Communications System
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 1, Generic 3, System Management Instructions Manual
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 1, Generic 3, System Management Instructions Manual
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AT&T 555-230-500 Issue 1, January 1992 DEFINITY ®Communications System Generic 1 & Generic 3 System Management

Copyright © 1991 AT&T All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A NoticeWhile reasonable efforts were made to ensure that the information in this document was complete and accurate at the time of printing, AT&T can assume no responsibility for any errors. Changes and corrections to the information contained in this document may be incorporated into future reissues. Your Responsibility for Your System’s SecurityYou are responsible for the security of your system. AT&T does not warrant that this product is immune from or will prevent unauthorized use of common-carrier telecornmunication services or facilities accessed through or connected to it. AT&T will not be responsible for any charges that result from such unauthorized use. Product administration to prevent unauthorized use is your responsibility and your system administrator should read all documents provided with this product to fully understand the features available that may reduce your risk of incurring charges. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Statement This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio- frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause interference to radio communications. It has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A computing device pursuant to Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference when operated in a commercial environment. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is Iikely to cause interference, in which case the user at his/her own expense will be required to take whatever measures may be required to correct the interference. Trademarks DEFINITY is a registered trademark of AT&T. In this document, DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 is often abbreviated to DEFINITY Generic 3 or Generic 3. DEFINITY Communications System Generic 1 is often abbreviated to DEFINITY Generic 1 or Generic 1. Acknowledgment This document was prepared by the AT&T Technical Publications Department Middletown NJ.

Contents CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................. 1-1 Overview ......................................................................................................................................1-1 System Management...........................................................................................................................1-1 Initialization.......................................................................................................................................................1-2 Ongoing Administration..............................................................................................................................1-2 Record Keeping...........................................................................................................................................................1-2 When to Use This Manual...........................................................................................................................................1-3 Organization ..............................................................................................................................................................1-3 Conventions Used in This Document .............................................................................................1-4 CHAPTER 2. DEFINITY ADMINISTRATION TERMINALS......................................... Overview.............................................................................................................. 715 MT Terminal.................................................................................................... ......... 2-1 ........ 2-1 ......... 2-3 513 BCT Keyboard............................................................................................................2-4 How to Program the Function Keys for a 513 BCT ..................................................................2-11 4425, 4410, 610, and 615 MT Terminals..............................................................................................2-15 AT&T PC 6300 Keyboard .............................................................................................................2-15 CHAPTER 3. SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION...............................................................3-1 Administration Sequence....................................................................................................3-1 CHAPTER 4. ADMINISTRATIVE TASKS—SYSTEM.......................................................4-1 How to Log In and Log Off........................................................................................4-1 How to Change Your Password.......................................................................................................4-3 How to Set Up the System to Allow Remote Administration.......................................................4-4 How to Administer the System From a Remote Location............................................................4-6 How to Administer Netcon Channels.................................................................................................4-6 i

How to How to How to How to Administer Dial Plan and Feature Access Codes................................................................4-8 Set Date and Time.......................................................................................................................4-10 Print on Demand .........................................................................................................................4-13 List History ...................................................................................................................4-13 CHAPTER 5. ADMINISTRATIVE TASKS—VOICE TERMINAL......................................5-1 How to Administer Voice Terminals......................................................................................................5-1 How to Administer Voice Terminals Without Hardware......................................................................5-8 How to Administer Data Modules and Voice Terminal Adjuncts....................................................5-9 CHAPTER 6. HARDWARE RECONFIGURATION................................................................6-1 Overview..................................................................................................................................................6-1 Circuit Pack Administration.....................................................................................................................6-2 CHAPTER 7. SYSTEM BACKUP FOR DEFINITY G1 AND G3i............................7-1 Save Translation...............................................................................................................................................7-1 Save and Restore Recorded Announcements.................................................................................7-1 Tape Backup for a System Without the Duplication Option ......................................................7-2 Tape Backup for a System With the Duplication Option .............................................................. 7-4 Tape Errors.......................................................................................................................7-6 CHAPTER 8. SYSTEM BACKUP FOR DEFINITY G3r........................................................8-1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................8-1 Save Announcements Command...................................................................................................8-2 Restore Announcements Command .................................................................................................8-5 Error Conditions .......................................................................................................8-7 Save Translation Command.........................................................................................................8-9 Backup Command ................................................................................................................8-13 Restore Command..............................................................................................................................8-15 Error Conditions.........................................................................................................................................8-17 ii

CHAPTER CHAPTER9. REFERENCES ...................... 10. ABBREVIATIONS AND .....................................................................9-1 ACRONYMS.......................................................10-1 GLOSSARY..................................................................................................................G-1 INDEX..................................................................................................................................I-1 iii

Figures Figure 2-1. Figure 2-2. Figure 2-3. Figure 2-4. Figure 2-5. Figure 2-6. Figure 2-7. Figure 2-8. Figure 2-9. Figure 4-1. Figure 4-2. Figure 4-3. Figure 5-1. Figure 5-2. Figure 7-1. Figure 7-2. Figure 7-3. Figure 7-4. Figure 8-1. Figure 8-2. Figure 8-3.715 MT Keyboard ..................................................................................2-3 513 BCT Keyboard Function Keys and Programmable Keys. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-10 Screen Labels Displayed When the LCL MENU Key is Pressed on a 513 BCT .... 2-12 Screen Display When the USER PF SET-UP Key is Pressed on a 513 BCT ......... 2-13 Assigning Administrative Functions to Programmable Function Keys (F1, F2, and F3) on a 513 BCT.................................. 2-14 4425 Keyboard Assignments.....................................................................................2-16 4410 Keyboard Assignments ...................................................................................2-17 610 MT Terminal Keyboard Assignments....................................................................2-18 615 MT Keyboard Assignments Used Without a 513 Emulation Cartridge ............... 2-19 Password Change Screen Form..............................................................................................4-4 Date and Time Screen Form.........................................................................4-10 Typical History Form.......................................................................................................4-14 Duplication Station Form Without a Data Module.........................................................5-6 Duplication Station Form With a Data Module..........................................................5-6 Save Translation—SPEA .......................................................................................7-2 Save Announcements Screen—SPEA ...........................................................................7-3 Save Translation—SPE_B..........................................................................................7-4 Save Announcements—SPE_B...............................................................................7-5 Save Translation Completion Status ...............................................................................8-11 Backup Completion Station......................................................................................................8-14 Restore Completion Status........................................................................................................8-16 Tables Table 2-A.Terminal Keys......................................................................................................2-5 Table 2-B.Escape Sequences....................................................................................................2-15 Table 4-A.Conversion to 24-Hour Clock..............................................................................4-12 Table 8-A.Save Translation Command Error Codes...........................................................8-11 iv

CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION Overview This manual provides the information necessary for the System Manager to administer the DEFINITY® Communications System Generic 1 and Generic 3 using any of the administration terminals listed in Chapter 2. If system administration will be performed using the DEFINITY® Communications System Generic 3 Management Applications (G3-MA), refer to DEFINITY® Communications System Generic 3 Management Applications—Operations, 585-229-202, for system management procedures. Unless otherwise noted, the DEFINITY Communications Sys- tem will be referred to as the “system” throughout this document. During the planning process, system requirements were identified by the Account Team and your company. Those requirements were converted into orderable system hardware when the Account Team configured the system. Those features were assigned on a system and per-terminal basis using the forms in the appropriate DEFINITY® Communications System Implementation manual for your DEFINITY System. The forms in your Implementation manual provide an accurate representation of the screens that are displayed on the system administration terminal. The forms are a blueprint showing how the system and voice terminal features should be constructed. In order to administer the system, the following must first be done: l Attend the System Customer Training Course. l Be familiar with the information in the DEFINITY® Communications System Generic 1 and Generic System 3—Description, 555-230-200, and the DEFINITY Communications System Genetic 1 and Generic 3—Feature Description, 555-230-201. l Obtain a list from the Account Team and determine what hardware has been ordered. l Using your Implementation manual, complete: – the Communications Survey – the applicable system records and forms l Retain all the completed system forms in the Implementation manual for use in initializing and administering the system. System Management System Management is the process by which the System Manager controls, maintains, and mon- itors the system. The System Manager provides reports which enable the manager to assess system functionality and use. System Management also allows the System Manager to make additions and/or changes as necessary to meet business requirements. 1-1

CHAPTER 1. lNTRODUCTION System Managers Role The System Manager is responsible for the following: l Adding, changing, removing, and monitoring the system and voice terminal features on a day-to-day basis l Performing system backup procedures l Monitoring system performance - l Maintaining system security Initialization After the system is installed and initialized, the System Manager can administer the system using the system administration terminal. Once completed and duplicated, all forms from the Implementation manual should be sorted into groups. For example, all voice terminal, hunt group, and trunk group forms should be in separate groups. A copy of the Port Assignment Record should be available to keep track of the items being installed in the system. These records can be used as a permanent record to show how the system was initially set up. These records can be replaced as system and voice terminal features are added or removed. Ongoing Administration Ongoing administration is the process of using system commands to perform a variety of func- tions to meet business requirements. These functions include: add, change, display, set time, list, duplicate, perform system measurements, perform security and alarms, configure, monitor system performance, and remove system and/or voice terminal features. Record Keeping Record keeping plays a vital role in system administration. Records provide a current status of what hardware and which features have been installed. The Port Assignment Record provides a record of how a system is initialized and administered. Ports are the physical location on a circuit pack where terminals, trunks, or system adjuncts are connected. Once port numbers are assigned, they become the “address” of the associated equipment or facility in the system. It isnecessary that a record be made and kept of port assignments for system installation/initialization and ongoing administration. A work request form or worksheet should be used to keep track of people who requested the features and the features they desired. Follow your company policy concerning keeping records. The applicable Implementation manual provides the system-related screen forms. 1-2

CHAPTER 1. lNTRODUCTlON When to Use This Manual This manual, along with the Implementation manual, provides the necessary guidelines to admin- ister the system. The Implementation manual, when completed, contains the filled-out forms that reflect how your company wants to implement the system and voice terminal features. The infor- mation on these forms will be electronically entered in the system. The Implementation manual provides all the details for gathering translation data. It also provides detailed questions and procedures required to complete all the screen forms used to enter trans- lation data into the system. The System Description and Feature Description manuals should be used to answer any ques- tions concerning system hardware and feature descriptions. You should have thorough training on the following items before attempting to administer the system: l System and voice terminal features l Hardware requirements l Port assignments l Manager I terminal operation Organization This document consists of the following chapters: l l l l l l l l Chapter 1. Introduction describes this document. Chapter 2. DEFINITY Administration Terminals describes the types of terminals which can be used to administer DEFINITY Communications Systems and provides details on keyboard layouts and keyboard mapping. Chapter 3. System Administration provides the order in which features are to be administered. Chapter 4. Administrative Tasks-System gives details on performing a variety of system administration tasks. Chapter 5. Administrative Tasks-Voice Terminal gives details on performing a variety of voice terminal administration tasks. Chapter 6. Hardware Reconfiguration provides a list of commands to determine if the correct circuit packs are installed so that new voice terminals, trunks, and data modules can be added to the system. Chapter 7. System Backup for DEFINITY G1 and G3i describes the tasks involved in backing up the DEFINITY G1 and G3i systems, including saving translations, saving and restoring recorded announcements, tape backup, and tape errors. Chapter 8. System Backup for DEFINITY G3r describes the tasks involved in backing up the DEFINITY G3r system, including saving translations, saving and restoring recorded announcements, backup, restore, and tape errors. 1-3

CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION l Chapter 9. References provides a list of references for related documents. l Chapter 10. Abbreviations and Acronyms lists abbreviations and acronyms for terms used in the DEFINlTY Communications System documentation. l Glossary defines terms used in the DEFINITY Communications System documentation. l Index Conventions Used in This Document This manual uses the following conventions: l The names of the comrnands are shown in the following typeface: change system-parameters feature l Information you type is shown in the following typeface: EIA. l Information displayed on the screen is shown in the following typeface: login: l Keyboard keys are shown as follows: [RETURN] l Function keys are shown as follows: [CANCEL] 1-4