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Dell Drac 5 User Manual

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    of 408
    							RACADM Subcommand Overview291
    Displays a message indicating which operation is being performed.
    racadm fwupdate -g -u - a -d 
    In this example, the -g option tells the firmware to download the firmware 
    update file from a location (specified by the 
    -d option) on the TFTP server 
    at a specific IP address (specified by the 
    -a option). After the image file is 
    downloaded from the TFTP server, the update process begins. When 
    completed, the DRAC 5 is reset. 
    If the download exceeds 15 minutes and times out, transfer the firmware flash 
    image to a local drive on the server. Then, using Console Redirection, connect 
    to the remote system and install the firmware locally using local racadm.
    Table A-10. fwupdate Subcommand Options
    Option Description
    -uThe update option performs a checksum of the firmware update file and 
    starts the actual update process. This option may be used along with the 
    -g or -p options. At the end of the update, the DRAC 5 performs a soft 
    -sThe status option returns the current status of where you are in the 
    update process. This option is always used by itself. 
    -gThe get option instructs the firmware to get the firmware update file 
    from the TFTP server. The user must also specify the -a and -d options. 
    In the absence of the -a option, the defaults are read from properties 
    contained in the group cfgRemoteHosts, using properties 
    cfgRhostsFwUpdateIpAddr and cfgRhostsFwUpdatePath.
    -aThe IP Address option specifies the IP address of the TFTP server.
    -dThe -d, or directory, option specifies the directory on the TFTP server or 
    on the DRAC 5’s host server where the firmware update file resides. 
    -pThe -p, or put, option is used to update the firmware file from the 
    managed system to the DRAC 5. The -u option must be used with the -p 
    							292RACADM Subcommand Overview
    racadm fwupdate -s
    This option reads the current status of the firmware update.
    racadm fwupdate -p -u -d c: 
    In this example, the firmware image for the update is provided by the 
    host’s file system.
    racadm -r -u root -p racpassword 
    fwupdate -g -u -a -d 
    In this example, RACADM is used to remotely update the firmware of a 
    specified DRAC using the provided DRAC username and password. The 
    image is retrieved from a TFTP server. 
     NOTE: The -p option is not supported in the Remote RACADM interface for the 
    fwupdate subcommand.
     NOTE: To use this command, you must have Log In To DRAC 5 permission.
    Table A-11 describes the getssninfo subcommand.
    racadm getssninfo [-A] [-u  | *]
    The getssninfo command returns a list of users that are connected to the 
    DRAC. The summary information provides the following information:
     IP address (if applicable)
     Session type (for example, serial or telnet)
     Consoles in use (for example, Virtual Media or Virtual KVM)
    Table A-11. getssninfo Subcommand
    Subcommand Definition
    getssninfo  Retrieves session information for one or more 
    currently active or pending sessions from the 
    Session Managers session table. 
    							RACADM Subcommand Overview293
    Supported Interfaces
     Remote RACADM
     telnet/ssh/serial RACADM
    Table A-12 describes the getssninfo subcommand options.
    racadm getssninfo
    Table A-13 provides an example of output from the racadm getssninfo 
    racadm getssninfo -A
    root Telnet NONE
    racadm getssninfo -A -u *
    root Telnet NONE
    bob GUI NONE
    Table A-12. getssninfo Subcommand Options
    Option Description
    -AThe -A option eliminates the printing of data headers.
    -uThe -u  user name option limits the printed output to only 
    the detail session records for the given user name. If an * symbol is given 
    as the user name, all users are listed. Summary information is not printed 
    when this option is specified.
    Table A-13. getssninfo Subcommand Output Example
    User IP Address Type Consoles
    root Telnet Virtual KVM 
    							294RACADM Subcommand Overview
     NOTE: To use this command, you must have Log In To DRAC 5 permission.
    Table A-14 describes the racadm getsysinfo subcommand.
    racadm getsysinfo [-d] [-s] [-w] [-A]
    The getsysinfo subcommand displays information related to the RAC, 
    managed system, and watchdog configuration.
    Supported Interfaces
     Local RACADM
     Remote RACADM
     telnet/ssh/serial RACADM
    Table A-15 describes the getsysinfo subcommand options.
    If the -w option is not specified, then the other options are used as defaults.
    Table A-14. getsysinfo
    Command Definition
    getsysinfo  Displays DRAC 5 information, system 
    information, and watchdog status information.
    Table A-15. getsysinfo Subcommand Options
    Option Description
    -dDisplays DRAC 5 information.
    -sDisplays system information
    -wDisplays watchdog information
    -AEliminates the printing of headers/labels. 
    							RACADM Subcommand Overview295
    The getsysinfo subcommand displays information related to the RAC, 
    managed system, and watchdog configuration.
    Sample Output
    RAC Information:
    RAC Date/Time = Thu Dec  8 20:01:33 2005
    Firmware Version = 1.0
    Firmware Build = 05.12.08
    Last Firmware Update = Thu Dec  8 08:09:36 2005
    Hardware Version = A00
    Current IP Address =
    Current IP Gateway =
    Current IP Netmask =
    DHCP Enabled = 0
    MAC Address = 00:14:22:18:cd:f9
    Current DNS Server 1 =
    Current DNS Server 2 =
    DNS Servers from DHCP = 0
    Register DNS RAC Name = 0
    DNS RAC Name = rac-48192
    Current DNS Domain =
    System Information:
    System Model = PowerEdge 2900
    System BIOS Version = 0.2.3
    BMC Firmware Version = 0.17
    Service Tag = 48192
    Host Name = racdev103
    OS Name = Microsoft Windows Server 
    Power Status = OFF 
    							296RACADM Subcommand Overview
    Watchdog Information:
    Recovery Action = None
    Present countdown value = 0 seconds
    Initial countdown value = 0 seconds
    racadm getsysinfo -A -s
    System Information: PowerEdge 2900 A08 1.0 
    EF23VQ-0023 Hostname
    Microsoft Windows 2000 version 5.0, Build Number 
    2195, Service Pack 2 ON
    racadm getsysinfo -w -s
    System Information:
    System Model = PowerEdge 2900
    System BIOS Version = 0.2.3
    BMC Firmware Version = 0.17
    Service Tag = 48192
    Host Name = racdev103
    OS Name = Microsoft Windows Server 
    Power Status = OFF
    Watchdog Information:
    Recovery Action = None
    Present countdown value = 0 seconds
    Initial countdown value = 0 seconds
    The Hostname and OS Name fields in the getsysinfo output display accurate 
    information only if Dell OpenManage is installed on the managed system. If 
    OpenManage is not installed on the managed system, these fields may be 
    blank or inaccurate.  
    							RACADM Subcommand Overview297
     NOTE: To use this command, you must have Log In DRAC 5 permission. 
    Table A-16 describes the getractime subcommand.
    racadm getractime [-d]
    With no options, the getractime subcommand displays the time in a 
    common readable format. 
    With the -d option, getractime displays the time in the format, 
    yyyymmddhhmmss.mmmmmms, which is the same format returned by the 
    UNIX date command.
    The getractime subcommand displays the output on one line.
    Sample Output
    racadm getractime
    Thu Dec  8 20:15:26 2005
    racadm getractime -d
    Supported Interfaces
     Remote RACADM
     telnet/ssh/serial RACADM
    Table A-16. getractime
    Subcommand Definition
    getractimeDisplays the current time from the remote access controller. 
    							298RACADM Subcommand Overview
     NOTE: To use this command, you must have Execute Diagnostic Commands or 
    Configure DRAC 5 permission.
    Table A-17 describes the ifconfig subcommand.
    racadm ifconfig
     NOTE: To use this command, you must have Execute Diagnostic Commands 
    Table A-18 describes the netstat subcommand.
    racadm netstat
    Supported Interfaces
     Remote RACADM
     telnet/ssh/serial RACADM
    Table A-17. ifconfig
    Subcommand Definition
    ifconfigDisplays the contents of the network interface table.
    Table A-18. netstat
    Subcommand Definition
    netstatDisplays the routing table and the current connections. 
    							RACADM Subcommand Overview299
     NOTE: To use this command, you must have Execute Diagnostic Commands or 
    Configure DRAC 5 permission.
    Table A-19 describes the ping subcommand.
    racadm ping 
    Supported Interfaces
     Remote RACADM
     telnet/ssh/serial RACADM
     NOTE: To use the setniccfg command, you must have Configure DRAC 5 
    Table A-20 describes the setniccfg subcommand.
     NOTE: The terms NIC and Ethernet management port may be used 
    interchangeably. Table A-19. ping
    Subcommand Definition
    pingVerifies that the destination IP address is reachable from the 
    DRAC 5 with the current routing-table contents. A 
    destination IP address is required. An ICMP echo packet is 
    sent to the destination IP address based on the current 
    routing-table contents.
    Table A-20. setniccfg
    Subcommand Definition
    setniccfgSets the IP configuration for the controller. 
    							300RACADM Subcommand Overview
    racadm setniccfg -d 
    racadm setniccfg -s [<
    ipAddress>  ]
    racadm setniccfg -o [<
    ipAddress>  ]
    The setniccfg subcommand sets the controller IP address.
    -d option enables DHCP for the Ethernet management port (default 
    is DHCP enabled).
    -s option enables static IP settings. The IP address, netmask, and 
    gateway can be specified. Otherwise, the existing static settings are used. 
    , , and  must be typed as dot-
    separated strings.
    racadm setniccfg -s
    -o option disables the Ethernet management port completely. 
    , , and  must be typed as dot-
    separated strings.
    racadm setniccfg -o
    The setniccfg subcommand displays an appropriate error message if the 
    operation is not successful. If successful, a message is displayed. 
    Supported Interfaces
     Local RACADM
     Remote RACADM
     telnet/ssh/serial RACADM 
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