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Casio Z1 Gr User Manual

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Page 111

  111  6.3 C Command Reference 6.3.1 Manual Commands  RUN  PURPOSE: Execution of a C program. EXAMPLE: RUN run RUN>”PRN:” PARAMETERS:  You can specify the output console being the printer instead of the screen. EXPLANATION: Execution starts at the beginning of the main() function of the program currently loaded.  EDIT  PURPOSE: Writing or editing a C program. EXAMPLE: EDIT edit EXPLANATION: Enters the editor and opens the program area F 0-9 currently selected.  TRON  PURPOSE: Entering the TRACE mode for...

Page 112

  112 6.3.1 Fundamental commands  abort()  PURPOSE: Program termination. FORMAT: void abort(); EXPLANATION: 1. Calling abort() function will cause the program to terminate immediately, indicating an unsuccessful termination. 2. The following may occur: file buffers are not flushed, streams are not closed, and temporary files are not deleted. 3. In ANSI C, abort() function is part of library stdlib.  exit()  PURPOSE: Program termination. FORMAT: void exit(); EXPLANATION: 1. Calling exit() function will...

Page 113

  113  if() else  PURPOSE: Executes one statement when the specified condition is true (not zero). A second optional statement following the “else” is executed when the specified condition is false (0). FORMAT: if (condition) statement 1 else statement 2 PARAMETERS:  Condition can be any variable or expression that will be considered true if not 0. EXPLANATION: 1. The most simple conditional structure is: if (condition) statement. statement is executed only if condition is true (not 0) 2. You can add the...

Page 114

  114  while()  PURPOSE: Executes repeatedly a statement as long as the specified condition is true (not zero). . FORMAT: while (condition) statement PARAMETERS:  Condition can be any variable or expression that will be considered true if not 0. EXPLANATION: 1. The “while” loop first executes the condition. If the condition is met (true, returning a value other than 0), the statement is executed, and execution loops back to the “while” loop to evaluate the condition again. 2. Whenever the condition is...

Page 115

  115  for()  PURPOSE: Executes repeatedly a statement as long as the specified condition is true (not zero). FORMAT: for (expression 1; condition; expression 2) statement PARAMETERS:  1. expression 1 sets initial state. 2. condition allows the loop to repeat. 3. expression 2 is executed after the statement. EXPLANATION: 1. First, expression 1 is executed on first pass only (initialization). 2. Then, condition is evaluated. If true (not 0), the statement is executed. If false, loop ends. 3. After...

Page 116

  116  switch() case default  PURPOSE: executes various statements depending on the value of the parameter. FORMAT: switch (expression) { [case constant i: statement i ]; default: statement; }; PARAMETERS:  1. expression must be an integer type (char, int, long, signed or unsigned). 2. constant i (there is no limit to the number of “case: constant i” statements) is a constant from the same type as expression. EXPLANATION: 1. expression is evaluated, and compared to each constant. 2. If a constant matches...

Page 117

  117  goto  PURPOSE: Branches unconditionally to a specified destination label. FORMAT: goto label; PARAMETERS: label is the name of a label defined within the same function. EXPLANATION: 1. the goto statement and label concept are similar to the ones used in BASIC. 2. a label is defined writing an identifier followed by a colon. 3. it is possible and recommended to avoid using the goto statement in a C program.  

Page 118

  118  6.3.1 Mathematical Functions The math functions are part of a standard library in ANSI C, and it is recommended to add the following comment at the beginning of your program: /* #include  */  abs()  PURPOSE: Returns the absolute value of an integer. FORMAT: int abs(n) int n;  angle()  PURPOSE: Specifies the unit of angular measurement. FORMAT: void angle(n) unsigned int n; PARAMETERS:  n = 0: unit = Degrees. n = 1: unit = Radians. n = 3: unit = Grads SEE: sin(), cos(), tan(), asin(), acos(),...

Page 119

  119   asinh()  PURPOSE: Returns the value for which hyperbolic sine (value) = parameter. FORMAT: double asinh(x) double x; PARAMETERS:  x must be within the ]-5x1099, 5x1099[ range EXPLANATION: 1. The mathematical formula for reverse hyperbolic sine is: asinh(x) = ln ( x + √  ) where ln is the natural logarithm. 2. The returned value is in the [-230.2585092, +230.2585092] range. SEE: sinh(), log()  atan()  PURPOSE: Returns the angle value for which tangent (angle value) = parameter. FORMAT: double...

Page 120

  120  cosh()  PURPOSE: Returns the value of hyperbolic cosine (parameter). FORMAT: double cosh(x) double x; PARAMETERS:  x must be within the [-230.2585092, +230.2585092] range. EXPLANATION: 1. The mathematical formula for hyperbolic cosine is: cosh(x) = (ex + e-x) / 2 where e is 2.7182818284590452353602874713526... 2. The returned value is in the [-1, 5x1099[ range. SEE: acosh(), log()  exp()  PURPOSE: Returns the value of e(parameter). FORMAT: double exp(x) double x; PARAMETERS:  x must be within the...
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