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Digital Projection Titan Reference 1080p 3d, Dual 3d, Titan 1080p 3d, Dual 3d Ultra Contrast, Titan Dual Fastframe User Manual

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    Have a look at the manual Digital Projection Titan Reference 1080p 3d, Dual 3d, Titan 1080p 3d, Dual 3d Ultra Contrast, Titan Dual Fastframe User Manual online for free. It’s possible to download the document as PDF or print. UserManuals.tech offer 577 Digital Projection manuals and user’s guides for free. Share the user manual or guide on Facebook, Twitter or Google+.

    							Rev C  April 2011 Page 4.29
    Digital Projection TITAN 1080p 3D, Dual 3D. Ultra Contrast User Manual 4. Controlling the projector
     For important information about how Input 8 is used, see INPUT 8 in the Notes column, and also  Section 4, Overview .
     None of the Geometry controls 
    are available for Input 8.
    Geometry Menu 
     Input Detection  should 
    normally be set to Automatic. 
    However, if the incoming video 
    signal is non-standard, the 
    projector may not be able to 
    select an appropriate input 
      In this case, Input Detection  
    should be set to Manual or 
     Input Standard  is available 
    only if Input Detection is set to 
    Manual .
     WUXGA models only: 
    The full height of the DMD can 
    be used only by WUXGA and 
    UXGA images.
      For more information, see 
    Screen requirements  in 
    section 2. Installation.
    Press  and   to select Resolution.
     Press  to open the Resolution submenu.
    Input Detection
     Press  and   to select from:
    Automatic Allows the projector to automatically detect an appropriate 
    input mode for the signal.
    Manual Allows the user to select an appropriate input mode from a list 
    of common standards.
    Custom Allows the user to completely customise the settings to suit the 
    incoming video signal.
    When Input Detection is set to Manual: Press 
     and   to select Input Standard.
    Press  and   to select from:
    Geometry menu continued 
    							Page 4.30 Rev C  April 2011
    4. Controlling the projector Digital Projection TITAN 1080p 3D, Dual 3D. Ultra Contrast User Manual
     For important information about how Input 8 is used, see INPUT 8 in the Notes column, and also Section 4, Overview .
    When Input Detection is set to Custom:
    Press  and   to select one of the adjustment sliders.
     Press  and   to adjust the slider to match the resolution of the incoming 
    video signal.
    Blanking curtains can be applied to each edge of the picture.
     and   to select Blanking.
     Press  to open the Blanking submenu.
    Blanking On/Off
     Press  and   to select from:
    Blanking adjust
    Press  and   to select the edge to be blanked.
     Press  and   to adjust the slider (0 to 200).
      None of the Geometry controls 
    are available for Input 8.
      The adjustment sliders are 
    available only if Input Detection 
    is set to Custom.
     Total H Samples is available 
    for RGB1 and RGB2 inputs 
     V Offset is available for DVI 
    input only.
     WUXGA models only: 
    The full height of the DMD can 
    be used only by WUXGA and 
    UXGA images.
      For more information, see 
    Screen requirements  in 
    section 2. Installation.
    Geometry Menu 
     The blanking curtains will not 
    applied until  Blanking is turned 
      The On Screen Display will 
    move to the centre of the DMD 
    when Blanking is turned On.
      Set to zero for no blanking, eg 
    the top edge in this example.
    Geometry menu continued 
    							Rev C  April 2011 Page 4.31
    Digital Projection TITAN 1080p 3D, Dual 3D. Ultra Contrast User Manual 4. Controlling the projector
     For important information about how Input 8 is used, see INPUT 8 in the Notes column, and also  Section 4, Overview .
     When using the menus, press 
    OSD  or  to hide or 
    reveal the On-Screen-Display.
    Colour Menu
     Some menu items may be 
    greyed out - unavailable due to 
    the effect of settings made in 
    other menus, or due to the type 
    of input signal.
     Read these notes on Colour 
    and Global Colourimetry 
    before making any settings in 
    the Colour menus.
      Note that any changes made 
    in the Global Colourimetry 
    menu (see Setup Menu, later 
    in this section) will affect ALL 
    inputs, modes and presets for 
    which Global Mode  has been 
    selected in the  Colour menu.
    Colour menu
     To return to the main menu, press  up to three times.
     From the main menu:
     and   until Colour is highlighted.
    Press  to open the Colour menu. The blue highlight moves to the first item in 
    the menu.
    Notes on Colour and Global Colourimetry
    Global Colourimetry  menu (see later in this section, in  Setup menu)
    After a calibration check on the projector or venue, a set of Global colour settings 
    can be made in the  Global Colourimetry  menu. These settings are then available 
    to be copied at any time using the  Colour Mode setting in the Colour menu, or 
    used as a starting point using the  Trim feature in the Colour menu.
    Colour menu (see this section) .
    The settings made in the Colour menu will be automatically saved in the  Mode 
    History, or can be manually saved to one of the  Input Presets (see Input modes 
    and settings earlier in this section).
    The selections available in  Colour Mode in the Colour menu are:
      Copies the settings made in the Global Colourimetry menu
    Temperature Set the colour temperature using the slider
    User  Set the Red, Green and Blue Lift and Gain using the sliders
    Peak Preset high brightness setting
    Video, Film,
     Applies the factory set P7 settings
    ColorMAX User Applies the User gamma settings made externally using the 
    DP Userware on a personal computer 
    							Page 4.32 Rev C  April 2011
    4. Controlling the projector Digital Projection TITAN 1080p 3D, Dual 3D. Ultra Contrast User Manual
     For important information about how Input 8 is used, see INPUT 8 in the Notes column, and also Section 4, Overview .
     Read the notes on Colour and 
    Global Colourimetry earlier 
    in this section before making 
    any settings in the Colour 
      Note that any changes made 
    in the Global Colourimetry 
    menu (see Setup Menu, later 
    in this section) will affect ALL 
    inputs, modes and presets for 
    which Global Mode  has been 
    selected in the  Colour menu.
     The Colour Temperature 
    slider is available  only if 
    Temperature Mode is selected.
      The RGB Lift and Gain  sliders 
    are available  only if  User Mode 
    is selected.
      The Component Type 
    selection is available for RGB1 
    and Component inputs only.
    Colour Mode
    Press  and   to select Colour Mode.
      Press  and   to select from:
    ColorMAX User 1
    ColorMAX User 2
    Colour Temperature
    Press  and   to select Temperature.
     Press  and   to adjust the slider (3,000K to 10,000K. in 100 steps).
    RGB Lift
    Press  and   to select the parameter to be adjusted.
     Press  and   to adjust the slider.
    RGB Gain
    Press  and   to select the parameter to be adjusted.
     Press  and   to adjust the slider.
    Component Type
    Press  and   to select Component Type.
     Press  and   to select from:
    Colour menu continued 
    							Rev C  April 2011 Page 4.33
    Digital Projection TITAN 1080p 3D, Dual 3D. Ultra Contrast User Manual 4. Controlling the projector
     For important information about how Input 8 is used, see INPUT 8 in the Notes column, and also  Section 4, Overview .
     The Trim submenu is available  
    only if Global Colour Mode  is 
    Colour Menu  
     Read the notes on Colour and 
    Global Colourimetry earlier 
    in this section before making 
    any settings in the Colour 
    Press  and   to select Trim.
     Press  to open the Trim submenu.
    t rim rGB Lift and Gain
    Press  and   to select the parameter to be adjusted.
     Press  and   to adjust the slider (-128 to +127).
    Global Colourimetry
     This is a shortcut to the Global Colourimetry submenu, described later in this 
    section, in Setup Menu.
     and   to select Global Colourimetry.
     Press  to open the Global Colourimetry submenu.
    Colour menu continued 
    							Page 4.34 Rev C  April 2011
    4. Controlling the projector Digital Projection TITAN 1080p 3D, Dual 3D. Ultra Contrast User Manual
     For important information about how Input 8 is used, see INPUT 8 in the Notes column, and also Section 4, Overview .
     When using the menus, press 
    OSD  or  to hide or 
    reveal the On-Screen-Display.
    Setup Menu
    Setup menu
     To return to the main menu, press  up to three times.
     From the main menu:
     and   until Setup is highlighted.
    Press  to open the Setup menu. The blue highlight moves to the first item in 
    the menu.
    							Rev C  April 2011 Page 4.35
    Digital Projection TITAN 1080p 3D, Dual 3D. Ultra Contrast User Manual 4. Controlling the projector
     For important information about how Input 8 is used, see INPUT 8 in the Notes column, and also  Section 4, Overview .
    Projector Setup
    Press  and   to select Projector.
     Press  to open the Projector submenu.
    Press  and   to select Orientation.
     Press  and   to select from:
    Desktop Front
    Desktop Rear
    Ceiling Front
    Ceiling Rear
    Control panel Backlight
    Press  and   to select Backlight.
     Press  and   to select from:
    Setup menu, continuedNotes
    Setup Menu
     Projector Setup
     A Component Video Sync 
    setting was available in earlier 
    models, but for the Component 
    input only.
      In later models, the sync type is 
    detected automatically. 
    							Page 4.36 Rev C  April 2011
    4. Controlling the projector Digital Projection TITAN 1080p 3D, Dual 3D. Ultra Contrast User Manual
     For important information about how Input 8 is used, see INPUT 8 in the Notes column, and also Section 4, Overview .
     Keystone adjustment can be 
    found in both the Geometry and 
    Projector Setup menus.
     The Keystone adjustment is 
    NOT available for Input 8.
      The range of adjustment will 
    be dependent on the input 
     Some computer graphics cards 
    do not recognise the EDID 
    Extension block.
      If you are having problems 
    booting a computer connected 
    to the projector:
    turn the computer OFF
    set DVI EDID Extension Block 
    to Disable
    turn the computer back ON 
    Used to correct for distortion caused by the projector being mounted hig\
    her or lower 
    than the screen.
     and   to select Keystone.
     Press  and   to adjust the slider.
    DVI EDID Extension Block
    Press  and   to select DVI EDID Extension Block.
     Press  and   to select from:
    Setup menu, projector Setup continued 
    							Rev C  April 2011 Page 4.37
    Digital Projection TITAN 1080p 3D, Dual 3D. Ultra Contrast User Manual 4. Controlling the projector
     For important information about how Input 8 is used, see INPUT 8 in the Notes column, and also  Section 4, Overview .
    Test Patterns
    Press  and   to select Test Patterns.
     Press  to open the Test Patterns submenu.
     Press  and   to select from:
    Alignment Grid
    Screen Layout
        (shows outlines of various aspect ratios)
    Colour Bars
    0% Field
    ColorMAX Calibration
    100% Field (Corrected White)
     (white, affected by colour settings)
    100% Field (Peak White) (white, unaffected by colour settings)
     to display the test pattern.
    Setup Menu  
     Projector Setup 
        Test Pattern
     The only test pattern available 
    for Input 8 is:
     100% Field (Corrected White).
      WUXGA models only: 
    Only the Corrected White test 
    pattern on Input 8 will fill the 
    full height of the DMD, using all 
    1200 pixels. All other patterns 
    will be 1080 pixels high.
    Setup menu, projector Setup continued 
    							Page 4.38 Rev C  April 2011
    4. Controlling the projector Digital Projection TITAN 1080p 3D, Dual 3D. Ultra Contrast User Manual
     For important information about how Input 8 is used, see INPUT 8 in the Notes column, and also Section 4, Overview .
    Setup menu, projector Setup continued
    Used to reduce the artifacts and image blur typically associated with ra\
    pidly moving 
    images, by increasing the time the display is blanked between frames (d\
    ark time).
    From the Projector Setup menu, press 
     and   to select FastFrame.
    Press  to open the FastFrame submenu.
    FastFrame On/Off
    Press  and   to select Fastfame.
     Press  and   to select from:
    Dark t ime
     Press  and   to select Dark Time.
     Press  and   to adjust the slider.
    Setup Menu  
     Projector Setup 
     If FastFrame  is turned on, then 
    turning on  3D Enable will turn it 
      When 3D Enable is on, it is not 
    possible to turn on  FastFrame.
     The optimum dark time setting 
    for a 60Hz frame rate is 
    approximately 8 to 10mS. 
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