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Casio Z1 Gr User Manual

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Page 121

  121  pow()  PURPOSE: Returns x to the power of y. FORMAT: double pow(x, y) double x,y; PARAMETERS:  1. x is a double precision floating-point number. 2. y is the power. EXPLANATION: 1. pow(x,y) is essentially computed using the method xy = exp(y * log(x)). This means that any negative x may generate a mathematical error, despite the fact that xy is mathematically valid. Example: (-8)1/3 generates an error. SEE: log(), log10()  sin()  PURPOSE: Returns the value of sine (parameter). FORMAT: double sin(x)...

Page 122

  122   tan()  PURPOSE: Returns the value of tangent (parameter). FORMAT: double tan(x) double x; PARAMETERS:  x must be within the ]-1440°, +1440°[ or [-8π , 8π Radians ] range.  EXPLANATION: 1. The unit of the parameter x is specified using the angle() function. 2. x must be different from 90° or 270° (π/2 or 3π/2 Radians). 3. The returned value is in the ]-1x10100, 10100[ range. SEE: angle(), atan()  tanh()  PURPOSE: Returns the value of hyperbolic tangent (parameter). FORMAT: double tanh(x) double x;...

Page 123

  123  6.3.2 String Functions The string functions are part of a standard library in ANSI C, and it is recommended to add the following comment at the beginning of your program: /* #include  */  strcat()  PURPOSE: Appends a source string after the destination string. FORMAT: char *strcat(dest, source) char *dest, *source; PARAMETERS:  1. Destination string. 2. Source string. EXPLANATION: 1. The source string stays untouched. 2. The destination string is modified by concatenation of the source string...

Page 124

  124  strcpy()  PURPOSE: Copies the source string into the destination string. FORMAT: char *strcpy(dest, source) char *dest, *source; PARAMETERS:  1. Destination string. 2. Source string. EXPLANATION: 1. The source string stays untouched. 2. The content of the source string is copied to the memory pointed by the destination string parameter. Note that no control is made on the memory available for the destination string. Using strcpy() without enough memory booked for the destination string may result...

Page 125

  125  6.3.3 Graphical Functions  clrscr()  PURPOSE: Clears display and moves cursor to upper left of screen FORMAT: void clrscr() ;   getpixel()  PURPOSE: Returns the status of a pixel FORMAT: int getpixel(x, y) unsigned int x, y; PARAMETERS: (x, y) is a graphic coordinate. 1. x should be in the [0, 191] range. 2. y should be in the [0, 63] range. EXPLANATION: Value returned is 1 if the pixel is active (black), 0 if the pixel is inactive.  line()  PURPOSE: Draws a line segment between two graphic...

Page 126

  126  6.4 C Commands Index  abort 112 if 113 abs 118 inp  acos, asin, atan 118 inport  acosh, asinh, atanh 118 int  angle 118 line 125 auto  linec 125 beep  log, log10 120 break 115 long  breakpt 112 main  call  malloc  calloc  out  case 116 outport  char  pow 121 clearerr  printf  clrscr 125 putc  const  putchar  continue 115 puts  cos 119 register  cosh 120 return  default 116 scanf  do 114 short  double  signed  else 113 sin 121 enum  sinh 121 exit 112 sizeof  exp 120 sprintf  extern  sqrt 121 fflush...
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