AOR CU8232 Remote Control Interface Instructions
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Page 11
- 11 - Figure 12 Finally click on the File heading toward the top of the screen and select SAVE_AS. This will enable the chosen parameters to be saved in a file which may be OPENED next time TERMINAL is selected so that the parameters will not require future re-configuration. Figure 13 shows a file name of AR8000.TRM, (.TRM being the default extension). The file is saved in the main WINDOWS sub directory. Figure 13 WINDOWS TERMINAL
Page 12
- 12 - ¶ For further information regarding WINDOWS TERMINAL and configuration, please refer to the operating manual supplied with Microsoft software and the computer. Click on “COMMUNICATIONS” then select the options as shown in figure 11. The choice of COM port (COM1, COM2 etc) will depend upon your computer serial port and mouse configuration. Finally click on [OK]. (7) How to send a command Each command comprises of two upper case letters (header) along with options as required. All...
Page 13
- 13 - (8) List of commands Application Command VFO Freq Input RF VA VB Receiver Function AT AU MC MD RX ST SQ, S-Meter LC LM MG SG Receive Mode DD MR MG MS SG SM SS VF Search BN BQ BS SA SB SD SE SG SO SP SQ SR SS Search Data Write AT AU MD SE SL SU ST TT Pass Freq PD PR PS PW Memo CH, Scan BM BN MA MG ML MP MQ MR MS XA XB XD XM XO XP XQ Memo CH Data Write AT AU MD MX RF ST TM Select Scan GA GD GR SM Others EX PA PI SC SI SN TI é[UP] (1E) ê[DOWN] (1F) ( )= Hex Decimal Arrow is a control...
Page 14
- 14 - (9) Command index AT Register the attenuator position ON/OFF. AU Register the auto mode ON/OFF. BM Register the scan bank link ON/OFF. BN Change the search/scan bank. BQ Register the search bank link function ON/OFF. BS Register the search bank link ON/OFF. DD Recall the VFO mode. EX End the Remote mode (RS232C). GA Register the select scan channel from Memory channel. GD Delete the select scan channel from Memory channel. GR Recall the select scan channel. LC Respond with the received freq and...
Page 15
- 15 - SE Register the Search data. SG Start the Search mode. Respond with freq and S-level reading when SQ is open. SI Switch the option unit ON/OFF (when fitted - not available in the UK). SL Write the start freq of Search. SM Start the Select Scan. SN Write the Pass Word. Recall the Pass Word. SO Recall the Search operating mode. SP Register the Free Search ON/OFF and delay time. SQ Check the SQ setting. SR Recall the Search data. SS Start the Search. ST Register the step size in search mode. SU...
Page 16
- 16 - (10) Explanation of commands AT ATTENUATOR ON/OFF. ATn[ï] n = 0 ATT OFF n = 1 ATT ON Multiple commands in conjunction with other commands are possible with a space in between: AT, AU, MD, RF, ST, VA, VB. Example: AU0_MD3_RF145.2_AT1[ï] AT [ï] checks the current attenuator setting, the response being: AT0 = ATT OFF AT1 = ATT ON Related commands MD MX RF SE VA VB AU AUTO MODE (and step) ON/OFF. AUn[ï] n = 0 AUTO MODE OFF n = 1 AUTO MODE ON Multiple commands in conjunction with other...
Page 17
- 17 - BM SCAN BANK LINK ON/OFF (specifically). BM[ï] checks the current status of linked scan banks. If bank letters are specified then scan bank link is On (the specified banks will be scanned as a group), if no letters are specified then the facility is Off. First check the current status by typing BM[ï] A typical response may be: BM -BC—GHIJa—e—h-j To switch bank link Off type in the reported scan bank letters: BM BCGHIJaehj (lower case input being accepted for the second group of memory banks) To...
Page 18
- 18 - BN The BN command is used to change the starting point for SCAN and SEARCH banks. In VFO mode, BN specifies the bank to use when SCAN or SEARCH mode is entered (rather than the last used bank location). In scan or search mode for format is BNx[ï] where x is a bank location A-J & a-j. To review the current status of BN simply type BN[ï] The response is split into SEARCH and SCAN banks, MXx for SCAN bank and SRx for SEARCH bank. For example “SRD” indicates search bank D and MXj indicated scan bank...
Page 19
- 19 - To activate a new search bank link type in the required list of search bank letters. For example to link a few specified search banks and turn the facility On: Type BS followed by the bank letters and terminated with [ï] BS ABDabcij [ï] The BS command may be used to switch some banks On and others Off at the same time. To make things easier a “-” character reverses the current status of the specified bank, of course this may also be used to switch search bank link Off. Note: The SEARCH BANK LINK...
Page 20
- 20 - EX End remote operation and restore keypad operation to AR8000. To end RS232 remote operation type EX[ï] This has the same effect as pressing the [LOCAL] key on the AR8000 receiver. GA Designate (“TAG”) memory channel for select scan. The GA command is used to “tag” memory channels for select scan. GAxnn[ï] where x is the bank letter A-J & a-j where nn is the memory channel number 00-49 Related commands GD GR SM GD Deactivate (“UN-TAG”) memory channel for select scan. The GD command is used to...