AOR CU8232 Remote Control Interface Instructions
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- 41 - SQ Check the search options (level & audio). The SO command is used to check the current setting of search parameters. Use the command SQ[ï] The response will be SQ0 = Not engaged SQ1 = Level search ON SQ2 = Audio search ON SQ3 = BOTH level & audio search ON Related commands SA SB SD SO SP BS BQ SR Recall search data. The SR command is used to recall search data for a chosen bank. To recall the search data from the currently selected search bank use the format SR[ï] To recall the...
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- 42 - SS Engage search mode - start search. The SS command is used to start the search process from either the current or specified search bank. To start searching from the current search bank use the format SS[ï] To start searching from a specified search bank use the format SSx[ï] where x = search bank A ~ J or a ~ j. Related commands DD MR MS RX SG VF é ê ST Tuning step size. The ST command is used in conjunction with several other commands to set the tuning or search increment....
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- 43 - SU Set the upper frequency of a search bank. This command cannot be used on its own but must be used in conjunction with the SE command, please refer to the section on SE. SUUpper frequency limit nnnnnnnnm0 (Hz) or nnnn.nnnnm (MHz) m = 0 or 5 (tens of Hz position), 0 must always be 0 any other entry will be ignored. Input below 1.6 MHz is displayed in kHz. Related commands SE SL TT TI Priority interval time. The TI command is used to set the priority interval time (how long to wait between...
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- 44 - TM Write text in conjunction with memory channel. The TM command cannot be used on its own but is used in conjunction with the MX command to write text comments into a memory channel. Up to 7 ASCII characters or characters from the table (below) may be entered. Blank table entries [ ] represent a blank space. Please refer to the MX command for full details of use. TMxxxxxxx Text write where xxxxxxx may be up to 7 characters in ASCII or character mode. Entry is completed with a [ï]...
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- 45 - characters or characters from the table (see TM) may be entered. Blank table entries [ ] represent a blank space. TTxxxxxxx Text write where xxxxxxx may be up to 7 characters in ASCII or character mode. Entry is completed with a [ï] Related commands SE SR VA V B Check and change the receive frequency of VFOA or VFOB. The VB and VB commands may be used to read the current frequency from VFOA or VFOB and to write a new receive frequency. Both commands are used in the same manner, VA...
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- 46 - VF Switch to 2VFO mode. The VF command is used to place the receiver into 2VFO mode. The data from the current VFO (A or B) is automatically reported. Use the command VF[ï] A typical response may be: VA0433040000_ST0200000_AU1_MD1_AT0 The date representing 2VFO mode, VFOA active, receive frequency 433.04 MHz, 20 kHz channel step, Automode ON, receive mode NFM, attenuator ON. Another response may be (for VFOB): VB0145080000_ST020000_AU1_MD1_AT0 Related commands DD MR MG MS SM SG SS VA...
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- 47 - To check the current status use the format XB[ï] The response will be XB0 = level scan OFF XB1 ~ XB7 = level scan ON To change the status of level scan ON / OFF use the format: XBn[ï] where n = 0 level scan OFF n = 1 ~ 7 level scan ON for example SB3 means level scan set to threshold 3 Related commands BM ML XA XD XM XO XP XQ XD Scan delay time. The XD command is used to check and set the scan delay time. To check the current setting use the format: XD[ï] The...
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- 48 - XM Mode scan. The XM command is used to check and set the options for MODE SCAN. To check the current setting use the format: XM[ï] The response will be: XM0 = WFM XM1 = NFM XM2 = A M XM3 = USB XM4 = LSB XM5 = C W XMF = ALL MODE (effectively scan mode off) To change the setting of mode scan use the format: XMn[ï] where: n = 0 WFM n = 1 NFM n = 2 A M n = 3 USB n = 4 LSB n = 5 C W n = F OFF - ALL MODES will be scanned. Related commands BM ML XA XB XD XO XP XQ...
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- 49 - XP Change free scan time in scan mode. The XP command is used to review and change the setting of free scan time when in scan mode. To review the current setting use the command XP[ï] The response will be in the format: XPnn where nn = 01 ~ 99 free scan time in seconds nn = 00 free scan mode OFF Examples are: XP52 = free scan time of 52 seconds XP00 = free scan mode OFF To change the current setting of free scan mode use the format XPnn[ï] where: nn = 01 ~ 99 free scan time in seconds...
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- 50 - é ê UP / DOWN arrows. The é ê arrow commands have largely the same effect as the arrow keys on the front panel of the AR8000 receiver. In VFO mode the frequency is incremented upward or downward, in memory recall mode the next channel is selected and in search/scan modes the direction of search/scan may be reversed. The value for é is h1E (HEX DECIMAL) and the command may be sent using the format é[ï] The value for ê is h1F (HEX DECIMAL) and the command may be sent using the format...