19
    Status Monitor  . . . . . . . . . . .  .20    
    Displaying the projector condition ......20
    Displaying the log ..............22
    Power on/off  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  .24
    Turning on the power ...........24
    Turning off the power ...........24
    Operating  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  .25
    Adjusting the volume ............25
    Turning off the source image and audio temporarily 
    Selecting an input signal .........26
    Selecting an aspect ratio .........27
    Adjusting the projector's elevator ....28
    Adjusting the lens ..............29Adjusting the zoom and focus,  Adjusting the lens position, lens memory
    Using the automatic adjustment feature . .31
    Adjusting the position ...........31
    Correcting the distortion .........32
    Using the magnify feature ........35
    Temporarily freezing the screen ...36
    Temporarily shutting the screen ...36
    PbyP ........................37 
    Using the menu function  .........39OSD indicators 
    Menu Items
    EASY MENU .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .42
    PICTURE menu  . . . . . . . . . . . .44
    IMAGE menu  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  .47
    INPUT menu  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50
    SETUP menu  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54
    AUDIO menu  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  .57
    SCREEN menu  . . . . . . . . . . . . .59
    OPTION menu  . . . . . . . . . . . .  .65
    NETWORK menu  . . . . . . . . . . .76
    SECURITY menu  . . . . . . . . . . .87
    Presentation tools  . . . . . . . . .94
    PC-LESS Presentation ..........94Thumbnail Mode, Full Screen Mode,  Slideshow Mode, Playlist
    USB Display .................104Starting USB Display, Right-Click menu,  floating menu, Options window
    Maintenance  . . . . . . . . . . . .  .108
    Replacing the lamp ............108
    Cleaning and replacing the air filter .11 0
    Other care ...................11 2
    Troubleshooting  . . . . . . . . . .113
    Warnings displayed on the Status Monitor . .11 3   Related messages ............11 3
    Regarding the indicator lamps ...11 5
    Resetting all settings ...........11 7
    Situations that may be easily mistaken for 
    machine defects ...............11 8
    Specifications  . . . . . . . . . . .  .123
    • Keep the original packing materials for future reshipment. Be sure 
    to use the original packing materials when moving the projector. Use special 
    caution with the lens.
    • The projector may make a rattling sound when tilted, moved or shaken 
    because a flap to control the air flow inside of the projector will move. Be aware 
    that this is not a failure or malfunction.
    The projector provides you with the following features:
    Checking package contents
    The HDMI ports can support a variety of digital image equipment providing 
    you with clearer pictures.
    The extremely bright lamp and high quality optical system fulfills the demands 
    of professional applications.
    ü     Optional lenses and a wide lens shift range provides you with the opportunity 
    to install the product wherever you want.
    The lens shutter allows you to hide images you do not want to display to the 
    audience and helps you to appear more professional.
    The wealth of I/O ports should support almost any business need.
    See the Contents of package section in the User’s Manual (concise). Your 
    projector should come with the items shown there. If any items are missing, 
    contact your dealer immediately.
    ►Keep small parts away from children and pets. Small parts 
    should not be placed in the mouth. If swallowed, contact a physician immediately 
    for emergency treatment.
    Part names
    (1) Lamp cover (108)
    The lamp unit is inside. 
    (2) Speakers (x2) (25, 57)
    (3) Filter cover (11 0)
    The air filter and intake vent are inside.
    (4) Elevator feet (x2) (28)
    (5) Elevator buttons (x2) (28)
    (6) Remote sensors (x2) (18, 71)
    (7) Lens
    (8) Lens cover
    (9) Indicators (5)
    (10) Intake vents
    (11) Control panel (5)
    (12)  Status Monitor (20) 
    < Only for IN5142, IN5144, IN5144a and 
    (13) AC IN (AC inlet) (16)
    (14) Exhaust vents
    (15) Ports (5)
    (16) Security bar (15)
    (17) Security slot (15)
    (18) Grip (below)
    (19) Safety bar (15)
    ►Do not open or remove any portion of the product, unless 
    directed to do so by the manuals.
    ►Do not subject the projector to unstable conditions.
    ►Do not apply shock or pressure to this product. Place 
    your hands on the grip on the bottom of the projector when 
    carrying the projector. Remove all the attachments from 
    the projector, including the power cord and cables, before 
    carrying the projector.
    ►Do not look into the lens or the openings on the projector while the lamp is on.
    ►Do not touch around the lamp cover and the exhaust 
    vents during use or just after use, since it is too hot.
    ►Do not attach anything onto the lens except the projector's lens cover 
    because it could damage or melt the lens. 
    (continued on next page)
    Control panel and Indicators 
    (1) STANDBY/ON button (24)
    (2) INPUT button (26, 39)
    (3) MENU button (39) 
    (4) LENS SHIFT button (29)
    (5) ZOOM button (29)
    (6) FOCUS - / + buttons (29)
    (7) SHUTTER button (36)
    (8) FUNCTION button (22, 29)
    (9) FILTER indicator (11 7)
    (10) SHUTTER indicator (36)
    (11) SECURITY indicator (93)
    (12) LAMP indicator (11 5, 11 6)
    (13) TEMP indicator (11 5, 11 6) 
    (14) POWER indicator (24, 11 5, 11 6)
    Ports (10 ~ 14)
    (1) COMPUTER IN1 port
    (2)  COMPUTER IN2 ports 
    (G/Y, B/Cb/Pb, R/Cr/Pr, H, V)
    (3) LAN port
    (4) USB TYPE A ports
    (5) USB TYPE B port
    (6) HDMI 1 port
    (7) HDMI 2 port
    (8)  COMPONENT ports  
    (Y,Cb/Pb, Cr/Pr)
    (9) S-VIDEO port
    (10) VIDEO port
    (11) AUDIO IN1 port
    (12) AUDIO IN2 port
    (13) AUDIO IN3 (L, R) ports
    (14) AUDIO OUT (L, R) ports
    (15) MONITOR OUT port 
    (16) REMOTE CONTROL IN port 
    (17) REMOTE CONTROL OUT port 
    (18) CONTROL port 
    Part names (continued)
    (continued on next page)
    (9)  (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)   
    (5)   (6) (10) (7)
    (16)(14)(13) (12) (11)  (15)(8)(17) 
    Part names (continued)
    • Any button marked with “*” is not supported on this projector (11 4).
    • Any button marked with “○” is only available for IN5135 and IN5145.
    • Each time you press a button (except for the ID buttons), the ID button associated 
    with the current selected ID number will light (17).
    Back of  the remote control
    Remote control 
    (1) STANDBY button (24)
    (2) ON button (24)
    (3) ID - 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 buttons (17)
    (4) COMPUTER 1 button (26)
    (5) COMPUTER 2 button (26)
    (6) COMPUTER 3 button *
    (7) LAN button (26)
    (8) USB TYPE A button (26)
    (9) USB TYPE B button (26)
    (10) COMPONENT button (26)
    (11) S-VIDEO button (26)
    (12) VIDEO button (26)
    (13) HDMI 1 button (26)
    (14) HDMI 2 button (26)
    (15) DIGITAL button *
    (16)  PAGE UP / PAGE DOWN buttons (19, 96)
    (17) F5 button (18, 19)
    (18) ENTER button (19, 22, 39)
    (19) RESET button (39)
    (20) ESC button (19, 39)
    (21) ▲/▼/◄/►cursor buttons
    (22) MENU button (39)
    (23) VOL + / - buttons (25)
    (24) AV MUTE button (25)
    (25) MAGNIFY ON / OFF buttons (35)
    (26) FREEZE button (36)
    (27) PbyP button ○  (37)
    (28) ASPECT button (27)
    (29) AUTO button (31)
    (30) POSITION button (30, 31, 40)
    (31) KEYSTONE button (32)
    (32) MY BUTTON - 1, 2, 3, 4 buttons (68)
    (33) LENS SHIFT button (29)
    (34) LENS MEMORY button (30)
    (35) FOCUS + / - buttons (29)
    (36) ZOOM + / - buttons (29)
    (37) Battery cover (17)     (38) Wired remote control port (14)
    (34)   (36) 
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