GTE Omni Si Database Technical Practices Manual
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LIST 0r LIST OF TABLESPAGETABLE PAGE PARAD-360 _ D-367 _ D-373 ‘j *D-377 _D-380 ,_D-384 D-386 D-401D-404 D-41 1D-412 J.L D-41 6D-205 10.3Entry Fields for Record Code CR D-207 10.4Entry Fields for Record Code EC D-209 10.5Entry Fields for Record Code AS D-21 110.6Entry Fields for Record Code TC D-216 10.1Entry Fields for Record Code NA D-21 810.2Entry Fields for Record Code DA D-22111.1D-228 11.2D-232 11.3D-236 11.4D-240 11.5D-242 11.6D-244 11.7D-246 11.8D-247 11.9D-248 11.10D-249 11.11D-250...
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TL-130400-10 TL-130400-1001 TABLE PAGEPARA--THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. D-275I,%.1D-278 15.2 _D-279 D-280 D-282 D-285 D-287 D-289 D-290D-292 D-296 D-297 D-30215.36 154.I 15.5 15.6 15.7 15.8A15.88 15.9A 15.9B 15.10D-305 16.1D-306 16.2D-309 16.3 D-31 116.4 D-31 616.5 D-31 816.6 D-31 916.7D-320 16.8 D-32216.9D-324 16.10D-327 16.11 D-331 17.1 D-335 17.2D-342 17.3A D-35617.3B , D-358 17.3c .
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TL-130400-1001GENERAL Generic Program . . . .-. CuSltgmer Data Base Program .I Custom Engineered Data Base1.0 The Fujitsu GTE Business Systems’ OMNI SI is controlled by system software composed of the generic and customer data base programs. The initial and update programming of the data base is performed by the system. 1.1 The generic program contains the software instructions for all of the features in the system. It is ordered by SVR (System Version Release) along with the system hardware, and its...
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TL-130400-1001. . .The CPG produces an error message for all data that is incomplete. It checks for improper data format, invalid data ranges, and data inconsistencies between fields. An engineer from Manufacturing Engineering reviews the CPG program print-outs after each program run. An error message guide describes each error print-out in detail, and the engineer decides on the corrective action to take. If clarification is needed, Marketing Engineering or the site is contacted. The engineer then...
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DATA SHEET PREPARATION Data Sheet x-.1 *Design Coding Conventions Alphabetic, Numeric, And Characters RulesTL-130400-I 00-l 2.0 This section contains instructions for providing data base information. Software programming data sheets are required. Data sheets are ordered under part number Fm-41395. A single sheet for each record code is provided, with a maximum of 64 entries per sheet. Because some record codes, such as those for line or trunk circuits, require more entries than can be provided for by one...
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TL-130400-1001Record Code2.2.2 The following entries are found on the record code sheets: Entries 0 Job Drawing Serial Number. This preprinted entry refers to a prefix ID and the base number for an installation identity number assigned by Manufacturing Engineering. e Sequence Number. This preprinted entry, located in columns 7, 8, and 9, is used by the CPG to incorporate data sheet information to generate the site data disk. x-.1 *l Record Code. This preprinted entry, located in columns 10 and 11, refers...
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Universal Card SlotExpansion File Group C (File C) Y. Groub D (File D) Get Started File - ~-Group A (File A) Group B (File 8)TL-130400-1001 Table 2.2Universal Card Slots 000102030405060708094011 1917151311c4 c5 c”G EY 2 222324 Cl c2 c3 c9 Cl0 Cl1 252627282930313233 343536DO Dl 82 D304 D5D6D7D8D9 DlO Dll 18 1920212223242526 A0A2A4A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 All 2829 3031323334 36 BOB2 B3 B5 B6 B7 B8Ii:BllNOTE: Special physical location rules: 6 Tl uses group C card slots COl-C06. - Minimally implemented: 12...
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--.I * ._ SW 5210TL-130400-1001 FRAME IMAGE 3.0 This section describes Record Code FR. Record Code FR lists the cards that are located in the universal cards slots of a given system. ‘.
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TL-130400-1001Record Code FR:3.1Record Code FR, Figure 3.1, lists the types of cards and the Frame ImageFB (Functional Board) numbers of every occupied universal card Cardslot in the system. Certain data parameters are specified in this record code, depending on the type of card. From one to three data parameters can be required per card. The parameters are coded in three different identifier fields; however, some cards do not require an entry in any of the three fields. This record code provides a...