Bosch Gws 20230 H Manual
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12 | Deutsch 1 609 92A 2C6 | (21.10.16)Bosch Power Tools Topfbürste/Scheibenbürste Montieren Sie für Arbeiten mit der Topfbürste oder Scheibenbürste immer den Handschutz 18. Die Reihenfolge der Montage ist auf der Grafikseite ersicht- lich. Die Topfbürste/Scheibenbürste muss sich so weit auf die Schleifspindel schrauben lassen, dass sie am Schleifspindel- flansch am Ende des Schleifspindelgewindes fest anliegt. Spannen Sie die Topfbürste/Scheibenbürste mit einem Ga- belschlüssel fest. Schleiftopf Montieren Sie für Arbeiten mit dem Schleiftopf die spe- zielle Schutzhaube 15. Der Schleiftopf 16 sollte immer nur soweit aus der Schutz- haube 15 ragen, wie dies für den jeweiligen Bearbeitungsfall unbedingt erforderlich ist. Stellen Sie die Schutzhaube 15 auf dieses Maß ein. Die Reihenfolge der Montage ist auf der Grafikseite ersicht- lich. Schrauben Sie die Spannmutter 9 auf und ziehen Sie diese mit dem gekröpften Zweilochschlüssel 17 fest. Schnellspannmutter Zum einfachen Schleifwerkzeugwechsel ohne die Verwen- dung weiterer Werkzeuge können Sie anstatt der Spannmut- ter 9 die Schnellspannmutter 11 verwenden. Die Schnellspannmutter 11 darf nur für Schleif- oder Trennscheiben verwendet werden. Verwenden Sie nur eine einwandfreie, unbeschädigte Schnellspannmutter 11. Achten Sie beim Aufschrauben darauf, dass die beschrif- tete Seite der Schnellspannmutter 11 nicht zur Schleif- scheibe zeigt; der Pfeil muss auf die Indexmarke 27 zei- gen. Drücken Sie die Spindel-Ar- retiertaste 1, um die Schleif- spindel festzustellen. Um die Schnellspannmutter festzu- ziehen, drehen Sie die Schleifscheibe kräftig im Uhr- zeigersinn.Eine ordnungsgemäß befes- tigte, unbeschädigte Schnell- spannmutter können Sie durch Drehen des Rändelrin- ges entgegen dem Uhrzeiger- sinn von Hand lösen. Lösen Sie eine festsitzende Schnellspannmutter nie mit einer Zange, sondern ver- wenden Sie den Zweiloch- schlüssel. Setzen Sie den Zweilochschlüssel wie im Bild gezeigt an. Zulässige Schleifwerkzeuge Sie können alle in dieser Betriebsanleitung genannten Schleifwerkzeuge verwenden. Die zulässige Drehzahl [min -1] bzw. Umfangsgeschwindigkeit [m/s] der verwendeten Schleifwerkzeuge muss den Angaben in der nachfolgenden Tabelle mindestens entsprechen. Beachten Sie deshalb die zulässige Drehzahl bzw. Umfangs- geschwindigkeit auf dem Etikett des Schleifwerkzeuges. Getriebekopf drehen Ziehen Sie vor allen Arbeiten am Elektrowerkzeug den Netzstecker aus der Steckdose. Sie können den Getriebe- kopf in 90 °-Schritten dre- hen. Dadurch kann der Ein-/Ausschalter für be- sondere Arbeitsfälle in ei- ne günstigere Handha- bungsposition gebracht werden, z. B. für Trennar- beiten mit der Absaug- haube mit Führungs- schlitten 24 oder für Linkshänder. Drehen Sie die 4 Schrauben ganz heraus. Schwenken Sie den Getriebekopf vorsichtig und ohne vom Gehäuse abzuneh- men in die neue Position. Ziehen Sie die 4 Schrauben wieder fest. 27 max. [mm][mm] Dbd[min-1][m/s] 180 2308 822,2 22,28500 650080 80 180 230––8500 650080 80 100 30 M 14 8500 45 D D bd Page 12 Friday, October 21, 2016 1:54 PM

Deutsch | 13 Bosch Power Tools1 609 92A 2C6 | (21.10.16) Staub-/Späneabsaugung Stäube von Materialien wie bleihaltigem Anstrich, einigen Holzarten, Mineralien und Metall können gesundheits- schädlich sein. Berühren oder Einatmen der Stäube kön- nen allergische Reaktionen und/oder Atemwegserkran- kungen des Benutzers oder in der Nähe befindlicher Personen hervorrufen. Bestimmte Stäube wie Eichen- oder Buchenstaub gelten als krebserzeugend, besonders in Verbindung mit Zusatz- stoffen zur Holzbehandlung (Chromat, Holzschutzmittel). Asbesthaltiges Material darf nur von Fachleuten bearbeitet werden. – Benutzen Sie möglichst eine für das Material geeignete Staubabsaugung. – Sorgen Sie für gute Belüftung des Arbeitsplatzes. – Es wird empfohlen, eine Atemschutzmaske mit Filter- klasse P2 zu tragen. Beachten Sie in Ihrem Land gültige Vorschriften für die zu bearbeitenden Materialien. Vermeiden Sie Staubansammlungen am Arbeitsplatz. Stäube können sich leicht entzünden. Betrieb Inbetriebnahme Beachten Sie die Netzspannung! Die Spannung der Stromquelle muss mit den Angaben auf dem Typen- schild des Elektrowerkzeuges übereinstimmen. Mit 230 V gekennzeichnete Elektrowerkzeuge können auch an 220 V betrieben werden. Beim Betrieb des Elektrowerkzeuges an mobilen Stromerzeu- gern (Generatoren), die nicht über ausreichende Leistungsre- serven bzw. über keine geeignete Spannungsregelung mit An- laufstromverstärkung verfügen, kann es zu Leistungseinbußen oder untypischem Verhalten beim Ein- schalten kommen. Bitte beachten Sie die Eignung des von Ihnen eingesetzten Stromerzeugers, insbesondere hinsichtlich Netzspannung und -frequenz. Ein-/Ausschalten Schieben Sie zur Inbetriebnahme des Elektrowerkzeuges den Ein-/Ausschalter 2 nach vorn und drücken Sie ihn an- schließend. Zum Feststellen des gedrückten Ein-/Ausschalters 2 schie- ben Sie den Ein-/Ausschalter 2 weiter nach vorn. Um das Elektrowerkzeug auszuschalten, lassen Sie den Ein-/Ausschalter 2 los bzw. wenn er arretiert ist, drücken Sie den Ein-/Ausschalter 2 kurz und lassen ihn dann los. Um Energie zu sparen, schalten Sie das Elektrowerkzeug nur ein, wenn Sie es benutzen. Schalterausführung ohne Arretierung (länderspezifisch): Schieben Sie zur Inbetriebnahme des Elektrowerkzeuges den Ein-/Ausschalter 2 nach vorn und drücken Sie ihn an- schließend.Um das Elektrowerkzeug auszuschalten, lassen Sie den Ein-/Ausschalter 2 los. Überprüfen Sie die Schleifwerkzeuge vor dem Ge- brauch. Das Schleifwerkzeug muss einwandfrei mon- tiert sein und sich frei drehen können. Führen Sie einen Probelauf von mindestens 1 Minute ohne Belastung durch. Verwenden Sie keine beschädigten, unrunden oder vibrierenden Schleifwerkzeuge. Beschädigte Schleifwerkzeuge können zerbersten und Verletzungen verursachen. Arbeitshinweise Vorsicht beim Schlitzen in tragende Wände, siehe Ab- schnitt „Hinweise zur Statik “. Spannen Sie das Werkstück ein, sofern es nicht durch sein Eigengewicht sicher liegt. Belasten Sie das Elektrowerkzeug nicht so stark, dass es zum Stillstand kommt. Lassen Sie das Elektrowerkzeug nach starker Belas- tung noch einige Minuten im Leerlauf laufen, um das Einsatzwerkzeug abzukühlen. Fassen Sie Schleif- und Trennscheiben nicht an, bevor sie abgekühlt sind. Die Scheiben werden beim Arbeiten sehr heiß. Benutzen Sie das Elektrowerkzeug nicht mit einem Trennschleifständer. Halten Sie das Gerät nur an den isolierten Griffflächen 26 und am Zusatzgriff 3, wenn Sie Arbeiten ausführen, bei denen das Einsatzwerkzeug verborgene Stromlei- tungen oder das eigene Netzkabel treffen kann. Der Kontakt mit einer spannungsführenden Leitung kann auch metallene Geräteteile unter Spannung setzen und zu ei- nem elektrischen Schlag führen. Hinweis: Ziehen Sie bei Nichtgebrauch den Netzstecker aus der Steckdose. Das Elektrowerkzeug hat bei eingestecktem Netzstecker und vorhandener Netzspannung auch ausge- schaltet einen geringen Stromverbrauch. Schruppschleifen Verwenden Sie niemals Trennscheiben zum Schrupp- schleifen. Mit einem Anstellwinkel von 30 ° bis 40 ° erhalten Sie beim Schruppschleifen das beste Arbeitsergebnis. Bewegen Sie das Elektrowerkzeug mit mäßigem Druck hin und her. Da- durch wird das Werkstück nicht zu heiß, verfärbt sich nicht, und es gibt keine Rillen. Fächerschleifscheibe Mit der Fächerschleifscheibe (Zubehör) können Sie auch ge- wölbte Oberflächen und Profile bearbeiten. Fächerschleifscheiben haben eine wesentlich längere Le- bensdauer, geringere Geräuschpegel und niedrigere Schleif- temperaturen als herkömmliche Schleifscheiben. Page 13 Friday, October 21, 2016 1:54 PM

14 | Deutsch 1 609 92A 2C6 | (21.10.16)Bosch Power Tools Trennen von Metall Verwenden Sie beim Trennen mit gebundenen Schleif- mitteln immer die Schutzhaube zum Trennen 13. Arbeiten Sie beim Trennschleifen mit mäßigem, dem zu bear- beitenden Material angepassten Vorschub. Üben Sie keinen Druck auf die Trennscheibe aus, verkanten oder oszillieren Sie nicht. Bremsen Sie auslaufende Trennscheiben nicht durch seitli- ches Gegendrücken ab. Das Elektrowerkzeug muss stets im Gegenlauf geführt werden. Es be- steht sonst die Gefahr, dass es unkontrolliert aus dem Schnitt ge- drückt wird. Beim Trennen von Profilen und Vierkantrohren setzen Sie am besten am kleinsten Querschnitt an. Trennen von Stein Sorgen Sie beim Trennen in Stein für eine ausreichen- de Staubabsaugung. Tragen Sie eine Staubschutzmaske. Das Elektrowerkzeug darf nur für Trockenschnitt/Tro- ckenschliff verwendet werden. Verwenden Sie zum Trennen von Stein am besten eine Dia- mant-Trennscheibe. Bei Verwendung der Absaughaube zum Trennen mit Füh- rungsschlitten 24 muss der Staubsauger zum Absaugen von Steinstaub zugelassen sein. Bosch bietet geeignete Staub- sauger an. Schalten Sie das Elek- trowerkzeug ein und setzen Sie es mit dem vorderen Teil des Füh- rungsschlittens auf das Werkstück. Schieben Sie das Elektrowerkzeug mit mäßigem, dem zu bearbeitenden Material angepasstem Vorschub. Beim Trennen besonders harter Werkstoffe, z. B. Beton mit hohem Kieselgehalt, kann die Diamant-Trennscheibe überhit- zen und dadurch beschädigt werden. Ein mit der Diamant- Trennscheibe umlaufender Funkenkranz weist deutlich dar- auf hin.Unterbrechen Sie in diesem Fall den Trennvorgang und lassen Sie die Diamant-Trennscheibe im Leerlauf bei höchster Dreh- zahl kurze Zeit laufen, um sie abzukühlen. Merklich nachlassender Arbeitsfortschritt und ein umlaufen- der Funkenkranz sind Anzeichen für eine stumpf gewordene Diamant-Trennscheibe. Sie können diese durch kurze Schnit- te in abrasivem Material, z. B. Kalksandstein, wieder schär- fen. Hinweise zur Statik Schlitze in tragenden Wänden unterliegen der Norm DIN 1053 Teil 1 oder länderspezifischen Festlegungen. Diese Vorschriften sind unbedingt einzuhalten. Ziehen Sie vor Arbeitsbeginn den verantwortlichen Statiker, Architekten oder die zuständige Bauleitung zurate. Wartung und Service Wartung und Reinigung Ziehen Sie vor allen Arbeiten am Elektrowerkzeug den Netzstecker aus der Steckdose. Halten Sie das Elektrowerkzeug und die Lüftungs- schlitze sauber, um gut und sicher zu arbeiten. Verwenden Sie bei extremen Einsatzbedingungen nach Möglichkeit immer eine Absauganlage. Blasen Sie die Lüftungsschlitze häufig aus und schalten Sie einen Fehlerstrom-Schutzschalter (PRCD) vor. Bei der Bear- beitung von Metallen kann sich leitfähiger Staub im Innern des Elektrowerkzeugs absetzen. Die Schutzisolierung des Elektrowerkzeugs kann beeinträchtigt werden. Lagern und behandeln Sie das Zubehör sorgfältig. Wenn ein Ersatz der Anschlussleitung erforderlich ist, dann ist dies von Bosch oder einer autorisierten Kundendienststel- le für Bosch-Elektrowerkzeuge auszuführen, um Sicherheits- gefährdungen zu vermeiden. Kundendienst und Anwendungsberatung Der Kundendienst beantwortet Ihre Fragen zu Reparatur und Wartung Ihres Produkts sowie zu Ersatzteilen. Explosions- zeichnungen und Informationen zu Ersatzteilen finden Sie auch unter: Das Bosch-Anwendungsberatungs-Team hilft Ihnen gerne bei Fragen zu unseren Produkten und deren Zubehör., das Internetportal für Handwer- ker und Heimwerker. Geben Sie bei allen Rückfragen und Ersatzteilbestellungen bitte unbedingt die 10-stellige Sachnummer laut Typenschild des Produkts an. Page 14 Friday, October 21, 2016 1:54 PM

English | 15 Bosch Power Tools1 609 92A 2C6 | (21.10.16) Deutschland Robert Bosch Power Tools GmbH Servicezentrum Elektrowerkzeuge Zur Luhne 2 37589 Kalefeld – Willershausen Unter können Sie online Ersatzteile be- stellen oder Reparaturen anmelden. Kundendienst: Tel.: (0711) 40040460 Fax: (0711) 40040461 E-Mail: [email protected] Anwendungsberatung: Tel.: (0711) 40040460 Fax: (0711) 40040462 E-Mail: [email protected] Österreich Unter können Sie online Ersatzteile bestel- len. Tel.: (01) 797222010 Fax: (01) 797222011 E-Mail: [email protected] Schweiz Unter können Sie online Ersatz- teile bestellen. Tel.: (044) 8471511 Fax: (044) 8471551 E-Mail: [email protected] Luxemburg Tel.: +32 2 588 0589 Fax: +32 2 588 0595 E-Mail: [email protected] Entsorgung Elektrowerkzeuge, Zubehör und Verpackungen sollen einer umweltgerechten Wiederverwertung zugeführt werden. Werfen Sie Elektrowerkzeuge nicht in den Hausmüll! Nur für EU-Länder: Gemäß der Europäischen Richtlinie 2012/19/EU über Elektro- und Elektronik- Altgeräte und ihrer Umsetzung in nationales Recht müssen nicht mehr gebrauchsfähige Elektrowerkzeuge getrennt gesammelt und einer umweltgerechten Wiederverwertung zugeführt werden. Änderungen vorbehalten. English Safety Notes General Power Tool Safety Warnings Read all safety warnings and all instruc- tions. Failure to follow the warnings and instructions may result in electric shock, fire and/or serious injury. Save all warnings and instructions for future reference. The term “power tool” in the warnings refers to your mains- operated (corded) power tool or battery-operated (cordless) power tool. Work area safety Keep work area clean and well lit. Cluttered or dark areas invite accidents. Do not operate power tools in explosive atmospheres, such as in the presence of flammable liquids, gases or dust. Power tools create sparks which may ignite the dust or fumes. Keep children and bystanders away while operating a power tool. Distractions can cause you to lose control. Electrical safety Power tool plugs must match the outlet. Never modify the plug in any way. Do not use any adapter plugs with earthed (grounded) power tools. Unmodified plugs and matching outlets will reduce risk of electric shock. Avoid body contact with earthed or grounded surfaces, such as pipes, radiators, ranges and refrigerators. There is an increased risk of electric shock if your body is earthed or grounded. Do not expose power tools to rain or wet conditions. Water entering a power tool will increase the risk of electric shock. Do not abuse the cord. Never use the cord for carrying, pulling or unplugging the power tool. Keep cord away from heat, oil, sharp edges and moving parts. Damaged or entangled cords increase the risk of electric shock. When operating a power tool outdoors, use an exten- sion cord suitable for outdoor use. Use of a cord suitable for outdoor use reduces the risk of electric shock. If operating a power tool in a damp location is unavoid- able, use a residual current device (RCD) protected supply. Use of an RCD reduces the risk of electric shock. Personal safety Stay alert, watch what you are doing and use common sense when operating a power tool. Do not use a power tool while you are tired or under the influence of drugs, alcohol or medication. A moment of inattention while op- erating power tools may result in serious personal injury. Use personal protective equipment. Always wear eye protection. Protective equipment such as dust mask, non-skid safety shoes, hard hat, or hearing protection used for appropriate conditions will reduce personal injuries.WARNING Page 15 Friday, October 21, 2016 1:54 PM

16 | English 1 609 92A 2C6 | (21.10.16)Bosch Power Tools Prevent unintentional starting. Ensure the switch is in the off-position before connecting to power source and/or battery pack, picking up or carrying the tool. Carrying power tools with your finger on the switch or en- ergising power tools that have the switch on invites acci- dents. Remove any adjusting key or wrench before turning the power tool on. A wrench or a key left attached to a ro- tating part of the power tool may result in personal injury. Do not overreach. Keep proper footing and balance at all times. This enables better control of the power tool in unexpected situations. Dress properly. Do not wear loose clothing or jewel- lery. Keep your hair, clothing and gloves away from moving parts. Loose clothes, jewellery or long hair can be caught in moving parts. If devices are provided for the connection of dust ex- traction and collection facilities, ensure these are con- nected and properly used. Use of dust collection can re- duce dust-related hazards. Power tool use and care Do not force the power tool. Use the correct power tool for your application. The correct power tool will do the job better and safer at the rate for which it was designed. Do not use the power tool if the switch does not turn it on and off. Any power tool that cannot be controlled with the switch is dangerous and must be repaired. Disconnect the plug from the power source and/or the battery pack from the power tool before making any adjustments, changing accessories, or storing power tools. Such preventive safety measures reduce the risk of starting the power tool accidentally. Store idle power tools out of the reach of children and do not allow persons unfamiliar with the power tool or these instructions to operate the power tool. Power tools are dangerous in the hands of untrained users. Maintain power tools. Check for misalignment or bind- ing of moving parts, breakage of parts and any other condition that may affect the power tool’s operation. If damaged, have the power tool repaired before use. Many accidents are caused by poorly maintained power tools. Keep cutting tools sharp and clean. Properly maintained cutting tools with sharp cutting edges are less likely to bind and are easier to control. Use the power tool, accessories and tool bits etc. in ac- cordance with these instructions, taking into account the working conditions and the work to be performed. Use of the power tool for operations different from those intended could result in a hazardous situation. Service Have your power tool serviced by a qualified repair per- son using only identical replacement parts. This will en- sure that the safety of the power tool is maintained.Safety Warnings for Angle Grinder Safety Warnings common for Grinding, Sanding, Wire Brushing or Abrasive Cutting Off Operations This power tool is intended to function as a grinder, sander, wire brush or cut-off tool. Read all safety warn- ings, instructions, illustrations and specifications pro- vided with this power tool. Failure to follow all instruc- tions listed below may result in electric shock, fire and/or serious injury. Operations such as polishing are not recommended to be performed with this power tool. Operations for which the power tool was not designed may create a hazard and cause personal injury. Do not use accessories which are not specifically de- signed and recommended by the tool manufacturer. Just because the accessory can be attached to your power tool, it does not assure safe operation. The rated speed of the accessory must be at least equal to the maximum speed marked on the power tool. Ac- cessories running faster than their rated speed can break and fly apart. The outside diameter and the thickness of your acces- sory must be within the capacity rating of your power tool. Incorrectly sized accessories cannot be adequately guarded or controlled. Threaded mounting of accessories must match the grinder spindle thread. For accessories mounted by flanges, the arbour hole of the accessory must fit the locating diameter of the flange. Accessories that do not match the mounting hardware of the power tool will run out of balance, vibrate excessively and may cause loss of con- trol. Do not use a damaged accessory. Before each use in- spect the accessory such as abrasive wheels for chips and cracks, backing pad for cracks, tear or excess wear, wire brush for loose or cracked wires. If power tool or accessory is dropped, inspect for damage or in- stall an undamaged accessory. After inspecting and in- stalling an accessory, position yourself and bystanders away from the plane of the rotating accessory and run the power tool at maximum no-load speed for one min- ute. Damaged accessories will normally break apart during this test time. Wear personal protective equipment. Depending on application, use face shield, safety goggles or safety glasses. As appropriate, wear dust mask, hearing pro- tectors, gloves and workshop apron capable of stop- ping small abrasive or workpiece fragments. The eye protection must be capable of stopping flying debris gen- erated by various operations. The dust mask or respirator must be capable of filtrating particles generated by your operation. Prolonged exposure to high intensity noise may cause hearing loss. Keep bystanders a safe distance away from work area. Anyone entering the work area must wear personal protective equipment. Fragments of workpiece or of a broken accessory may fly away and cause injury beyond immediate area of operation. Page 16 Friday, October 21, 2016 1:54 PM

English | 17 Bosch Power Tools1 609 92A 2C6 | (21.10.16) Hold the power tool by insulated gripping surfaces on- ly, when performing an operation where the cutting ac- cessory may contact hidden wiring or its own cord. Cut- ting accessory contacting a “live” wire may make exposed metal parts of the power tool “live” and could give the op- erator an electric shock. Position the cord clear of the spinning accessory. If you lose control, the cord may be cut or snagged and your hand or arm may be pulled into the spinning wheel. Never lay the power tool down until the accessory has come to a complete stop. The spinning wheel may grab the surface and pull the power tool out of your control. Do not run the power tool while carrying it at your side. Accidental contact with the spinning accessory could snag your clothing, pulling the accessory into your body. Regularly clean the power tool’s air vents. The motor’s fan will draw the dust inside the housing and excessive ac- cumulation of powdered metal may cause electrical haz- ards. Do not operate the power tool near flammable materi- als. Sparks could ignite these materials. Do not use accessories that require liquid coolants. Us- ing water or other liquid coolants may result in electrocu- tion or shock. Kickback and related warnings Kickback is a sudden reaction to a pinched or snagged ro- tating wheel, backing pad, brush or any other accessory. Pinching or snagging causes rapid stalling of the rotating accessory which in turn causes the uncontrolled power tool to be forced in the direction opposite of the accesso- ry’s rotation at the point of the binding. For example, if an abrasive wheel is snagged or pinched by the workpiece, the edge of the wheel that is entering into the pinch point can dig into the surface of the material causing the wheel to climb out or kick out. The wheel may either jump toward or away from the operator, depending on direction of the wheel’s movement at the point of pinch- ing. Abrasive wheels may also break under these condi- tions. Kickback is the result of power tool misuse and/or incor- rect operating procedures or conditions and can be avoid- ed by taking proper precautions as given below. Maintain a firm grip on the power tool and position your body and arm to allow you to resist kickback forces. Al- ways use auxiliary handle, if provided, for maximum control over kickback or torque reaction during start-up. The operator can control torque reactions or kickback forces, if proper precautions are taken. Never place your hand near the rotating accessory. Ac- cessory may kickback over your hand. Do not position your body in the area where power tool will move if kickback occurs. Kickback will propel the tool in direction opposite to the wheel’s movement at the point of snagging. Use special care when working corners, sharp edges, etc. Avoid bouncing and snagging the accessory. Cor- ners, sharp edges or bouncing have a tendency to snag the rotating accessory and cause loss of control or kickback.Do not attach a saw chain woodcarving blade or toothed saw blade. Such blades create frequent kickback and loss of control. Safety warnings specific for Grinding and Abrasive Cut- ting-Off operations Use only wheel types that are recommended for your power tool and the specific guard designed for the se- lected wheel. Wheels for which the power tool was not de- signed cannot be adequately guarded and are unsafe. The grinding surface of the centre depressed wheels must be mounted below the plane of the guard lip. An improperly mounted wheel that projects through the plane of the guard lip cannot be adequately protected. The guard must be securely attached to the power tool and positioned for maximum safety, so the least amount of wheel is exposed towards the operator. The guard helps to protect operator from broken wheel frag- ments, accidental contact with wheel and sparks that could ignite clothing. Wheels must be used only for recommended applica- tions. For example: do not grind with the side of the cut-off wheel. Abrasive cut-off wheels are intended for peripheral grinding; side forces applied to these wheels may cause them to shatter. Always use undamaged wheel flanges that are of cor- rect size and shape for your selected wheel. Proper wheel flanges support the wheel thus reducing the possi- bility of wheel breakage. Flanges for cut-off wheels may be different from grinding wheel flanges. Do not use worn down reinforced wheels from larger power tools. Wheels intended for larger power tools are not suitable for the higher speed of a smaller tool and may burst. Additional safety warnings specific for abrasive cutting off operations Do not “jam” the cut-off wheel or apply excessive pres- sure. Do not attempt to make an excessive depth of cut. Overstressing the wheel increases the loading and suscep- tibility to twisting or binding of the wheel in the cut and the possibility of kickback or wheel breakage. Do not position your body in line with and behind the rotating wheel. When the wheel, at the point of operation, is moving away from your body, the possible kickback may propel the spinning wheel and the power tool directly at you. When wheel is binding or when interrupting a cut for any reason, switch off the power tool and hold the pow- er tool motionless until the wheel comes to a complete stop. Never attempt to remove the cut-off wheel from the cut while the wheel is in motion otherwise kickback may occur. Investigate and take corrective action to elimi- nate the cause of wheel binding. Do not restart the cutting operation in the workpiece. Let the wheel reach full speed and carefully re-enter the cut. The wheel may bind, walk up or kickback if the power tool is restarted in the workpiece. 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18 | English 1 609 92A 2C6 | (21.10.16)Bosch Power Tools Support panels or any oversized workpiece to minimize the risk of wheel pinching and kickback. Large work- pieces tend to sag under their own weight. Supports must be placed under the workpiece near the line of cut and near the edge of the workpiece on both sides of the wheel. Use extra caution when making a “pocket cut” into ex- isting walls or other blind areas. The protruding wheel may cut gas or water pipes, electrical wiring or objects that can cause kickback. Safety warnings specific for sanding operations Do not use excessively oversized sanding disc paper. Follow manufacturers recommendations, when select- ing sanding paper. Larger sanding paper extending be- yond the sanding pad presents a laceration hazard and may cause snagging, tearing of the disc, or kickback. Safety warnings specific for wire brushing operations Be aware that wire bristles are thrown by the brush even during ordinary operation. Do not overstress the wires by applying excessive load to the brush. The wire bristles can easily penetrate light clothing and/or skin. If the use of a guard is recommended for wire brushing, do not allow any interference of the wire wheel or brush with the guard. Wire wheel or brush may expand in diameter due to work load and centrifugal forces. Additional safety warnings Wear safety goggles. Use suitable detectors to determine if utility lines are hidden in the work area or call the local utility company for assistance. Contact with electric lines can lead to fire and electric shock. Damaging a gas line can lead to explo- sion. Penetrating a water line causes property damage or may cause an electric shock. Release the On/Off switch and set it to the off position when the power supply is interrupted, e. g., in case of a power failure or when the mains plug is pulled. This pre- vents uncontrolled restarting. Do not touch grinding and cutting discs before they have cooled down. The discs can become very hot while working. Secure the workpiece. A workpiece clamped with clamp- ing devices or in a vice is held more secure than by hand. Products sold in GB only: Your product is fitted with a BS 1363/A approved electric plug with internal fuse (ASTA approved to BS 1362). If the plug is not suitable for your socket outlets, it should be cut off and an appropriate plug fitted in its place by an authorised customer service agent. The replacement plug should have the same fuse rating as the original plug. The severed plug must be disposed of to avoid a possible shock hazard and should never be inserted into a mains socket elsewhere. Products sold in AUS and NZ only: Use a residual current device (RCD) with a rated residual current of 30 mA or less.Product Description and Specifica- tions Read all safety warnings and all instruc- tions. Failure to follow the warnings and in- structions may result in electric shock, fire and/or serious injury. While reading the operating instructions, unfold the graphics page for the machine and leave it open. Intended Use The machine is intended for cutting, roughing and brushing of metal and stone materials without the use of water. For cutting with bonded abrasives, a special cutting guard (accessory) must be used. When cutting in stone, provide for sufficient dust extraction. With approved sanding tools, the machine can be used for sanding with sanding discs. Product Features The numbering of the product features refers to the illustra- tion of the machine on the graphics page. 1Spindle lock button 2On/Off switch 3Auxiliary handle (insulated gripping surface) 4Grinder spindle 5Protection guard for grinding 6Locking screw for protection guard 7Mounting flange with O-ring 8Grinding wheel * 9Clamping nut 10Two-pin spanner for clamping nut * 11Quick-clamping nut * 12Carbide grinding head * 13Protection guard for cutting * 14Cutting disc * 15Protection guard for grinding cup * 16Grinding cup * 17Two-pin spanner, offset, for grinding cup * 18Hand guard * 19Spacer discs * 20Rubber sanding plate * 21Sanding sheet * 22Round nut * 23Cup brush * 24Cutting guide with dust extraction protection guard * 25Diamond cutting disc * 26Handle (insulated gripping surface) * Accessories shown or described are not part of the standard de- livery scope of the product. A complete overview of accessories can be found in our accessories program. Page 18 Friday, October 21, 2016 1:54 PM

English | 19 Bosch Power Tools1 609 92A 2C6 | (21.10.16) Technical Data Noise/Vibration Information Sound emission values determined according to EN 60745-2-3. Typically the A-weighted noise levels of the product are: Sound pressure level 92 dB(A); Sound power level 103 dB(A). Uncertainty K = 3 dB. Wear hearing protection! The vibration level given in this information sheet has been measured in accordance with a standardised test given in EN 60745 and may be used to compare one tool with anoth- er. It may be used for a preliminary assessment of exposure. The declared vibration emission level represents the main ap- plications of the tool. However if the tool is used for different applications, with different accessories or insertion tools or is poorly maintained, the vibration emission may differ. This may significantly increase the exposure level over the total working period. An estimation of the level of exposure to vibration should also take into account the times when the tool is switched off or when it is running but not actually doing the job. This may sig- nificantly reduce the exposure level over the total working period. Identify additional safety measures to protect the operator from the effects of vibration such as: maintain the tool and the accessories, keep the hands warm, organisation of work pat- terns. Assembly Mounting the Protective Devices Before any work on the machine itself, pull the mains plug. Note: After breakage of the grinding disc during operation or damage to the holding fixtures on the protection guard/power tool, the machine must promptly be sent to an after-sales ser- vice agent for maintenance. For addresses, see section “Af- ter-sales Service and Application Service”. Protection Guard for Grinding Place the protection guard 5 on the spindle collar. Adjust the position of the protection guard 5 to the requirements of the operation and lock the protection guard 5 with the locking screw 6. Adjust the protection guard 5 in such a manner that sparking is prevented in the direction of the operator. Angle GrinderGWS ...20-180 H20-230 H21-180 H21-230 H Article number 3 601 H49 L..3 601 H50 L.. 3 601 H51 L..3 601 H52 L.. Rated power input W 20002000 21002100 Output power W 12501250 13501350 Rated speed min-185006600 85006600 Grinding disc diameter, max. mm 180230 180230 Thread of grinder spindle M 14M 14 M 14M 14 Thread length (max.) of grinder spindle mm 2525 2525 Weight according to EPTA- Procedure 01:2014 – with vibration-damping auxilia- ry handle – with standard-auxiliary handle kg kg5.1 5.05.4 5.35.1 5.05.4 5.3 Protection class /II/II/II/II The values given are valid for a nominal voltage [U] of 230 V. For different voltages and models for specific countries, these values can vary. Only for power tools without reduced starting current: Starting cycles generate brief voltage drops. Interference with other equipment/machines may occur in case of unfavourable mains system conditions. Malfunctions are not to be expected for system impedances below 0.25 ohm. 3 601 ... H49 L.. H50 L..H51 L.. H52 L.. Vibration total values a h (triax vector sum) and uncertainty K determined according to EN 60745-2-3: Surface grinding: a hK Disk sanding: a hK m/s2 m/s2 m/s2 m/s2 9.5 1.5 5.5 1.59.5 1.5 4.0 1.5 Page 19 Friday, October 21, 2016 1:54 PM

20 | English 1 609 92A 2C6 | (21.10.16)Bosch Power Tools Protection Guard for Cutting For cutting with bonded abrasives, always use the pro- tection guard for cutting 13. Provide for sufficient dust extraction when cutting stone. The protection guard for cutting 13 is mounted in the same manner as the protection guard for grinding 5. Cutting Guide with Dust Extraction Protection Guard The cutting guide with dust extraction protection guard 24 is mounted in the same manner as the protection guard for grinding 5. Auxiliary Handle Operate your machine only with the auxiliary handle 3. Screw the auxiliary handle 3 on the right or left of the machine head depending on the working method. Hand Guard For operations with the rubber sanding plate 20 or with the cup brush/wheel brush/flap disc, always mount the hand guard 18. The hand guard 18 is fastened with the auxiliary handle 3. Mounting the Grinding Tools Before any work on the machine itself, pull the mains plug. Do not touch grinding and cutting discs before they have cooled down. The discs can become very hot while working. Clean the grinder spindle 4 and all parts to be mounted. For clamping and loosening the grinding tools, lock the grind- er spindle with the spindle lock button 1. Actuate the spindle lock button only when the grinder spindle is at a standstill. Otherwise, the machine may be- come damaged. Grinding/Cutting Disc Pay attention to the dimensions of the grinding tools. The mounting hole diameter must fit the mounting flange without play. Do not use reducers or adapters. When using diamond cutting discs, pay attention that the di- rection-of-rotation arrow on the diamond cutting disc and the direction of rotation of the machine (see direction-of-rotation arrow on the machine head) agree. See graphics page for the mounting sequence. To fasten the grinding/cutting disc, screw on the clamping nut 9 and tighten with the two-pin spanner; see Section “Quick- clamping Nut ”. After mounting the grinding tool and before switching on, check that the grinding tool is correctly mounted and that it can turn freely. Make sure that the grinding tool does not graze against the protection guard or oth- er parts.A plastic part (O-ring) is fitted around the centring collar of mounting flange 7. If the O-ring is missing or damaged, the mounting flange 7 must be replaced before resuming operation. Flap Disc For operations with the flap disc, always mount the hand guard 18. Rubber Sanding Plate For operations with the rubber sanding plate 20, al- ways mount the hand guard 18. See graphics page for the mounting sequence. Before mounting the rubber sanding plate 20, put the 2 spac- er discs 19 onto the grinder spindle 4. Screw on the round nut 22 and tighten with the two-pin span- ner. Cup Brush/Disc Brush For operations with the cup brush/wheel brush, always mount the hand guard 18. See graphics page for the mounting sequence. The cup brush/disc brush must be able to be screwed onto the grinder spindle until it rests firmly against the grinder spindle flange at the end of the grinder spindle threads. Tight- en the cup brush/disc brush with an open-end spanner. Grinding Cup When working with the grinding cup, mount the special protection guard 15. The grinding cup 16 should never project further out of the protection guard 15 than necessary for the respective grind- ing application. Adjust the protection guard 15 accordingly to this dimension. See graphics page for the mounting sequence. Screw on clamping nut 9 and tighten with two-pin spanner 17. Quick-clamping Nut For convenient changing of grinding tools without the use of additional tools, you can use the quick-clamping nut 11 in- stead of the clamping nut 9. The quick-clamping nut 11 may be used only for grind- ing or cutting discs. Use only a flawless, undamaged quick-clamping nut 11. When screwing on, pay attention that the side of the quick-clamping nut 11 with printing does not face the grinding disc; the arrow must point to the index mark 27. Page 20 Friday, October 21, 2016 1:54 PM

English | 21 Bosch Power Tools1 609 92A 2C6 | (21.10.16) Lock the grinder spindle with the spindle lock button 1. To tighten the quick-clamping nut, firmly turn the grinding disc in clockwise direction. A properly attached, undam- aged quick-clamping nut can be loosened by hand when turning the knurled ring in an- ticlockwise direction. Never loosen a tight quick- clamping nut with pliers. Al- ways use the two-pin span- ner. Insert the two-pin span- ner as shown in the illustration. Approved Grinding Tools All grinding tools mentioned in these operating instructions can be used. The permissible speed [min -1] or the circumferential speed [m/s] of the grinding tools used must at least match the values given in the table. Therefore, observe the permissible rotational/circumferen- tial speed on the label of the grinding tool. Rotating the Machine Head Before any work on the machine itself, pull the mains plug.The machine head can be rotated with respect to the machine housing in 90 ° steps. In this manner, the On/Off switch can be brought into a more con- venient position for spe- cial working situations, e. g., for cutting opera- tions using the cutting guide with dust extrac- tion protection guard 24 or for left-handed persons. Completely unscrew the four screws. Rotate the machine head carefully, without removing it from the housing, to the new position. Screw in and tighten the four screws again. Dust/Chip Extraction Dust from materials such as lead-containing coatings, some wood types, minerals and metal can be harmful to one’s health. Touching or breathing-in the dust can cause allergic reactions and/or lead to respiratory infections of the user or bystanders. Certain dust, such as oak or beech dust, is considered car- cinogenic, especially in connection with wood-treatment additives (chromate, wood preservative). Materials con- taining asbestos may only be worked by specialists. – As far as possible, use a dust extraction system suitable for the material. – Provide for good ventilation of the working place. – It is recommended to wear a P2 filter-class respirator. Observe the relevant regulations in your country for the materials to be worked. Prevent dust accumulation at the workplace. Dust can easily ignite. Operation Starting Operation Observe correct mains voltage! The voltage of the pow- er source must agree with the voltage specified on the nameplate of the machine. Power tools marked with 230 V can also be operated with 220 V. When operating the machine with power from mobile genera- tors that do not have sufficient reserve capacity or are not equipped with suitable voltage control with starting current amplification, loss of performance or untypical behavior can occur upon switching on. Please observe the suitability of the power generator being used, particularly with regard to the mains voltage and fre- quency. Switching On and Off To start the power tool, press the On/Off switch 2 forward and then down. To lock-on the pressed On/Off switch 2, push the On/Off switch 2 further forward. max. [mm][mm] Dbd[min-1][m/s] 180 2308 822.2 22.28 500 6 50080 80 180 230––8 500 6 50080 80 100 30 M 14 8500 45 27 D D bd Page 21 Friday, October 21, 2016 1:54 PM