D-Link Router DWR-921 User Manual
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6 D-Link DWR-921 User Manua\f Section 2 - Insta\f\fation Connect to Your Network Installat\fon This section wi\f\f \buide you throu\bh the insta\f\fation process. P\facement of the router is very important. Do not p\face the router in an enc\fosed area such as a c\foset, cabinet, or in an attic or \bara\be. 1. Ensure that your DWR-921 4G LTE Router is disconnected and powered off. 2. Insert a standard (U)SIM card into the SIM card s\fot on the back of the router as indicated by the SIM card \fo\bo next to the s\fot. The \bo\fd contacts shou\fd face downwards. Caut\fon: A\fways unp\fu\b/power down the router before insta\f\fin\b or removin\b the SIM card. Never insert or remove the SIM card whi\fe the router is in use. 3. Insert your Internet/WAN network cab\fe into the WAN port on the back of the \urouter. Note: The 3G/4G connection can a\fso be used as a backup WAN. Once a backup is confi\bured, the router wi\f\f automatica\f\fy use 3G for the Internet connection if the Ethernet WAN is not avai\fab\fe. 4. Insert the Ethernet cab\fe into the LAN Port 1 on the back pane\f of the DWR-921 4G LTE Router and an avai\fab\fe Ethernet port on the network adapter in the computer you wi\f\f use to confi\bure the router. Note: The DWR-921 4G LTE Router LAN Ports are Auto-MDI/MDIX, so both \upatch and crossover Ethernet cab\fes can be us\ued. 5. Connect the power adapter to the socket on the back pane\f of your DWR-921 4G LTE Router. P\fu\b the other end of the power adapter into a wa\f\f out\fet or power strip and turn the device on. a. The Status LED wi\f\f \fi\bht up to indicate that power has been supp\fied\u to the router. b. The LEDs on the front pane\f wi\f\f flash on a\und off as the DWR-92\u1 4G LTE Router performs initia\fization and Internet connection processes. c. After a few moments, if a connection has been estab\fished, the fo\f\fowin\b LEDs wi\f\f turn so\fid \breen: Power, Status, WAN, WLAN, and any LAN Port LEDs that are connected computers or other devices.
7 D-Link DWR-921 User Manua\f Section 2 - Insta\f\fation W\freless Installat\fon Cons\fderat\fons The DWR-921 can be accessed usin\b a wire\fess connection from anywhere within the operatin\b ran\be of your wire\fess network. Keep in mind that the quantity, thickness, and \focation of wa\f\fs, cei\fin\bs, or other objects that the wire\fess si\bna\fs must pass throu\bh may \fimit the ran\be of the wire\fess si\bna\f. Ran\bes vary dependin\b on the types of materia\fs and back\bround RF (radio frequency) noise in your home or office. The key to maximizin\b the wire\fess ran\be is to fo\f\fow these basic \buide\fin\ues: 1. Minimize the number of wa\f\fs and cei\fin\bs between the D-Link router and other network devices. Each wa\f\f or cei\fin\b can reduce your adapter’s ran\be from 3 to 90 feet (1 to 30 meters). 2. Be aware of the direct \fine between network devices. A wa\f\f that is 1.5 feet thick (0.5 meters), at a 45-de\bree an\b\fe appears to be a\fmost 3 feet (1 meter) thick. At a 2-de\bree an\b\fe it \fooks over 42 feet (14 meters) thick. Position devices so that the si\bna\f wi\f\f trave\f strai\bht throu\bh a wa\f\f or cei\fin\b (instead of at an an\b\fe) for better reception. 3. Try to position access points, wire\fess routers, and computers so that the si\bna\f passes throu\bh open doorways and drywa\f\f. Materia\fs such as \b\fass, meta\f, brick, insu\fation, concrete, and water can affect wire\fess performance. Lar\be objects such as fish tanks, mirrors, fi\fe cabinets, meta\f doors, and a\fuminum studs \umay a\fso have a ne\bative effect on ran\be. 4. If you are usin\b 2.4 GHz cord\fess phones, make sure that the 2.4 GHz phone base is as far away from your wire\fess device as possib\fe. The base transmits a si\bna\f even if the phone is not in use. In some cases, cord\fess phones, X-10 wire\fess devices, and e\fectronic equipment such as cei\fin\b fans, fluorescent \fi\bhts, and home security systems may dramatica\f\fy de\brade wire\fess connectivity.
8 D-Link DWR-921 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Configurat\fon This section wi\f\f show you how to confi\bure your new D-Link mobi\fe router usin\b the web-based confi\buration uti\fity. Web-based Configurat\fon Ut\fl\fty To access the confi\buration uti\fity, open a web-browser such as Internet Exp\forer and enter the IP address of the router ( by defau\ft). To \fo\b in to the confi\buration uti\fity, enter adm\fn as the username, and then enter the password. By defau\ft, the password is b\fank. If you \bet a Page Cannot be D\fsplayed error, p\fease refer to the Troubleshoot\fng section for assistance. The confi\buration uti\fity wi\f\f open to the STATUS > DEVICE INFO pa\be. You can view different confi\buration pa\bes by c\fickin\b on the cate\bories at the top of the screen (SETUP/ADVANCED/ TOOLS/STATUS/SUPPORT), and then se\fectin\b a confi\buration pa\be from the bar on the \feft side. The fo\f\fowin\b pa\bes wi\f\f describe each section in detai\f, startin\b with the SETUP pa\bes.
9 D-Link DWR-921 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Setup This wizard wi\f\f \buide you throu\bh a step-by-step process to confi\bure your D-Link router to connect to the Internet. C\fick Next to continue. Note: Whi\fe usin\b the wizard, you can c\fick Prev to \bo back to the previous step, or you can c\fick Cancel to c\fose the wizard. Internet Connect\fon Setup W\fzard The SETUP pa\bes a\f\fow you to confi\bure your Internet and wire\fess settin\bs, as we\f\f as mana\be your SMS inbox. To view the Setup confi\buration pa\bes, c\fick on SETUP at the top of the screen. The Internet pa\be a\f\fows you to confi\bure how your router connects to the Internet. There are two ways to set up your Internet connection. You can c\fick on the Internet Connect\fon Setup W\fzard button to start a wizard that wi\f\f \buide you throu\bh settin\b up your Internet settin\bs. If you want to manua\f\fy confi\bure your settin\bs, c\fick Manual Internet Connect\fon Setup and skip to “Manua\f Internet Connection Setup” on pa\be 12. Internet
10 D-Link DWR-921 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Create a new password and then c\fick Next to continue. Se\fect the Internet connection type you use. The connection types are exp\fained on the fo\f\fowin\b pa\be. If you are unsure which connection type you shou\fd use, contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP). C\fick Prev to \bo back to the previous pa\be or c\fick\u Cancel to c\fose the wizard. Note: The DWR-921 has a WAN Fai\fover feature that a\f\fows the router to switch to a 3G/4G connection if the WAN connection is down or unavai\fab\fe. To confi\bure this feature, p\fease refer to “Internet Connection” on pa\be 12. Se\fect your time zone from the drop-down box and then c\fick Next to continue.
11 D-Link DWR-921 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Choose this if your Internet connection automatica\f\fy provides you with an IP Address. Most cab\fe modems use\u this type of connection. See “Dynamic IP (DHCP)” on pa\be 14 for information about how to confi\bure this type of connection. Choose this option i\uf your Internet connection requires a username and password to connect. Most DSL modems use this sty\fe of connection. See “PPPoE” on pa\be 15 for information about how to confi\bure this type of connection. Choose this option i\uf your Internet connection requires Point-to-Point Tunne\fin\b Protoco\f (PPTP). See “PPTP” on pa\be 17 for information about how to confi\bure this type of connection. Choose this option i\uf your Internet connection requires Layer 2 Tunne\fin\b Protoco\f (L2TP). See “L2TP” on pa\be 19 for information about how to confi\bure this type of connection. Choose this connection if you have insta\f\fed a SIM ca\urd into the DWR-921. See “3G/4G” on pa\be 20 for information about how to confi\bure this type of connection. Choose this option i\uf your Internet Service Provider provided you with IP Address information that has to be manua\f\fy confi\bured. See “Static IP” on pa\be 13 for information about how to confi\bure this type of connection. DHCP Connect\fon (Dynam\fc IP Address): Username / Password Connect\fon (PPPoE): Username / Password Connect\fon (PPTP): Username / Password Connect\fon (L2TP): 3G/4G Connect\fon: Stat\fc IP Address Connect\fon: The subsequent confi\buration pa\bes wi\f\f differ dependin\b on the \use\fection you make on this pa\be\u. After enterin\b the requested information,c\fick Next to continue. Note: If you are not sure what connection type to use or what settin\bs to enter, check with your Internet service provider. This comp\fetes the Internet Connection Setup Wizard. C\fick Connect to save your chan\bes and reboot the router.
12 D-Link DWR-921 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Manual Internet Connect\fon Setup To set up your Internet connection manua\f\fy, c\fick Manual Internet Connect\fon Setup. My Internet Connect\fon \fs: Host Name: Auto-Backup: Internet Host: Severa\f different Internet Connection types can be se\fected dependin\b upon the specifications of your Internet Service Provider (ISP). You can a\fso set up the Auto-Backup feature, which a\f\fows you to use a 3G/4G connection for your Internet connection if your main connection fai\fs. Internet Connect\fon Se\fect the Internet Connection type specified by your Internet Service Provider (ISP). The correspondin\b settin\bs wi\u\f\f be disp\fayed be\fow. P\fease see the fo\f\fowin\b pa\bes for detai\fs on how to confi\bure these different connection types. If the Internet Host you are usin\b for the Auto-Backup feature requires you to enter a Host Name, enter it here. In most cases, you may \feave this b\fank. When this box is checked, the router wi\f\f switch over to a 3G/4G connection if the Internet Host (specified \ube\fow) is unreachab\fe. Enter an IP address for the router to use to check if it is connected to the Internet. If Auto-Backup is enab\fed and th\ue IP address cannot be reached, the router wi\f\f switch over to a 3G/4G connection.
13 D-Link DWR-921 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Enter the IP address assi\bned to your network connection. Enter the subnet mask. Enter the defau\ft \bateway. Enter the primary DNS server. Enter the secondary DNS server. You may need to chan\be the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) for optima\f performance. The defau\ft va\fue is 1500. The defau\ft MAC Address is set to the Internet port’s physica\f interface MAC address on the Broadband Router. It is not recommended that you chan\be the defau\ft \uMAC address un\fess required by your ISP. You can use the Clone Your PC’s MAC Address button to rep\face the Internet port’s MAC address with the MAC address of your Ethernet card. IP Address: Subnet Mask: Default Gateway: Pr\fmary DNS Server: Secondary DNS Server: MTU: MAC Address: Choose this Internet connection if your ISP assi\bns you a static IP address. After modifyin\b any settin\bs, c\fick Save Sett\fngs to save your chan\bes. Stat\fc IP
14 D-Link DWR-921 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Dynam\fc IP (DHCP) This section wi\f\f he\fp you to obtain IP Address information automatica\f\fy from your ISP. Use this option if your ISP didn’t provide you with IP Address information and/or a username and password. After modifyin\b any settin\bs, c\fick Save Sett\fngs to save your chan\bes. (Optiona\f) Fi\f\f in with IP address of primary DNS server. (Optiona\f) Fi\f\f in with IP address of secondary DNS server. You may need to chan\be the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) for optima\f performance. The defau\ft va\fue is 1500. The defau\ft MAC Address is set to the Internet port’s physica\f interface MAC address on the Broadband Router. It is not recommended that you chan\be the defau\ft \uMAC address un\fess required by your ISP. You can use the Clone Your PC’s MAC Address button to rep\face the Internet port’s MAC address with the MAC address of your PC. This feature enab\fes this product to renew the WAN IP address automatica\f\fy when the \fease \utime has expired. Pr\fmary DNS Server: Secondary DNS Server: MTU (Max\fmum Transm\fss\fon Un\ft): MAC Address: Auto-reconnect:
15 D-Link DWR-921 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration PPPoE Choose this Internet connection if your ISP provides you with a PPPoE account. After modifyin\b any settin\bs, c\fick Save Sett\fngs to save your chan\bes. The username/account name that your ISP provides to you for PPPoE dia\f-up. Password that your ISP provides to you for PPPoE dia\f-up. Fi\f\f in with the same p\uassword in Password fie\fd. (Optiona\f) Fi\f\f in if provided by your ISP. Fi\f\f in if provided by your ISP. If not, keep the defau\ft va\fue. (Optiona\f) Fi\f\f in if provided by your ISP. If not, keep the defau\ft va\fue. (Optiona\f) Fi\f\f in if provided by your ISP. If not, keep the defau\ft va\fue. MAC address of WAN interface. You can a\fso copy MAC address of your PC to its WAN interface by c\fickin\b the Clone button. The amount of time of inactivity before disconnectin\b an estab\fished PPPoE session. Set it to zero or enab\fe Auto- reconnect wi\f\f disab\fe this feature. Username: Password: Ver\ffy Password: Serv\fce Name: IP Address: Pr\fmary DNS Server: Secondary DNS Server: MAC Address: Max\fmum Idle T\fme: