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Apple macbook 13 inch aluminum late 2008 User Manual

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    							MacBook (13-inch, Aluminum, Late 2008) Symptom Charts — Mass Storage 81 2010-06-15
    Deep Dive
    1. Boot from Restore DVD and 
    launch Disk Utility.  Is hard 
    drive available for Disk Utility 
    to repair?
    YesGo to step 2.
    NoGo to step 3.
    2.  Did Disk Utility mount and 
    repair hard drive successfully?   
    Reseat hard drive if necessary.
    YesRestart computer, go to step 
    NoIf computer has not been 
    verified with a known-good 
    hard drive, go to step 3; 
    otherwise, go to step 7.
    3. Substitute a known-good 
    bootable hard drive, does 
    computer start up to desktop?
    YesInstall user drive, go to step 2.
    NoContinue to use known-
    good bootable hard drive to 
    determine root cause. Go to 
    step 4.
    4.  After reseating SATA and 
    logic board connections, does 
    known-good hard drive start 
    up to desktop?
    YesInstall user drive, go to step 2.
    NoSuspect hard drive SATA 
    cable, go to step 5.
    5. Replace hard drive SATA cable 
    and retest with known-good 
    hard drive.
    YesInstall user drive, go to step 2.X03
    NoReplace logic board.M19
    6.  Did user’s hard drive start up 
    YesIssue resolved. 
    NoRestore or replace user’s hard 
    drive, go to step 7.
    7. Partition, erase & install Mac OS 
    on user’s hard drive.  Did install 
    complete without error and 
    start up successfully?
    YesIssue resolved.
    NoHard drive appears to be 
    defective.  Go to step 8.
    8.  Replace user’s hard drive. Does 
    drive format correctly with a 
    GUID partition map and install 
    Mac OS  without errors?
    YesIssue resolved. H01
    NoSATA cable verified or 
    replaced and new hard drive 
    installed, replace logic board.
    							MacBook (13-inch, Aluminum, Late 2008) Symptom Charts — Mass Storage 82 2010-06-15
    Hard Drive Noisy
    Unlikely cause: LCD, speakers, fan, camera, microphone
    Quick Check
    SymptomQuick Check
    Hard Drive Noisy
    • Noise during start up
    • Noise during operation
    • Noise when drive is copying or 
    saving data
    1. Start up from Install DVD.  Verify S.M.A.R.T. status 
    of hard drive using Disk Utility.
    2.  Repair disk using Disk Utility.
    3. Check for reported noise and compare with 
    Knowledge Base article “Apple Portables: Hard 
    Drives and Noise “ 
    Deep Dive
    1. Boot from Restore DVD and 
    launch Disk Utility.  Is hard 
    drive available for Disk Utility 
    to repair?
    YesGo to step 2.
    NoReplace hard drive or go to 
    H01 Drive not recognized/
    2.  Repair disk using Disk Utility 
    and verify it completed 
    YesRestart computer. Go to step 
    NoGo to step 4.
    3. Is hard drive still noisy?YesRemove hard drive and start 
    up from external drive to test 
    fan noise.  Go to step 6.
    NoIssue resolved.
    4.  Erase disk and reinstall Mac 
    OS using Installer. Did process 
    YesRestart computer. Go to step 
    NoReplace hard drive. Go to step 
    							MacBook (13-inch, Aluminum, Late 2008) Symptom Charts — Mass Storage 83 2010-06-15
    5. After installing new hard drive, 
    do you still have drive noise?
    YesRemove hard drive and start 
    up from external drive to test 
    fan noise.  Go to step 6.
    NoIssue resolved.
    6.  After removing hard drive, 
    verify if the system is still noisy.
    YesFan noise or optical drive 
    noise likely to be the cause. 
    See ODD Noisy table and Fan 
    failures/Thermal issues table.
    NoGo to step 7.
    7. Install a known-good hard 
    drive and verify if the noise 
    level is similar to user’s hard 
    YesHard drive noise level is 
    similar to a known-good 
    drive and does not require 
    NoReplace hard drive. Go to step 
    Optical Drive Won’t Accept/Reject Media
    Unlikely cause: LCD, speakers, fan, camera, microphone
    Quick Check
    SymptomQuick Check
    Optical Drive Won’t Accept/
    Reject Media
    • Cannot insert a disc into the 
    • Cannot eject a disc placed into 
    the drive
    1.  Use Apple System Profiler ATA section to see if  
    the optical drive appears.  If not, see Optical Drive 
    Not Recognized., 
    2.  Restart computer and hold down mouse button 
    or keyboard eject key to cycle optical drive.
    3. Inspect optical drive slot for obstructions  
    							MacBook (13-inch, Aluminum, Late 2008) Symptom Charts — Mass Storage 84 2010-06-15
    Deep Dive
    1. Is optical drive listed in the 
    device tree for serial-ATA 
    devices in System Profiler?
    YesOptical drive has power, 
    inspect disc acceptance. Go 
    to step 5.
    NoInspect hardware.  Go to step 
    2.  Verify all connections between 
    logic board, flex cable, and 
    optical drive are secure.  
    Visually inspect cables and 
    connectors for any debris, 
    damage, or bent pins.  Is 
    optical drive now listed in 
    System Profiler?
    YesOptical drive has power, 
    inspect disc acceptance. Go 
    to step 5.
    NoReplace any damaged cables 
    and retest. If connections 
    are good and with no visible 
    cable damage, go to step 3.
    3. Disconnect user’s optical 
    drive by lifting SATA cable at 
    logic board and connecting 
    a known good optical drive 
    assembly.  Is optical drive now 
    listed in System Profiler?
    YesSATA port functional, 
    reconnect user’s optical drive 
    & SATA cable.  Go to step 4.
    NoReplace logic board. M19
    4.  Install and test user’s optical 
    drive with replacement SATA 
    flex cable.  Is optical drive now 
    listed in System Profiler?
    YesCable change resolved issue.X03
    NoReplace the optical drive.  
    (Mechanical damage to 
    optical drive, if found)
    5. Inspect optical drive slot 
    for disc insert/eject. Is there 
    clearance for disc use?
    YesGo to step 6.
    NoReplace damaged optical 
    drive or system top case that 
    interferes with disc use.
    6.  Insert known-good disc and 
    test user’s optical drive for 
    acceptance of disc.  Does disc 
    auto eject?
    YesReplace the optical drive.  
    (Mechanical damage to 
    optical drive, if found)
    NoGo to step 7.
    7. Does disc mount to desktop?YesGo to Eject Test step 8.
    NoGo to Optical Drive 
    Read/Write Data Error 
    troubleshooting page.  
    							MacBook (13-inch, Aluminum, Late 2008) Symptom Charts — Mass Storage 85 2010-06-15
    8. Does disc eject properly from 
    optical drive?
    YesIssue resolved. 
    NoReplace optical drive or top 
    case that interferes with disc 
    9. With replacement flex cable 
    and interconnect board, is disc 
    now recognized?
    YesIssue resolved. 
    NoReplace optical drive. If drive 
    has already been replaced, 
    then replace logic board.
    Optical Drive Read/Write Data Error
    Unlikely cause: LCD, speakers, fan, camera, microphone
    Quick Check
    SymptomQuick Check
    Optical Drive Read/Write Data 
    • Errors when writing optical 
    • Errors when reading optical 
    • Hang when accessing or 
    preparing to write data.
    1. Test optical media in another drive of the same 
    type in same type of machine to rule out media 
    2.  Check with known-good discs like the Install discs 
    that came with the computer.
    3. For write issues, check with known-good media 
    that performs well in another computer and 
    optical drive of the same type.
    4.  Check both CD and DVD media. If only one type 
    of media is producing errors, there is a laser issue. 
    Deep Dive
    1. Is media free to spin without 
    optical drive scraping edge or 
    surface of media?
    YesGo to step 2.
    NoReplace optical drive.J03  
    							MacBook (13-inch, Aluminum, Late 2008) Symptom Charts — Mass Storage 86 2010-06-15
    2. Can optical drive read both CD 
    and DVD known-good media?
    YesGo to step 6
    NoReading CD only or DVD only 
    indicates laser issue, replace 
    optical drive.
    Optical drive cannot read any 
    media reliably, go to step 3.
    3. Reseat cable connections 
    at logic board and optical 
    drive.  Verify that media is now 
    recognized and reads reliably.
    YesReseat resolved issue.X03
    NoGo to step 4.
    4.  Disconnect optical drive by 
    lifting SATA cable at logic 
    board and connecting a 
    known-good optical drive.  
    Verify that media is now 
    recognized and reads reliably.
    YesSATA port functional, 
    reconnect user’s optical drive 
    & SATA cable.  Go to step 5.
    NoReplace logic board.M19
    5. Install and test with 
    replacement optical drive SATA 
    flex cable. Verify that media 
    is now recognized and reads 
    YesCable change resolved issue.X03
    NoReplace the optical drive.  
    (Mechanical damage to 
    optical drive, if found)
    6.  Test write data to compatible 
    CD and DVD media.  Verify 
    burned media is recognized 
    and reads reliably.
    YesIssue resolved. 
    NoReplace the optical drive.  
    (Mechanical damage to 
    optical drive, if found)
    							MacBook (13-inch, Aluminum, Late 2008) Symptom Charts — Mass Storage 87 2010-06-15
    Optical Drive Not Recognized/Mount
    Unlikely cause: LCD, speakers, fan, camera, microphone
    Quick Check
    SymptomQuick Check
    Optical Drive Not Recognized/
    • Discs inject and eject, but do 
    not appear in Finder
    1. Use Apple System Profiler ATA section to see if  
    the optical drive appears.
    2.  Serial-ATA section of Apple System Profiler will 
    show any media inserted.
    3. Check Finder Preferences: General and make sure 
    “CD’s, DVD’s and iPods” is checked under “Show 
    these items on the Desktop.”
    4.  Check both CD and DVD media. If only one type 
    of media is recognized, there might be a laser 
    related issue. (J99)
    Deep Dive
    1. Is optical drive listed in the 
    device tree for SATA devices in 
    System Profiler?
    YesIssue resolved.
    NoGo to step 2.
    2.  Verify all connections between 
    logic board, flex cable, optical 
    drive are secure.  Visually 
    inspect cables and connectors 
    for any debris, damage, or bent 
    pins.  Is optical drive now listed 
    in System Profiler?
    YesIssue resolved.
    NoReplace any damaged cables 
    and retest.  If connections 
    are good and with no visible 
    cable damage, go to step 3.
    3. Disconnect optical drive by 
    lifting SATA cable at logic 
    board and connecting a 
    known-good drive.  Is optical 
    drive now listed in System 
    YesSATA port functional, 
    reconnect user’s optical drive 
    & SATA cable. Go to step 4.
    NoReplace logic board. M19
    4.  Install and test with 
    replacement optical drive SATA 
    flex cable.  Is optical drive now 
    listed in System Profiler?
    YesCable change resolved issueX03
    NoReplace the optical drive.  
    (Mechanical damage to 
    optical drive, if found)
    							MacBook (13-inch, Aluminum, Late 2008) Symptom Charts — Mass Storage 88 2010-06-15
    Optical Drive Noisy
    Unlikely cause: LCD, speakers, fan, camera, microphone
    Quick Check
    SymptomQuick Check
    Optical Drive Noisy
    • Noise during boot
    • Noise during operation
    • Noise when drive is copying or 
    writing data
    1. Test optical media in another drive of the same 
    type in same type of computer to rule out media 
    2.  Check with known-good discs. Install discs that 
    came with the computer.
    3. Check to see if noise occurs without media in 
    the drive. If so, check for hard drive (H06) and fan 
    (M18) caused noise.
    Deep Dive
    1. Is optical drive constantly 
    seeking or cycling eject 
    mechanism without an optical 
    disc installed? Optical drive 
    should perform only one reset 
    sequence and rest idle, ready 
    for media.
    YesContinue and verify with 
    media, go to step 2.
    NoReplace optical drive if 
    continuous activity occurs 
    with no disc installed.
    2.  Insert known good data CD.  
    Is media free to spin without 
    optical drive scraping edge or 
    surface of media?  Verify disc 
    does not exceed maximum 
    thickness specification.
    YesContinue and verify with 
    media, go to step 3.
    NoInternal mechanical 
    interference is affecting 
    rotational spin of media, 
    replace optical drive.
    3. Initial disc handling noise is 
    normal. Disc spinning and 
    head seek indicate disc is 
    mounting to desktop.  Seek 
    noise should settle down 
    once mounted.  Is noise above 
    normal and related to seek 
    YesReplace optical drive.J04
    NoGo to step 4.  
    							MacBook (13-inch, Aluminum, Late 2008) Symptom Charts — Mass Storage 89 2010-06-15
    4. Disc spin should cease 30 
    seconds after mounting data 
    CD on OS desktop.  Is the noise 
    related to disc spin?
    YesGo to step 5.
    NoGo to step 6.
    5. Remove the optical drive and 
    check for the correct seating 
    of the brackets on the optical 
    drive and in the top case. 
    Reinstall drive in unit and 
    retest. Verify if drive is still 
    YesGo to step 6.
    NoIssue resolved.  Optical drive 
    was not properly mounted in 
    enclosure.  (Possible physical 
    damage to optical drive.)  
    6.  Eject known good data CD. 
    Disc handling noise should 
    be one pop of disc from 
    motor hub and a motor gear 
    sound driving disc out of 
    optical drive.  Is noise above 
    normal and related to disc 
    eject activity or multiple eject 
    YesReplace optical drive.J02
    NoGo to step 7.
    7. Disc spin should cease 30 
    seconds after mounting data 
    CD on desktop.  Media may 
    be mounting on a defective 
    internal spindle hub.  Is the 
    noise related to disc spin?
    YesReplace optical drive.J04
    NoNoise does not appear to be 
    related to optical drive.  
    							MacBook (13-inch, Aluminum, Late 2008) Symptom Charts — Mass Storage 90 2010-06-15
    Optical Drive Not Performing to Specs
    Unlikely cause: LCD, speakers, fan, camera, microphone
    Quick Check
    SymptomQuick Check
    Optical Drive Not Performing to 
    Read or write speeds slower than 
    1. Test optical media in another drive of the same 
    type in same type of computer to rule out media 
    2.  Check with known-good discs—Install discs that 
    came with the computer.
    3. For disc write issues, check with known-good 
    media that performs well in another computer 
    and drive of the same type.
    4.  Check both CD and DVD media. If only one type 
    of media is producing errors, there might be a 
    laser related issue. (J99)
    Deep Dive
    1. Can optical drive read both CD 
    and DVD known-good media?
    YesGo to step 5
    NoReading CD only or DVD only 
    indicates laser issue, replace 
    optical drive.
    Optical drive cannot read any 
    media reliably. Go to step 2.
    2.  Reseat cable connections 
    at logic board and optical 
    drive.  Verify that media is now 
    recognized and reads reliably.
    YesReseat resolved issue.X03
    NoGo to step 3.
    3. Disconnect optical drive by 
    lifting SATA cable at logic 
    board and connecting a 
    known-good drive.  Verify that 
    media is now recognized and 
    reads reliably.
    YesSATA port functional, 
    reconnect user’s optical drive 
    & SATA cable. Go to step 4.
    NoReplace logic board.M19  
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