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Edimax Router Wireless VPN Broadband User Manual

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Page 11

  2d) Windows NT  1. Click the  Start button and select  Settings, then click  Control Panel . The 
Control Panel  window will appear. 
2. Double-click  Network icon. The Network  window will appear. Select the  
Protocol  tab from the  Network window. 
3. Check if the  TCP/IP Protocol  is on your list of  Network Protocols . If 
TCP/IP is not installed, click the  Add button to install it now. If TCP/IP 
is installed, go to  step 5. 
4. In the  Select Network Protocol  window, select the TCP/IP...

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7. Click  OK to confirm the setting. Your PC will now obtain an IP address 
automatically from your Broadband Router’s DHCP server. 
Note :Please make sure that the Broadband router’s DHCP server is 
the   only DHCP server  available on your LAN. 
Once you’ve configured your PC to obtain an IP address automatically, 
please proceed to Step 3. 
 3)  Once you have configured your PCs to obtain an IP address  automatically, the router’s DHCP server will automatically give your 
LAN clients an IP address....

Page 13

 6) The HOME page screen below will appear. The  Home Page is divided 
into four sections,  Quick Setup Wizard , General Setup , Status Info.  
and  System Tools.   
  Quick Setup Wizard  (Chapter 1) Select your Internet connection ty pe and then input the configurations 
needed to connect to your Internet Service Provider (ISP). 
 General Setup  (Chapter 2) This section contains configurations for the Broadband router’s advance 
functions such as:  Address Mapping, Virtual Server, Access Control,...

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Hacker Attack Prevention, DMZ, Special applications and other functions 
to meet your LAN requirements.  
 Status Info. (Chapter 3) In this section you can see the Broadband routers system information, 
Internet Connection, Device Status, System Log, Security Log and DHCP 
client information.  
 System Tools (Chapter 4) This section contains the broadband router’s Tools - Tools include 
Configuration tools, Firmware upgrade and Reset. Configuration tools 
allow you to Backup (save), Restore, or...

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 Parameter    Description Set Time Zone Select the time zone of the country you are 
currently in. The router will set its time 
based on your selection.  
 Time Server Address  You can manually assign time server  address if the default time server dose not 
 Enable Daylight Savings  The router can also take Daylight savings 
into account. If you wish to use this function, 
you must check/tick the enable box to 
enable your daylight saving configuration 
 Start Daylight Savings Time...

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In this section you have to select one of four types of connections that you 
will be using to connect your broadband router’s WAN port to your ISP 
(see screen below).  
 Note : Different ISP’s require different methods of connecting to the 
Internet, please check with your ISP as to the type of connection it requires. 
  Menu    Description  1.1 Cable Modem  Your ISP will automatically give you an IP 
 1.2 Fixed-IP xDSL  Your ISP has given you an IP address already   1.3 PPPoE Your ISP...

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 Click on one of the WAN type and then proceed to the manual’s relevant 
sub-section ( 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4,  1.5 or 1.6). Click on  Back to return to the 
previous screen. 
  1.1 Cable Modem Choose Cable Modem if your ISP will aut omatically give you an IP address. 
Some ISP’s may also require that you f ill in additional information such as 
Host Name and MAC address (see screen below).  
 Note : The Host Name and MAC address section is  optional and you can 
skip this section if your ISP does not...

Page 18

address with the MAC address of that PC (you have to 
be using that PC for the Clone MAC Address button to 
work). To find out the PC’s MAC address see Appendix 
A. (see Glossary for an explanation on MAC address) 
 Click  when you have finished the configuration above. 
Congratulations ! You have completed the configuration for the Cable 
Modem connection. You can start using the router now, if you wish to use 
some of the advance features supported by  this router see chapter 2, 3, 4. 
 1.2 Fixed-IP...

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Subnet Mask  Enter the Subnet Mask provided by 
your ISP  
(e.g.    Click  when you have finished the configuration above. 
Congratulations ! You have completed the configuration for the Fixed-IP x 
DSL connection. You can start using the router now, if you wish to use 
some of the advance features supported by  this router see chapter 2, 3, 4. 
 1.3 PPPoE  Select PPPoE if your ISP requires the PPPoE protocol to connect you to 
the Internet. Your ISP should provide all the information...

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Service Name  This is optional. Enter the Service name should your ISP requires it, otherwise leave it blank. 
 MTU  This is optional. You can specify the maximum size of 
your transmission packet to the Internet. Leave it as it 
is if you to not wish to set a maximum packet size. 
 Connection Type  If you select “Continuous”, the router will always  connect to the ISP. If th e WAN line breaks down and 
links again, the router will auto-reconnect to the ISP. 
  If you select “Connect On Demand”, the...
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