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ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 1, Generic 3, System Management Instructions Manual

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Page 101

Call Work Code
A number, up to 16 digits, entered by ACD agents to record the occurrence of customer-
defined events (such as account codes, social security numbers, or phone numbers) on
ACD calls.
Central Office
The location housing telephone switching equipment that provides local telephone ser-
vice and access to toll facilities for long-distance calling.
Central Office Codes
The first three digits of a 7-digit public network telephone number. These codes are typi-
cally numbered from 200...

Page 102

See Attendant Console.
Controlled Outward Restriction
A calling party with this feature activated is restricted from dialing outgoing exchange net-
work calls. Restricted calls are routed to the attendant, coverage, or intercept.
Controlled Restrictions
The controlled restrictions are distinct from the calling and called restrictions admin-
istered through the COR. Controlled Restrictions are activated by an attendant or by a
station with the “Console Permission” COS. The controlled...

Page 103

Coverage Point
The attendant positions (as a group), Direct Department Calling group, Uniform Call Dis-
tribution group, Coverage Answer Group, a voice terminal extension, or Message Center
Hunt Group designated as an alternate answering position in a coverage path.
Covering User
The person at an alternate answering position who answers a coverage call.
Data Channel
A communications path between two points used to transmit digital signals.
Data Communications Equipment (DCE)
The equipment on...

Page 104

Designated Voice Terminal
The specific voice terminal to which calls, originally directed to a certain extension
number, are redirected. Commonly used to mean the “forwarded-to” terminal when Call
Forwarding All Calls is active.
Dialed Number Identification Service
Provides an indication (display) to the answering agent of the service (or project) or
number called by the caller so that agents grouped in one split may answer calls
appropriately for many different services.
Dial Repeating Tie...

Page 105

Digital Trunk
A circuit in a telecommunications channel designed to handle digital voice and data.
Digit Conversion
A process used to convert specific dialed numbers into other dialed numbers. ARS uses
Digit Conversion to convert public network numbers (ARS) to private network numbers
(AAR) in order to save toll charges. AAR uses Digit Conversion to convert private net-
work numbers (ARS) to other private or public network numbers (AAR).
Direct-Agent Calls
A special type of ACD call directed to...

Page 106

Electronic Tandem Network (ETN)
A special tandem tie trunk network that has automatic call routing capabilities based on
the number dialed and most preferred route available at the time the call is placed. Each
switch in the network is assigned a unique RNX and each voice terminal is assigned a
unique extension number.
End-to-End Signaling
The transmission of touch-tone signals generated by dialing from a voice terminal user to
remote computer equipment. A connection must first be established...

Page 107

A general term used for the telecommunications transmission pathway and associated
Facility Restriction Level (FRL)
The FRL is used to determine the accessibility of user trunk groups in a routing pattern.
When searching for a routing pattern, the originators FRL must be greater than or equal
to the FRL for the accessed trunk group.
Facility Associated Signaling (FAS) describes the type of signaling in which an ISDN DS1
interface D-Channel carries signaling...

Page 108

Ground-Start Trunk
On outgoing calls, the system transmits a request for services to the distant switching
system by grounding the trunk ring lead. When the distant system is ready to receive the
digits of the called number, that system grounds the trunk tip lead. When the system
detects this ground, the digits are sent. (Tip and ring are common nomenclature to dif-
ferentiate between ground-start trunk leads.) On incoming calls, detection of ground on
the ring lead is sufficient to cause the...

Page 109

Immediate-Start Tie Trunk
After establishing a connection with the distant switching system for an outgoing call, the
system waits a nominal 65 milliseconds before sending the digits of the called number.
This allows time for the distant system to prepare to receive the digits. Similarly, on an
incoming call, the system has less than 65 milliseconds to prepare to receive the digits.
Information Exchange
The exchange of data between users of two
host computer) over a local area network...

Page 110

The linking of dissimilar networks to provide an end-to-end call. In public networks, inter-
working might include a Common Channel Interoffice Signaling (CCIS) path which does
not support ISDN. In private networks, a tandeming PBX might interface an existing ana-
log facility to an ISDN facility to provide calls end-to-end.
Intraflow allows calls that are unanswered within a predefined time, at a split to be
redirected to other splits on the same switch.
In-Use Lamp
A red...
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