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Canon network camera VBC50FSi User Manual

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Page 101

VB Administration Tools
● You can only set one type of Special Day per day.
● You can set one Special Day a maximum of 32 times.
● You can also set up a Schedule by right-clicking on a date on the calend\
● You can add, delete, edit and delete all from the Special Day List dialo\
g box by
clicking the Special Day List button.
Setting Up a Special Schedule
○○○○○○To Make Settings...
1. With the Special Schedule displayed, select from the Special Day selecti\
box the Special Day you want to...

Page 102

6. Display the Service tab and enter settings for the services.
For more information about the services you can set, please see page 4-2\
●The Service Setting screen can also be displayed by clicking a button on\
 the toolbar
for each service.
● A setting number entered from the Service Setting tab in the Schedule Se\
screen cannot be changed in each Service Setting screen.
3. Double-click the sub-schedule track.
The Special Schedule Settings dialog box appears.
Enter settings for the...

Page 103

VB Administration Tools
Schedule Setting Tool
7. When you have completed setting the sub-
schedule tracks, click “OK” button.
If you want to set two or more special days, select
another special day from the Special Day selection
box, and make settings in the same way.
○○○○○○○○○Continued on the following page.  a
●An icon for the service you have set up appears in the schedule track in\
 the calendar.
However, where the schedule track is short, it may be that not all of ic\
ons are

Page 104

●If you have set up a Normal Schedule (→ P.4-24) and a Special Schedule with the same
start and end time, the Special Schedule will have priority over the Nor\
mal Schedule.
● If you want to execute a Special day schedule on the same month and day \
year, right-click the Special Day registered on the date in the monthly \
and select “Every Year”. When you have done so, the Special Day on\
 the calendar
is displayed in red.
● You cannot set “Every Year” on 29 February of a leap...

Page 105

VB Administration Tools
Setting Up Service
Set up the services to be performed in the schedules.
To open the settings screen for each service, in the
“Service” tab in the Schedule Setting screen, select the
service you want to set up, select a setting number and
click “Detail”.
There are 5 types of services you can set up.
● Timer:  Records pictures and audio* into the VB-C50FSi/VB-C50Fi and performs Aud\
io Playback*
at specified times. ( → P.4-34).
● Motion Detection:  When part of an image...

Page 106

Timer Setting Tool
The section below describes the “Picture Recording” function that \
takes still images and records
audio* at specified times and records them in the VB-C50FSi/VB-C50Fi. It also\
 describes the
“Audio Playback” function that plays back audio.
* Only available with a particular model of the VB-C50FSi (→ P.iii)
Timer Setting Tool Display Screen
q “Load Settings” button
Loads the timer settings currently set in the VB-C50FSi/VB-C50Fi.
w “Save Settings” button
Saves the timer settings...

Page 107

VB Administration Tools
Schedule Setting Tool
i Repetition Interval
Sets the interval between repeated image recording. Repetition Interval \
can be set to a maximum
of 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds. If you set Repetition Interval t\
o 0, a still image is only
recorded once at the start of the scheduled time.
o Disable movement to the home position and auto preset tour
Check to deactivate movement to home position and Preset Tour during pic\
ture recording.
You can only enter a tick if a...

Page 108

Setting Up Picture Recording
○○○○○○To Make Settings...
1. With the Schedule Setting Tool, open the Timer Setting Tool.
In the Service tab of the Schedule Setting screen for a Normal or Specia\
l Schedule, check
“Timer”, select a setting number and click the “Detail” butt\
on (→ P.4-33) .
2. Check “Capture still images” and set “Camera Preset”, “Ca\
mera Stabilization
Time”, “Repetition Interval”, “Disable movement to the home \
position and
auto preset tour”, 
“Enable audio recording concurrently...

Page 109

VB Administration Tools
Motion Detection Setting Tool
The section below describes the motion detection function which records \
pictures, sends data to
external devices and records data in the log when there is a variation i\
n all or part of the picture
resulting from objects moving around.
q “Load Settings” button
Loads the motion detection settings currently set in the VB-C50FSi/VB-C5\
w “Save Settings” button
Saves the current motion detection settings edited using this tool to th\

Page 110

tCamera Selection box
For selecting a camera.
y Viewer
For picture display and camera control in the same way as a normal viewe\
u Motion detection area frame
Displays with a dotted frame the area within which motion is to be detec\
ted. The frame can be
reshaped and moved by dragging the mouse.
i “Rec. Start” button
Starts recording of the picture.
o Setting number selection box
Select the number of the setting you want to use.
! 0Settings tabs (Camera, Area, Recording, Output, Audio/Tracking)...
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