GTE Omni Si Database Technical Practices Manual
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TL-130400-1001Table 3.1Entry Fields for Record Code FWCOMMENTS -The field varies from card type to card type, and not all card types require an entry. -Refer to the extended card list that follows this table to determine whether or not a primary identifier is required, and to determine what the allowable entries are. -The fieldvaries fromcard type to card type, and not all card types require an entry. -Refer to the extended card list that follows this table to determine whether or not a secondary...
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TL-130400-1001COL.NO. Table 3.1Entry Fields for Record Code FR (Continued) COL.VALID NAME ENTRIESCOMMENTS 32-39Card FB-This field entry isThis field determines the FB number of the Numberthe FB number ofcard type listed in columns 16-l 9: the card. Voice cards:-See commentsAGNT = FB-17209 -2following TableAIOD = FB-17276.j ,”3.1.ART = FB-17208 -.Any ASCIIATTN = FB-17208 characters areCIP = FB-17225 allowed.CONF = FB-51279 . .COT = FB-17202 DTMF = FB-17203 DTMl = FB-17203 DTRK = FB-15278, FB-15280,...
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COL.NO. Table 3.1Entry Fields for Record Code FW (Continued)COMMENTS This field determines whether or not a card is used for AlOD,ART, or CONF cards.allother card types are dashed. In service conditions for other NOTES: ~.1. The tables in which the physical location information is stored depend on the card type. For tables initialized, see Note 2. The physical location is used as an index into Table T6566. 2. The maximum number of records is 41. 3.PD-200 cards are in bold print (see Table 3.6 for system...
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TL-130400-1001 Valid card types are as follows: ADMP*-AGNT.j * AIODART ATTN BT CIPCONF COT DCPDenotes the data system administrative processor cards (one set maximum). The primary identifier is the ADMP number - 0000. The secondary identifier is the ADMP card number - 0000 (ADMP-A) to 0001 (ADMP-C). The tertiary identifier is the controlling UCBIDCP number 0000-0009. Entries are made in T6563, T705A, and T6566. Denotes the agent Programmable Attendant Console Electronic Telephone (PACET) data link...
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DCPB DTMFx-DTRK DVC‘.EMT EMT4 ERLT FPFPOP ILT KEDU NICTL-130400-1001 Denotes data device controlling data UCB card with a bus terminator (4 maximum). The primary identifier is DCP number -0000 to 0003. The secondary identifier is packet router number -0000 to 0004. The tertiary identifier is the LPB (Local Packet Bus) bus segment. Entries are made in T6562 and T6567. Denotes DTMF receiver card with four circuits (8 maximum). No identifiers are required. Denotes digital trunk card (Tl spans). The...
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TL-130400-1001 OFFPOPIPBE *.1 * PDICPOTS PRRLT SM TDET VCIPVP20Denotes off-premises line card (32 maximum of all line cards). The primary identifier is relative line card number - 0000 to 0031 (see Note 5). No other identifier is required. Entries are made in T2541 and T6561.Denotes the OMNI PMS interface card (1 maximum). No identifiers are required. Denotes packet bus extender card (2 maximum). The primary identifier is packet router number - 0000 to 0001. No other identifier is required. Entries...
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TL-130400-10010 Data only - always ---- The tertiary identifier depends on card usage as follows: 0 Voice only - always 0000 0 Voice and data - always 0001 l Data only - always ---- 5..I *Entries are made in T2541, T6561, T7053-0, and T7057. VP21Denotes VPLC2, type 1, two circuit (32 maximum of all line cards). The primary identifier is relative line card number - 0000 to 0031 ‘- (see Note 5). No other identifier is required. Entries are made in T2541 and T6561. VPLODenotes VPLC, type 0, eight circuit...
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TL-130400-1001Table 3.2 FR Rules (Continued)FR-51 PHYSICAL LOCATION eThe PEC, group, and slot specified for this card must be unique. PEG always = 0. lThe DTRK cards must always be assigned from the lowest to the highest slot number without any other type of card residing between the DTRK cards. eNo other type of card can reside in one of the slots required to implement the Tl span which is implied by the input of a DTRK card. @The-PEC, group, and slot specified must be valid for the PEC type. PEC...
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TL-130400-1001Table 3.2FR Rules (Continued) FR-61 PHYSICAL LOCATIONIf a controlling DCP (UCB) number is used as the primary identifier for a NfC card, the same number must be used as the primary identifier on a DCP or DCPB card. FR-62 EXPANSION FILE STATUSIf group C or D is listed in the physical location, Expansion File status on record code OE must be ma&d equipped. Table 3.3Card Types Versus Identifiers and StatusVALUE OFALLOWABLE PRIMARY ALLOWABLE SECONDARY CARD TYPEIDENTIFIER RANGEIDENTIFIER RANGE...
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TL-130400-1001Table 3.3Card Types Versus Identifiers and Status (Continued) VALUE OF ALLOWABLE PRIMARY ALLOWABLE SECONDARYALLOWABLE CARD TYPESTATUS IDENTIFIER RANGE IDENTIFIER RANGETERTIARY IDEN- TIFIER RANGEFIELDKEDU ---____--___-- -NC0000-0003__---_---- WFP.--Tl ~0000-0031____------ OPi-----_--_----_PBE ._oooo-ooqj-______-__ PDIC--__-----___--POTS 0000-0031----_____- PR0000-0001-___------RLT ----_____--- -- SM0000-0007_-__-_---_TDET -----_--___--_ VCIP0000-00310000-0015_--_--VP20...