Barco Projector Cineversum 80 Quickstart Manual
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Page 121
17. Adjusting the Picture 17.10Phase adjustment for Computer signals About Phase adjustment When displaying computer patterns or graphics which are very detailed (tilting, vertical stripes, etc..) jitter in picture (missampling) may occur , causing horizontal stripes in portions of the screen.Should this occur, adjust ’Phase’ for optimum computer image. How to adjust the Phase 1. Check if the active source (File) is a RGB or YUV input signal. 2. Select the ADVANCED SETTINGS menu (menu 17-8). 3. Select...
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17. Adjusting the Picture Only for the Cine VERSUM 80 HD2, three Gamma tables are added to the list, named Film, Graphics and Video. How to set up the Gamma value 1. Enter the MAIN menu and select the sub menu IMAGE SETTINGS, using the jog dial or the Remote Control. (image 17-11) Depending the addressed unit: - Master: The global Image settings menu isdisplayed, inclusive the menu itemDISPLAY. The latter has to be selected to enter the image settings menu for a specific display. - Display: The Image...
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17. Adjusting the Picture About Color Temperature setting This function can be used to adjust the color temperature to suit the type of image input to the display unit (DVD, Video, Computer image, TV broadcast etc..) The Color Temperature menu will include 5 fixed values. To allow the customer to adjust the Color Tempera- ture to his own taste, item Customer Balance has been added to the menu. Customer Balance adjustment happens differently for Cine VERSUM 50 and the projector displays, Cine VER- SUM 80...
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17. Adjusting the Picture CineVERSUMImage settings Advanced Settings Installation Service 1 NO MODULE 2 NO MODULE 3 VIDEO [VIDEO] 4 NO MODULE 5 NO MODULE 6 NO MODULE 7 RGB-YUV [RGB] 8 NO MODULE Shut Down BackImage SettingsMaster Brightness Contrast Saturation Tint Display Back Display List1 CV50 On 2 CV80 On 3 CV120 On Back Cine VERSUM r01 If a CV50, CV80 or CV120 is the only display in the link or remote addressedCV50 - CV80 - CV120 Main Menu/Image Settings/Display/CV80-CV50-CV120 /Color...
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17. Adjusting the Picture 7. Adjust the respective Gain levels, by rotating the jog dial on the Master or the←and→keys on the Remote Control, until the desired Color Temperature has been reached. 8. PressEXITon the Remote Control or select itemBACKin the menus to return. Color Temperature *Display White Computer__9300K Video_____6500K Film______5400K Broadcast_3200K Custom Balance Back Menu 17-25 Custom Balance Gain Red Gain Green Gain Blue Back Menu 17-26 Image 17-14 How to adjust the Color Temperature...
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17. Adjusting the Picture 6. Proceed to the X-Y adjustment, using the Remote Control: - Select a coordinate to be modified by pressing the↑or↓key on the Remote Control and pressENTERto confirm. - A new sub menu opens allowing to adjust, by pressing the↑or↓keys the Y-value and by pressing←or→keys the X-value. -PressEXITto return. 7. PressEXITon the Remote Control or select itemBACKin the menus to return. Color Temperature *Display White Computer__9300K Video_____6500K Film______5400K Broadcast_3200K...
Page 127
17. Adjusting the Picture 17.13.1 Master Adjustment of the Analog Controls How to adjust the analog controls 1. From the main menu, select itemIMAGE SETTINGS. Note:When using the Remote Control, make sure that the address of the RC is the common or the Master address! The Image Settings menu appears on-screen and in the graphical display on the Master, showing the two main items ’Master’ and ’Display’. (menu 17-28) 2. Select the item you want to adjust, using the←or→key on the Remote Control or by...
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17. Adjusting the Picture Cine VERSUM Master Chapter below is a continuation of procedure, see Master Adjustment of the Analog Controls, page 123. About Image Settings menu When adjusting the analog controls separately on the linked display, then the items in the Image Settings menu depends on the addressed display. Below the Image Settings menu for respectively the Cine VERSUM 50, the Cine VERSUM 80 and the Cine VERSUM 120. Image Settings Display Brightness Contrast Gamma Color Temperature...
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17. Adjusting the Picture 6. Adjust the level of the analog control, with default value the Master setting, by rotating the jog dial on the Master or pressing the ←or→key on the Remote Control. Selected ItemPressing Key←or jog dial to the leftPressing Key→or jog dial to the right BrightnessFor less brightnessFor more brightness ContrastFor less contrastFor more contrast 7. If you want to proceed to re-adjustment of one of the analog controls for all displays, select itemMasterin the respective Image...
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17. Adjusting the Picture 4. Adjust the level of the analog control, with default value the Master setting, by pressing the←or→key on the Remote Control. Selected ItemPressing Key←Pressing Key→ BrightnessFor less brightnessFor more brightness ContrastFor less contrastFor more contrast 5. If you want to proceed to re-adjustment one of the analog controls for all displays, select item’Master’ (menu 17-29, menu 17-30, menu 17-31). 6. The GUI menu returns to the Image settings menu of the Master, and the...