AOR CU8232 Remote Control Interface Instructions
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- 1 - 123456789012345678 123456789012345678 123456789012345678 123456789012345678 123456789012345678 123456789012345678 123456789012345678 123456789012345678 123456789012345678 123456789012345678 123456789012345678 123456789012345678 123456789012345678 123456789012345678 123456789012345678 123456789012345678 123456789012345678 123456789012345678 123456789012345678 123456789012345678 123456789012345678 123456789012345678 123456789012345678 123456789012345678 123456789012345678 123456789012345678...
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- 2 - Thank you for purchasing the CU8232 computer control interface for the AR8000 receiver. Every effort has been made to make this manual correct and up to date. Due to continuous development of the product and by error or omission anomalies may be found and these are acknowledged. Most apparent faults are usually due to accidental mis-operation of the product, carefully read all of the manual and relevant sections in the AR8000 operating manual before deciding to return the interface for repair....
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- 3 - (1) General The CU8232 interface allows computer control via the RS232 serial port of a computer. An additional piece of software will usually be required in order to address the computer’s serial port with the correct set of parameters. If using an IBM-PC or clone (with 80386 processor or higher) Microsoft WINDOWS “TERMINAL” may be used to address the computer’s serial port, configuration of “TERMINAL” is covered later in this manual. In order to gain the greatest flexibility, a specialist...
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- 4 - Figure 1 The [PROGRAM] socket is the primary receiver connection used for computer control. This port also takes power from the receiver (when the AR8000 is switched On). Should you wish to CLONE data between two AR8000 receivers, connect the second ribbon cable to the socket labelled [COPY]. 2.Remove the battery compartment lid of the AR8000 using a downward sliding motion. Figure 2 Locate the remote control socket which is located at the bottom edge of the battery compartment. Insert the ribbon...
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- 5 - It may be difficult to insert the flat cable into the CU8232 socket for the first time as they are necessarily quite tight. If this is the case, try inserting with a little upward pressure, it should become easier the next time. DO NOT APPLY EXCESSIVE STRESS TO THE FLAT CABLE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. A DC voltage is fed to the CU8232 by the AR8000 connected to the [PROGRAM] socket. When the receiver is switched On, the AR8000 DATA is routed to the RS232 connector. If a second receiver is...
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- 6 - ¶ Always press the [ENT] key of the AR8000 in RECEIVE mode first so that it is ready to accept data. ¶ Press the [CLEAR] key of the receiver prior to the retry if the failure is due to incorrect connections or an error in key sequence. 6.An alternative method may be used to connect two AR8000 receivers for data CLONE. Two CU8232 interfaces may be employed with each AR8000 connected to the [PROGRAM] socket. The RS232 9-pin connectors are linked using a three wire crossed cable:...
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- 7 - Connect the AR8000 to the [PROGRAM] socket of the CU8232 as outlined earlier in section (3) and figure 1. Connection to a computer is via the rear panel RS232C 9-pin “D” type female socket. Should you require a male socket then a 9-pin gender changer is supplied in the package. Should you prefer to use a 25-way “D” type female socket, an adaptor is also supplied as standard. Always use a straight RS232 cable (null modem is not to be used!). The RS232 cable should be of good quality and no more...
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- 8 - (5) Communication parameters Communication between the AR8000 and computer (via the CU8232) uses semi-duplex. Refer to both the English language operating manual (page 101 section 18-1) and the computer handbook for correct settings. Baud rate: 2400, 4800, 9600 selectable Delimiter: CR or CR,LF selectable Stop bit: 2 BIT Parity check: None The PC requires X-parameter flow control. Both the computer and AR8000 must use the same parameters for correct operation. If data is regularly lost or...
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- 9 - If the terminal program has not be configured an error message will appear (depending upon the serial port / mouse configuration). Click on [OK] to continue. Figure 8 TERMINAL will open and appear on the screen. You may re-size or maximise the screen at this point. Figure 9 Click on the Settings heading toward the top of the screen so that the communications and terminal parameters may be configured. Click on “TERMINAL EMULATION” then select “ANSI” then click on [OK]. Figure 10 WINDOWS TERMINAL
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- 10 - Click on the Settings heading toward the top of the screen so that the communications and terminal parameters may be re-configured. Click on “TERMINAL PREFERENCES” then select the options as shown in figure 11. Finally click on [OK]. Figure 11 Click on the Settings heading toward the top of the screen so that the communications and terminal parameters may be re-configured. Click on “COMMUNICATIONS” then select the options as shown in figure 12. The choice of COM port (COM1, COM2 etc) will...