AOR CU8232 Remote Control Interface Instructions
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Page 21
- 21 - GR Recall select scan channels. The GR command is used to recall the data from select channels specifically or as a whole. Select scan channels are assigned in order 00 - 99. When a select scan channel is deleted the higher numeric channel “shuffle down” to fill the vacant allocation (refer to page 69 section 11 of the English language operating manual for further information). To recall the data from a specific select scan channel use the format: GRnn[ï] where nn is the channel number 00 - 99...
Page 22
- 22 - LC The LC command caused the receiver to supply FREQUENCY and S-METER level only when the squelch is opened. A new response will be repeated automatically when the squelch is closed and opened again. The automatic data response will only be supplied when ALL squelch parameters are met (level scan, audio scan etc). To terminate the facility send another command. LC[ï] will report the present receive frequency and S-meter. The S-meter report is in 64 steps from hex decimal 00 to 3F. A typical...
Page 23
- 23 - A typical response to the LM[ï] command is: LM1D 00 ~ 3F Squelch is open 80 ~ BF Squelch is closed Related commands LC MG SG [UP] [DOWN] MA Recall data from the current of specified memory bank. The MR command recalls data from the current of specified memory bank. MR[ï] recalls data from the current memory bank. MRx[ï] recalls data from the specified memory bank where x = A ~ j & a ~ j. A typical response being: MXA00_MP0_RF0000945000_ST009000_AU1_MD2_AT0_TMGEM AM...
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- 24 - MC Select monitor switch position. The monitor switch may be selected irrespective of squelch setting by use of the MC command. This is particularly useful for weak or fluttery signal monitoring or when listening to SSB transmissions. The MC command may also be used to mute the audio completely. MCn[ï] where n = 0 MUTE OFF (emit audio) n = 1 MUTE ON (mute audio) n = 2 MUTE AUTO (restore normal SQ operation) MD The MD command provides a quick method to report and change the current...
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- 25 - MG Scan with frequency and S-meter then resume. The MG commands causes an automatic response of receive frequency and S-meter level (similar to LC command) AND places the receiver into memory scan mode again. MG[ï] will report the present receive frequency in Hz and S-meter. The S-meter report is in 64 steps from hex decimal 00 to 3F. A typical response may be: LC2B_RF0145300000 S-meter h2B Receive frequency 145.30 MHz Related commands BM BN DD ML MP MQ MR MS MX SG SS VF XA VB XD XM XO XP XQ...
Page 26
- 26 - MP Register the present channel as PASS. The MP command is used to register the current memory channel as PASS (so that it will be skipped during scan). The command is generally used in conjunction with the “MR” command. To check the current status of PASS use the command MP[ï] The response will be MP0 Memory PASS OFF MP1 Memory PASS ON It is possible to change the status of memory channel PASS using the command: MPn[ï] where n = 0 Channel PASS OFF n = 1 Channel PASS ON Related commands...
Page 27
- 27 - MR Place the receiver in M.RE - memory read mode. The MR command is used to place the receiver into memory read mode. The MR command is also required before channels may be deleted using the MQ command. The MR[ï] command places the receiver in memory recall mode and the last used channel data is reported. It is possible to specify both the memory bank and channel number for recall: MRxnn[ï] where x = memory bank A ~ J & a ~ j nn = channel number 00 ~ 49 A typical response to the MR command...
Page 28
- 28 - MS Start memory scan. The MS command places the receiver into memory scan mode. MS[ï] Commences memory scan from the current memory bank (or last one used if in another operating mode). MSx[ï] Commences memory scan from a specified memory bank number where x = A ~ J & a ~ j memory bank number Related commands BM BN DD MG ML MP MQ MR MX SG SS VF XA VB XD XM XO XP XQ é ê MX Write data into a memory channel. The MX command is used to write a comprehensive set of data to a specified memory...
Page 29
- 29 - RFnnnn.nnnnm0 (MHz) Refer to the command “RF”. AUn AUTO MODE where n = 0 OFF n = 1 ON * When AUTO MODE is ON, step size and mode is invalid. STnnnnm0 (Hz) Step size input in MHz. The last but one digit (tens of Hz) MUST be either “5” or “0”. STnnn.nm0 (kHz) Refer to the command “ST”. MDn Receive mode where n = 0 WFM n = 1 NFM n = 2 A M n = 3 USB n = 4 LSB n = 5 C W ATnAttenuator where n = 0 Attenuator OFF n = 1 Attenuator ON TMxxxxxxx Text write where xxxxxxx may...
Page 30
- 30 - PA Set delay time for power save mode. The PA command is used to set the delay time and is used in conjunction with PI which sets the interval time for the power save facility. The command PA[ï] checks the current setting of power save delay time, the response being PAnn where nn = 01 ~ 99 seconds nn = 00 is power save OFF To change the current setting, use the PA command followed by a two digit numeric value between 00 ~ 99. The value is in seconds and “00” switched the power save facility...