Epson Projector BrightLink 475Wi User Manual
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1 Pen tip 2 Attachment foroptional straporcord 3 Battery light 4 Power switch 5 Battery cover 1. Toturn onthe pen, slide thepower switch. The green lightcomes onbriefly. Ifthe battery islow, thelight flashes. Note: Forbest performance, holdthepen perpendicular tothe board, asshown below.Donot cover the black section nearthetipofthe pen. 2. Dothe following touse thepen asamouse: • To left-click, taptheboard. • To double-click, taptwice. • To right-click, presstheboard withthepen forabout 3seconds. • To click anddrag, tapand drag withthepen. • To move thecursor, hoverovertheboard without touching it. 3. When youarefinished usingthepen, slide thepower switch toturn itoff. Calibrating Automatically Calibrating Manually Parent topic:UsingtheInteractive Pens 111

Related tasks Replacing thePen Batteries Calibrating Automatically Calibration coordinates thepositioning ofthe pen with thelocation ofyour cursor. Youonly need to calibrate thefirst time youuseyour projector, andyoudonot need thepens oracomputer for calibration. Youshould notneed tocalibrate againunless theprojector orimage ismoved, orthe image is resized. Note: Youcanstart Auto Calibration bypressing theUser button onthe remote controlorby pressing the Menu button onthe remote controlasdescribed below. 1. Press theMenu button, selecttheExtended menu,andpress Enter. 112

2. Select theEasy Interactive Functionsettingandpress Enter. 3. Select AutoCalibration andpress Enter. 4. Adjust thefocus ifnecessary, byopening thecover onthe side ofthe projector andsliding thefocus lever. 5. Press Entertoselect Yes. A pattern appears, andthesystem iscalibrated. Ifyou seeamessage thatcalibration failed,you need tocalibrate manually. 113

The cursor location andpenposition shouldmatchaftercalibration. Ifnot, youmay need tocalibrate manually. Parent topic:UsingthePens Related tasks Calibrating Manually Calibrating Manually If the cursor location andpenposition donot match afterautocalibration, youcancalibrate manually. 1. Press theMenu button, selecttheExtended menu,andpress Enter. 114

2. Select theEasy Interactive Functionsettingandpress Enter. 3. Select Manual Calibration andpress Enter. 4. Adjust thefocus ifnecessary, byopening thecover onthe side ofthe projector andsliding thefocus lever. 5. Press Entertoselect Yes. A flashing greencircleappears inthe upper leftcorner ofyour projected image. 6. Touch thecenter ofthe circle withthetipofthe pen. 115

The circle disappears, andyouseeanother circlelower thanthefirst one. Note: Forthemost accurate calibration, makesureyoutouch thecenter ofthe circle. 7. Touch thecenter ofthe next circle, thenrepeat. Whenyougettothe bottom ofthe column, thenext circle appears atthe topofanew column. Note: Makesureyouarenotblocking thesignal between thepen andtheinteractive receiver(next to the projection windowonthe projector). If you make amistake, presstheEsc button onthe remote controltogo back tothe previous circle. To restart thecalibration process,pressandhold theEsc button. 8. Continue untilallofthe circles disappear. 116

Parent topic:UsingthePens Related tasks Calibrating Automatically Using BrightLink WithaComputer You canconnect acomputer tothe projector andinstall thesoftware fromtheCD labeled Epson Projector SoftwareforEasy Interactive Function.Youcanthen dothe following: • Use oneofthe pens asamouse tocontrol yourcomputer • Use Easy Interactive Toolstoannotate withboth pens atthe same time • Save andprint your annotations • Use theTablet PCinput panel inWindows 7or Windows Vista • Use InkTools forannotation inMicrosoft Officeapplications Adjusting thePen Operation Area Parent topic:UsingtheInteractive Pens 117

Adjusting thePen Operation Area The penoperation areaisnormally adjusted automatically ifyou connect adifferent computer oradjust the computers resolution.Ifyou notice thatthepen position isincorrect, youcanadjust thepen area manually. 1. Project yourcomputers desktop. 2. Press theMenu button, selecttheExtended menu,andpress Enter. 3. Select theEasy Interactive Functionsettingandpress Enter. 118

4. Select Advanced andpress Enter. 5. Select Manual Adj.PenArea andpress Enter. 6. Press Entertoselect Yes. The mouse pointer movestoward thetopleftcorner. 7. When themouse pointer stopsatthe topleftcorner ofthe image, touchthetipofthe pointer withthe pen. The mouse pointer movestoward thebottom rightcorner. 8. When themouse pointer stopsatthe bottom rightcorner ofthe image, touchthetipofthe pointer with thepen. Parent topic:UsingBrightLink WithaComputer 119

Easy Interactive Tools Your projector camewithaCD containing theEasy Interactive Toolssoftware foruse with acomputer. Easy Interactive Toolsletsyou useyour interactive penasamouse tonavigate, select,scroll,draw, save, andinteract withprojected contentfromyourcomputer. These twomodes areavailable: • Interactive modedisplays thetoolbar onthe projected imageandletsyou usethepen asamouse to open applications, accesslinks,andoperate scrollbars,forexample (usingonepenatatime). You can also annotate whatever isdisplayed fromyourcomputer (usingbothpens atthe same time). • Whiteboard modeletsyou project oneof3solid colors or6background patterns,andusethetoolbar to write ordraw onthe background. Youcanalso import images fromyourcomputer oradocument camera. Inwhiteboard mode,twopeople canusethepens atthe same time. Note: Before usingEasyInteractive Tools,makesureUseSource inthe Extended menuisset tothe interface portwhere yourcomputer isconnected. Easy Interactive ToolsSystem Requirements Installing EasyInteractive Tools Starting andExiting EasyInteractive Tools Using theEasy Interactive ToolsforInteractive Mode Using EasyInteractive Annotation Tools Using theEasy Interactive ToolsforWhiteboard Mode Using EasyInteractive ToolsforSaving, Printing, andMore Parent topic:UsingtheInteractive Pens Related references Projector SetupSettings -Extended Menu Easy Interactive ToolsSystem Requirements Your computer systemmustmeet thesystem requirements heretouse Easy Interactive Tools. 120