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Honda Bmw 5 Service Manual

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Page 831

Trunk Lid, Tailgate 
4 Pry out trunk  light and disconnect electrical  harness plug 
- Gently  pry trunk  liner  away from  lid  and remove. 
4 Disconnect  Wiring connectors A, B and C. Remove wiring 
harness  by pulling through  opening  in lid  frame 
While  supporting  trunk lid, loosen left and right top hinge  fas- 
teners  (arrow 
A) and remove lower fasteners  (arrow B). 
Before loosening  hinge bolts, mark hinge  and hinge  bolt lo- 
cations  for 
Lift trunk...

Page 832

/~runk Lid, Tailgate 
Trunk lid, adjusting 
< Trunk lid must  be parallel  to both  side panels  and should  be 
mounted flush  with  body side panels 
(arrows). Lid fit toler- 
ance  is 
rt 1 mm (0.04 in). 
- Raise trunlc lid and  support in open  position. 
Turn  trunk  lid detent buffers  in 
4 Remove trunlc strut  retaining clip (arrow) and disconnect 
Make sure to suppori trunk lid before removing  struts.   

Page 833

Trunk Lid, ~ail~atel 
Loosen bolts at lefl and right  trunk 
to  point where  lid can  be moved.  hinges 
fasteners  (arrows) 
4 Remove plastic cover from  lower trunlc lock. Loosen  lock 
bolts  (arrows)  until lock assembly  can be moved. 
Before locking  trunklid,  check that trunk lid is not  able  to dam- 
age the body or rear  window. 
4 Carefully close trunk lid and  check side gaps  (arrows). Min- 
imum  gap is 0.5  mm  (0.02  in). 
Adjust  to fit side body  panels. 
Open  trunlc lid....

Page 834

. .- - 
l~runk Lid, Tailgate 
Trunk lid support  strut, removing and 
/ Make sure to supporf trunk lid before removing  struts. I 
Open trunk lid and support in  open position. 
Remove trunk  strut  retaining clip 
(arrow) and disconnect 
4 Remove  spring clip (arrow) from  lower  end of strut and  re- 
move strut. 
- Installation is reverse  of removal. Replace retaining clips 
damaged during  removal. 
Tailgate, emergency  release 
The tailgate  of the E39 Sport Wagon has  no ltey...

Page 835

r Trunk Lid, Tailgate 
Tailgate and window  strut 
1. Rear window  frame 
2. Gas struts  for tailgate 
3. Gas struts for rear window 
4. Rear window  frame   

Page 836

41 2-8 
l~runk Lid, Tailgate Window strut removal 
1.  Rear window 
2.  Rear window gas strut 
3. Inner strut support 
4. Tailgate  gas strut 
5.  Area  to install protective tape 
6. BMW  special tool 51  2 153 
7. BMW  special tool 51  2 152   

Page 837

. .- - 
Trunk Lid, Tailgate 
Rear  window  gas strut, removing and 
- Tailgate  and window  struts are located in left  and right sides 
of  roof. 
- Open rear  window. 
The tailgate  is very  heavy  and will close  without  both pressu- 
rized lifting  struts installed.  Properly support tailgate prior to 
removal  of the  lifting  struts. 
< Remove fasteners (A) from rear window hinge trim cover, 
< While pressing detents (A) and (6) pull down (arrow) on trim 
panel  to remove....

Page 838

l~runk Lid, Tailgate 
Starting at top, pull down (arrow) on trim  cover. Carefully re- 
move  wiring harness support clip  from trim cover. 
Tailgate  window trim cover  and weather  stripping shown  in 
Insert  BMW special tool  51 2 
153 into body cavity  below 
Tlie  tailgate  is ve!y heavy and will close without  both pressu- 
rized liftinq  struts installed.  Properly support 
tailgafe prior to r 
1 removal of the lifting struts. 
- Working at hinge end  of...

Page 839

Trunk  Lid, Tailgate 
Starting at top,  pull down  (arrow)  on trim cover. Carefully re- 
move  wiring harness support clip from trim  cover. 
Install protective plate 
(BMW special tool 51 2 153) between 
roof panel and  hinges. 
The tailgate  is very  heavy  and will close  without  both pressu- 
rized lifting 
struts installed.  Properly support tailgate prior to 
removal  of the  lifting  struts. 
Worlting at left  side: 
Remove gas  strut retaining clip and  pin (arrow). 
4 Insert BMW...

Page 840

Trunk Lid, Tailgate I 
4 Remove rubber grommet and applicable  connectors.  Discon- 
nect  rear window washer  hose. 
To facilitate  installation, mark position  of hinges  for tailgate 
and  rear  window frame  on body 
The  tailgate  is very heavy and  will close without both pres- 
surized  lifting struts  installed.  Properly support  tailgate pri- 
or  to removal  of the lifting struts. 
There is  risk of fingers being trapped  once tailgate fas- 
teners  are removed. 
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