Candy Go4 127 Df User Instructions
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9 9 99 9 4,5 4,5 4,5 2,5 2 1,5 - - - 9 3,5 2,5 TEMP.°C90° 60°60° 40° 30° 50° 40° 30° 40° 30°30° - - - 40° 40° 30° TABELLA PROGRAMMI Tessuti r esistenti Cotone, lino, canapa Cotone, misti resistenti Cotone, mistiTessuti misti esintetici Sintetici (Nylon Perlon) misti di cotone Misti, sintetici delicatiTessuti delica ti Biancheria in lana Sintetici (Dralon,Acrylico, Trevira) 21●● ●● ●●● ●● ●● ●● ●● ●● ●● ●● ●● ● ●● ●● ●●CARICO DETERSIVO PROGRAMMA PER:Speciali Bianchi Colorati resistenti con...
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42 43 CAPÍTULO 7 PT TABELA DE PROGRAMAS DE LAVAGEM Observações importantes *) Capacitade máxima de roupa seca, de acordo com o modelo usado (verifique a placa de identificação Se pretender lavar roupa interior muito suja, será recomendável não carregar a máquina com mais de 3/4 kg de roupa. Em todos os programas, é possível regular a velocidade da centrifugação de acordo com as recomendações de lavagem indicadas na roupa. Se a etiqueta não trouxerqualquer indicação, pode usar-se a centrifugação à...
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44 45 Notas a considerar: * La máxima capacidad de carga de colada seca, varía según el modelo seleccionado de lavadora (ver tarjeta de datos del modelo). En caso de ropa con un alto grado de suciedad, se aconseja la reducción de la carga a máximo 3/4 kg. ** Programas según normas CENELEC EN 60456. En todos los programas es posible regular la velocidad de centrifugado según el consejo del fabricante de la prenda. Si la etiqueta no posee ninguna indicación se puede centrifugar a lamáxima velocidad...
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9 9 99 9 4,5 4,5 4,5 2,5 2 1,5 - - - 9 3,5 2,5 TEMP.°C90° 60°60° 40° 30° 50° 40° 30° 40° 30°30° - - - 40° 40° 30° 21●● ●● ●●● ●● ●● ●● ●● ●● ●● ●● ●● ● ●● ●● ●● Specials ** 46 47 8 8 88 8 4 4 4 2,5 2 1,5 - - - 8 3,5 2,5 7 7 77 7 3,5 3,5 3,5 2 1 1 - - - 7 3 2 EN CHAPTER 7 TABLE OF PROGRAMMES Resistant fabrics Cotton, linen Cotton, mixed resistant Cotton, mixed Mixed fabrics and syntheticsSynthetics (nylon, perlon), mixed cotton Mixed, delicate synthetics Very delicate fabrics CHARGE DETERGENT...
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48 EN 49 CHAPTER 8SELECTIONFor the various types of fabrics and various degrees of dirt thewashing machine has 4different programme bandsaccording to: wash cycle,temperature and lenght ofcycle (see table of washingcycle programmes). 1 RESISTANTS FABRICS The programmes have beendesigned for a maximum washand the rinses, with spinintervals, ensure perfect rinsing.The final spin gives moreefficient removal of water. 2 MIXED AND SYNTHETIC FABRICS The main wash and the rinsegives best results thanks to...
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50 EN 51 4. SPECIALS SPECIAL “RINSE” PROGRAMMEThis programme carries outthree rinses with aintermediate spin (whichcan be excluded by usingthe correct button). It canbe used for rinsing any typeof fabric, eg. use after hand-washing. This program can be also used as cycle of Bleaching(see table of washing cycleprogrammes). SPECIAL “FAST SPIN” PROGRAMMEProgramme “FAST SPIN”carries out a maximum spin(which can be reduced byusing the correct button). DRAIN ONLY This programme drains outthe water. IT 4....
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52 53 EN “MIX & WASH SYSTEM” PROGRAMME This is an exclusive Candy system and involves 2 greatadvantages for theconsumer: • to be able to wash together different type offabrics (e.g. cotton +synthetic etc…) FAST COLOUREDS ; •to wash with a considerable energysaving. The Mix & Wash programme has atemperature of 40°C andalternate dynamic phases(the basket that turns) tostatic phases (fabrics in soakin phase of rest) with aduration programme thatalmost reaching the 2 hours.The energy consumption...
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54 55 DAILY WASH 40°C – FAST 44’ A complete washing cycle (wash, rinse and spin), able towash in approximately 44minutes: - a maximum load of 3/3,5 kg;- lightly soiled fabrics (cotton and mixed fabrics) We recommend, with this programme, a 30% detergentloading dose (compared tothe normal one), in order toavoid detergent waste. DAILY WASH 30°C – FAST 32’ A complete washing cycle (wash, rinse and spin), able towash in approximately 32minutes: - a maximum load of 2/2,5 kg;- lightly soiled fabrics (cotton...
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56 57 IT CAPITOLO 9CASSETT O DETERSIV O Il cassetto detersivo è suddiviso in 3 vaschette: – la vaschetta contrassegnata con “ 1” serve per ildetersivo del prelavaggio; – la vaschetta contrassegnata con“ ✿ ✿ ”, serve per additivi speciali,ammorbidenti, profumiinamidanti, azzurranti, ecc. – la vaschetta contrassegnata con “ 2” serve per il detersivo dilavaggio. Se si desidera adoperare detersivi liquidi, va introdottal’apposita vaschetta indotazione nello scompartocontrassegnato con “2” del...
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IT EN 58 59 CAPITOLO 10IL PRODO TTO ATTENZIONE: se deve lavare tappetoni,copriletti o altri indumentipesanti é bene noncentrifugare. Indumenti e biancheria di lana, per poter essere lavatiin lavatrice, devono esserecontrassegnati con ilsimbolo “Pura Lana Vergine”e avere inoltre l’indicazione“Non infeltrisce” oppure“Lavabile in lavatrice”.ATTENZIONE: Durante la selezione siassicuri che:- nella biancheria da lavare non vi sianooggetti metallici (adesempio fermagli, spilledi sicurezza, spilli,monete,...