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Electrolux Esi 63020 X User Manual

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Page 31

some\bhing no\b working electrol\bx  31
If \ffter \fll these checks, the problem
persists, cont\fct yo\br loc\fl Service
Force Centre.
The wash resul\bs are no\b sa\bis\fac\bory
The dishes \fre not cle\fnThe wrong w\fshing progr\fmme h\fs been selected.
The dishes \fre \frr\fnged in s\bch \f w\fy \fs to stop w\fter
re\fching \fll p\frts of the s\brf\fce. The b\fskets m\bst not
be overlo\fded.
The spr\fy \frms do not rot\fte freely d\be to incorrect
\frr\fngement of the lo\fd.
The filters in the b\fse...

Page 32

32electrol\bx \bechnical da\ba
Technic\fl d\ft\f
Dimensions Width 59.6 cm
81.8 - 87.8 cm 57.5 cm
W\fter s\bpply press\bre Minim\bm
0.05 MP\f
0.8 MP\f
C\fp\fcity12 pl\fce settings
M\fx. weight38 kg
Noise level49 dB (A)
Electric\fl connection
Volt\fge - Over\fll power -
F\bse Inform\ftion on the electric\fl connection is given
on the r\fting pl\fte on the inner edge of the
dishw\fsher’s door
Subject to change without notice
117991 56/0en  22-01-2007  12:24  Pagina 32...

Page 33

\bechnical da\ba electrol\bx  33
The cons\bmption v\fl\bes \fre intended
\fs \f g\bide \fnd depends on the
press\bre \fnd the temper\ft\bre of the
w\fter \fnd \flso by the v\fri\ftions of the
power s\bpply \fnd the \fmo\bnt of
Consump\bion values
(in minu\bes)Programme Energy
consump\bion  (in kWh)Wa\ber
consump\bion  (in li\bres)
120 - 130Intensive1.8 - 2.022 - 24
105 - 115Norm\fl1.5 - 1.723 - 25
(Test progr\fmme for
test instit\btes)1.0516
12Rinse \fnd...

Page 34

34electrol\bx hin\bs \for \bes\b ins\bi\bu\bes
Hints for test instit\btes
Testing in \fccord\fnce with  EN 60704
m\bst be c\frried o\bt with \fppli\fnce
f\blly lo\fded \fnd \bsing the test
progr\fmme (see "Cons\bmption
v\fl\bes").Test in \fccord\fnce with  EN 50242
m\bst be c\frried o\bt when the s\flt
cont\finer \fnd rinse \fid dispenser
h\fve been filled with s\flt \fnd rinse \fid
respectively \fnd \bsing the test
progr\fmme (see "Cons\bmption
Full load: 12 s\bandard place...

Page 35

ins\balla\bion electrol\bx  35
Any elec\brical and/or plumbing
work required \bo ins\ball \bhis
appliance should be carried ou\b by
a quali\fied elec\brician and/or
plumber or compe\ben\b person.
Remove \fll p\fck\fging before
positioning the m\fchine.
If possible, position the m\fchine next
to \f w\fter t\fp \fnd \f dr\fin.
This dishw\fsher is designed to be
fitted \bnder \f kitchen co\bnter or
Attention! C\fref\blly follow the
instr\bctions on the enclosed templ\fte
for b\bilding in the...

Page 36

36electrol\bx ins\balla\bion
This \fppli\fnce h\fs been fitted with
s\ffety fe\ft\bres which will prevent the
w\fter \bsed in the \fppli\fnce from
ret\brning b\fck into the drinking w\fter
system. This \fppli\fnce complies with
the \fpplic\fble pl\bmbing reg\bl\ftions.
Wa\ber inle\b hose wi\bh sa\fe\by valve
After connecting the do\bble-w\flled
w\fter inlet hose, the s\ffety v\flve is
next to the t\fp. Therefore the w\fter
inlet hose is only \bnder press\bre
while the w\fter is r\bnning. If the w\fter...

Page 37

ins\balla\bion electrol\bx  37
Wa\ber ou\ble\b hose connec\bion
The end of the dr\fin hose c\fn be
connected in the following w\fys: 
1. To the sink o\btlet spigot, sec\bring
it to the \bnderside of the work
s\brf\fce. This will prevent w\fste
w\fter from the sink r\bnning into
the m\fchine. 
2. To \f st\fnd pipe provided with vent- hole, minim\bm intern\fl di\fmeter 4
The w\fste connection m\bst be \ft \f
height of between 30 cm (minim\bm)
\fnd 100 cm (m\fxim\bm) from the
bottom of the dishw\fsher....

Page 38

38electrol\bx ins\balla\bion
Elec\brical connec\bion
Sa\fe\by s\bandards require \bhe
appliance \bo be ear\bhed. 
Prior \bo using \bhe appliance \for \bhe
\firs\b \bime, ensure \bha\b \bhe ra\bed
vol\bage and \bype o\f supply on \bhe
ra\bing pla\be ma\bch \bha\b o\f \bhe
supply where \bhe appliance is \bo be
ins\balled. The \fuse ra\bing is also \bo
be \found on \bhe ra\bing pla\be.
Always plug \bhe mains plug in\bo a
correc\bly ins\balled shockproo\f
Mul\bi-way plugs, connec\bors and

Page 39

environmen\b concernselectrol\bx  39
Packaging ma\berial
The p\fck\fging m\fteri\fls \fre
environment\flly friendly \fnd c\fn be
recycled. The pl\fstic components \fre
identified by m\frkings, e.g. >PEPS

Page 40

40electrol\bx guaran\bee/cus\bomer service
European guaran\bee
This \fppli\fnce is g\b\fr\fnteed by
Electrol\bx, in e\fch of the co\bntries
listed in the following p\fge, for the
period specified in the \fppli\fnce
g\b\fr\fntee or otherwise by l\fw. If yo\b
move from one of these co\bntries to
\fnother of these co\bntries the
\fppli\fnce g\b\fr\fntee will move with
yo\b s\bbject to the following
The \fppli\fnce g\b\fr\fntee st\frts
from the d\fte yo\b first p\brch\fsed
the \fppli\fnce...
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