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ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 1, Generic 3, System Management Instructions Manual

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Page 111

A transmitter-receiver channel or system that connects two locations.
Listed Directory Number
A LDN is a publicly listed telephone number for an organization. These numbers are
administered as special extensions, each associated with a 15-character name. DID for
any of these extensions causes routing of the call to the attendant group with the ter-
minating attendant display indicating an LDN call and the name associated with the
dialed extension.
Local Clock
The tone/clock circuit pack...

Page 112

Manual-In is an ACD agent work mode that makes the agent available to receive calls
and automatically puts the agent into After Call Work mode after disconnecting from an
ACD call.
Manual Terminating Line Service
A called party that has manual terminating line service is only allowed to receive calls ori-
ginated or extended by an attendant. Termination of all other calls is denied.
Message Center
An answering service for calls that might otherwise go unanswered; an agent accepts

Page 113

Modem Pooling
Provides shared-use conversion resources that eliminate the need for a dedicated
modem when a data module accesses, or is accessed by, an analog line or trunk.
Multi-Appearance Voice Terminal
A terminal equipped with several call appearance buttons for the same extension
number. Allows the user to handle more than one call, on that same extension number,
at the same time.
A device for simultaneous transmission of two or more signals over a common transmis-
sion medium....

Page 114

On-Net facilities (for example, TTI trunks, private ISDN-PRI trunks) are dedicated to a
customers private network. Whenever the call is routed over the customers private
trunking facilities, it is called an On-Net call.
Outward Restriction
A calling party that is outward restricted is denied the ability of directly accessing the
exchange network l
Paging Trunk
A telecommunication channel used to access an amplifier for loudspeaker paging:
Partitioned Group Numbar (PGN)
A Partitioned...

Page 115

Primary/Secondary D-Channel
The D-Channel Backup feature requires that one D-Channel be administered as the pri-
mary D-Channel, and that a second D-Channel be administered as the secondary D-
Channel. The reason for this distinction is that at certain times during the D-Channel
Backup procedures, both D-Channels are in the same state, and it is imperative in order
to avoid a deadlock situation that both switches at opposite ends of the PRI select the
same D-Channel to be put into service. In...

Page 116

Property Management System (PMS)
A stand-alone computer that lodging and health services organizations use for services
such as reservations, housekeeping, billing, etc.
A set of conventions or rules governing the format and timing of message exchanges to
control data movement and correction of errors.
Public Network
The network that can be openly accessed by all customers for local or longdistance cal-
An ordered sequence of calls waiting to be processed.

Page 117

Remote Access Barrier Code
Used with remote access trunks to limit access to the System. When a call comes in on
a remote access trunk, the user may be required to dial a barrier code to gain access. If
the user dials an invalid barrier code, the call is muted to intercept. A barrier code has
an associated COR that defines call restriction features and a COS that defines feature
restrictions. The use of barrier codes is a customer option. If barrier codes are used,
they apply to all remote...

Page 118

Secondary Reference
The secondary reference is a backup DS1 facility used as a clock timing reference for
synchronization in case the primary reference fails or has too many slips.
Service Observing
Service observing allows users to monitor calls. Once the feature is activated and a sta-
tion call is being monitored, the activating user has the capability to toggle back and forth
between a listen-only connection and a listen/talk connection on the call. Subsequent
calls at the station can be...

Page 119

Stroke Counts
Method used by ACD agents to record up to nine customer-defined events on a per call
basis when the CMS is active.
A suffix is an alphabetic character (for example, A, B, or C) that is sometimes appended
to a circuit pack code (TN number). It indicates additional feature functionality of a partic-
ular circuit pack.
The button(s) on a voice terminal located under the receiver.
Switch Processing Elemont (SPE)
The complex of circuit packs that provide high level...

Page 120

Tandem Tie Trunk Network (TTTN)
A private network that interconnects several customer switching systems by dial-
repeating tie trunks. Access to the various systems is dictated by codes that must be
individually dialed for each system.
Terminal Alarm Notification
A method of customer alarm notification using lamps associated with feature buttons on
multi-appearance digital or hybrid voice terminals or attendant console terminals or both.
Termination Restriction
A called party that is termination...
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