honda cr v 19997 2000 User Manual
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Page 721
Countershaft Disassembly/lnspection/Reassembly NOTE: . Lubricate all pans with ATF before reassembly. .Inspectthethrustneedlebearingsandtheneedlebearingsforgallingandroughmov\ ement. . Before installing the O-rings, wrap the shaft spllnes with tape to prevent damaging the O-rings. . Locknut has left-hand threads. . Install the conical spring washer in the direction shown. R€VERSE GEAR LOCKNUT IFLANGE NUTI23 x 1.25 mm103-0-103N.mCONICAL SPRINGWASHERReplace.t10.5 - 0 - 75.9 - 0 - Replace. 10.5 kgl.m,75.9...
Page 722
Gountershaft Disassembly/Reassembly 1. Remove the reverse selector hub and countershaft 4th gear using a universal two-jaw lor three-jaw) puller as shown. Place a shaft protector between the puller and countershaft to prevent damaging the countershaft. {Commercially available) REVERSESELECTOR HUB .TH GEAR 14-206 2. Assemble the parts on the countershaft as shown below. NOTE; . Lubricate all parts with ATF during reassembly. . Before installing the O-rings. wrap the shaft splines with tape to prevent...
Page 723
3. Install the reverse selector hub on the countershaft sub-assembly, and press the hub using the special tool and a press as shown. DRIVER to mm l.D.07746 - 0030100 REVERSE SEI.ICTORHUB COUNTERSHAFTSU&ASSEMBLY Inspection Clearance Measurement NOTE: Lubricate all parts with ATF during assembly. 1. Remove the countershaft bearing from the trans- mission housing lsee page 14-227). 2. Assemble the countershaft parts using the special tool and a press as described on this page. Do not install the O-rings...
Page 724
Countershaft Inspection (contd) 3. 4. Install the countershaft sub-assembly parts, then installthe park gear using a press and a collar. Tighten the locknut to 29 N.m (3.0 kgf.m, 22 lbf.ft). The countershaft locknut has left-hand threads. LOCKNUTLe{t-hand threads CONICAL SPRINGWASHER PABK GEAR/ONE.WAYCLUTCH/1ST GEARASSEMBLY NEEDLE BEANING lST GEAR COLLAR TRANSMISSION HOUSINGAEARING REVERSE GEARCOLLAR COUNTERSHAFTSUB.ASSEMBLY 14-208 5. Measure the clearance between the 2nd gear and the 28 mm distance...
Page 725
One-way Glutch Disassembly/lnspection/Reassem bly 1. Separate countershaft 1st gear from the park gear by turning the park gear in the direction shown. PARK GEAR 2. Remove the one-way clutch by prying it up with the tip of a screwdriver. COUNTERSHAFT IST GEARONE.WAY CLUTCHInstall in this direction. ONE.WAY CLUTCH lST GEAR COUNTERSHAFT lST GEAR SCREWDRIVER 14-209 3. Inspect the oarts as follows; PARK GEARInspect Ior wearand sconng. ONE.WAY CLUTCHInspect for damageand taulty movement, 4. lST GEARInspect...
Page 726
Sub-shaft Disassembly/lnspection/Reassembly NOTE: . Lubricate all parts with ATF before reassembly. . Inspect the thrust needle bearings and the needle bearings for galling and rough movement. . Before installing the O-rings, wrap the shaft splines with tape to prevent damaging the O-rings. 6 x 1.0 mrr12 1{.mll.2 ksl.m, 8.7 lbt.ftl SUB.SHAFTCheck splines tor excessivewear ano damage,Check bearing surlace for scoring,scralches and excessive wear- t{EEDLE BEARINGSTOP IST.HOLO CLUTCHASSEMBLY...
Page 727
Disassembly/Reassembly 1.Remove the ATF guide cap by pushing the sub-shaft inside the transmission housing. Remove the 1st-hold clutch assembly by pulling, then removing the sub-shaft. Install new O-rings on the sub-shaft. NOTE: Wrap the shaft splines with tape to prevent damaging the O-rings. Place the sub-shaft in the transmission housing, and install thelst-hold clutch assembly, Install the new ATF guide cap using the special tools. Install it in the direction shown. ATTACHMENT,32x35mm07746 -...
Page 728
Sub-shaft Bearings Replacement NOTE: Lubricate all parts with ATF before reassembly. 1. Expand the snap ring with snap ring pliers. thenpush the bearing out of the transmission housing using the special tools and a press as shown. Remove the needle bearing stop. Remove the needle bearing from the transmission housing using a drift. ATTACHMENT,ai:l x 68 mm07746 - 00105q) 14-212 SNAP RING 4. Install a new needle bearing in the housing using the sOecial tools and a oress as shown. 7. cI 32x35mm077/46 -...
Page 729
Glutch lllustrated lndex 3RD CLUTCH lST CLUTCH SNAP RING CLUTCH PISTON RETURN SPRING NETAINER RING CLUTCH PLATESStandard thicknoss:2.00 mm 10.079 inl CLUTCH DISCSStandard thickne$:1.94 mm (0 0?6 inl CLUTCH DISCSStandard thicknca3:1.9a mm 10.076 inl SNAP FING CLUTCH DRUM (contd) CHECK VALVE 14-213
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Clutch lllustrated Index (contdl 2ND/4TH CLUTCH [* CLUTCH PLATESStendard thickness:2.00 mm {0.079 in) CLUTCH OISC SPRING I I2ND CLUTCH CLUTCH PISTON sPl I Repl6ce. uoavE nr CLUTCH PLATESStandard thicknesai2.00 mm {0.079 inl SNAP RING 14-214