Eiki Lc-Xwp2000 Multimedia Projector Owners Manual
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50 Appendix TechnicalSpecifications Mechanical Information ProjectorTypeMulti-mediaProjector Dimensions(WxHxD) (excludingadjustablefeet) NetWeight7.7lbs(3.5kg) FeetAdjustment0° to14° Panel Resolution LCDPanelSystem0.63” TFTActiveMatrixtype,3panels PanelResolution Number ofPixels Signal Compatibility ColorSystem HighDefinitionTV Signal ScanningFrequency Optical Information Projection ImageSize(Diagonal)Adjustablefrom40”to300” ThrowDistance2.6’–19.8’(0.8 m–6.0m) Projection Lens ProjectionLamp205W Interface Video InputJack S-video InputJack AudioInputJacks ComputerInput ComputerInput MonitorOutput ServicePortConnectorMiniDIN8pinx1 USBConnectorUSBSeriesBconnectorx1 AudioOutputJack Audio InternalAudioAmp Built-inSpeaker Power Voltage andPower Consumption AC200–240 V,50/60 Hz (ContinentalEurope) 250W(ECOmode210W),Standby2W Operating Environment OperatingTemperature41°F–95°F(5 °C–35°C) StorageTemperature 14°F–140°F(-10°C–60°C) Remote Control Battery OperatingRange Dimensions NetWeight LaserPointerClassIILaser (Max. Output:0.9mW/Wave length:645–660nm) 12.20”x3.78”x.10.63”(310mmx96mmx270mm) 1,024x768dots 2,359,296 (1,024x 768x3panels) PAL,SECAM,NTSC,NTSC4.43,PAL-M,andPAL-N 480p,720p and 1080i H-sync.15kHz–69kHz,V-sync.43–85Hz RCA Typex1 MiniDIN4pinx1 MiniJackx1 AnalogRGB(MiniD-sub15pin)Terminalx1 AnalogRGB(MiniD-sub15pin)Terminalx1 /YPbPr Analog RGB (Mini D-sub15 pin)Terminalx1 MiniJackx1 3.0WRMS 2Wmono AC 100–120 V ,50/60 Hz(The U.S.Aand Canada) AAAx2 13.2”(4m)/±30° 1.7”(W)x0.8”(H)x4.3”(D)(44mmx20mmx108mm) 56g(includingbatteries) F1.6-1.88, f=18.6~22.3mm (+ conversion lens x0.7, f=13.02~15.61mm) with manual zoom and focus

Maintenance and Troubleshootin g Ceilin g Mounted Installation Guide Attach the optional ceiling mount at fo ur-suspension bracket fixing points when suspending the from a ceiling. A spe cial method of installation is required in order to suspend the p r o j e ctor from t he c ei l in g. Please a sk y our dealer f or more d e tails. 51

MaintenanceandTroublesho oting Cleaning the Projector Cleantheprojectorcabinetbywipingitgentlywithasoftcloth. Ifnecessary, thecabinetcanbecleanedusinganeutraldetergentandasoftclothensurethe case WARNINGAlwaysu nplugtheprojectorbeforeperformingany maintenance. Cleaning the Lens Useacommercially available airblower,oruselenscleaningpaperandlens cleanerapprovedforuseonopticalcoatings. Donotcleanthelenswithharshmaterialsorsubjectthelenstoshock,asit caneasilybecomedamaged.Closethelenscoverwhentheprojectornot inuse. ChangeAirFi lter Whentheair filterbecomescloggedwithdust,etc.,theprojectormayoverheat andturnitself offtopreventinternaldamage. Cleantheairfi lterevery10 0-hours. *Ifthefilterisdifficulttocleanorifitisdeteriorating,itshouldbereplaced 1.Removethefiltercoverfromthebottomofprojector. 2.Pullouttheairfi lter. 3.Installthenewairfilter. AIRFILTERCOVER 52

Mai n te n a n c e a n d Tro u b l e s h ooti n g L a m p R e p l a c e m en t La m p door La m p S c rew 1. R em o v e th e l a m p sc r e w f r om th e l a m p d o or . 2 . R e m o v e t h e L a m p D o o r . 3 . R e m o v e th e t w o P h i l li p s h ea d sc r e w s th a t h o l d th e l a m p i n p l a c e . 4 . G r a s p t h e h a n d l e o n t h e t o p o f t h e l a m p a n d p u l l t h e l a m p s tr a i g h t u p ou t o f t h e p r o j e c t o r . 5. S li d e t he r e p l a c e m e n t l a m p i n t o p l ac e a n d p r e s s f i r m l y t o s e a t t h e l a m p. 6 . Re i n s t a l l t h e s c r e w s r e m o v e d i n s te p 3 . 7. R e i ns t a l l t h e l am p d o or c o r r ec t l y a n d t i g ht e n th e sc re w on th e l a m p d o o r. 8 . P l e as e s e e p a g e 43 f or re s e t t i n g t h e l a mp t i m e r . T he l a m p a n d i n s i de of t h e p r o j e c t o r b e c o m e v e ry h ot w h i l e t h e p r o jec t i o n l a m p i s l i t . A l l o w the pr o j e c t o r t o coo l f o r at l ea s t 1 5 m i n ute s p r i o r t o open i ng the l a m p d o or. C A U T I O N D o n o t tou c h th e bu l b . T o u c h i n g t h e b u l b wil l g r e a t l y d e c r e a s e t h e l i f e o f t h e l a m p a n d c ou l d c a u s e t h e b u l b t o e x p l o d e . WAR N I NG 53

Maintenance and Troubleshootin g Indicators The Power and Lamp indicators show the stat us of t he projec tor. Before r equest i ng r e pair, c heck t he p rojector s tatus u sing the c hart bel o w. I f the p robl em can not be res o l ved conta ct your d eale r. an i nte rnal fan, the lamp will shut off 54 Power (Green) Lamp (Red) Conditions Notes Slow flashing Off Stand by mode Projector is ready to be turned on (normal) On Off On mode Projector is on and operating normally On Slow flashing Cool-down mode Projector is in cool-down mode and will not respond to user input (normal) On Fast flashing Fan-fault mode The projector has detected a problem with automatically, contact your dealer Fast flashing On Lamp-cover open T h e l a m p c o v e r i s o p e n o r t h e r e i s a problem with the lamp. If the lamp door is closed and replacing the lamp does not correct the issue, contact your dealer. Fast flashing Fast flashing High temperature The projector has overheated and shut the lamp off. Correct the over temp condition immediately. 1. Check that the ventilation slots are free from obstructions 2. Check the cleanliness of the air filter. 3. If the condition persists, contact your dealer Slow flashing Slow flashing Lamp-fault mode The lamp does not light., come back ”stand by mode”, and turn on the power button.

Maintenance and Troubleshootin g Connect correctly. Ad j ust the volume. Remove obstacle between contrast settin g . Note : Althou g h bri g ht spots or dark spot may appear on the screen ,this is a unique characteristic of liquid crystal disp lays,and it does not constitute or imply a machine defect. 55 Symptom Possible cause Remedy The power is not turned on The main power switch is not turned on. The power cord is disconnected. Turn on the main power switch. Plug the power cord into an AC power outlet No video The input is not correctly connected. No signal input. No open lens cover. Select the appropriate input source. Remove the lens cover. No audio The projector is not correctly connected. The volume is set to minimum. Mute is turned on. Check audio cable connect correctly. Press the MUTE button. No remote function No battery. Remote signal be obstructed Check battery of remote controller. projector and remote controller. Colors are pale Color density and color matching are not correctly adjusted. Color lose. Adjust the RGB setting. Check VGA cable. Abnormal brightness & contrast Brightness and contrast are not correctly adjusted. The lamp is nearing the end of its service life. Adjust the brightness and Replace with a new lamp. Video is blurred Focus or RGB phase is out of adjustment. Adjust the focus and phase.

List of Support Display Modes XGA 56 List of Supported Monitor Displays Computer mode Signal Refresh Rate(Hz) Resolution(dots) VGA 60 640X480 VESA 60/72/75/85 640X480 SVGA 56/60/72/75/85 800X600 60/70/75/85 1024X768 SXGA 70/75 1152X864 SXGA 60/75 1280X960 SXGA 60 1280X1024 MAC 67 640x480 MAC 75 832x624 MAC 75 1024x768 MAC 75 1152x870 Component(YPbPr) Signal Refresh Rate(Hz) Resolution(dots) SDTV(480i) 30 720X480 SDTV(480p) 60 720X480 HDTV(720p) 60 1280X720 HDTV(1080i) 30 1920x1080 Composite/S-video Signal Refresh Rate(Hz) Resolution(dots) TV(NTSC) 60 720X480 TV(PAL,SECAM) 50 720X576

ConfigurationofTerminal ConfigurationsofTerminal 57 S-Videosignal AnalogRGB Input/output 12345 678910 1112131415 Y,Pb,Pr 12345 678910 1112131415 Y Pb Pr RS-232CinputUSBConnector SignalnameConnection Ysignal return(GND)GND CsignalC return(GND) 4 2 3 1 Y GND SignalnameConnectionSignalnameConnection RsignalInputR GsignalInputG BsignalInputB N.CN.C DDC_DataDDC/SDA GNDGNDH Rreturn(GND)GNVSYNCV Greturn(GND)GND Bret(GND)GND 15 14 13 5 6 10 9 8 11 12 7 4 3 2 1DDC_ClockDDC/SCL GNDGND GNDGND DDCPowerDDCPower SignalnameConnectionSignalnameConnection RsignalInputPr GsignalInputY BsignalInputPb GNDGND Rreturn(GND)GND Greturn(GND)GND Breturn(GND)GND 15 14 13 1 6 10 9 8 11 12 2 3 4 5 7 GNDGND GNDGND N.C N.C N.C N.C N.C N.C N.C N.C 2TXD5 3RXD3 4,8 Signalname VCC DATA- DATA+ GND 4 3 1 2 N.C N.C N.C N.C 67 382 514 5GND HSYNC/TTL/ comp.sync 1 2 3 4

U.S.A. EIKI International, Inc. 30251 Esperanza Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688-2132 U.S.A. Tel :800-242-3454 (949)-457-0200 Fax : 800-457-3454 (949)-457-7878 E-Mail : [email protected] EIKI Deutschland GmbH Am Frauwald 12 65510 Idstein Deutschland Tel : 06126-9371-0 Fax : 06126-9371-11 E-Mail : [email protected] EIKI (Shanghai)Co.,LTD 1. Dapu Road, Golden Magnolia Plaza #2109 Shanghai, 200023 China Tel :86-21-5396-0088 Fax :86-21-5396-0318 E-Mail : EIKI CANADA -Eiki International, Inc. P.O. Box 156, 310 First St. - Unit 2, Midland, ON, L4R 4K8, Canada Tel : 800-563-3454(705)-527-4084 Fax : 800-567-4069 (705)-527-4087 E-Mail : [email protected] EIKI CZECH spol. s.r.o. Umelecká 15 170 00Praha 7 Czech Republic Tel : +4202 20570024 +42 02 20571413 Fax : +42 02 20571411 E-Mail : [email protected] EIKIIndustrial Company Limited. 4-12 Banzai-Cho, Kita-Ku, Osaka, 530-0028 Japan Tel : +81-6-6311-9479 Fax :+81-6-6311-8486 [email protected] ChinaJapan & World wide Canada Eastern EuropeDeutschland & Österreich WorldWide Website http://www.eiki.com