Epson Projector BrightLink 475Wi User Manual
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Diagonal Min. ceiling Image width Image height Min. projection Distance fromtop image height distance of image towall size plate 88 inches 101.4 inches 74.6 inches 46.6 inches 12.2 inches 14.2 inches (257.6 cm) (189.5 cm) (118.5 cm) (31.1 cm) (36.2 cm) BrightLink 475Wi/485Wi 16:10 Aspect Ratio Diagonal Min. ceiling Image width Image height Min. projection Distance fromtop image height distance of image towall size plate 60 inches 78.7 inches 50.9 inches 31.8 inches 2.5 inches 6.9 inches (17.4cm) (199.8 cm) (129.2 cm) (80.8 cm) (6.2 cm) 70 inches 85.0 inches 59.4 inches 37.1 inches 4.9 inches 7.9 inches (20.1cm) (215.9 cm) (150.8 cm) (94.2 cm) (12.4 cm) 80 inches 91.4 inches 67.8 inches 42.4 inches 7.3 inches 9.0 inches (22.7cm) (232.0 cm) (172.3 cm) (107.7 cm) (18.7 cm) 88 inches 96.4 inches 74.6 inches 46.6 inches 9.3 inches 9.8 inches (24.9cm) (245.0 cm) (189.5 cm) (118.5 cm) (23.6 cm) 90 inches 97.7 inches 76.3 inches 47.7 inches 9.8 inches 10.0 inches (248.2 cm) (193.9 cm) (121.2 cm) (24.9 cm) (25.4 cm) 100 inches 104.1 inches 84.8 inches 53.0 inches 12.2 inches 11.1 inches (264.3 cm) (215.4 cm) (134.6 cm) (31.1 cm) (28.1 cm) 16:9 Aspect Ratio Diagonal Min. ceiling Image width Image height Min. projection Distance fromtop image height distance of image towall size plate 59 inches 77.5 inches 51.5 inches 28.9 inches 2.6 inches 8.5 inches (21.7cm) (196.8 cm) (130.6 cm) (73.5 cm) (6.6 cm) 60 inches 78.1 inches 52.3 inches 29.4 inches 2.9 inches 8.7 inches (22.0cm) (198.3 cm) (132.8 cm) (74.7 cm) (7.3 cm) 31

Diagonal Min. ceiling Image width Image height Min. projection Distance fromtop image height distance of image towall size plate 70 inches 84.3 inches 61.0 inches 34.3 inches 5.4 inches 10.0 inches (214.2 cm) (155.0 cm) (87.2 cm) (13.7 cm) (25.4 cm) 77 inches 88.7 inches 67.1 inches 37.8 inches 7.1 inches 11.0 inches (225.3 cm) (170.5 cm) (95.9 cm) (18.1 cm) (27.8 cm) 80 inches 90.6 inches 69.7 inches 39.2 inches 7.9 inches 11.4 inches (230.1 cm) (177.1 cm) (99.6 cm) (20.0 cm) (28.9 cm) 90 inches 96.8 inches 78.4 inches 44.1 inches 10.4 inches 12.7 inches (246.0 cm) (199.2 cm) (112.1 cm) (26.4 cm) (32.3 cm) 97 inches 101.2 inches 84.5 inches 47.6 inches 12.2 inches 13.7 inches (257.1 cm) (214.7 cm) (120.8 cm) (30.9 cm) (34.7 cm) 4:3 Aspect Ratio Diagonal Min. ceiling Image width Image height Min. projection Distance fromtop image height distance of image towall size plate 53 inches 78.7 inches 42.4 inches 31.8 inches 2.5 inches 6.9 inches (17.4cm) (199.8 cm) (107.7 cm) (80.8 cm) (6.2 cm) 60 inches 83.7 inches 48 inches 36 inches 4.4 inches 7.7 inches (19.5cm) (212.5 cm) (121.9 cm) (91.4 cm) (11.2 cm) 70 inches 90.9 inches 56.0 inches 42 inches 7.2 inches 8.9 inches (22.5cm) (230.8 cm) (142.2 cm) (106.7 cm) (18.2 cm) 77 inches 95.9 inches 61.6 inches 46.2 inches 9.1 inches 9.7 inches (24.7cm) (243.6 cm) (156.5 cm) (117.3 cm) (23.1 cm) 80 inches 98.1 inches 64 inches 48 inches 9.9 inches 10.1 inches (249.1 cm) (162.6 cm) (121.9 cm) (25.2 cm) (25.6 cm) 88 inches 103.8 inches 70.4 inches 52.8 inches 12.1 inches 11.0 inches (263.7 cm) (182.9 cm) (134.1 cm) (30.8 cm) (28.0 cm) Parent topic:Projector Placement 32

Installing theProjector Feet To use theprojector onatable orcart, youfirstneed toinstall thefeet. Youcanthen usethefeet to adjust theimage position. 1. Turn theprojector upsidedown. 2. Insert thefront footintothehole atthe front ofthe projector. 1 Front foot 2 Rear feet 3. Insert thetwo rear feetintotheholes atthe back ofthe projector. Parent topic:Setting Upthe Projector Removing andAttaching theCable Cover Before youcanconnect equipment toyour projector, youneed toremove thecable cover. 1. Remove bothofthe cable cover screws (screwdriver notincluded). 33

2. Slide offthe cable cover. To attach thecable cover, slideitinto position, thentighten thescrews. Parent topic:Setting Upthe Projector Projector Connections You canconnect theprojector toavariety ofcomputer, video,andaudio sources todisplay presentations, movies,orother images, withorwithout sound. • Connect anytype ofcomputer thathasaUSB port,standard videooutput (monitor) port,orHDMI port. • For video projection, connectdevicessuchasDVD players, gamingconsoles, digitalcameras, and camera phoneswithcompatible videooutput ports. • Ifyour presentation orvideo includes sound,youcanconnect audioinputcables, ifnecessary. 34

• For slide shows without acomputer, youcanconnect USBdevices (suchasaflash drive orcamera) or an optional EPSONdocument camera. Caution: Ifyou willuse theprojector ataltitudes above4921feet(1500 m),turn onHigh Altitude Mode to ensure theprojectors internaltemperature isregulated properly. Connecting toComputer Sources Connecting toVideo Sources Connecting toan External Computer Monitor Connecting toExternal Speakers Connecting aMicrophone Connecting toExternal USBDevices Connecting toaDocument Camera Parent topic:Setting Upthe Projector Related references Projector SetupSettings -Extended Menu Product BoxContents Connecting toComputer Sources Follow theinstructions inthese sections toconnect acomputer tothe projector. Connecting toaComputer forUSB Video andAudio Connecting toaComputer forVGA Video Connecting toaComputer forHDMI Video andAudio Connecting toaComputer forPen UseorUSB Mouse Control Connecting toaComputer forSound Parent topic:Projector Connections Connecting toaComputer forUSB Video andAudio If your computer meetsthesystem requirements, youcansend video andaudio output tothe projector through thecomputers USBport(preferably USB2.0).Connect theprojector toyour computer usinga USB cable. Note: Thisalsoletsyou usetheinteractive penswithyour computer. Youneed toadjust theUSB Type B setting inthe projectors Extendedmenubefore youcanproject through theUSB port.Note thatusing 35

USB Display willslow interactive penfunction. Forthebest performance, VGAorHDMI connections are recommended. 1. Turn onyour computer. 2. Connect thecable toyour projectors USB-Bport. 3. Connect theother endtoany available USBportonyour computer. 4. Doone ofthe following: • Windows 7/Windows Vista:Select RunEMP_UDSE.exe inthe dialog boxthat appears toinstall the EPSON USBDisplay software. • Windows XP:Wait asmessages appearonyour computer screenandtheprojector installsthe EPSON USBDisplay software onyour computer. • Windows 2000:Select Computer ,EPSON_PJ_UD ,and EMP_UDSE.EXE toinstall theEPSON USB Display software. • Mac OSX:The USB Display setupfolder appears onyour screen. SelectUSBDisplay Installer and follow theon-screen instructions toinstall theEPSON USBDisplay software. Follow anyon-screen instructions. Youneed toinstall thissoftware onlythefirst time youconnect the projector tothe computer. The projector displaystheimage fromyourcomputers desktopandoutputs sound,ifyour presentation contains audio. Parent topic:Connecting toComputer Sources Related references Projector SetupSettings -Extended Menu 36

Connecting toaComputer forVGA Video You canconnect theprojector toyour computer usingaVGA computer cable. Note: Toconnect aMac thatincludes onlyaMini DisplayPort orMini-DVI portforvideo output, youneed to obtain anadapter thatallows youtoconnect tothe projectors VGAvideo port.Contact Applefor compatible adapteroptions. 1. Ifnecessary, disconnectyourcomputers monitorcable. 2. Connect theVGA computer cabletoyour computers monitorport. 3. Connect theother endtoaComputer portonthe projector. 4. Tighten thescrews onthe VGA connectors. Parent topic:Connecting toComputer Sources Connecting toaComputer forHDMI Video andAudio If your computer hasanHDMI port,youcanconnect itto the projector usinganoptional HDMIcable. Note: Toconnect aMac thatincludes onlyaMini DisplayPort orMini-DVI portforvideo output, youneed to obtain anadapter thatallows youtoconnect tothe projectors HDMIport.Contact Applefor compatible adapteroptions. OlderMaccomputers (2009andearlier) maynotsupport audiothrough the HDMI port. 1. Connect theHDMI cabletoyour computers HDMIoutput port. 37

2. Connect theother endtothe projectors HDMIport. Parent topic:Connecting toComputer Sources Connecting toaComputer forPen Use orUSB Mouse Control If you connected yourcomputer toaComputer orHDMI portonthe projector, youalso need toconnect the USB cable soyou canusethepens withyour computer. Connecting theUSB cable alsoletsyou setupthe remote controltoact asawireless mouse,butyou cannot usethisfeature atthe same timeyouareusing thepens withyour computer. 1. Connect theUSB cable toyour projectors USB-Bport. 2. Connect theother endtoany available USBportonyour computer. If you want touse theremote controlasawireless mouse,youneed tochange theUSB Type Bsetting in the projectors Extendedmenu.Youmay alsoneed toconfigure yourcomputer towork withan external USBmouse. Seeyour computer documentation fordetails. Parent topic:Connecting toComputer Sources 38

Related references Projector SetupSettings -Extended Menu Projector Parts-Remote Control Connecting toaComputer forSound If your computer presentation includessoundandyoudidnot connect itto the projectors USB-Bor HDMI port,youcanstillplay sound through theprojectors speakersystem.Justconnect anoptional 3.5 mm stereo mini-jack audiocableasdescribed here. 1. Connect theaudio cabletoyour laptops headphone oraudio-out jack,oryour desktops speakeror audio-out port. 2. Connect theother endtothe Audio portthatcorresponds tothe Computer portyouareusing. Parent topic:Connecting toComputer Sources Connecting toVideo Sources Follow theinstructions inthese sections toconnect videodevices tothe projector. Connecting toan HDMI Video Source Connecting toaComponent-to-VGA VideoSource Connecting toaComposite VideoSource Connecting toan S-Video VideoSource Connecting toaVideo Source forSound Parent topic:Projector Connections 39

Connecting toan HDMI Video Source If your video source hasanHDMI port,youcanconnect itto the projector usinganoptional HDMIcable. The HDMI connection providesthebest image quality. 1. Connect theHDMI cabletoyour video sources HDMIoutput port. 2. Connect theother endtothe projectors HDMIport. Parent topic:Connecting toVideo Sources Connecting toaComponent-to-VGA VideoSource If your video source hascomponent videoports, youcanconnect itto the projector usingacomponent- to-VGA videocable. Depending onyour component ports,youmay need touse anadapter cablealong with acomponent videocable. 1. Connect thecomponent connectorstoyour video sources color-coded componentvideooutput ports, usually labeled Y,Pb ,Pr orY,Cb ,Cr .If you areusing anadapter, connecttheseconnectors to your component videocable. 2. Connect theVGA connector tothe projectors Computer port. 40