D-Link Router DWR-921 User Manual
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26 D-Link DWR-921 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration W\freless Secur\fty Mode You can choose from severa\f different wire\fess security modes. After se\fectin\b a mode, the settin\bs for that mode wi\f\f appear. After modifyin\b any settin\bs, c\fick Save Sett\fngs to save your chan\bes. You can choose from 4 different security modes.• None: No security wi\f\f be used. This settin\b is not recommended. • WEP: WEP encryption wi\f\f be used. This settin\b is on\fy recommended if your wire\fess devices cannot support WPA or WPA2. • WPA-Personal: WPA-PSK encryption wi\f\f be used. This settin\b is recommended for most users. • WPA-Enterpr\fse: WPA-EAP encr yption wi\f\f be used. This settin\b is on\fy recommended if you have a RADIUS authentication server. Otherwise, WPA-Personal shou\fd be used. Secur\fty Mode:
27 D-Link DWR-921 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Se\fect whether to use WPA2 only or WPA only. WPA2 only is the most secure, provided that a\f\f of your c\fients can support it. Se\fect whether to use the TKIP or AES cipher. The AES cipher is the most secure, provided that a\f\f of your c\fients can support it. Enter the key/password you want to use for your wire\fess network. The key must be 8 to 63 characters \fon\b, and may on\fy contain \fetters and numbers. WPA Mode: C\fpher Type: Network Key: If you choose WPA-Personal, the fo\f\fowin\b options wi\f\f appe\uar: Se\fect whether to use Open or Shared authentication. Se\fect whether to use 64-b\ft or 128-b\ft encryption. Se\fect which WEP key (1-4) to use as the defau\ft \ukey. This wi\f\f a\fso chan\be the WEP Key text box to that WEP key for your to confi\bure(1-4). Set the WEP key/password for your wire\fess network. Based on whether you are usin\b 64 or 128-b\uit encryption, and whether you are usin\b a HEX or AS\uCII key, you wi\f\f need to enter different numbers of characters for your key, as indicated be\fow the WEP Key text box. ASCII keys may use \fetters and numbers on\fy, and HEX keys may use numbers 0-9 a\und \fetters A-F on\fy. Authent\fcat\fon: WEP Encrypt\fon: Default WEP Key: WEP Key: If you choose WEP, the fo\f\fowin\b options wi\f\f appe\uar:
28 D-Link DWR-921 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Se\fect whether to use WPA2 only or WPA only. WPA2 only is the most secure, provided that a\f\f of your c\fients can support it. Se\fect whether to use the TKIP or AES cipher. The AES cipher is the most secure, provided that a\f\f of your c\fients can support it. Enter the IP address of your RADIUS server. Enter the port used for your RADIUS server. Enter the Shared Secret/password for your RADIUS server. WPA Mode: C\fpher Type: RADIUS Server IP Address: RADIUS Server Port: RADIUS Server Shared Secret: If you choose WPA-Enterpr\fse, the fo\f\fowin\b options wi\f\f appe\uar:
29 D-Link DWR-921 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration W\f-F\f Protected Setup (WPS) To open the Wi-Fi Protected Setup pa\be, c\fick W\f-F\f Protected Setup. The Wi-Fi Protected Setup pa\be a\f\fows you to create a wire\fess connection between your router and a device automatica\f\fy by simp\fy pushin\b a b\uutton or enterin\b a PIN code. You can a\fso use Windows 7 to do initia\f confi\buration of your router by usin\b the Connect to a network wizard in Windows, and enterin\b the WPS PIN/AP PIN of the router when prompted. After modifyin\b any settin\bs, c\fick Save Sett\fngs to save your chan\bes.
30 D-Link DWR-921 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Se\fect whether you wou\fd \fike to enab\fe or disab\fe\u WPS features. If you use Windows 7’s Connect to a network wizard to do initia\f confi\buration of the router, you wi\f\f need to enter the WPS PIN/AP PIN into the wizard when prompted. The factory defau\ft WPS PIN/AP PIN is \uprinted on a \fabe\f \focated on the bottom of the router. You can c\fick the Generate New PIN button to chan\be it to a random\fy \benerated PIN. Se\fect whether the WPS confi\b mode shou\fd be \uset to Reg\fstrar or Enrollee. In most cases, this shou\fd be set \uto Reg\fstrar so that you can use WPS to connect new wire\fess c\fients. If this is set to CONFIGURED, the router wi\f\f be marked as “a\fready confi\bured” to computers that try to use WPS confi\buration, such as Windows 7’s Connect to a network wizard. You can c\fick the Release button to chan\be the status to UNCONFIGURED to a\f\fow for WPS confi\buration of the router. If this is set to UNCONFIGURED, you can c\fick the Set button to chan\be the status to CONFIGURED to b\fock WPS confi\buration of the router. This \fets you choose whether to use the Push Button connection method (PBC) or PIN method to connect to a wire\fess c\fient when the Tr\fgger button is c\ficked. If you choose the PIN method, you wi\f\f need to enter an 8-di\bit PIN number that the wire\fess c\fient need to use to connect to your router. This wi\f\f show the current WPS connection process status. C\fick the Tr\fgger button to initiate a WPS connection. WPS: AP PIN (also known as WPS PIN): Config Mode: Config Status: Config Method: WPS Status:
31 D-Link DWR-921 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration This section wi\f\f he\fp you to chan\be the interna\f network settin\bs of your router and to confi\bure the DHCP Server settin\bs. After modifyin\b any settin\bs, c\fick Save Sett\fngs to save your chan\bes. Network Sett\fngs Enter the IP address you want to use for the router. The defau\ft IP address is If you chan\be the IP addr\uess, you wi\f\f need to enter the new IP address in your browser to \bet into the confi\buration uti\fity. Enter the Subnet Mask of the router. The defau\ft subnet mas\uk is Enter the \foca\f domain \uname for your network. Router IP Address: Default Subnet Mask: Local Doma\fn Name: Router Sett\fngs
32 D-Link DWR-921 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Se\fect this box to enab\fe the DHCP se\urver on your router. Enter the ran\be of IPs for the DHCP server to use to assi\bn IP addresses to devices on your network. Enter \fease time for IP address assi\bnments. Enter the primary DNS IP Address that wi\f\f be assi\bned to DHCP c\fients. Enter the secondary DNS IP Address that wi\f\f be assi\bned to DHCP c\fients. Enter the primary WINS IP Address that wi\f\f be assi\bned to DHCP c\fients. Enter the secondary WINS IP Address that wi\f\f be assi\bned to DHCP c\fients. Enable DHCP Server: DHCP IP Address Range: DHCP Lease T\fme: Pr\fmary DNS IP Address: Secondary DNS IP Address: Pr\fmary WINS IP Address: Secondary WINS IP Address: DHCP Server Sett\fngs The DWR-921 has a bui\ft-in DHCP (Dynamic Host Contro\f Protoco\f) server. The DHCP server assi\bns IP addresses to devices on the network that request them. By defau\ft, the DHCP Server is enab\fed on the device. The DHCP address poo\f contains a ran\be of IP addresses, which is automatica\f\fy assi\bned to the c\fients on the network. After modifyin\b any settin\bs, c\fick Save Sett\fngs to save your chan\bes.
33 D-Link DWR-921 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Message Serv\fce If your ISP provides SMS service, you can check and se\und messa\bes from this pa\be. C\fick this button to view SMS messa\bes \uthat you have received. C\fick this button to create a new messa\be to send. SMS Inbox: Create Message: De\fetes the se\fected SMS messa\be. Opens a Create Messa\be window to rep\fy to the se\fected SMS messa\be. Opens a Create Messa\be windows to forward the se\fected SMS messa\be to another recipient. C\fick this button to check for new messa\bes. Delete: Reply: Forward: Refresh: SMS Inbox This pa\be shows a\f\f messa\bes that are stored on the SIM card. Se\fect a messa\be to disp\fay its contents in the SMS window. After you read it, you can de\fete it, or rep\fy to the sender. C\fick the Refresh button to update the \fist.
34 D-Link DWR-921 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Create Message This pa\be a\f\fows you to send an SMS to your contacts. Just fi\f\f in the phone number of the recipient, and type the content of messa\be. Then push the “Send Messa\be” button to send out this messa\be. If you wou\fd \fike to add more than one recipient, you must put a semico\fon (;) between each of the phone numbers\u. Type the phone number\u of the recipient. Type the messa\be that you wou\fd \fike to send. C\fick this button to send the messa\be. C\fick this button to c\fear the messa\be. Rece\fver: Text Message: Send Message: Cancel:
35 D-Link DWR-921 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Advanced The device can be confi\bured as a virtua\f server so that users can access services such as Web or FTP via the pub\fic (WAN) IP address of the router. You can a\fso a\f\fow the settin\bs to run on a specified schedu\fe. The Virtua\f Server function is a\fso known as Port Forwardin\b. After modifyin\b any settin\bs, c\fick Save Sett\fngs to save your chan\bes. This contains a \fist of pre-defined services. You can se\fect a service, se\fect a ru\fe ID, then c\fick the Copy to button to copy the defau\ft settin\bs f\uor that service to the specified ru\fe \uID. Specifies which ru\fe to copy the se\fected Well known serv\fce settin\bs to when you c\fick the Copy to button. Se\fect a schedu\fe to use and copy to the specified ru\fe \uID when you c\fick the Copy to button. You may se\fect Always On or use a specific sc\uhedu\fe that you have defined. To create and edit schedu\fes, p\fease refer to “Schedu\fes” on pa\be 55. Well-known Serv\fces: ID: Use schedule rule: V\frtual Server The ADVANCED pa\bes a\f\fow you to confi\bure the more advanced settin\bs of the router, such as Virtua\f Server(Port Forwardin\b), MAC and URL fi\fterin\b, and advanced wire\fess and network settin\bs. To view the Advanced confi\buration pa\bes, c\fick on ADVANCED at the top of the screen.