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Land Rover Defender 90 110 Workshop Book 8 Bulletins Rover

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Page 51

- -. Mainshaft and gears  clearance  checks. 
Running  clearances 9.  7 
Mainshaft  1st gear 
Mainshaft  3rd gear 
Mainshaft  5th  gear 
Input shaft bearing 
0,075 maximum 
0,075 maximum 
0,075 maximum 
0,075 maximum 
Third  gear end-float. 
1. Locate  the mainshaft  in a vertical  position as 
shown.  Fit the  third gear,needle roller bearing 
and  spacer  to the  mainshaft  and  replace the 
third/fourth synchromesh  inner member.Press 
down  on the synchromesh  inner member  and...

Page 52

FirsUsecond synchromesh end float. 
Assemble,  to the  first  gear,  the spacer,  needle 
roller  bearing  and first  gear  bush  and fit the 
to the  mainshaft.  Fit the  original 
selective  washer and dummy  mainshaft  rear 
LST 101 and  retain  with the circlip. 
With  a 
feeler gauge,  check the end-float  as 
shown.Choose a suitable  selective  washer to 
a minimum  clearance 
of 0,075 
8. Remove the dummy  bearing and fit...

Page 53

12. Check the clearance  between the washer  and 
the  synchromesh  hub. the clearance 
must not 
0,075 (0.003ins). The  condition is 
ideal  when  the selective  washer can be just 
turned  by hand. 
Reverse  idler  gear, shaft and lever. 
1. Secure the reverse  gear in a vice  and remove 
of the two circlips  retaining.  the bearings. 
c) 4 
4. If necessary,  remove the split pin and 
withdraw  the slipper  pads and washer 
from the 
reverse  gear...

Page 54

Fifth gear  selector fork and bracket. 
1. Remove  the slipper  pads from  the selector 
2. If necessary,  remove the circlips  and withdraw 
3. Clean  all components  and refit  or renew  in 
fork and check for wear. 
the  pivot  pins. 
reverse  order. 
2 A 
Lays haf t. 
4. Clean the layshaft  and bearings  and check  for 
wear,  pitting  and scores. 
5. Fit the rear bearing  assembly  and note  that the 
inner  track must 
be fitted with the 
identification  numbers facing inwards...

Page 55

Fitting reverse  idler shaft and gear. 
. I. I. 
1. Position  the reverse  idler gear and thrust 
washer  in the  casing  with the thrust  washer 
and  the chamfer  on the  thrust  washer,  towards 
the  gear. 
2. Insert  the idler shaft  into  the casing  and 
through  into the 
idler gear  and  washer.  Ensure 
that  the roil pin  in the  shaft  lines
-up  with  the 
-out  in the  casting,  then drive  the shaft  fully 
ST 2048 M 
3. Coat  the threads of the...

Page 56

Fitting layshaft. Fitting rear retainer  plate 
1. Hold the layshaft  above the mainshaft 1. Fit the  retainer  plate to the gearbox  and 
secure  the top 
of the plate  with the two bolts 
and  spring washers. 
2. Apply Loctite 270 (stud and  bearing  fit) to the 
socket  headed  screw threads  and secure  the 
lower  end 
of the retaining  plate. 
and engage  the 
two sets of gears 
into  mesh  and 
roll the layshaft  into position  in 
case. Check  that the rear  bearing  locates...

Page 57

-. -* x 5. Disengage the first  and fourth  gears. 
1. - 
Fifth gear synchromesh end float. 
8. Using a feeler  gauge,  measure the clearance 
between  the washer  and  the sleeve. 
necessary  exchange the washer for one  that 
will provide  a clearance of 0,075 
1. Fit  the  thrust  washer,  grooves  outwards, 
towards  fifth gear. 
2. Lubricate  and fit the  needle  roller bearing  to 
the  mainshaft. 
3. Fit the spacer  and fifth  gear. 
9. Remove  the  snap  ring,...

Page 58

Fitting selector rails and forks. 5. Place  the reverse  gear cross-over lever in 
position in the gearbox  locating the fork end 
over the reverse lever operating pin. 
the  synchromesh  hub and gearbox  dowels. 6. insert the interlock  plunger into the 
first/second selector  rail. 
two bolts and plain  washers. 
1. Locate  the fifth  gear fork and bracket on to 
2. Secure  the fork  bracket  to the  gearbox  with 
3. Fit the  selector  rail interlock  plungers to the 
gearbox case....

Page 59

.- . ..,. . , .._,. ,.. . . . , .... . .. .... 
. .. 
8. Fit the firstkecond selector  jaw to the  rail and 
align  to accept  the retaining 
roll pin. 
9. Using  a suitable  drift, tap-in the roll pin  to 
secure  the jaw  and  rail. 
10. Repeat  instruction 9 for the third/ fourth 
selector  rail and  jaw. 
11. Push  the fifth  gear  selector  rail through  the 
gearbox  and the reverse  cross
-over lever. 
12. Fit the fifth  gear  selector  jaw to the  rail and 
to accept  the...

Page 60

16. Fit the jaw to the  reverse  selector  rail, align 
the  holes,  and secure  with the roll pin  using  a 
suitable  drift. The pin must 
be inserted so that 
is flush  with the underside of the jaw  to 
ensure  that the jaw  is adequately retained. 
17. Fit  the  reverse  gate spring  to the  selector  rail 
and  knock
-over  lever.  
18. Fit the  detent  balls and springs. 
Selector fork adjustment. 
1. Fit the  top cover gasket. 
2. Secure  the detent  spring retaining  tool...
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