Home > Black and Decker > Iron > Black and Decker Vitessa Iron IR2010 IR2020 IR2030 IR2050 IR2110 IR2150 User Manual

Black and Decker Vitessa Iron IR2010 IR2020 IR2030 IR2050 IR2110 IR2150 User Manual

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    							IR2010, IR2020, IR2030, IR2050, IR2110, IR2150
    use and care manual
    manual de us\f y cuid\lad\f
    guide d\butilisati\fn et d\bentretien 
    Sh\buld y\bu have any questi\bns \br c\bncerns with y\bur new pr\bduct, 
    please call \bur Cust\bmer Service Line at 1-800-231-9786 (\fS and 
    Canada). Please d\b n\bt return t\b the st\bre.
    Si usted tiene alguna inquietud \b pregunta c\bn su pr\bduct\b, p\br 
    fav\br llame a nuestra línea de servici\b al cliente una atención 
    inmediata 1-800-231-9786 (EE.\f\f/Canadá) 01-800-714-2503 
    (Méxic\b). N\b devuela a la tienda.
    Si v\bus avez des questi\bns \bu des pré\bccupati\bns à pr\bp\bs de 
    v\btre n\buveau pr\bduit, veuillez c\bmmuniquer avec n\btre Service à 
    la clientèle au 1 800 231-9786 (États-\fnis et Canada). Veuillez ne 
    pas rapp\brter le pr\bduit au magasin.
    Thank you for your purchase! Gracias por su compra!\ferci de votre achat!  
    •  Only use iron for intended use. 
    •  To avoid the risk of electric shock, do not 
    immerse the iron in water or other liquids.
    •  Always turn the iron to MIN setting before 
    plugging in or unplugging from the outlet. 
    Never pull on the cord to disconnect from 
    the electrical outlet; instead grasp plug and 
    pull to disconnect. 
    •  Do not allow cord to touch hot surfaces. 
    Let iron cool completely before putting 
    away. Loop cord loosely around iron 
    heel and clip the cord together with the 
    provided plug clip when storing.
    •  Always disconnect iron from electric outlet 
    before filling with or emptying water, 
    cleaning, and when not in use. 
    •  Do not operate the iron if it has been 
    dropped, if there are visible signs of 
    damage to the iron or its cord, or if it’s 
    leaking. To avoid the risk of electric shock, 
    do not dissemble the iron; take it to a 
    qualified service person for examination 
    and repair, or call the appropriate toll-
    free number on the cover of this manual. 
    Incorrect reassembly can cause risk of 
    electric shock when the iron is used. 
    •  Close supervision is necessary for any 
    appliance being used by or near children. 
    Do not leave iron unattended when 
    plugged in or on an ironing board.  • 
    Burns can occur from touching hot metal 
    parts, hot water, or steam. Use caution 
    when you turn the iron upside down - there 
    may be hot water in the reservoir. Avoid 
    rapid movement of iron to minimize hot 
    water spillage. 
    •  The iron must be used and rested on a 
    stable surface. 
    •  When placing the iron on its stand, ensure 
    that the surface on which the stand is 
    placed is stable.
    •  This appliance is not intended for use by 
    persons (including children) with reduced 
    physical, sensory, or mental capabilities, 
    or lack of experience and knowledge, 
    unless they have been given supervision or 
    instruction concerning use of the appliance 
    by a person responsible for their safety.
    •  Children should be supervised to ensure 
    that they do not play with the appliance. 
    •  To avoid circuit overload, do not operate 
    another high wattage appliance on the 
    same circuit.
    •  If an extension cord is absolutely 
    necessary, a minimum 10-ampere cord 
    should be used. Cords rated for less 
    amperage can result in a risk of fire or 
    electrical shock due to overheating. Care 
    should be taken to arrange the cord so that 
    it cannot be pulled or tripped over. 
    When using your iron, basic safety precautions should   
    always be followed, including the following:
    This product is for household use only.
    This appliance has a polarized plug (one blade 
    is wider than the other). To reduce the risk of 
    electric shock, this plug is intended to fit into 
    a polarized outlet only one way. If the plug 
    does not fit fully into the outlet, reverse the 
    plug. If it still does not fit, contact a qualified 
    electrician. Do not attempt to modify the plug 
    in any way.  TA\f\bER-RESISTANT SCREW
    Warning:  This appliance is equipped with a 
    tamper-resistant screw to prevent removal 
    of the outer cover. To reduce the risk of fire 
    or electrical shock, do not attempt to remove 
    the outer cover. There are no user-serviceable 
    parts inside. Repair should be done only by 
    authorized service personnel. 
    Note : If the power supply cord is damaged, in 
    order to avoid a hazard, it should be replaced 
    by qualified personnel or in Latin America by 
    an authorized service center.   
    1 2 3
    4 56
    1.  S\bleplate
    2.  Spray n\bzzle
    3.  Water-fill c\bver
    4.  SmartSteam™ dial
    5.  Spray mist butt\bn 
    6. Burst \bf steam butt\bn 
    7.  P\bwer/aut\b shut-\bff light 
    8.  Aut\b-Clean™ butt\bn
    9.  Dual p\bsiti\bn c\brd
    10.  Water tank 
    11.  Heel rest
    Pr\bduct may vary slightly fr\bm what is illustrated.  
    This pr\bduct is f\br h\buseh\bld use \bnly. 
    •   Rem\bve all labels, tags\À and stickers attached t\b the b\bdy, c\brd, \br 
    s\bleplate \bf the ir\bn.
    •  Rem\bve and save literature. 
    1.    With the ir\bn \bn a flat surface, with the s\bleplate d\bwn 
    \br tilted at 45° angle, \bpen the water-fill c\bver. (A)
    2.    \fsing a clean measur\Àing cup, p\bur water int\b 
    \bpening until water reaches the “MAX” level mark \bn 
    the side \bf the water tank. D\b n\bt \bverfill. Cl\bse the 
    water-fill c\bver securely.
    Tip: This ir\bn is designed t\b use n\brmal tap water. If y\bur water is very 
    hard, y\bu can use a mixture \bf 50% tap water and 50% distilled water 
    t\b av\bid build-up. It is n\bt rec\bmmended t\b use water with perfumes \br\À 
    scented additives. 
    3.  Stand the ir\bn \bn the heel rest. 
    4.    T\b refill at any time during the ir\À\bning pr\bcess, unplug the ir\bn and 
    f\bll\bw the ab\bve pr\bcedure. 
    1.    Plug the ir\bn int\b an \butlet. The red P\bwer/aut\b shut-\bff light wil\Àl 
    illuminate \bn the handle, indicating that the ir\bn is heating. 
    2.     Read the manufacturer's fabric label f\br cl\bthing care 
    rec\bmmendati\bns t\b help select the c\brrect temperature setting. 
      Tip: Since it takes an ir\bn l\bnger t\b c\b\bl d\bwn than heat up, 
    \brganizing y\bur cl\bthing fr\bm L\bw t\b High temperature can cut d\bwn 
    y\bur ir\bning time. 
    3.    Select the temperature and steam level \bn the ir\bn by turning the 
    SmartSteam™ dial until y\bu’ve reached the desired setting.  
    A fabric guide is pri\Ànted \bn the water tank f\br easy reference. 
    4.    All\bw the ir\bn ab\but 2 minutes t\b heat up t\b the desired 
      Tip: T\b dry ir\bn \bn l\bw heat use SmartSteam™ settings 1–3, \br f\br high 
    heat simply empty the \Àwater tank and f\bll\bw the n\brmal directi\bns. If 
    emptying the tank, \bnc\Àe preheated y\bu may need t\b press the Burst \bf 
    Steam butt\bn a few times t\b fully empty the w\Àater tank. 
    5.   Ir\bn as l\bng as needed. \ÀN\bte that if the ir\bn is left inactive, the 
    3-Way Aut\b Shut \bff Safety feature will activate. Please see 
    Additi\bnal Features secti\bn f\br m\bre details. 
    6.    When finished ir\bning, turn the dial t\À\b the MIN setting and\À unplug 
    fr\bm the \butlet. 
    7.    Stand the ir\bn \bn its heel rest and all\bw it t\b c\bmpletely c\b\bl \bff 
    bef\bre st\bring. 
    F\br best results it’s rec\bmmended t\b use the manufacturer’s garment tags 
    f\br heat and steam instructi\bns. When in d\bu\Àbt, always start at the l\bw 
    heat setting.
    S\btting numb\br S\btting nam\b S\btting  
    D\bscription Icons
    -D\b n\bt Ir\bn
    1 Synthetic L\bw Heat and 
    N\b Steam
    2 Nyl\bn and Silk L\bw Heat and 
    N\b Steam
    3 P\blyester Medium Heat 
    and N\b Steam
    4 BlendMedium Heat 
    and Light Steam
    5 W\b\blHigh Heat and 
    Medium Steam
    6 C\btt\bn and Linen High Heat and 
    High Steam
    Ev\bn St\bam Sol\bplat\b D\bsign 
    Y\bur Vitessa™ Advanced Steam Ir\bn features \bur Even 
    Steam s\bleplate design. This s\bleplate was engineered 
    t\b pr\bvide a m\bre even fl\bw \bf steam fr\bm heel t\b tip, 
    enabling y\bu t\b quickly tame wrink\Àles anywhere \bn y\bur 
    garment. (B)B  
    SmartSt\bam™ T\bchnologyThis techn\bl\bgy gives y\bu the c\bntr\bl \bf b\bth s\bleplate 
    heat and steam level in \bne dial. On tr\Àaditi\bnal ir\bns the 
    c\bntr\bls are separated, making it diffic\Àult t\b kn\bw what 
    settings are right f\br each fabric. These simple c\bntr\bls 
    take the guessw\brk \but \bf ir\bning and ensure \bptimal 
    results every time. (C)
    Burst of St\bam  
    Press the burst \bf steam butt\bn t\b generate additi\bnal steam. F\br best 
    perf\brmance, leave several sec\bnds between bursts. This feature w\brks \bn 
    settings 4–6 \bn the S\ÀmartSteam™ dial. 
    Spray Mist 
    Press the Spray Mist butt\bn t\b generate a light spray \bf water. Spray Mist 
    is used t\b dampen t\bugh wrinkles while d\Àry \br steam ir\bning. This setting 
    w\brks at any SmartSteam™ dial setting. \ÀD\b n\bt spray silk.   
    3-way Auto Shut-Off 
    The ir\bn will aut\bmatically switch t\b Aut\b Shut-Off m\bde and s\Àt\bp heating 
    after being left inacti\Àve f\br 30 sec\bnds \bn the s\bleplate \br side, and 8 
    minutes \bn the heel rest. When the ir\bn is in Aut\b Shut-Off m\bde, the red 
    light \bn the handle wi\Àll blink. Simply m\bve the ir\bn t\b resume ir\bning and 
    the s\bleplate will aut\bmatically heat t\b selected temperature.  
    V\brtical St\baming 
    Skip the ir\bning b\bard and use y\bur ir\bn like a garment steamer f\br small 
    t\buch-ups. This can als\b be used\À f\br curtains \br drapes. 1.    Start by f\bll\bwing the instructi\bn 1–4 in the “\À\fsing y\bur Ir\bn” secti\bn 
    t\b heat the ir\bn. 
    2.    Once the ir\bn is preheated, place y\bur garment \bn a hange\Àr and 
    hang it in a l\bcati\bn that w\buld n\bt be impacted by the steam 
      Tip: Sh\bwer r\bds in y\bur bathr\b\bm are a great l\bcati\bn.
    3.    H\bld the garment tig\Àht fr\bm the base \br side \À(being careful t\b keep 
    y\bur hand away fr\bm the steam) and h\bld the ir\bn in the \bther hand. 
    4.    Place the heated s\bleplate ab\but an inch away fr\bm the fabric and 
    press the Burst \bf Steam butt\bn \bn the handle. All\bw a few sec\bnds 
    between bursts t\b av\bid water dripping. 
      Tip: If water dripping \bccurs, that means the s\bleplate isn’t h\bt en\bugh 
    t\b create steam. Just all\bw the ir\bn a minute t\b reheat and then 
    resume steaming. 
    5.    When finished steaming, turn the dia\Àl t\b the MIN setting and\À unplug 
    fr\bm the \butlet. 
    6.    Stand ir\bn \bn its heel rest and all\bw it t\b c\bmpletely c\b\bl \bff 
    bef\bre st\bring. 
    This pr\bduct c\bntains n\b user servic\Àeable parts. Refer t\b qualified service 
    C\fEANING OUTSIDE SURFACES1.   Make sure the ir\bn is unplugged and ha\Às c\bmpletely c\b\bled. 
    2.    Wipe the s\bleplate and \buter surface with a s\bft, damp\À cl\bth. Water 
    and small am\bunts \bf \Àgentle h\buseh\bld s\baps\À, such as dishwashing 
    liquid, can be used\À. Never use heavy-duty cleaners, vine\Àgar \br 
    abrasive sc\buring pads that may scratch \br disc\bl\br the ir\bn. 
    3.    After the ir\bn has been th\br\bughly dried, turn t\Àhe ir\bn back \bn and 
    lightly steam \bver an \bld cl\bth. This will help rem\bve any reside left 
    in the steam h\bles.  
    4.    When finished cleaning,\À turn ir\bn \bff and all\bw time t\b c\b\bl   
    bef\bre st\bring. 
    \fse this feature t\b keep the ir\bn free \bf build-up. F\br \bptimal results \bver 
    time, it is rec\bmmended that y\bu clean y\bur ir\bn every 2-4 weeks. H\bmes 
    with harder water sh\buld clean their\À ir\bn m\bre \bften, every 1-2 weeks.  1.   Fill the water tank well bel\bw the MAX fill line. Plug in the ir\bn.
    2.    Select the W\b\bl Fabric setting (Numb\Àer 5) \bn the SmartSteam™ dial 
    and stand the ir\bn \bn its heel while i\Àt preheats. 
    3.    All\bw the ir\bn t\b heat t\b desired temperature f\br ab\but 2 minutes, 
    then turn the dial t\b the MIN setting and\À unplug fr\bm the \butlet. 
    4.    H\bld ir\bn \bver a sink with the s\À\bleplate facing d\bwn. Press the 
    Aut\bClean™ butt\bn. Be careful, as h\bt water and steam will c\bme 
    \but \bf the vents. 
    5.    C\bntinue t\b h\bld the butt\bn d\bwn until all \bf the w\Àater has emptied. 
    If necessary, slightly tilt the\À ir\bn fr\bm side-t\b-side and fr\bnt-t\b-back 
    t\b aid the pr\bcess.
    6.    When finished, release the Aut\bClean™ butt\bn and place the ir\bn \bn 
    its heel rest. All\bw the ir\bn t\b c\bmpletely c\b\bl bef\bre st\bring.  
    STORING YOUR IRON1.   Check that the ir\bn is \bn the MIN sett\Àing, unplugged and c\bmpletely c\b\bl.
    2.    Empty the water tank by \bpening the water fill d\b\br and turni\Àng the 
    ir\bn upside d\bwn \bver a sink.
    3.     Wrap the c\brd l\b\bsely ar\bund the heel \bf the i\Àr\bn and 
    use the clip \bn the p\Àlug t\b clip the end \bf the\À c\brd t\b 
    the wrapped c\brd. (D)
    4.    Always st\bre the ir\bn vertically \bn its hee\Àl t\b prevent 
    water leaking fr\bm the s\bleplate. 
    •   This ir\bn is designed t\b use n\brmal tap water. If y\bur water is very hard, 
    y\bu can use a mixture \bf 50% tap water and 50% distilled water t\b 
    av\bid build-up. It is n\bt rec\bmmended t\b use water with perfumes \br\À 
    scented additives. 
    •    Since it takes an ir\bn l\bnger t\b c\b\bl d\bwn than heat up, \brganizing 
    y\bur cl\bthing fr\bm L\bw t\b High temperature can cut d\bwn y\bur 
    ir\bning time.
    •    Whenever temperature settings are changed, all\bw the ir\bn t\b stand a 
    minute \br tw\b t\b all\bw heat up \br c\b\bl d\bwn. Test garment by pressing 
    a small hidden area t\b make sure temperature \bf ir\bn is c\brrect. 
    •    Whenever ir\bning a garment with m\Àixed fabrics, read the garment’s 
    tag f\br detailed directi\bns \br select the\À fabric setting f\br the m\bst 
    delicate fabric. F\br example, when ir\bning a shirt that is 65% c\btt\bn 
    and 35% p\blyester, use the p\blyester setting.
    •    If y\bu’re unsure \bf the fabric’s c\bntent, test a small area (\bn the inside 
    seam \br hem) bef\bre y\bu pr\bceed t\b ir\bn the entire garment \br cl\bth.
    •    If water dripping \bccurs, this means tha\Àt the s\bleplate isn’t h\bt 
    en\bugh t\b create steam. Just all\bw the ir\bn a minute t\b reheat and 
    then resume ir\bning. 
    •    T\b prevent ir\bn marks \bn y\bur fabric, ir\bn the fabric inside \but.
    •    Putting \bn y\bur cl\bthes right af\Àter ir\bning can actually cr\Àeate wrinkles. 
    Always all\bw y\bur cl\bthing t\b c\b\bl f\br ab\but 5 minutes after ir\bning t\b 
    set the press. 
    •    Did y\bu kn\bw that y\bu can use y\bur ir\bn like a garment steamer f\br 
    t\buch-ups? See the vertical steaming secti\bn f\br m\bre details. 
    •    Did y\bu kn\bw y\bu sh\buld be cleaning\À y\bur ir\bn at least \bnce a m\bnth? 
    See the Aut\b-Clean™ secti\bn f\br m\bre details. 
    The ir\bn is plugged in, 
    but the s\bleplate is n\bt 
    heating. P\bwer supply issue.
    Check that the plug is 
    pr\bperly inserted int\b the 
    \butlet \br try plugg\Àing the 
    ir\bn int\b a different \butlet. 
    N\bt en\bugh steam \br n\b 
    steam is c\bming \but \bf 
    the ir\bn.  SmartSteam™ setting 
    selected is t\b\b l\bw. 
    L\bwer heat levels are n\bt 
    intended t\b have steam.Turn the SmartSteam™ 
    Dial t\b settings 4–6 t\b ir\bn 
    with steam. 
    N\bt en\bugh water in the 
    water tank. F\bll\bw the instructi\bns 
    under the “filling the\À 
    water tank” secti\bn and fill 
    t\b Max level marker. 
    Ir\bn is n\bt preheated. If the ir\bn isn’t fully 
    preheated t\b the desired 
    setting, the anti-dr\Àip 
    feature will prevent the 
    ir\bn fr\bm creating steam. 
    All\bw the ir\bn additi\bnal 
    time t\b heat. 
    Disc\bl\bred water is 
    c\bming thr\bugh the h\bles 
    and staining the fabric Residue build-up in \Àthe 
    s\bleplate cavity \br in the 
    s\bleplate h\bles.Empty the water tank 
    after each use and use \Àthe 
    Aut\b-Clean™ functi\bn t\b 
    clean y\bur ir\bn regularly.
    \fse \bf descaling age\Ànts, 
    perfumed \br scented 
    additives. \fse the Aut\b-Clean™ 
    functi\bn t\b clean y\bur 
    ir\bn and refrain fr\bm 
    using descaling agent\Às, 
    perfumed \br scented 
    \fse \bf Starch. Always clean y\bur 
    s\bleplate after using 
    starch and use the Aut\b-
    Clean™ functi\bn t\b clean 
    y\bur ir\bn regularly.
    Pure distilled water \br 
    s\bftened water is being 
    used.  \fse \bnly untreated tap 
    water \br a mix \bf half \Àtap 
    and half distilled water. 
    \fse the Aut\b-Clean™ 
    functi\bn t\b clean y\bur ir\bn 
    Ir\bn is leaking \br spit\Àting Overuse \bf the Burst \bf 
    Steam butt\bn.All\bw m\bre time between 
    bursts \bf steam f\br the 
    ir\bn t\b get back t\b desired 
    SmartSteam™ setting is 
    t\b\b l\bw.  The l\bwer temperature 
    settings are n\bt meant 
    t\b steam. Either turn the\À 
    SmartSteam™ dial t\b settings 
    4–6 \br use spray mist instead 
    f\br additi\bnal m\bisture.  
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