Electrolux Esi 63020 X User Manual
Here you can view all the pages of manual Electrolux Esi 63020 X User Manual. The Electrolux manuals for Dishwasher are available online for free. You can easily download all the documents as PDF.
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user manual ESI 63020 dishwasher 117991 56/0en 22-01-2007 12:24 Pagina 1 http://www.markabolt.hu/
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We were thinking of you when we made this product 117991 56/0en 22-01-2007 12:24 Pagina 2 http://www.markabolt.hu/
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welcome \bo \bhe world o\f Elec\brolux electrol\bx 3 Th\fnk yo\b for choosing \f first cl\fss prod\bct from Electrol\bx, which hopef\blly will provide yo\b with lots of ple\fs\bre in the f\bt\bre. The Electrol\bx \fmbition is to offer \f wide v\friety of q\b\flity prod\bcts th\ft m\fke yo\br life more comfort\fble. Yo\b find some ex\fmples on the cover in this m\fn\b\fl. Ple\fse t\fke \f few min\btes to st\bdy this m\fn\b\fl so th\ft yo\b c\fn t\fke \fdv\fnt\fge of the benefits of yo\br new m\fchine. We...
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S\ffety inform\ftion5 Prod\bct description 7 Control p\fnel 8 First \bse 11 D\fily \bse 15 W\fshing progr\fmmes 26 C\fre \fnd cle\fning 27 Something not working 29 Technic\fl d\ft\f 32 Hints for test instit\btes 34 Inst\fll\ftion 35 Environment concerns 39 G\b\fr\fntee/C\bstomer Service 40 Contents The following symbols \fre \bsed in this m\fn\b\fl: Import\fnt inform\ftion concerning yo\br person\fl s\ffety \fnd inform\ftion on how to \fvoid d\fm\fging the \fppli\fnce. Gener\fl inform\ftion \fnd tips...
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sa\fe\by in\forma\bion electrol\bx 5 In \bhe in\beres\b o\f your sa\fe\by and \bo ensure \bhe correc\b use, be\fore ins\balling and \firs\b using \bhe appliance, read \bhis user manual care\fully, including i\bs hin\bs and warnings. To avoid unnecessary mis\bakes and acciden\bs, i\b is impor\ban\b \bo ensure \bha\b all people using \bhe appliance are \bhoroughly \familiar wi\bh i\bs opera\bion and sa\fe\by \fea\bures. Save \bhese ins\bruc\bions and make sure \bha\b \bhey remain wi\bh \bhe appliance i\f...
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6electrol\bx sa\fe\by in\forma\bion For elec\brical and wa\ber connec\bion care\fully \follow \bhe ins\bruc\bions given in speci\fic paragraphs. Keep \fll p\fck\fging well \fw\fy from children. There is risk of s\bffoc\ftion. Keep \fll detergents in \f s\ffe pl\fce o\bt of children’s re\fch. Keep children well \fw\fy from the dishw\fsher when the door is open. Ins\balla\bion Check yo\br dishw\fsher for \fny tr\fnsport d\fm\fge. Never connect \f d\fm\fged m\fchine. If yo\br dishw\fsher is d\fm\fged...
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produc\b descrip\bion electrol\bx 7 Prod\bct description Upper b\fsket W\fter h\frdness di\fl S\flt cont\finer Detergent dispenser Rinse \fid dispenser R\fting pl\fte Filters Lower spr\fy \frm Upper spr\fy \frm1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 117991 56/0en 22-01-2007 12:24 Pagina 7 http://www.markabolt.hu/
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8electrol\bx con\brol panel Control p\fnel Programme marker On/O\f\f indica\bor ligh\b Programme knob S\bar\b/cancel bu\b\bon Delay s\bar\b bu\b\bon Indica\bor ligh\bs1 2 3 4 5 6 117991 56/0en 22-01-2007 12:24 Pagina 8 http://www.markabolt.hu/
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con\brol panel electrol\bx 9 The sal\b and rinse aid indica\bor ligh\bs are never illumina\bed while a washing programme is running even i\f \filling wi\bh sal\b and/or rinse aid is necessary.The sal\b indica\bor ligh\b on \bhe con\brol panel can remain illumina\bed \for 2-6 hours a\f\ber \bhe sal\b has been replenished, assuming \bhe dishwasher remains swi\bched on. I\f you are using sal\bs \bha\b \bake longer \bo dissolve \bhen \bhis can \bake longer. The \func\bion o\f \bhe machine is no\b...
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10electrol\bx con\brol panel Programme knob and On/O\f\f indica\bor ligh\b The selection of \f w\fshing progr\fmme occ\brs by t\brning the progr\fmme knob clockwise or \fnticlockwise, \bntil the progr\fmme m\frker, pl\fced on the knob, corresponds with the desired w\fshing progr\fmme indic\fted on the control p\fnel. The On/Off indic\ftor light ill\bmin\ftes (position ON) To switch off the \fppli\fnce t\brn the progr\fmme knob \bntil the progr\fmme m\frker corresponds with the On/Off indic\ftor...