Epson Projector BrightLink 475Wi User Manual
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Requirement Windows Mac Operating system Windows XPProfessional, Home Mac OSX10.4.x, 10.5.x,10.6.x,or Edition, andTablet PCEdition (32-bit); 10.7.x except forService Pack1 Windows VistaUltimate, Enterprise, Business, HomePremium, andHome Basic (32-bit) Windows 7Ultimate, Enterprise, Professional, andHome Premium (32- and 64-bit); HomeBasic(32-bit) CPU Intel Pentium M1.6 GHz orfaster (Core2 Power PCG41.5 GHz orfaster Duo 1.2GHz orfaster recommended) (Core Duo1.5GHz orfaster recommended) Memory 512MB ormore (1Gormore recommended) Hard diskspace 100MB ormore Display Resolution between1024×768 and1920 ×1080, 16-bitcolororgreater Parent topic:EasyInteractive Tools Installing EasyInteractive Tools The Easy Interactive Toolssoftware isincluded onthe CD labeled EpsonProjector SoftwareforEasy Interactive Function.ThisCDalso includes theEasy Interactive Driver,whichisrequired forBrightLink pen usage onaMac. Note: Youcanalso download thesoftware fromtheEpson website. VisitEpsons supportsite(U.S. downloads orCanadian downloads ). 1. Insert theCD labeled EpsonProjector SoftwareforEasy Interactive Functioninyour drive. 2. Doone ofthe following: • Windows :If you seetheAutoPlay window,selectRunEIN_TTWInst.exe .If you seetheUser Account Controlscreen, selectYesorContinue . • Mac OSX:Double-click theInstall iconinthe Epson window. 3. Follow theon-screen instructions toinstall thesoftware. Make sureyouselect Register toStartup (Windows) orStart up(Mac OSX). 121

Note: InMac OSX,select EasyInstall toinclude theEasy Interactive Driverinthe installation. You will need torestart afterinstalling theEasy Interactive Driver. 122

Parent topic:EasyInteractive Tools Starting andExiting EasyInteractive Tools Make sureEasy Interactive Toolsisinstalled onyour computer, andthecomputer isconnected tothe projector andtheinteractive module. 1. Turn onyour computer andwait until youseeitsdesktop imageprojected. 2. Tostart Easy Interactive Tools,doone ofthe following: • Windows :Double-click theEasy Interactive Toolsicononyour desktop orselect orStart > All Programs orPrograms >EPSON Projector >Easy Interactive Tools. • Mac OSX:Select Applications >Easy Interactive Tools>Easy Interactive Tools. The Easy Interactive Toolbarappears onthe projected image,andan arrowappears onthe other sideofthe image. 123

Note: Theillustration showstheinteractive modetoolbar onthe left, and thewhiteboard mode toolbar onthe right. Youcanselect the Closeicontohide thetoolbar, thenselect the arrow toredisplay thetoolbar. 3. Toexit Easy Interactive Tools,selecttheXin the lower rightcorner ofthe toolbar. Parent topic:EasyInteractive Tools 124

UsingtheEasyInteractiveToolsforInteractiveMode Youcanusethepenasamouseandaddannotationstoyourpresentationsorotherworkdisplayed fromyourcomputer.Followtheinstructionsinthesesectionstousethetoolsforinteractivemouse mode. EasyInteractiveToolsforInteractiveMode UsingtheOn-ScreenKeyboard UsingaDocumentCameraWithEasyInteractiveTools UsingtheMagnifier Parenttopic:EasyInteractiveTools EasyInteractiveToolsforInteractiveMode Switchtointeractivemode Switchtowhiteboardmode Togglebetweenmouseandpenmodes Savethecurrentscreen 125

Undomultipleoperations(oneatatime) Redomultipleoperations(oneatatime) Pageupinabrowserorothersoftwareprogram Pagedowninabrowserorothersoftwareprogram DisplaytheimagefromadocumentcameraconnectedtothecomputerviaUSB Useanon-screenkeyboardtoentertextonawebsiteorinabrowserorothersoftwareprogram Usethemagnifiertodisplayanenlargedviewoftheimageatthecenterofthescreen Displayadditionaltoolsforsaving,printing,andmore Insertacircle,square,triangle,orothershape Parenttopic:UsingtheEasyInteractiveToolsforInteractiveMode UsingtheOn-ScreenKeyboard Youcanentertextinabrowserorotherprogram,suchasawordprocessororspreadsheet. 1.Openyourinternetbrowserorotherprogram. 2.SelecttheKeyboardtool. Youseetheon-screenkeyboard. 126

3. Tap onthe projected fieldwhere youwant toenter text. 4. Select theletters andnumbers onthe on-screen keyboard. Parent topic:UsingtheEasy Interactive ToolsforInteractive Mode Using aDocument CameraWithEasy Interactive Tools You canconnect adocument cameratoyour computer anduseEasy Interactive Toolstoannotate and work withanyimage projected fromthecamera. 1. Connect adocument cameratoyour computers USBportandfocus onthe image youwant to project. 2. Select the Camera tool. You seeawindow likethis: 127

3. Select thecamera youwant touse from thedrop-down list. 4. Doone ofthe following towork withtheimage ifnecessary: • To search among connected sources,selectthe icon. • To zoom in,select the icon. • To zoom out,select the icon. • To display afull-screen imagefromthecamera, selectthe icon. 5. When youaredone, closethecamera window. Parent topic:UsingtheEasy Interactive ToolsforInteractive Mode Using theMagnifier You canusetheMagnifier tooltozoom inon asection ofyour projected image. 128

1. Select the Magnifier tool. You seeawindow likethis: 2. Drag theMagnifier windowtothe area youwant toenlarge. 3. Dothe following toadjust themagnification asnecessary: • To zoom in,select the icon. • To zoom out,select the icon. 4. When youaredone, closetheMagnifier window. Parent topic:UsingtheEasy Interactive ToolsforInteractive Mode Using EasyInteractive Annotation Tools Follow theinstructions inthese sections touse theEasy Interactive Toolsforannotation. Easy Interactive Annotation Tools Selecting LineWidth andColor WithEasy Interactive Tools Parent topic:EasyInteractive Tools Easy Interactive Annotation Tools The annotation toolsshown hereappear onthe lower halfofthe toolbar andareavailable inall modes. 129

Changecustompencolorandwidth Writeordrawwithcustompen Changehighlighterpencolorandwidth Writeordrawwithtransparenthighlighterpen Writeordrawwithblackpen(finepointonleft,thickpointonright) Writeordrawwithredpen(finepointonleft,thickpointonright) Writeordrawwithbluepen(finepointonleft,thickpointonright) Usetheeraser(thinwidthonleft,thickwidthonright) Clearallannotations(selectUndotorestoreannotations) 130