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Ford Mondeo 4 Owners Manual

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    							basic ABS system, with an additional pump
    and valves fitted to the hydraulic actuator (see
    illustration). If wheelspin is detected at a
    speed below 30 mph, one of the valves
    opens, to allow the pump to pressurise the
    relevant brake, until the spinning wheel slows
    to a rotational speed corresponding to the
    speed of the vehicle. This has the effect of
    transferring torque to the wheel with mosttraction. At the same time, the throttle plate is
    closed slightly, to reduce the torque from the
    engine. At speeds above 30 mph, the TCS
    operates by throttle plate adjustment only.
    Warning: Disc brake pads must
    be renewed on both front wheels
    at the same time - never renew
    the pads on only one wheel, as
    uneven braking may result. Although
    genuine Ford linings are asbestos-free, the
    dust created by wear of non-genuine pads
    may contain asbestos, which is a health
    hazard. Never blow it out with compressed
    air, and don’t inhale any of it. DO NOT use
    petroleum-based solvents to clean brake
    parts; use brake cleaner or methylated
    spirit only. DO NOT allow any brake fluid,
    oil or grease to contact the brake pads or
    disc. Also refer to the warning at the start
    of Section 15 concerning brake fluid.
    1Apply the handbrake. Loosen the front
    wheel nuts, jack up the front of the vehicle
    and support it on axle stands.
    2Remove the front wheels. Work on onebrake assembly at a time, using the
    assembled brake for reference if necessary.
    3Follow the accompanying photos,
    beginning with illustration 2.3A, for the pad
    removal procedure. Be sure to stay in order,
    and read the caption under each illustration.
    4Inspect the front brake disc for scoring and
    cracks. If a detailed inspection is necessary,
    refer to Section 4.
    5The piston must be pushed back into the
    2 Front brake pads - renewal
    Braking system  9•3
    1.4  Solenoid valves fitted to the ABS/TCS
    hydraulic actuator
    1  ABS/TCS actuator
    2  ABS solenoid valves
    3  TCS solenoid valves
    1.3  Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) and Traction Control System (TCS) component locations (left-hand-drive shown, 
    right-hand-drive similar)
    1  ABS/TCS unit
    2  ABS/TCS warning lights
    3  TCS switch4  Rear wheel sensor ring location (drum 
    brakes left, disc brakes right)
    5  Stop-light switch6  Self-test/diagnosis connectors
    7  Front wheel sensor and ring
    8  Throttle actuator
    2.3A  Prise the retaining clip from the
    caliper. Hold it with a pair of pliers, to
    avoid personal injury. On models fitted
    with pad wear sensors, it will be necessary
    to disconnect the wiring 
    							caliper bore, to provide room for the new
    brake pads. A C-clamp can be used to
    accomplish this. As the piston is depressed to
    the bottom of the caliper bore, the fluid in the
    master cylinder will rise slightly. Make sure
    that there is sufficient space in the brake fluid
    reservoir to accept the displaced fluid, and if
    necessary, syphon some off first.
    6Fit the new pads using a reversal of the
    removal procedure, but tighten the guide
    bolts to the torque wrench setting given in the
    Specifications at the beginning of this
    7On completion, firmly depress the brakepedal a few times, to bring the pads to their
    normal working position. Check the level of
    the brake fluid in the reservoir, and top-up if
    8Give the vehicle a short road test, to make
    sure that the brakes are functioning correctly,
    and to bed-in the new linings to the contours
    of the disc. New linings will not provide
    maximum braking efficiency until they have
    bedded-in; avoid heavy braking as far as
    possible for the first hundred miles or so.
    Note:Refer to the warning at the beginning of
    the previous Section before proceeding.Removal
    1Apply the handbrake. Loosen the front
    wheel nuts, jack up the front of the vehicle
    and support it on axle stands. Remove the
    appropriate front wheel.
    2Fit a brake hose clamp to the flexible hose
    leading to the front brake caliper. This will
    minimise brake fluid loss during subsequent
    operations (see illustration).
    3Loosen (but do not completely unscrew) the
    union on the caliper end of the flexible brake
    hose (see illustration).
    4Remove the front brake pads as described
    in Section 2.
    3 Front brake caliper - 
    removal, overhaul and refitting
    9•4 Braking system
    2.3B  Prise the plastic covers from the
    ends of the two guide pins2.3C  Using a 7 mm Allen key, unscrew . . .2.3D  . . . and remove the guide bolts
    securing the caliper to the carrier bracket
    2.3E  Withdraw the caliper from the disc,
    and support it on an axle stand to avoid
    straining the hydraulic hose. The outer pad
    will normally remain in position against the
    disc, but the inner pad will stay attached to
    the piston in the caliper2.3F  Pull the inner pad from the piston in
    the caliper
    3.2  Brake hose clamp fitted to the front
    flexible brake hose3.3  Loosening the flexible brake hose at
    the caliper3.6  Removing the caliper carrier bracket
    2.3G  Remove the outer pad from the
    caliper frame. Brush all dust and dirt from
    the caliper, pads and disc, but do not
    inhale it, as it may be harmful to health.
    Scrape any corrosion from the disc. 
    							5Support the caliper in one hand, and
    prevent the hydraulic hose from turning with
    the other hand. Unscrew the caliper from the
    hose, making sure that the hose is not twisted
    unduly or strained. Once the caliper is
    detached, plug the open hydraulic unions in
    the caliper and hose, to keep out dust and
    6If required, the caliper carrier bracket can
    be unbolted and removed from the steering
    knuckle (see illustration).
    7With the caliper on the bench, brush away
    all traces of dust and dirt, but take care not to
    inhale any dust, as it may be injurious to
    8Pull the dust-excluding rubber seal from the
    end of the piston.
    9Apply low air pressure to the fluid inlet
    union, and eject the piston. Only low air
    pressure is required for this, such as is
    produced by a foot-operated tyre pump.
    Caution: The piston may be
    ejected with some force.
    10Using a suitable blunt instrument (for
    instance a knitting needle or a crochet hook),
    prise the piston seal from the groove in the
    cylinder bore. Take care not to scratch the
    surface of the bore.
    11Clean the piston and caliper body with
    methylated spirit, and allow to dry. Examine the
    surfaces of the piston and cylinder bore for wear,
    damage and corrosion. If the piston alone is
    unserviceable, a new piston must be obtained,
    along with seals. If the cylinder bore is
    unserviceable, the complete caliper must be
    renewed. The seals must be renewed, regardless
    of the condition of the other components.
    12Coat the piston and seals with clean
    brake fluid, then manipulate the piston seal
    into the groove in the cylinder bore.13Push the piston squarely into its bore.
    14Fit the dust-excluding rubber seal onto
    the piston and caliper, then depress the
    piston fully.
    15Refit the caliper, and where applicable the
    carrier bracket, by reversing the removal
    operations. Make sure that the flexible brake
    hose is not twisted. Tighten the mounting
    bolts and wheel nuts to the specified torque
    (see illustration).
    16Bleed the brake circuit according to the
    procedure given in Section 15, remembering
    to remove the brake hose clamp from the
    flexible hose. Make sure there are no leaks
    from the hose connections. Test the brakes
    carefully before returning the vehicle to
    normal service.
    Note:To prevent uneven braking, BOTH front
    brake discs should be renewed or reground at
    the same time.
    1Apply the handbrake. Loosen the relevant
    wheel nuts, jack up the front of the vehicle
    and support it on axle stands. Remove the
    2Remove the front brake caliper and carrier
    bracket with reference to Section 3, but do
    not disconnect the flexible hose. Support the
    caliper on an axle stand, or suspend it out of
    the way with a piece of wire, taking care to
    avoid straining the flexible hose.
    3Temporarily refit two of the wheel nuts to
    diagonally-opposite studs, with the flat sides
    of the nuts against the disc. Tighten the nuts
    progressively, to hold the disc firmly.
    4Scrape any corrosion from the disc. Rotate
    the disc, and examine it for deep scoring,
    grooving or cracks. Using a micrometer,
    measure the thickness of the disc in several
    places. The minimum thickness is stamped on
    the disc hub (see illustrations). Light wear
    and scoring is normal, but if excessive, thedisc should be removed, and either reground
    by a specialist, or renewed. If regrinding is
    undertaken, the minimum thickness must be
    maintained. Obviously, if the disc is cracked,
    it must be renewed.
    5Using a dial gauge or a flat metal block and
    feeler gauges, check that the disc run-out 
    10 mm from the outer edge does not exceed
    the limit given in the Specifications. To do
    this, fix the measuring equipment, and rotate
    the disc, noting the variation in measurement
    as the disc is rotated (see illustration). The
    difference between the minimum and
    maximum measurements recorded is the disc
    6If the run-out is greater than the specified
    amount, check for variations of the disc
    thickness as follows. Mark the disc at eight
    positions 45° apart, then using a micrometer,
    measure the disc thickness at the eight
    positions, 15 mm in from the outer edge. If the
    variation between the minimum and maximum
    readings is greater than the specified amount,
    the disc should be renewed.
    7The hub face run-out can also be checked
    in a similar way. First remove the disc as
    described later in this Section, fix the
    measuring equipment, then slowly rotate the
    hub, and check that the run-out does not
    exceed the amount given in the
    Specifications. If the hub face run-out is
    excessive, this should be corrected (by
    renewing the hub bearings - see Chapter 10)
    before rechecking the disc run-out.
    4 Front brake disc - inspection,
    removal and refitting
    Braking system  9•5
    4.5  Measuring the disc run-out with a dial
    3.15  Tightening the carrier bracket
    mounting bolts4.4A  Using a micrometer to measure the
    thickness of the front brake disc4.4B  Disc minimum thickness marking
    Position a thin piece of wood
    between the piston and the
    caliper body, to prevent
    damage to the end face of the
    piston, in the event of it being ejected
    8With the wheel and caliper removed,
    remove the wheel nuts which were
    temporarily refitted in paragraph 3.
    9Mark the disc in relation to the hub, if it is to
    be refitted.
    10Remove the two special washers (where
    fitted), and withdraw the disc over the wheel
    studs (see illustrations).
    11Make sure that the disc and hub mating
    surfaces are clean, then locate the disc on the
    wheel studs. Align the previously-made marks
    if the original disc is being refitted.
    12Refit the two special washers, where
    13Refit the brake caliper and carrier bracket
    with reference to Section 3.
    14Refit the wheel, and lower the vehicle to
    the ground.
    15Test the brakes carefully before returning
    the vehicle to normal service.
    Note:To prevent uneven braking, BOTH rear
    brake drums should be renewed at the same
    1Chock the front wheels, release the
    handbrake and engage 1st gear (or “P”).Loosen the relevant wheel nuts, jack up the
    rear of the vehicle and support it on axle
    stands. Remove the wheel.
    2Remove the two special clips (where fitted),
    and withdraw the brake drum over the wheel
    studs. If the drum will not pass over the
    shoes, it is possible to release the automatic
    adjuster mechanism by prising out the small
    rubber grommet near the centre of the
    backplate, and inserting a screwdriver
    through the small hole. The self-adjusting
    ratchet can then be rotated, so that the brake
    shoes move to their lowest setting (see
    illustrations). Refit the rubber grommet
    before proceeding.
    3With the brake drum removed, clean the
    dust from the drum, brake shoes, wheel
    cylinder and backplate, using brake cleaner or
    methylated spirit. Take care not to inhale the
    dust, as it may contain asbestos.
    4Clean the inside surfaces of the brake
    drum, then examine the internal friction
    surface for signs of scoring or cracks. If it is
    cracked, deeply scored, or has worn to a
    diameter greater than the maximum given in
    the Specifications, then it should be renewed,
    together with the drum on the other side.
    5Regrinding of the brake drum is not
    6Locate the brake drum over the wheel
    studs, and (where fitted) refit the special clips.Make sure that the drum contacts the hub
    7Refit the wheel, then check the remaining
    rear drum.
    8Lower the vehicle to the ground, and
    tighten the wheel nuts to the specified torque.
    Depress the brake pedal several times, in
    order to operate the self-adjusting mechanism
    and set the shoes at their normal operating
    9Test the brakes carefully before returning
    the vehicle to normal service.
    Warning: Drum brake shoes must
    be renewed on both rear wheels
    at the same time - never renew
    the shoes on only one wheel, as
    uneven braking may result. Also, the dust
    created by wear of the shoes may contain
    asbestos, which is a health hazard. Never
    blow it out with compressed air, and don’t
    inhale any of it. An approved filtering mask
    should be worn when working on the
    brakes. DO NOT use petroleum-based
    solvents to clean brake parts; use brake
    cleaner or methylated spirit only.
    1Remove the rear brake drums as described
    in Section 5. Work on one brake assembly at a
    time, using the assembled brake for reference
    if necessary.
    2Follow the accompanying illustrations for
    the brake shoe renewal procedure (see
    illustrations 6.2A to 6.2O). Be sure to stay in
    order, and read the caption under each
    3If the wheel cylinder shows signs of fluid
    leakage, or if there is any reason to suspect it
    of being defective, inspect it now, as
    described in the next Section.
    4Fit the new brake shoes using a reversal of
    the removal procedure, but set the eccentric
    cam at its lowest position before assembling it
    to the trailing shoe.
    5Before refitting the brake drum, it should be
    checked as described in Section 5.
    6 Rear brake shoes - renewal
    5 Rear brake drum - removal,
    inspection and refitting
    9•6 Braking system
    4.10A  Remove the special washers . . .4.10B  . . . and withdraw the disc
    5.2A  Releasing the automatic adjuster
    mechanism with a screwdriver inserted
    through the small hole in the backplate5.2B  Removing a rear brake drum
    6.2A  Note the fitted position of the springs
    and the adjuster strut, then clean the
    components with brake cleaner, and allow
    to dry. Position a tray beneath the
    backplate, to catch the fluid and residue 
    							Braking system  9•7
    6.2K  Pull the handbrake cable spring back
    from the operating lever on the rear of the
    trailing shoe. Unhook the cable end from the
    cut-out in the lever, and remove the shoe6.2L  Unhook the automatic adjustment
    strut from the trailing brake shoe . . .
    6.2M  . . . and remove the small spring
    6.2B  Remove the two shoe hold-down
    springs, using a pair of pliers to depress
    the upper ends so that they can be
    withdrawn downwards off the pins6.2C  Remove the hold-down pins from the
    backplate6.2D  Pull the bottom end of the leading
    (front) brake shoe from the bottom anchor
    (use pliers or an adjustable spanner over
    the edge of the shoe to lever it away)
    6.2E  Release the trailing (rear) brake shoe
    from the anchor, then move the bottom
    ends of both shoes towards each other6.2F  Unhook the lower return spring from
    the shoes, noting the location holes6.2G  Move the bottom ends of the brake
    shoes together, and disconnect the top
    ends of the shoes from the wheel cylinder,
    taking care not to damage the rubber boots
    6.2H  Unhook the upper return spring from
    the shoes . . .6.2I  . . . and withdraw the leading shoe
    from the backplate6.2J  To prevent the wheel cylinder pistons
    from being accidentally ejected, fit a
    suitable elastic band or wire lengthwise
    over the cylinder/pistons. Don’t press the
    brake pedal while the shoes are removed 
    							6With the drum in position, refit the wheel,
    then carry out the renewal procedure on the
    remaining rear brake.
    7Lower the vehicle to the ground, and
    tighten the wheel nuts.
    8Depress the brake pedal several times, in
    order to operate the self-adjusting mechanism
    and set the shoes at their normal operating
    9Make several forward and reverse stops,
    and operate the handbrake fully two or three
    times. Give the vehicle a road test, to make
    sure that the brakes are functioning correctly,
    and to bed-in the new linings to the contours
    of the disc. Remember that the new linings
    will not give full braking efficiency until they
    have bedded-in.
    Note:Before starting work, check on the
    availability of parts (overhaul kit of seals). Also
    bear in mind that if the brake shoes have been
    contaminated by fluid leaking from the wheel
    cylinder, they must be renewed. In principle,
    the shoes on BOTH sides of the vehicle must
    be renewed, even if they are only
    contaminated on one side.
    1Remove the brake drum as described in
    Section 5.
    2Minimise fluid loss either by removing the
    master cylinder reservoir cap, and then
    tightening it down onto a piece of polythene
    to obtain an airtight seal, or by using a brake
    hose clamp, a G-clamp, or similar tool, to
    clamp the flexible hose at the nearest
    convenient point to the wheel cylinder.
    3Pull the brake shoes apart at their top ends,
    so that they are just clear of the wheel
    cylinder. The automatic adjuster will hold the
    shoes in this position, so that the cylinder can
    be withdrawn.
    4Wipe away all traces of dirt around the
    hydraulic union at the rear of the wheel
    cylinder, then undo the union nut.5Unscrew the two bolts securing the wheel
    cylinder to the backplate (see illustration).
    6Withdraw the wheel cylinder from the
    backplate so that it is clear of the brake
    shoes. Plug the open hydraulic unions, to
    prevent the entry of dirt, and to minimise
    further fluid loss whilst the cylinder is
    7Clean the external surfaces of the cylinder,
    and unscrew the bleed screw.
    8Carefully prise off the dust cover from each
    end of the cylinder.
    9Tap the wheel cylinder on a block of wood
    to eject the pistons and seals, keeping them
    identified for location. Finally remove the
    10Clean the pistons and the cylinder by
    washing in methylated spirit or fresh hydraulic
    fluid. Do not use petrol, paraffin or any other
    mineral-based fluid. Remove and discard the
    old seals, noting which way round they are
    11Examine the surfaces of the pistons and
    the cylinder bores, and look for any signs of
    rust or scoring. If such damage is evident, the
    complete wheel cylinder must be renewed.
    12Reassemble by lubricating the first piston
    in clean hydraulic fluid, then manipulating a
    new seal into position, so that its raised lip
    faces away from the brake shoe bearing face
    of the piston.
    13Insert the piston into the cylinder. As the
    seal enters the bore, twist the piston back and
    forth so that the seal lip is not trapped.
    14Insert the spring, then refit the remaining
    piston and seal, again making sure that the
    seal lip is not trapped as it enters the bore.
    15Fit new dust covers to the grooves in the
    pistons and wheel cylinder body.
    16Refit the bleed screw.
    17Wipe clean the backplate, and remove the
    plug from the end of the hydraulic pipe. Fit the
    cylinder onto the backplate, and screw in the
    hydraulic union nut by hand, being careful not
    to cross-thread it.18Tighten the mounting bolts, then fully
    tighten the hydraulic union nut.
    19Retract the automatic brake adjuster
    mechanism, so that the brake shoes engage
    with the pistons of the wheel cylinder. To do
    this, prise the shoes apart slightly, turn the
    automatic adjuster to its minimum position,
    and release the shoes.
    20Remove the clamp from the flexible brake
    hose, or the polythene from the master
    cylinder (as applicable).
    21Refit the brake drum with reference to
    Section 5.
    22Bleed the brake hydraulic system as
    described in Section 15. Providing suitable
    precautions were taken to minimise loss of
    fluid, it should only be necessary to bleed the
    relevant rear brake.
    23Test the brakes carefully before returning
    the vehicle to normal service.
    Warning: Disc brake pads must
    be renewed on BOTH rear wheels
    at the same time - never renew
    the pads on only one wheel, as
    uneven braking may result. Although
    genuine Ford linings are asbestos-free, the
    dust created by wear of non-genuine pads
    may contain asbestos, which is a health
    hazard. Never blow it out with compressed
    air, and don’t inhale any of it. DO NOT use
    petroleum-based solvents to clean brake
    parts; use brake cleaner or methylated
    spirit only. DO NOT allow any brake fluid,
    oil or grease to contact the brake pads or
    1Chock the front wheels, and engage 1st
    gear (or “P”). Loosen the rear wheel nuts, jack
    up the rear of the vehicle and support it on
    axle stands.
    2Remove the rear wheels. Work on one
    brake assembly at a time, using the
    assembled brake for reference if necessary.
    3Inspect the rear brake disc as described in
    Section 10.
    4Extract the spring clip, and pull out the
    retaining pin securing the caliper to the carrier
    8 Rear brake pads - renewal
    7 Rear wheel cylinder - 
    removal, overhaul and refitting
    9•8 Braking system
    6.2N  Clean the backplate, and apply small
    amounts of high-melting-point brake
    grease to the brake shoe contact points.
    Be careful not to get grease on any friction
    surfaces6.2O  Lubricate the sliding components of
    the automatic adjuster with a little high-
    melting-point brake grease, but leave the
    serrations on the eccentric cam shown
    here clean7.5  Bolts securing the wheel cylinder to
    the backplate. Hydraulic union nut and
    bleed screw cover are also visible 
    							bracket. Note that on Saloon and Hatchback
    models, the pin is at the bottom of the caliper,
    whereas on Estate models, it is at the top.
    5Swivel the caliper away from the carrier
    bracket, to expose the brake pads (see
    6Disconnect the pad wear warning light wire
    (when fitted) at the connector. Also unbolt the
    brake hose bracket from the rear suspension
    strut, to avoid straining the flexible hose.
    7If necessary, the caliper may be completely
    removed by prising off the cap and
    unscrewing the pivot guide bolt. Support the
    caliper on an axle stand, or tie it to one side
    with wire.
    8Remove the pads from the carrier bracket.
    9Brush all dust and dirt from the caliper,
    pads and disc, but do not inhale it, as it may
    be harmful to health. Scrape any corrosion
    from the disc.
    10Before fitting the new pads, screw the
    caliper piston fully into its bore, at the same
    time pressing the piston fully to the bottom of
    the bore. Proprietary tools are available for
    this operation - at a pinch, it may be possible
    to use long-nosed pliers engaged with the
    cut-outs in the piston. Brake fluid will be
    displaced into the master cylinder reservoir,
    so check first that there is enough space to
    accept the fluid. If necessary, syphon off
    some of the fluid.
    11Fit the new pads using a reversal of the
    removal procedure. On completion, firmly
    depress the brake pedal a few times, to bring
    the pads to their normal working position.
    Check the level of the brake fluid in the
    reservoir, and top-up if necessary.
    12Give the vehicle a road test, to make sure
    that the brakes are functioning correctly, and
    to bed-in the new linings to the contours of
    the disc. Remember that full braking
    efficiency will not be obtained until the new
    linings have bedded-in.
    1Chock the front wheels, and engage 1st
    gear (or “P”). Loosen the rear wheel nuts, jack
    up the rear of the vehicle and support it on
    axle stands. Remove the appropriate rear
    2Fit a brake hose clamp to the flexible hose
    leading to the rear brake caliper. This will
    minimise brake fluid loss during subsequent
    3Loosen (but do not completely unscrew) the
    union on the caliper end of the flexible hose.
    4Remove the rear brake pads, and free the
    caliper as described in Section 8.
    5Disconnect the handbrake cable from the
    caliper. On Saloon and Hatchback models,
    the handbrake lever faces away from the
    caliper, whereas on Estate models, it faces
    towards the caliper (see illustrations).6Support the caliper and disconnect the
    hydraulic hose, making sure that the hose is
    not twisted or strained unduly. Once the
    caliper is detached, place it to one side, and
    plug the open hydraulic unions to keep dust
    and dirt out.
    7If necessary, unbolt the carrier bracket from
    the knuckle.
    8No overhaul procedures were available at
    the time of writing, so check availability of
    spares before dismantling the caliper. In
    principle, the overhaul information given for
    the front brake caliper will apply, noting that it
    will be necessary to unscrew the piston from
    the handbrake mechanism (see Section 8,
    paragraph 10) before being able to expel the
    piston from the caliper. On reassembly, push
    the piston fully into the caliper, and screw it
    back onto the handbrake mechanism. Do not
    attempt to dismantle the handbrake
    mechanism; if the mechanism is faulty, the
    complete caliper assembly must be renewed.
    9Refit the caliper, and where applicable the
    carrier bracket, by reversing the removal
    operations. Tighten the mounting bolts and
    wheel nuts to the specified torque, and do not
    forget to remove the brake hose clamp from
    the flexible brake hose.
    9 Rear brake caliper - removal,
    overhaul and refitting
    Braking system  9•9
    9.5A  Rear brake caliper on
    Saloon/Hatchback models (A) and Estate
    models (B)
    1  Caliper body
    2  Frame
    3  Brake pad spring clip
    4  Handbrake cable lever facing away from 
    5  Handbrake cable lever facing towards 
    6  Bleed screw
    7  Guide pin protective cap
    8  Pad wear warning light connector
    9  Flexible hydraulic hose connection
    9.5B  Handbrake operation on the rear
    brake caliper
    1  Piston
    2  Automatic adjusting screw
    3  Spring washers
    4  Cam
    5  Handbrake cable lever
    8.5A  Rear brake pad removal on Saloon
    and Hatchback models
    4  Brake caliper     5  Brake pads8.5B  Rear brake pad removal on Estate
    3  Brake caliper     5  Brake pads 
    							10Bleed the brake circuit according to the
    procedure given in Section 15. Make sure
    there are no leaks from the hose connections.
    Test the brakes carefully before returning the
    vehicle to normal service.
    Refer to Section 4 (front disc inspection).
    Once the rear caliper is removed, the
    procedure is the same.
    1Disconnect the low fluid level warning light
    multi-plug from the fluid reservoir filler cap
    (see illustration).Unscrew and remove the
    cap (note that the filler cap should not be
    inverted). Draw off the hydraulic fluid from the
    reservoir, using an old battery hydrometer or a
    poultry baster. Do notsyphon the fluid by
    mouth; it is poisonous. Any brake fluid spilt on
    paintwork should be washed off with clean
    water, without delay - brake fluid is also a
    highly-effective paint-stripper!
    2Identify the locations of each brake pipe on
    the master cylinder. On non-ABS models,
    there are four pipes; the two rear brake pipes
    are attached to PCR (pressure-consciousrelief) valves on the master cylinder. On ABS
    models, there are only two pipes, which lead
    to the ABS hydraulic unit (see illustration).
    3Place rags beneath the master cylinder to
    catch spilt hydraulic fluid.
    4Clean around the hydraulic union nuts.
    Unscrew the nuts, and disconnect the
    hydraulic lines from the master cylinder.
    5Unscrew the mounting nuts, and withdraw
    the master cylinder from the studs on the front
    of the servo unit. If the nuts are tight, a split
    ring spanner should be used in preference to
    an open-ended spanner. Plug or cap open
    unions, to keep dust and dirt out.
    6Recover the gasket from the master cylinder.
    7If the master cylinder is faulty, it must be
    renewed. At the time of writing, no overhaul
    kits were available.
    8Clean the contact surfaces of the master
    cylinder and servo.
    9Locate a new gasket on the master cylinder.
    10Position the master cylinder on the studs
    on the servo unit. Refit and tighten the nuts to
    the specified torque.
    11Carefully insert the hydraulic lines in the
    apertures in the master cylinder, then tightenthe union nuts. Make sure that the nuts enter
    their threads correctly.
    12Fill the reservoir with fresh brake fluid.
    13Bleed the hydraulic system as described
    in Section 15.
    14Refit the reservoir filler cap, and reconnect
    the multi-plug for the low fluid level warning
    15Test the brakes carefully before returning
    the vehicle to normal service.
    1Working inside the vehicle, move the
    driver’s seat fully to the rear, to allow
    maximum working area.
    2Remove the ashtray, then unscrew the
    screws and remove the lower facia panel.
    3Prise the hairpin clip from the right-hand
    end of the pedal pivot shaft, and remove the
    washer (see illustration).
    4Unscrew the nut securing the pedal
    trunnion to the pushrod. The nut is located
    near the top of the pedal (see illustrations).
    12 Brake pedal- 
    removal and refitting
    11 Master cylinder - 
    removal and refitting
    10 Rear brake disc - inspection,
    removal and refitting
    9•10 Braking system
    11.1  Brake fluid reservoir and low level
    warning light multi-plug
    11.2  Master cylinder connections
    A  Non-ABS models
    B  ABS models
    1  Brake fluid reservoir
    2  Master cylinder3  PCR valves for rear brakes
    4  Primary brake hydraulic circuit (front right/rear left)
    5  Secondary brake hydraulic circuit (front left/rear right)
    12.3  Removing the hairpin clip from the
    right-hand end of the brake pedal pivot shaft12.4A  Unscrew the nut securing the pedal
    trunnion to the pushrod . . .12.4B  . . . and remove the tube from the
    							5Press the pedal pivot shaft to the left,
    through the mounting bracket, just far enough
    to allow the pedal to be withdrawn. On
    manual transmission models, leave the blue
    nylon spacer (located between the clutch and
    brake pedals) on the pivot shaft (see
    illustration). On automatic transmission
    models, the shaft can be removed completely
    (see illustration).
    6With the pedal removed, prise out the
    bushes from each side. If necessary, also
    remove the pushrod trunnion and the rubber
    pad. Renew the components as necessary
    (see illustrations).
    7Prior to refitting the pedal, apply a little
    grease to the pivot shaft, pedal bushes and
    8Refitting is a reversal of the removal
    procedure, but make sure that the pedal
    bushes are correctly located, and that the
    pedal shaft “D” section locates in the right-
    hand side of the pedal bracket. Also make
    sure that the hairpin clip is correctly
    1Disconnect the battery negative (earth) lead
    (Chapter 5, Section 1).
    2Remove the master cylinder and the
    vacuum servo unit as described in Sec-
    tions 11 and 16. If wished, the master cylinder
    may be left attached to the servo unit.
    3Working inside the passenger
    compartment, fold down the covering from
    the front of both front footwells.
    4Have an assistant support the cross-link
    assembly from inside the engine
    5Unscrew and remove the nuts and bolts on
    each side of the bulkhead, and remove the
    link assembly from inside the engine
    compartment. If necessary, have the assistanthold the bolt heads from inside the engine
    compartment while the nuts are being
    6Clean the cross-link components, and
    examine the bushes for wear. Renew the
    bushes if necessary.
    7Refitting is a reversal of the removal
    procedure. Refer to Sections 11 and 16 when
    refitting the master cylinder and vacuum servo
    1Jack up the front and rear of the vehicle,
    and support on axle stands.
    2Check for signs of leakage at the pipe
    unions, then examine the flexible hoses for
    signs of cracking, chafing and fraying.
    3The brake pipes should be examined
    carefully for signs of dents, corrosion or other
    damage. Corrosion should be scraped off,
    and if the depth of pitting is significant, the
    pipes renewed. This is particularly likely in
    those areas underneath the vehicle body
    where the pipes are exposed and
    4Renew any defective brake pipes and/or
    5If a section of pipe or hose is to be
    removed, loss of brake fluid can be reduced
    by unscrewing the filler cap, and completely
    sealing the top of the reservoir with cling film
    or adhesive tape. Alternatively, the reservoir
    can be emptied (see Section 11).
    6To remove a section of pipe, hold the
    adjoining hose union nut with a spanner to
    prevent it from turning, then unscrew the
    union nut at the end of the pipe, and release it.
    14 Hydraulic pipes and hoses -
    inspection, removal and
    13 Brake pedal-to-servo cross-
    link (right-hand-drive models
    only)- removal and refitting
    Braking system  9•11
    12.6A  Prise out the bushes . . .12.6B  . . . from each side of the pedal . . .12.6C  . . . and remove the pushrod
    12.5A  Leave the nylon spacer (arrowed) in
    position on the pivot shaft (left-hand-drive
    model shown, right-hand-drive similar)
    12.5B  Brake pedal components -
    automatic transmission models
    1  Pedal 3  Pivot shaft 5  Washer
    2  Rubber pad 4  Bush 6  Hairpin clip
    If any brake fluid is spilt onto
    the bodywork, it must be
    washed off without delay -
    brake fluid is also a highly-
    effective paint-stripper! 
    							Repeat the procedure at the other end of the
    pipe, then release the pipe by pulling out the
    clips attaching it to the body (see
    illustrations). Where the union nuts are
    exposed to the full force of the weather, they
    can sometimes be quite tight. If an open-
    ended spanner is used, burring of the flats on
    the nuts is not uncommon, and for this
    reason, it is preferable to use a split ring
    (brake) spanner, which will engage all the
    flats. If such a spanner is not available, self-
    locking grips may be used as a last resort;
    these may well damage the nuts, but if the
    pipe is to be renewed, this does not matter.
    7To further minimise the loss of fluid when
    disconnecting a flexible brake line from a rigid
    pipe, clamp the hose as near as possible to
    the pipe to be detached, using a brake hose
    clamp or a pair of self-locking grips with
    protected jaws.
    8To remove a flexible hose, first clean the
    ends of the hose and the surrounding area,
    then unscrew the union nuts from the hose
    ends. Recover the spring clip, and withdraw
    the hose from the serrated mounting in the
    support bracket. Where applicable, unscrew
    the hose from the caliper.
    9Brake pipes supplied with flared ends and
    union nuts can be obtained individually or in
    sets from Ford dealers or accessory shops.
    The pipe is then bent to shape, using the old
    pipe as a guide, and is ready for fitting. Be
    careful not to kink or crimp the pipe when
    bending it; ideally, a proper pipe-bending tool
    should be used.
    10Refitting of the pipes and hoses is a
    reversal of removal. Make sure that all brake
    pipes are securely supported in their clips,
    and ensure that the hoses are not kinked.
    Check also that the hoses are clear of all
    suspension components and underbody
    fittings, and will remain clear during
    movement of the suspension and steering.
    11On completion, bleed the brake hydraulic
    system as described in Section 15.
    Warning: Brake fluid is
    poisonous. Take care to keep it
    off bare skin, and in particular
    not to get splashes in your eyes.
    The fluid also attacks paintwork - wash off
    spillages immediately with cold water.
    1If the master cylinder has been
    disconnected and reconnected, then the
    complete system (both circuits) must be bled
    of air. If a component of one circuit has been
    disturbed, then only that particular circuit
    need be bled.
    2Bleeding should commence on one front
    brake, followed by the diagonally-opposite
    rear brake. The remaining front brake should
    then be bled, followed by its diagonally-
    opposite rear brake.
    3There are a variety of do-it-yourself “one-
    man” brake bleeding kits available from motor
    accessory shops, and it is recommended that
    one of these kits be used wherever possible,
    as they greatly simplify the brake bleeding
    operation. Follow the kit manufacturer’s
    instructions in conjunction with the following
    procedure. If a pressure-bleeding kit is
    obtained, then it will not be necessary to
    depress the brake pedal in the following
    4During the bleeding operation, do not allow
    the brake fluid level in the reservoir to drop
    below the minimum mark. If the level is
    allowed to fall so far that air is drawn in, the
    whole procedure will have to be started again
    from scratch. Only use new fluid for topping-
    up, preferably from a freshly-opened
    container. Never re-use fluid bled from the
    5Before starting, check that all rigid pipes
    and flexible hoses are in good condition, and
    that all hydraulic unions are tight. Take great
    care not to allow hydraulic fluid to come into
    contact with the vehicle paintwork, otherwise
    the finish will be seriously damaged. Wash off
    any spilt fluid immediately with cold water.
    6If a brake bleeding kit is not being used,
    gather together a clean jar, a length of plastic
    or rubber tubing which is a tight fit over the
    bleed screw, and a new can of the specified
    brake fluid (see Chapter 1 Specifications). The
    help of an assistant will also be required.
    7Clean the area around the bleed screw on
    the front brake unit to be bled (it is importantthat no dirt be allowed to enter the hydraulic
    system), and remove the dust cap. Connect
    one end of the tubing to the bleed screw, and
    immerse the other end in the jar, which should
    be filled with sufficient brake fluid to keep the
    end of the tube submerged.
    8Open the bleed screw by one or two turns,
    and have the assistant depress the brake
    pedal to the floor. Tighten the bleed screw at
    the end of the downstroke, then have the
    assistant release the pedal. Continue this
    procedure until clean brake fluid, free from air
    bubbles, can be seen flowing into the jar.
    Finally tighten the bleed screw with the pedal
    in the fully-depressed position.
    9Remove the tube, and refit the dust cap.
    Top-up the master cylinder reservoir if
    necessary, then repeat the procedure on the
    diagonally-opposite rear brake.
    10Repeat the procedure on the remaining
    circuit, starting with the front brake, and
    followed by the diagonally-opposite rear
    11Check the feel of the brake pedal - it
    should be firm. If it is spongy, there is still
    some air in the system, and the bleeding
    procedure should be repeated.
    12When bleeding is complete, top-up the
    master cylinder reservoir and refit the cap.
    1To test the operation of the servo unit,
    depress the footbrake four or five times to
    dissipate the vacuum, then start the engine
    while keeping the footbrake depressed. As
    the engine starts, there should be a noticeable
    “give” in the brake pedal as vacuum builds
    up. Allow the engine to run for at least two
    minutes, and then switch it off. If the brake
    pedal is now depressed again, it should be
    possible to hear a hiss from the servo when
    the pedal is depressed. After four or five
    applications, no further hissing should be
    heard, and the pedal should feel harder.
    2Before assuming that a problem exists in
    the servo unit itself, inspect the non-return
    valve as described in the next Section.
    3Refer to Section 11 and remove the master
    4Disconnect the vacuum hose adaptor at the
    servo unit by pulling it free from the rubber
    grommet. If it is reluctant to move, prise it
    free, using a screwdriver with its blade
    inserted under the flange.
    5Unscrew the four nuts securing the servo
    unit to the mounting brackets on the bulkhead
    in the engine compartment.
    6On right-hand drive models, withdraw the
    servo unit so that its studs are just clear of the
    brackets. Have an assistant hold the brake
    pedal depressed, then extract the spring clip
    16 Vacuum servo unit - 
    testing, removal and refitting
    15 Hydraulic system - bleeding
    9•12 Braking system
    14.6A  Unscrewing a brake pipe union nut
    using a split ring spanner
    14.6B  Pulling out a brake pipe mounting
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