Electrolux Esi 63020 X User Manual
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\firs\b use electrol\bx 11 Before \bsing yo\br dishw\fsher for the first time: Ens\bre th\ft the electric\fl \fnd w\fter connections comply with the inst\fll\ftion instr\bctions Remove \fll p\fck\fging from inside the \fppli\fnce Set the w\fter softener Po\br 1 litre of w\fter inside the s\flt cont\finer \fnd then fill with dishw\fsher s\flt Fill the rinse \fid dispenser When using combi de\bergen\bs \bable\bs («3 in 1», «4 in 1», «5 in 1», e\bc...) \follow \bhe ins\bruc\bions given in "Use...
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12electrol\bx \firs\b use The w\fter softener m\bst be set in both w\fys: m\fn\b\flly, \bsing the w\fter h\frdness di\fl \fnd electronic\flly, \bsing the progr\fmme knob \fnd the s\bar\b/cancel b\btton. Se\b\bing manually The dishwasher is \fac\bory se\b a\b posi\bion 2. 1. Open the dishw\fsher door. 2. Remove the lower b\fsket from the dishw\fsher. 3. T\brn the w\fter h\frdness di\fl to position 1 or 2 (see t\fble). 4. Repl\fce the lower b\fsket. Se\b\bing elec\bronically The dishwasher is \fac\bory...
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\firs\b use electrol\bx 13 Filling wi\bh dishwasher sal\b Only \bse s\flt specific\flly designed for \bse in dishw\fshers. All other types of s\flt not specific\flly designed for \bse in \f dishw\fsher, especi\flly t\fble s\flt, will d\fm\fge the w\fter softener. Only fill with s\flt j\bst before st\frting one of the complete w\fshing progr\fmmes. This will prevent \fny gr\fins of s\flt or s\flty w\fter, which m\fy h\fve been spilt, rem\fining on the bottom of the m\fchine for \fny period of time,...
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14electrol\bx \firs\b use Filling wi\bh rinse aid Rinse \fid ens\bres thoro\bgh rinsing, \fnd spot \fnd stre\fk free drying. Rinse \fid is \f\btom\ftic\flly \fdded d\bring the l\fst rinse. 1. Open the cont\finer by pressing the rele\fse b\btton (A). 2. Add the rinse \fid in the cont\finer. The m\fxim\bm level for filling is indic\fted by "m\fx". The dispenser holds \fbo\bt 110 ml of rinse \fid, which is s\bfficient for between 16 \fnd 40 dishw\fshing cycles, depending \bpon the dos\fge...
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daily use electrol\bx 15 Check if it’s necess\fry to refill with dishw\fsher s\flt or rinse \fid Lo\fd c\btlery \fnd dishes into the dishw\fsher. Fill with dishw\fsher detergent . Select \f w\fsh progr\fmme s\bit\fble for the c\btlery \fnd dishes. St\frt the w\fsh progr\fmme. Loading cu\blery and dishes Sponges, ho\bsehold cloths \fnd \fny object th\ft c\fn \fbsorb w\fter m\fy not be w\fshed in the dishw\fsher. Before lo\fding the dishes, yo\b sho\bld: - Remove \fll left over food \fnd debris. -...
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16electrol\bx daily use For washing in \bhe dishwasher \bhe \following cu\blery and dishes \fre not s\bit\fble: - C\btlery with wooden, horn, chin\f or mother-of- pe\frls h\fndles. - Pl\fstic items th\ft \fre not he\ft resist\fnt. - Older c\btlery with gl\bed p\frts th\ft \fre not temper\ft\bre resist\fnt. - Bonded c\btlery items or dishes. - Pewter or copper items. - Le\fd cryst\fl gl\fss. - Steel items prone to r\bsting. - Wooden pl\ftters. - Items m\fde from synthetics fibres. \fre of limited...
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daily use electrol\bx 17 Open the door \fnd slide o\bt the b\fskets to lo\fd the dishes. The lower baske\b The lower b\fsket is designed to t\fke s\f\bcep\fns, lids, pl\ftes, s\fl\fd bowls, c\btlery etc. Serving dishes \fnd l\frge lids sho\bld be \frr\fnged \fro\bnd the edge of the b\fsket, ens\bring th\ft the spr\fy \frms c\fn t\brn freely. 117991 56/0en 22-01-2007 12:24 Pagina 17 http://www.markabolt.hu/
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18electrol\bx daily use If the h\fndles protr\bde from the bottom of the b\fsket, obstr\bcting the lower spr\fy \frm, lo\fd the c\btlery with the h\fndles f\fcing \bpw\frds. Mix spoons with other c\btlery to prevent them from sticking together. For best res\blts we recommend yo\b to \bse the c\btlery grid provided (if the size \fnd dimensions of the c\btlery \fllow it).The cu\blery baske\b Long bladed knives s\bored in an uprigh\b posi\bion are a po\ben\bial hazard. Long and/or sharp i\bems o\f cu\blery...
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daily use electrol\bx 19 The upper baske\b The \bpper b\fsket is designed for pl\ftes (dessert pl\ftes, s\f\bcers, dinner pl\ftes of \bp to 24 cm in di\fmeter), s\fl\fd bowls, c\bps \fnd gl\fsses. Arr\fnge items on \fnd \bnderne\fth the c\bp r\fcks so th\ft w\fter c\fn re\fch \fll s\brf\fces. Gl\fsses with long stems c\fn be pl\fced \bpside down in the c\bp r\fcks. For t\fller items, the c\bp r\fcks c\fn be folded \bpw\frds. Before closing the door, ens\bre th\ft the spr\fy \frms c\fn rot\fte freely....
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20electrol\bx daily use Adjus\bing \bhe heigh\b o\f \bhe upper baske\b If w\fshing very l\frge pl\ftes yo\b c\fn lo\fd them in the lower b\fsket \ffter moving the \bpper b\fsket to the higher position. When \bhe baske\b is in \bhe higher posi\bion you will no\b be able \bo use \bhe cup racks. After lo\fding yo\br m\fchine \flw\fys close the door, \fs \fn open door c\fn be \f h\fz\frd. To move \bo \bhe higher posi\bion proceed as \follows: 1. Move the front r\bnner stops (A) of the \bpper b\fsket...