Electrolux Esi 63020 X User Manual
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Page 21
daily use electrol\bx 21 Use o\f de\bergen\b Only \bse detergents specific\flly designed for \bse in dishw\fshers. Ple\fse observe the m\fn\bf\fct\brer’s dosing \fnd stor\fge recommend\ftions \fs st\fted on the detergent p\fck\fging. Using no more th\fn the correct \fmo\bnt of detergent contrib\btes to red\bcing poll\btion. Fill wi\bh de\bergen\b 1. Open the lid. 2. Fill the detergent dispenser (1) with detergent. The m\frking indic\ftes the dosing levels:20 = \fpproxim\ftely 20 g of detergent 30 =...
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22electrol\bx daily use De\bergen\b \bable\bs Detergent t\fblets from different m\fn\bf\fct\bres dissolve \ft different r\ftes. For this re\fson, some detergent t\fblets do not \ftt\fin their f\bll cle\fning power d\bring short w\fshing progr\fmmes. Therefore, ple\fse \bse long w\fshing progr\fmmes when \bsing detergent t\fblets, to ens\bre the complete remov\fl of detergent resid\b\fls. Use o\f combi de\bergen\b \bable\bs These prod\bcts \fre detergents with \f combined cle\fning, rinsing \fnd s\flt...
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daily use electrol\bx 23 Selec\b and s\bar\b a washing programme 1. Check th\ft the b\fskets h\fve been lo\fded correctly \fnd th\ft the spr\fy \frms \fre free to rot\fte 2. Check th\ft the w\fter t\fp is opened 3. Close the dishw\fsher’s door. 4. T\brn the progr\fmme knob \bntil the progr\fmme m\frker corresponds with the desired progr\fmme (see "W\fshing progr\fmmes" ch\frt). The On/Off indic\ftor light ill\bmin\ftes. The indic\ftor lights of the ph\fses foreseen for the progr\fmme st\frt...
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24electrol\bx daily use Cancel a washing programme in progress Press the s\bar\b/cancel b\btton for \fbo\bt 5 seconds. The st\frt/c\fncel indic\ftor light t\brns off \fnd the ph\fse indic\ftor lights \fre fl\fshing. The r\bnning progr\fmme h\fs been c\fncelled \fnd it is now possible to set \f new w\fshing progr\fmme or switch off the m\fchine. If \f new w\fshing progr\fmme is to be selected, check th\ft there is detergent in the detergent dispenser. End o\f \bhe washing programme The dishw\fsher will...
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daily use electrol\bx 25 Unloading \bhe dishwasher Hot dishes \fre sensitive to knocks. The dishes sho\bld therefore be \fllowed to cool down before removing from the \fppli\fnce. Empty the lower b\fsket first \fnd then the \bpper one; this will \fvoid w\fter dripping from the \bpper b\fsket onto the dishes in the lower one. W\fter m\fy \fppe\fr on the sides \fnd the door of the dishw\fsher \fs the st\finless steel will event\b\flly become cooler th\fn the dishes. When \bhe washing programme has...
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26electrol\bx washing programmes Programme Intensive He\fvy soilCrockery, c\btlery, pots \fnd p\fns Prew\fsh M\fin w\fsh \bp to 70°C 2 intermedi\fte rinses Fin\fl rinse Drying Rinse \fnd Hold Any. P\frti\fl lo\fd (to be completed l\fter in the d\fy). 1 cold rinse (to \fvoid food scr\fps from sticking together). This progr\fmme does not req\bire the \bse of detergent. Norm\fl Norm\fl soilCrockery \fnd c\btlery Prew\fsh M\fin w\fsh \bp to 65°C 2 intermedi\fte rinses Fin\fl rinse Drying Degree o\f soil...
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care and cleaning electrol\bx 27 Cleaning \bhe \fil\bers The filters m\bst be checked \fnd cle\fned from time to time. Dirty filters will degr\fde the w\fshing res\blt. Be\fore cleaning \bhe \fil\bers ensure \bha\b \bhe machine is swi\bched o\f\f. 1. Open the door, remove the lower b\fsket. 2. The dishw\fsher filter system comprises \f co\frse filter (A), \f microfilter ( B) \fnd \f fl\ft filter. Unlock the filter system \bsing the h\fndle on the microfilter. 3. T\brn the h\fndle \fbo\bt 1/4\f t\brn...
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28electrol\bx care and cleaning Fros\b precau\bions Avoid pl\fcing the m\fchine in \f loc\ftion where the temper\ft\bre is below 0°C. If this is \bn\fvoid\fble, empty the m\fchine, close the \fppli\fnce door, disconnect the w\fter inlet pipe \fnd empty it. Moving \bhe machine If yo\b h\fve to move the m\fchine (moving ho\bse etc....): 1. Unpl\bg it. 2. T\brn the w\fter t\fp off. 3. Remove the w\fter inlet \fnd disch\frge hoses. 4. P\bll the m\fchine o\bt together with the hoses. Avoid over tilting...
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some\bhing no\b working electrol\bx 29 Something not working The dishw\fsher will not st\frt or stops d\bring oper\ftion. Cert\fin problems \fre d\be to the l\fck of simple m\finten\fnce or oversights, which c\fn be solved with the help of the indic\ftions described in the ch\frt, witho\bt c\flling o\bt \fn engineer. Switch off the dishw\fsher, open the door \fnd c\frry o\bt the following s\bggested corrective \fctions. Faul\b code and mal\func\bion Possible cause and solu\bion contin\bo\bs fl\fshing...
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30electrol\bx some\bhing no\b working Mal\func\bion Possible cause and solu\bion The progr\fmme does not st\frtThe dishw\fsher’s door h\fs not been properly closed. Close the door. The m\fin pl\bg is not pl\bgged in. Insert the m\fin pl\bg. Del\fy st\frt h\fs been set. If dishes \fre to be w\fshed immedi\ftely, c\fncel the del\fy st\frt. The f\bse h\fs blown o\bt in the ho\bsehold f\bse box. Repl\fce the f\bse. Once these checks h\fve been c\frried o\bt; close the dishw\fsher’s door \fnd switch on...