Eiki Lc-Xwp2000 Multimedia Projector Owners Manual
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Checking the Package Contents Projector Remote Control with batteries Video Cable Power Cord S-Video Cable Audio Cable Computer cableSpeaker Cable Filter 10 Quick Start Guide / Owner’s Manual CD Carry Bag (Optional) RS232 Cable (Optional)

Part Names and Functions: Main Unit 1Zoom ring U s e t h e Z o o m R i n g t o a d j u s t t h e s i z e o f t h e p r o j e c t e d i m a g e . R o t a t e t h e Z o o m R i n g u n t i l t h e i m a g e i s t h e d e s i r e d s i z e . Focus ring U s e t h e F o c u s R i n g t o f o c u s t h e p r o j e c t o r i m a g e . R o t a t e t h e F o c u s R i n g u n t i l t h e i m a g e i s c l e a r . IR sensor W h e n u s i n g t h e r e m o t e c o n t r o l , p o i n t t h e r e m o t e c o n t r o l a t t h i s s e n s o r . Filter cover P r e v e n t d u s t a n d o t h e r f o r e i g n p a r t i c l e s f r o m b e i n g d r a w n i n t o p r o j e c t o r . R e m o v e t h e F i l t e r c o v e r t o c l e a n t h e a i r f i l t e r . 2 3 4 11 Filter cover( bottom) Speaker Zoom ring Focus ring IR sensor 1 2 3 4

PartNamesandFunctions: 8Control panel 7 6 5 5 6 7 8 12 Exhaust vent Main Unit Lens cover Foot adjust button Front adjustable foot Front adjustable foot Foot adjust button Lens cover Extend and retract to adjust the projection angle. Lock/unlock the adjustable foot. Attach when not using to protect the lens from becoming dirty or damaged\ . Control panel (keypad) Operating system.

PartNamesandFunctions: Controlpanel(keypad) 8.Powerindicator 1.Power but ton 9.Lampindicator POWERLAMP 6.Menu-left/right, Menu-up/down but ton 4.Auto but tonA5.Menu but ton KEYSTONE2.Input but ton7.Keystone but tonINPUTBLANK 3.Blank but ton 1.Powerbutton Poweron/operationmode,Standbymode,Cooling-downmode Brightnessfunction, when sensor detects the sur rou nding l ight lowerthan150lux “ power but ton” wi l l turn into blue l ight. 2.Input button SelectsbetweenRGBinputsource-Computerin1→ Computerin2(RGBorYPbPr)→→S-Video→ Computerin1,Systemwillauto detectYPbProrRGBsignalin computerin 2 port. 3.Blank button Blankstheprojected image.Iftheprojectorisleftinblankmode formorethan15minutes,theprojectorwillautomaticallyshut down. 4.Auto button Automaticallyadjuststhesettingtomatchthecur rentinput. 13 Brightness sensor CompositeVideo

Part Names and Functions: Control panel(keypad) 5. Menu button Display or hides the OSD main menu page. 6.Menu-up /down, Menu-right / left button Selecting OSD menu item up or down. Selecting and adjusting the function of OSD menu item 7. Keystone button Adjusts the vertical keystone with menu-up, menu-down(See Page 36) 8.Power indicator Lights on or flashes to indicate the operating status of the projector (See Page 54) 9. Lamp indicator Indicate a problem in the internal projector temperature, lamp cover or cooling down. (See Page 54) 14 8. Powerindicator 1. Power button 9. Lampindicator POWERLAMP 6. Menu-left/right, Menu-up/down button 4. Auto buttonA5. Menu button KEYSTONE2. Input button7. Keystone buttonINPUTBLANK 3. Blank button Brightness sensor

P a r t N a m e s a n d F u nct io ns: Rea r V i e w / I O B o a r d 12 . R e a r IR r e c e i v e r 10 . P o w e r s o c k e t 11 . P o w e r s w i tc h 5. S - video 9 . U S B m o u s e c o nn e c t o r 4. R S -2 3 2C 3. M o n i tor ou t 1 . C o m pu t er i n 1 2. C o mputer in 2 / Y P b P r 7 . A u d i o o u t 8 . A u d i o i n 6. Video i n 1 . Com p u t er i n 1 I n put A n al o g RGB vid e o s i gna l f r om a comp u t er 2. Com p u t er in 2 / YPbP r When i n pu t s i gna l f r om co m pu t er i n 2, it ma y e n coun t er i n c o rre c t pi c t ure c o l o r. Pl e as e p r es s Au t o b u t t o n a g ai n . T h e p ictu r e w i l l be c o rrected. 3. Mo ni t o r o u t c onnec t o r C o nne c t a n e x t e r n al m o n i t o r t o t h is c o nne c t i o n v ie w t h e C o m p u t e r i n 1 i np u t. 4. Control ( R S-23 2 C) S e r i a l d a t a p o rt f o r c o ntr o l li n g th e p r o j e c t or w i t h a c o m p u t e r or o t h e r RS-23 2 contro l device . 5. S- Vid e o c o nne c t or S-V i de o s i gna l fro m a v i de o s o u r ce . 6. Vi d e o in Compo n ent vide o sig n a l f r om a v i d e o so u r c e . 15 Air intake vent

Part Names and Functions: Rear View / IO Board 12. Rear IR receiver 10. Power socket 11. Power switch 5. S-video 9. USB mouse connecto r 4. RS-232C 3. Monitor out 1. Computer in 1 2. Computer in 2 / YPbPr 7. Audio out 8. Audio in 6. Video in 7. Audio out Connecting to an external speaker system. 8. Audio in Stereo mini jack for PC input 9. USB mouse connector Connects a USB cable to a control computer mouse functions. 10. Power socket Connects the power cord to this connection. 11. Power switch Turns the power on/off. 12. Rear IR receiver When using the remote control, point the remote control at this sensor. 16 Air intake vent

Part Names and Functions: Bottom View Air filter cover Suspension bracket fixing points(4) 1. Suspension bracket fixing points (4 points) Install the optional ceiling mount here when suspending the projector from the ceiling. 2. Air filter cover Prevents dust and other foreign particles from being drawn into the projector. 17

PartNamesandFunctions: RemoteControl Power button Poweron/operationmode,Standbymode, Cooling-downmode. Esc but ton Vol+/- but ton Soundlouderorlower. Menu but ton DisplayorhidetheOSDmainmenupage. Keystone+/- but ton Adjuststheverticalkeystonefunction. Still but ton KeepthecurrentimageontheScreen. Blank button Hidethecurrentimage,becomeblackcolor onthescreen. Auto button Refreshthecurrentimage. Menuup/down,Menuleft/right button Selectingandadjustingthefu nctionofOSD. INPUTbut ton Selectinputsource:Computer1→ Computer2 → CompositeVideo → S-Video → Computer1. 18 Laserbutton Operate the Laser pointerfu nction. Mutebutton Mute the sound. * Quick Key : Itcan be selectedtheKeystone / Brightness / Contrast / Volume by pressing Menu down buttonand adjustedby pressing left/ right button on the remote control.(Only Keystone can be selected and adjustedwhen the input source isno signal.) Press “ESC” but ton, it wi l l close “Men u” picture.

Part Names and Functions: Remote Control Batteries Installation 1. Remove the battery cover. 2. Loading the batteries. Make sure the plus and minus poles are correctly oriented. 3. Close the battery cover. C A U T I O N 1. Avoid excessive heat and humidity. 2. Do not drop the remote control. 3. Do not expose the remote control to water or moisture, this could result in malfunction. 4. When the remote control will not be used for an extended period, remove the batteries. 5. Re place the b a t t eries wh en remote c o n t r ol o p eration b e c o mes slu g gish or u n resp o n sive. 6. Do not place the remote con trol close to t he co oling fan of the pr oje ctor. 7. Do not d isassemb le the remote control. If t he remote c on trol n eeds service. P lease bring it to the s e rvi ce station. 19 U M - 4 A A A ( ) R O 3 . . 1 5 V . X 2