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Christie Projector J Series 2.0, 2.4, And 3.0kW User Manual

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Page 161

J Series 2.0, 2.4, and 3.0kW User ManualA-1020-100707-01  Rev. 1  (10-2011)
Appendix A: Menu Tree
A.1 J Series Menu Tree 

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A-2J Series 2.0, 2.4, and 3.0kW User Manual020-100707-01  Rev. 1   (10-2011)
Appendix A: Menu Tree 

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Appendix A: Menu Tree
J Series 2.0, 2.4, and 3.0kW User ManualA-3
020-100707-01 Rev.1 (10-2011)
Main Menu
1. Size & Position
2. Image Settings
3, Channel Setup
4. Configuration
5. Lamp
6. Status
7. Input Switching & PIP
8. Language
9. Test Pattern
Size & Position
1. Resize Presets
2. Size
3. Vertical Stretch
4. Pixel Track
5. Pixel Phase
6. H-Position
7. V-Position
8. Keep Aspect on Auto Setup
9. Blanking
Active Input Window
1. Top Blank
2. Bottom Blank
3. Left Blank
4. Right Blank

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Appendix A: Menu Tree
A-4J Series 2.0, 2.4, and 3.0kW User Manual
020-100707-01 Rev.1 (10-2011)
1. Language
2. Output Options
3. Lens Settings
4. Power Management
5. Date & Time
6. Menu Preferences
7. Communications
8. Geometry & Color
9. Diagnostics & Calibration
10. Service
11. Option Card Settings
Menu Preferences
1. Large Menu Font
2. Menu Location
3. Horizontal Shift
4. Vertical Shift
5. Display Automatic Message Boxes
6. Display User Message Boxes
7. Reserved
8. Display...

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Appendix A: Menu Tree
J Series 2.0, 2.4, and 3.0kW User ManualA-5
020-100707-01 Rev.1 (10-2011)
1. Language
2. Output Options
3. Lens Settings
4. Power Management
5. Date & Time
6. Menu Preferences
7. Communications
8. Geometry & Color
9. Diagnostics & Calibration
10. Service
11. Option Card Settings
Advanced Main Menu continued
Color Adjustments by X,Y
1. Select Color Adjustment
2. Color Temperature
Valid Color Space
3. Red X
4. Red Y
5. Green X
6. Green Y
7. Blue X
8. Blue Y...

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Appendix A: Menu Tree
A-6J Series 2.0, 2.4, and 3.0kW User Manual
020-100707-01 Rev.1 (10-2011) 

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J Series 2.0, 2.4, and 3.0kW User ManualB-1020-100707-01  Rev. 1  (10-2011)
Appendix B: GPIO
This section explains how to use a GPIO link from the projector to external equipment, such as devices for
3D synchronizing.
B.1 GPIO Port
The GPIO connector located on the input panel provides a 
flexible method of interfacing a wide range of external I/O 
devices to the projector. There are 7 GPIO pins available on 
the 9pin D-Sub GPIO connector, which are configurable via 
RS-232 commands. The other two pins...

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B-2J Series 2.0, 2.4, and 3.0kW User Manual020-100707-01  Rev. 1   (10-2011)
Appendix B: GPIO
Configuring the GPIO
The GPIO connector can be configured to automate any number of events using the serial command code GIO. 
Each Pin is defined as either an input or output depending on the desired outcome. Configure the pin as an 
input if you want the projector to respond to something the device does and as an output if you want the 
external device to respond to an action taken by the projector. For...

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J Series 2.0, 2.4, and 3.0kW User ManualC-1020-100707-01 Rev. 1 (10-2011)
Appendix C: DMX / ArtNet 
C.1 DMX and Real Time Events
What is DMX?
DMX is a standard for digital communication networks that are commonly used to control stage lighting and 
What is Real Time Events?
A real time event is a pre-recorded sequence of 1 or more serial commands which are executed when a defined 
trigger occurs. For example: 
• A trigger can be timed based (i.e. Saturday at 1:00pm; occurring every other week)

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C-2J Series 2.0, 2.4, and 3.0kW User Manual020-100707-01 Rev. 1 (10-2011)
Appendix C: DMX / ArtNet
C.1.1 DMX Channel Setup 
Each personality has a different number of channels:
•Setup Personality - 38 channels
•Show Personality - 18 channels
•ZAP VIP Projector Yoke Personality - 25 channels
It is very important to properly configure the base channel (depending on which personality is used) correctly. 
While the DMX specification allows for device overlapping, this may cause undesired results. Below is a...
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