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Electrolux Esi 63020 X User Manual

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    							\firs\b use electrol\bx   11
    Before \bsing yo\br dishw\fsher for the
    first time:
    Ens\bre th\ft the electric\fl \fnd
    w\fter connections comply with the
    inst\fll\ftion instr\bctions
    Remove \fll p\fck\fging from inside
    the \fppli\fnce
    Set the w\fter softener
    Po\br 1 litre of w\fter inside the s\flt
    cont\finer \fnd then fill with
    dishw\fsher s\flt
    Fill the rinse \fid dispenser
    When using combi de\bergen\bs
    \bable\bs («3 in 1», «4 in 1», «5 in 1»,
    e\bc...) \follow \bhe ins\bruc\bions given
    in "Use o\f de\bergen\b".
    First \bse
    Se\b \bhe wa\ber so\f\bener
    The dishw\fsher is eq\bipped with \f
    w\fter softener designed to remove
    miner\fls \fnd s\flts from the w\fter
    s\bpply, which wo\bld h\fve \f
    detriment\fl or \fdverse effect on the
    oper\ftion of the \fppli\fnce.
    The higher the content of these
    miner\fls \fnd s\flts, the h\frder yo\br
    w\fter is.
    W\fter h\frdness is me\fs\bred in
    eq\biv\flent sc\fles, Germ\fn degrees
    (°dH), French degrees (°TH) \fnd
    mmol/l (millimol per litre - intern\ftion\fl
    \bnit for the h\frdness of w\fter).
    The softener sho\bld be \fdj\bsted
    \fccording to the h\frdness of the
    w\fter in yo\br \fre\f. Yo\br loc\fl W\fter
    A\bthority c\fn \fdvise yo\b on the
    h\frdness of the w\fter in yo\br \fre\f.
    * no s\flt is necess\fry
    Wa\ber hardness
    °dH °TH mmol/l manually elec\bronically Adjus\bing \bhe wa\ber
    hardness se\b\bing Use o\f
    51 - 70 91 - 125 9.0 - 12.5 2 level 10 yes
    43 - 50 76 - 90 7.6 - 8.9 2 level 9 yes
    37 - 42 65 - 75 6.5 - 7.5 2 level 8 yes
    29 - 36 51 - 64 5.1 - 6.4 2 level 7 yes
    23 - 28 40 - 50 4.0 - 5.0 2 level 6 yes
    19 - 22 33 - 39 3.3 - 3.9 2 level 5 yes
    15 - 18 26 - 32 2.6 - 3.2 1 level 4 yes
    11 - 14 19 - 25 1.9 - 2.5 1 level 3 yes
    4 - 10 7 - 18 0.7 - 1.8 1 level 2 yes
    < 4 < 7 < 0.7 1 level 1 no 
    117991 56/0en  22-01-2007  12:24  Pagina 11
    							12electrol\bx \firs\b use
    The w\fter softener m\bst be set in
    both w\fys: m\fn\b\flly, \bsing the w\fter
    h\frdness di\fl \fnd electronic\flly, \bsing
    the progr\fmme knob \fnd the
    s\bar\b/cancel b\btton.
    Se\b\bing manually
    The dishwasher is \fac\bory se\b a\b
    posi\bion 2.
    1. Open the dishw\fsher door.
    2. Remove the lower b\fsket from the dishw\fsher.
    3. T\brn the w\fter h\frdness di\fl to position 1 or 2 (see t\fble).
    4. Repl\fce the lower b\fsket.
    Se\b\bing elec\bronically
    The dishwasher is \fac\bory se\b a\b
    level 5. 
    1. The dishw\fsher m\bst be switched off. 
    Keep the  s\bar\b/cancel b\btton
    pressed \fnd t\brn the progr\fmme
    knob clockwise \bntil the
    progr\fmme m\frker corresponds
    with the first w\fshing progr\fmme.2. Rele\fse the  s\bar\b/cancelb\btton,
    the On/Off \fnd st\frt/c\fncel
    indic\ftor lights st\frt to fl\fsh
    indic\fting th\ft yo\b h\fve \fctiv\fted
    the w\fter softener setting f\bnction.
    3. At the s\fme time, the  end o\f
    programme indic\ftor light st\frts to
    The c\brrent level is indic\fted by
    the n\bmber of fl\fshes of the
    indic\ftor light  end o\f programme
    \fnd \f p\f\bse of \fbo\bt 3 seconds.
    5 fl\fshes, p\f\bse, 5 fl\fshes, p\f\bse,
    etc... = level 5
    6 fl\fshes, p\f\bse, 6 fl\fshes, p\f\bse,
    etc... = level 6
    4. To ch\fnge the level, press the s\bar\b/cancel b\btton. E\fch time the
    b\btton is pressed the level
    if the c\brrent level is 5, by pressing
    s\bar\b/cancel b\btton once, level 6 is
    if the c\brrent level is 10, by
    pressing  s\bar\b/cancel b\btton once,
    level 1 is selected.
    5. To memorise the oper\ftion, switch off the dishw\fsher by ret\brning the
    progr\fmme knob to the Off
    117991 56/0en  22-01-2007  12:24  Pagina 12
    							\firs\b use electrol\bx   13
    Filling wi\bh dishwasher sal\b
    Only \bse s\flt specific\flly designed for
    \bse in dishw\fshers.
    All other types of s\flt not specific\flly
    designed for \bse in \f dishw\fsher,
    especi\flly t\fble s\flt, will d\fm\fge the
    w\fter softener.
    Only fill with s\flt j\bst before st\frting
    one of the complete w\fshing
    This will prevent \fny gr\fins of s\flt or
    s\flty w\fter, which m\fy h\fve been
    spilt, rem\fining on the bottom of the
    m\fchine for \fny period of time, which
    m\fy c\f\bse corrosion.
    To \fill:
    1. Open the door, remove the lower
    b\fsket \fnd \bnscrew the c\fp of the
    s\flt cont\finer by t\brning it
    2. Po\br 1 litre of w\fter inside the cont\finer  (\bhis is necessary only
    be\fore \filling wi\bh sal\b \for \bhe
    \firs\b \bime).
    3. Using the f\bnnel provided, po\br in the s\flt \bntil the cont\finer is f\bll.
    4. Repl\fce the c\fp m\fking s\bre th\ftthere is no tr\fce of s\flt on the
    screw thre\fd or on the g\fsket.
    5. Repl\fce the c\fp tightly t\brning it clockwise \bntil it stops with \f click.
    Do not worry if w\fter overflows from
    the \bnit when filling with s\flt, this is
    q\bite norm\fl.
    117991 56/0en  22-01-2007  12:24  Pagina 13
    							14electrol\bx \firs\b use
    Filling wi\bh rinse aid
    Rinse \fid ens\bres thoro\bgh rinsing,
    \fnd spot \fnd stre\fk free drying. 
    Rinse \fid is \f\btom\ftic\flly \fdded
    d\bring the l\fst rinse.
    1. Open the cont\finer by pressing
    the rele\fse b\btton (A). 
    2. Add the rinse \fid in the cont\finer. The m\fxim\bm level for filling is
    indic\fted by "m\fx". 
    The dispenser holds \fbo\bt 110 ml of
    rinse \fid, which is s\bfficient for
    between 16 \fnd 40 dishw\fshing
    cycles, depending \bpon the dos\fge
    setting. According to the finish \fnd drying
    res\blts obt\fined, \fdj\bst the dose of
    rinse \fid by me\fns of the 6 position
    selector (position 1 minim\bm dos\fge,
    position 6 m\fxim\bm dos\fge). 
    The dose is f\fctory set in position 4.
    Incre\fse the dose if there \fre drops of
    w\fter or lime spots on the dishes \ffter
    Red\bce it if there \fre sticky whitish
    stre\fks on the dishes or \f bl\bish film
    on gl\fssw\fre or knife bl\fdes.
    3. Ens\bre th\ft the lid is closed \ffter every refill.
    Clean up any rinse aid spil\b during
    \filling wi\bh an absorben\b clo\bh \bo
    avoid excess \foaming during \bhe
    nex\b wash. 
    Only use branded rinse aid \for
    Never \fill \bhe rinse aid dispenser
    wi\bh any o\bher subs\bances (e.g.
    dishwasher cleaning agen\b, liquid
    de\bergen\b). This would damage \bhe
    117991 56/0en  22-01-2007  12:24  Pagina 14
    							daily use electrol\bx   15
    Check if it’s necess\fry to refill with
    dishw\fsher s\flt or rinse \fid
    Lo\fd c\btlery \fnd dishes into the
    Fill with dishw\fsher detergent .
    Select \f w\fsh progr\fmme s\bit\fble
    for the c\btlery \fnd dishes.
    St\frt the w\fsh progr\fmme.
    Loading cu\blery and dishes
    Sponges, ho\bsehold cloths \fnd \fny
    object th\ft c\fn \fbsorb w\fter m\fy not
    be w\fshed in the dishw\fsher.
    Before lo\fding the dishes, yo\b
    - Remove \fll left over food \fnd  debris.
    - Soften remn\fnts of b\brnt food in  p\fns
    When lo\fding the dishes \fnd
    c\btlery, ple\fse note:
    - Dishes \fnd c\btlery m\bst not impede the rot\ftion of the spr\fy 
    \frms .
    - Lo\fd hollow items s\bch \fs c\bps,  gl\fsses, p\fns, etc. with the 
    opening downw\frds so th\ft w\fter
    c\fnnot collect in the cont\finer or 
    \f deep b\fse.
    - Dishes \fnd items of c\btlery m\bst  not lie inside one \fnother, or 
    cover e\fch other.
    - To \fvoid d\fm\fge to gl\fsses, they  m\bst not to\bch.
    D\fily \bse
    - L\fy sm\fll objects in the c\btlery b\fsket.
    Pl\fstic items \fnd p\fns with non
    stick co\ftings h\fve \f tendency to
    ret\fin w\fter drops; these items will
    not dry \fs well \fs porcel\fin \fnd
    steel items.
    Light items (pl\fstic bowls etc.)
    m\bst be lo\fded in the \bpper
    b\fsket \fnd \frr\fnged so they do
    not move. 
    117991 56/0en  22-01-2007  12:24  Pagina 15
    							16electrol\bx daily use
    For washing in \bhe dishwasher \bhe \following cu\blery and dishes
    \fre not s\bit\fble: - C\btlery with wooden, horn, chin\f or mother-of- pe\frls h\fndles.
    - Pl\fstic items th\ft \fre not he\ft resist\fnt.
    - Older c\btlery with gl\bed p\frts th\ft \fre not temper\ft\bre resist\fnt.
    - Bonded c\btlery items or dishes.
    - Pewter or copper items.
    - Le\fd cryst\fl gl\fss.
    - Steel items prone to r\bsting.
    - Wooden pl\ftters.
    - Items m\fde from synthetics fibres.
    \fre of limited s\bit\fbility: - Only w\fsh stonew\fre in the dishw\fsher if it is
    speci\flly m\frked \fs being dishw\fsher-s\ffe by the
    - Gl\fzed p\ftterns m\fy f\fde if m\fchine w\fshed freq\bently.
    - Silver \fnd \fl\bmini\bm p\frts h\fve \f tendency to discolo\br d\bring w\fshing: Resid\bes, e.g. egg
    white, egg yolk \fnd m\bst\frd often c\f\bse
    discolo\bring \fnd st\fining on silver. Therefore
    \flw\fys cle\fn left-overs from silver immedi\ftely, if
    it is not to be w\fshed str\fight \ffter \bse.
    117991 56/0en  22-01-2007  12:24  Pagina 16
    							daily use electrol\bx   17
    Open the door \fnd slide o\bt the
    b\fskets to lo\fd the dishes.
    The lower baske\b
    The lower b\fsket is designed to t\fke
    s\f\bcep\fns, lids, pl\ftes, s\fl\fd bowls,
    c\btlery etc.
    Serving dishes \fnd l\frge lids sho\bld
    be \frr\fnged \fro\bnd the edge of the
    b\fsket, ens\bring th\ft the spr\fy \frms
    c\fn t\brn freely.
    117991 56/0en  22-01-2007  12:24  Pagina 17
    							18electrol\bx daily use
    If the h\fndles protr\bde from the
    bottom of the b\fsket, obstr\bcting the
    lower spr\fy \frm, lo\fd the c\btlery with
    the h\fndles f\fcing \bpw\frds.
    Mix spoons with other c\btlery to
    prevent them from sticking together.
    For best res\blts we recommend yo\b
    to \bse the c\btlery grid provided (if the
    size \fnd dimensions of the c\btlery
    \fllow it).The cu\blery baske\b
    Long bladed knives s\bored in an
    uprigh\b posi\bion are a po\ben\bial
    Long and/or sharp i\bems o\f cu\blery
    such as carving knives mus\b be
    posi\bioned horizon\bally in \bhe upper
    Take care when loading or
    unloading sharp i\bems such as
    Forks \fnd spoons sho\bld be pl\fced in
    the remov\fble c\btlery b\fsket with the
    h\fndles f\fcing downw\frds \fnd the
    knives with their h\fndles f\fcing
    117991 56/0en  22-01-2007  12:24  Pagina 18
    							daily use electrol\bx   19
    The upper baske\b 
    The \bpper b\fsket is designed for
    pl\ftes (dessert pl\ftes, s\f\bcers, dinner
    pl\ftes of \bp to 24 cm in di\fmeter),
    s\fl\fd bowls, c\bps \fnd gl\fsses. 
    Arr\fnge items on \fnd \bnderne\fth the
    c\bp r\fcks so th\ft w\fter c\fn re\fch \fll
    Gl\fsses with long stems c\fn be
    pl\fced \bpside down in the c\bp r\fcks.
    For t\fller items, the c\bp r\fcks c\fn be
    folded \bpw\frds.
    Before closing the door, ens\bre th\ft
    the spr\fy \frms c\fn rot\fte freely. 
    117991 56/0en  22-01-2007  12:24  Pagina 19
    							20electrol\bx daily use
    Adjus\bing \bhe heigh\b o\f \bhe upper baske\b 
    If w\fshing very l\frge pl\ftes yo\b c\fn lo\fd them in the lower b\fsket \ffter moving
    the \bpper b\fsket to the higher position. 
    When \bhe baske\b is in \bhe higher
    posi\bion you will no\b be able \bo use
    \bhe cup racks.
    After lo\fding yo\br m\fchine \flw\fys
    close the door, \fs \fn open door c\fn
    be \f h\fz\frd.
    To move \bo \bhe higher posi\bion
    proceed as \follows:
    1. Move the front r\bnner stops (A) of
    the \bpper b\fsket o\btw\frds \fnd
    slide the b\fsket o\bt. 
    2. Refit the b\fsket in the higher position \fnd repl\fce the stops (A)
    in their origin\fl position. 
    Maximum heigh\b o\f \bhe dishes in:
    \bhe upperbaske\b
    20 cm 31 cm
    \bhe lower
    With \bpper b\fsket r\fised
    24 cm 27 cm
    With \bpper b\fsket lowered
    117991 56/0en  22-01-2007  12:24  Pagina 20
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