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ATT System 25 Installation And Maintenance Manual

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Page 411

APPENDIX F: Administration Error Messages
9025:inappropriate requestRemoval of a station is disallowed if
sole member of queued for
the station happens to be the only
DGC groupmember of a DGC group that is being
queued for.
9026:inappropriate request
Removal of a trunk port is disallowed
sole member of queued forif the trunk happens to be the last
trunk pooltrunk in a trunk pool that is being
queued for.
9030:inappropriate request
Cannot assign a station...

Page 412

APPENDIX F: Administration Error Messages
9035:inappropriate requestAll Agent buttons that are in the same
Agent buttons must be onlinked-list must be on the same
same stationstation.
9036:inappropriate request
Not allowed to administer more than
can’t have identical listone Agent button of the same type in
a single linked-list.
9037:inappropriate request
When administering an Agent button,
must be Monitor buttonaction 104 must be a Monitor button...

Page 413

APPENDIX F: Administration Error Messages
9047Incorrect entry.
Must be CSS or 0.
Cannot change board typeUntranslated or (and) remove board
via the HI D CKT menu.
9049Invalid TN or ZTN code for
Use correct code to set board options
the HI D CKT menu.
for board type.
At installed maximum
System has the maximum number of
board/port type.
9051Incorrect entry, board must
Board enabled, cannot administer
be disabled.
signaling mode.

Page 414

The following is a
list of definitions of terms used in System 25
To access and change the parameters associated with the services
or features of the system.
Analog Data Endpoint
Data endpoints connected to the system by (built-in or stand-alone)
They do not require
the use of data modules
(Asynchronous Data Units) and are addressed like a voice terminal,
by Personal Dial Code (PDC). These endpoints connect to Tip/Ring
circuit pack ports.
Analog Voice...

Page 415

The operator of the attendant console.
Attendant Console
l Direct Trunk Console: An electronic call-handling position with
pushbutton control. Used by attendants to answer and place calls
and to manage and monitor some system operations.
l Direct Extension Selector (DXS) Console: Provides the attendant
with a visual indication of the status of stations. Also allows the
attendant to extend incoming calls to stations through button
access rather than by dialing.
Auxiliary Equipment
l  Dictation...

Page 416

A circuit or component that isolates one electrical circuit from
another. Typically, a buffer holds data from one circuit or process
until another circuit or process is ready to accept the data.
A multiconductor electrical path used to transfer information over a
common connection from any of several sources to any of several
Bus, Time-Division Multiplex
See Time-Division Multiplex Bus.
Call Appearance
A button on a multiline voice terminal at which a call seems to...

Page 417

Central Office Codes
The first three digits of a 7-digit public network telephone number.
These codes are numbered from 200 through 999 and are
sometimes referred to as NNXS.
Central Office Trunk
A telecommunications channel that provides access from the system
to the public network through the local central office (CO).
A communications path for transmitting voice and data.
Class of Service (COS)
Parameters used to define voice terminal, data, and trunk port
capabilities and...

Page 418

Covering User
The person at an alternate answering position who answers a
redirected call.
Data Channel
A communications path between two points used to transmit digital
Data Communications Equipment (DCE)
Refers to a specific RS-232C interface connector configuration. The
DCE devices are designed to interface directly (pin-for-pin) to Data
Terminal Equipment (DTE).The transmit and receive pins are
reversed from that of a DTE interface. A modem is an example of a
DCE device.
Data Dial...

Page 419

Delay-Dial Tie Trunk
DigitalAfter a request for service (called a seizure) is detected on an
incoming trunk, the system sends a momentary signal followed by a
steady tone over the trunk. This informs the calling party that dialing
can start. This type of trunk allows dialing directly into the system;
that is, the digits are received as they are dialed.
Data Endpoints
In System 25, digital data endpoints include any DTE or DCE with an
RS-232C interface to the switch connected through...

Page 420

Dual-Tone Multifrequency (DTMF)
Industry terminology for touch-tone calling.
Emergency Transfer Unit (ETU)
Provides direct connection of designated Power Failure Transfer
(PFT) registered voice terminals to the CO during a power failure or
other service interruption.
A traffic measuring unit that expresses the load of one or more
traffic-generating devices (36 CCS equals 1 erlang—see CCS
[Hundred Call Seconds]).
Extension Number
A 1- through 4-digit number assigned to each voice terminal...
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