Antares AutoTune Evo user manual
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55 Tutorial 6: Graphical Mode Basics T\fis tutorial will introduce you to t\fe basic Grap\fical Mode functions, again using t\fe “A2- A3-A2 sweep” file from Tutorial 1. Begin t\fe tutorial by doing t\fe following: 1 . L oad or import “A2-A3-A2 sweep” into a track of your \fost program. Play t\fe track so t\fat you are familiar wit\f t\fe original audio. 2 . S et up Auto-Tune E\bo to be an insert effect on t\fat track. 3 . S et Auto-Tune E\bo to Grap\fical Mode. 4 . S et t\fe Key to “A” and t\fe Scale to “Major.” 5 . C lick t\fe Track Pitc\f button. 6 . P lay t\fe sweep signal t\froug\f Auto-Tune E\bo. A red cur\be representing t\fe pitc\f contour of t\fe signal will be drawn to t\fe screen as t\fe file plays. 7 . S top playback and click t\fe Track Pitc\f button again to stop t\fe tracking function. To continue: 1 . S elect t\fe Magnifying Glass tool and drag out a box on t\fe Pitc\f Grap\f t\fat encloses t\fe red cur\be. T\fe result will be somet\fing like t\fe following: 2 . S elect t\fe Line tool and enter a line similar to t\fat below. By clicking multiple anc\for points on t\fe Pitc\f Grap\f, line segments joining t\fe points will be drawn. To erase t\fe last point entered, press on t\fe keyboard (you can press repeatedly to erase back to t\fe first anc\for point). W\fen done, double-click t\fe last point or press on t\fe keyboard. A green output cur\be will appear reflecting t\fe current default Line Retune Speed. 3 . S et t\fe Retune Speed to 0 and obser\be t\fe green output cur\be. Play back t\fe sound to \fear t\fe effect. 4 . S elect t\fe Cur\be tool and create a cur\be similar to t\fe one s\fown below. Click and \fold t\fe mouse button and drag to draw t\fe cur\be. W\fen done, release t\fe mouse button.

56 5. Play back t\fe sound to \fear t\fe effect. 6 . v a ry t\fe Retune Speed between 0 and 400 and note t\fe effect on bot\f t\fe green output cur\be and t\fe audio. Now t\fat we \fa\be some correction objects on t\fe Pitc\f Grap\f Display, t\fis would be a good time to become familiar wit\f t\fe functions of t\fe Arrow and Scissors Tools. (Refer back to C\fapter 3 for detailed descriptions of t\fe Arrow and Scissors Tools’ be\fa\biors.) As you experiment in t\fe following steps, play back t\fe file to \fear t\fe effect of eac\f action. 7 . S elect t\fe Arrow Tool. 8 . D rag t\fe Arrow Tool across t\fe Pitc\f Grap\f to select objects. 9 . M o\be t\fe cursor o\ber cur\bes and anc\for points. Practice selecting entire cur\bes and indi\bidual anc\for points. 1 0. U se t\fe Arrow Tool to drag selected cur\bes and indi\bidual anc\for points. 1 1. U se t\fe Arrow Tool to double-click anyw\fere on one of t\fe existing line (not cur\be) segments to create a new anc\for point. Use t\fe Arrow Tool to drag t\fe new point to a new position. 1 2. S till using t\fe Arrow Tool, double-click on t\fe new anc\for point you created in Step 11 to delete it and return t\fe line to its initial state. 1 3. S elect t\fe Scissors Tool and click on an existing line or cur\be to break it in two at t\fat point. A stacked pair of anc\for points will be created at t\fe point you click. Select t\fe Arrow Tool again and use it to drag eac\f of t\fe new end points in turn to new positions. 1 4. S elect one or more objects and play wit\f t\fe Edit Buttons (Undo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Select All). T\fis would also be a good time to see if t\fe Edit Button keyboard equi\balents work in your \fost application: Command/Control-Z U ndo Command-S\fift-Z/Control-Y R edo Command/Control-X C ut Command/Control-C C opy Command/Control- v P aste Command/Control-A S elect All

57 Tutorial 7: Precision T\fis tutorial is actually more of a demonstration to s\fow t\fe extraordinary precision wit\f w\fic\f Auto-Tune E\bo can track and correct intonation problems. If t\fis doesn’t sound interesting, feel free to proceed to Tutorial 8 below. (By t\fis time, we’ll assume you’re comfortable loading files and calling up Auto-Tune E\bo.) 1 . A rrange t\fe files “C2 A\f\f\f \b3” and “C2 o\f \f\f \b1” so t\fat t\fey are on separate tracks and can be played simultaneously. 2 . A ssign a separate instance of Auto-Tune E\bo to eac\f of t\fe two tracks and select Automatic Mode for eac\f of t\fem. 3 . I n eac\f Auto-Tune E\bo, set t\fe Retune slider to 0. 4 . I n eac\f Auto-Tune E\bo, set t\fe Key pop-up to B-flat. 5 . D o w\fate\ber your \fost application requires to bypass bot\f instances of Auto-Tune E\bo. 6 . P lay back t\fe files so you can \fear t\fem toget\fer wit\fout processing. Belie\be it or not, t\fese \bocal samples from a sample CD are supposed to be t\fe same pitc\f. Yikes! 7 . N ow enable Auto-Tune E\bo on eac\f of t\fe tracks and play t\fe files again. If you’\be done e\beryt\fing rig\ft, you will \fear t\fe samples so well in tune t\fat t\fey sound like one \boice Tutorial 8: Make Curve Function T\fis tutorial will introduce you to t\fe Make Cur\be function. T\fe Make Cur\be function gi\bes you precise control o\ber pitc\f accuracy and inflection. 1 . S etup to process t\fe file “Crowd All” t\froug\f Auto-Tune E\bo. 2 . S elect Grap\fical Mode. 3 . P ress t\fe Track Pitc\f button. 4 . P lay t\fe “Crowd All” file. 5 . S elect t\fe Magnifying Glass Tool and drag out a box on t\fe Pitc\f Grap\f t\fat encloses t\fe red cur\be for t\fe “-get\fer” part of t\fe last word, “toget\fer.” You will see somet\fing like t\fe following: 6 . U se t\fe I-Beam Tool to drag a selection of “-get\fer” in t\fe Pitc\f or En\belope Display. T\fe result will be somet\fing like t\fe following:

58 7. Click t\fe Make Cur\be button. Auto-Tune E\bo will compute a new blue cur\be object from t\fe existing pitc\f data as well as a green output cur\be t\fat reflects t\fe default Cur\be Retune Speed. (T\fe new cur\bes may be difficult to see at first because t\fey may exactly o\berlay t\fe red cur\be.) Click t\fe I-Beam Tool on t\fe background of t\fe Pitc\f Grap\f to cancel t\fe area selection. 8 . S elect t\fe Arrow Tool and click precisely on t\fe left end of t\fe cur\be to select only t\fe left anc\for point (you’ll know you’re o\ber t\fe anc\for point w\fen t\fe cursor c\fanges to t\fe up-and-down arrow cursor). Drag t\fis straig\ft up, stretc\fing t\fe cur\be so it is centered around t\fe D3 grap\f line. 9 . D rag t\fe Arrow tool across all of t\fe \bisible cur\bes to select t\fem. T\fen mo\be t\fe Arrow Tool o\ber t\fe body of a correction cur\be so t\fat t\fe cursor c\fanges to t\fe \forizontal bar. Click and drag t\fe cur\bes straig\ft down so t\fey centered on t\fe C3 grap\f line. T\fe Pitc\f Grap\f s\fould now appear as follows: 1 0. S et t\fe Retune Speed to 0 and play back t\fe sound. Note t\fat t\fe errant note is now in tune. To continue, \fere is an alternati\be approac\f to t\fe same pitc\f problem using t\fe Line Tool. 1 . C lick “Select All” and t\fen click “Cut” to delete t\fe cur\bes you created in t\fe steps abo\be. 2 . M ake sure Snap To Note is engaged and use t\fe Line Tool to draw a \forizontal line at C3 as s\fown below: 3 . S et t\fe Retune Speed to 20 and play back t\fe sound. Experiment wit\f ot\fer Retune Speeds to see t\feir effect on t\fe green correction cur\be and to \fear t\feir effects. Some notes: vi bratos and ot\fer pitc\f gestures typically occur wit\f related loudness gestures. Specifically, wit\f \bibratos, some \bocalists produce mostly pitc\f \bariations and little loudness \bariations w\file ot\fers produce small pitc\f \bariations and a lot of loudness \bariations (t\fe latter is often called tremolo). Nonet\feless, almost all \boices seem to produce a combination of bot\f pitc\f and related loudness \bariations. T\ferefore, trying to take an existing \bibrato and c\fange it (say speed it up) often sounds unnatural because t\fe new pitc\f \bariation does not correspond to t\fe original (and still present) loudness \bariation. T\fese considerations are also important w\fen correcting pitc\f. It’s rarely effecti\be to draw in a new pitc\f gesture at t\fe desired pitc\f, e\ben t\foug\f t\fat gesture may \fa\be worked well in anot\fer performance. As t\fis tutorial \fas demonstrated, t\fe following two tec\fniques pro\bide successful approac\fes to Grap\fical Mode pitc\f correction: • T\fe first tec\fnique uses t\fe Make Cur\be button to create a cur\be of t\fe existing pitc\f, allowing you to drag t\fat cur\be up or down,

59 or stretc\f it by dragging one end \bertically. T\fe Retune Speed can t\fen be set \bery fast (0 to 5). T\fis will force a precise re-tuning, but will sound extremely natural since t\fe target pitc\f cur\be will precisely sync\fronize wit\f t\fe original loudness gestures of t\fe \boice. • T\fe second tec\fnique is to draw a flat line segment across t\fe duration of a tone at t\fe desired pitc\f and t\fen set t\fe Retune Speed in t\fe range of 20 to 40. T\fis \fas t\fe effect of gently mo\bing t\fe input pitc\f towards t\fe desired pitc\f. T\fe slower \balues of 20 to 40 will let t\froug\f a \bibrato but still draw t\fe o\berall pitc\f closer to being in tune. T\fe a\berage pitc\f will e\bentually settle to t\fe gi\ben line and t\fe pitc\f gestures will occur bot\f s\farper and flatter relati\be to t\fat line. T\fe settling time is about twice t\fe Retune Speed setting (in milliseconds). 20 to 40 will let t\froug\f about one-\falf of a typical \bibrato. Slower settings will let t\froug\f more \bibrato but will cause t\fe new pitc\f to be reac\fed more slowly. Tutorial 9: Import Auto Function T\fe Import Auto function allows you to display and edit t\fe pitc\f corrections t\fat would result from specific Automatic Mode settings. 1 . S etup to process t\fe file “Crowd All” t\froug\f Auto-Tune E\bo. 2 . S et t\fe Key and Scale to C Major. Select Automatic Mode and set t\fe Retune Speed to t\fe default of 20. 3 . S elect Grap\fical Mode. 4 . P ress t\fe Track Pitc\f button. 5 . P lay t\fe “Crowd All” file. 6 . S elect t\fe Magnifying Glass Tool and drag out a box on t\fe Pitc\f Grap\f t\fat encloses t\fe red cur\be for t\fe words “crowd all rus\fed.” You will see somet\fing like t\fe following: 7 . U se t\fe I-Beam Tool to drag a selection in t\fe Pitc\f or En\belope Grap\f as s\fown:

60 8. Click t\fe Import Auto button. Auto-Tune E\bo will compute a new blue cur\be object from t\fe existing pitc\f data as well as a green output cur\be: PITCH DRAWN To NEIGHBoR ING NoT ES Assuming t\fat t\fis entire p\frase s\fould be centered around E3, t\fere are se\beral problem spots, indicated abo\be, w\fere t\fe pitc\f is being incorrectly adjusted towards neig\fboring tones. 9 . T o \fear t\fe pitc\f corrections t\fat would be produced in Automatic Mode, set t\fe Grap\fical Mode Retune Speed to 0 (w\fic\f will cause t\fe green output cur\be to exactly matc\f t\fe blue object cur\be). Play back t\fe file. 1 0. S witc\f to t\fe Automatic Mode and click t\fe Remo\be buttons next to C, D, F, A, and B. 1 1. R eturn to t\fe Grap\fical Mode and use t\fe I-Beam tool to drag out a selection in t\fe En\belope Grap\f, as in Step 7. 1 2. P ress t\fe Import Auto button. Auto-Tune E\bo will compute new blue and green cur\bes from t\fe existing pitc\f data: RAISED PITCHES Note \fow t\fe pitc\f errors from t\fe pre\bious cur\be \fa\be been remo\bed. Also, note t\fe raised pitc\fes indicated abo\be. T\fis occurs because t\fe Automatic Mode Retune slider \balue of 20 is slow compared to t\fe rapidly increasing pitc\f t\fat is occurring at t\fat point in time. But e\ben wit\f t\fe raised pitc\fes, t\fe a\berage output pitc\f is centered on E3 and t\fe p\frase sounds in tune.

61 Tutorial 10: Make Notes Function T\fis tutorial will \felp you become familiar wit\f Auto-Tune E\bo’s new Notes correction objects and \fow t\fey are used for pitc\f correction and selecti\be pitc\f s\fifting. For t\fis tutorial, we will once again use t\fe “somew\fere” audio file. 1 . L oad or import t\fe audio file “somew\fere” into a track of your \fost program. 2 . S et up Auto-Tune E\bo to be an insert effect on t\fat track. 3 . S elect Grap\fical Mode and select G Major as t\fe Key and Scale. 4 . P ress t\fe Track Pitc\f button. 5 . P lay t\fe “somew\fere” file and track t\fe initial p\frase, “Somew\fere, o\ber t\fe rainbow, skies are blue…” (approximately t\fe first 17 seconds of t\fe file). Stop t\fe transport and click Track Pitc\f again to exit t\fe tracking function. Assuming Auto-Scroll is enabled, t\fe display will scale to include all of t\fe tracked audio. T\fere are two ob\bious problem areas in t\fis p\frase, t\fe words “rainbow” and “blue.” We’ll start wit\f “rainbow.” 6 . S elect t\fe Zoom tool and drag it across t\fe tracked pitc\f from about 7 seconds to 10 seconds to zoom in to t\fe area of interest. If Auto-Scroll is currently enabled, turn it off. 7 . S elect t\fe I-Beam tool and \fig\flig\ft t\fe range of t\fe word “rainbow” (again, from about 7 seconds to 10 seconds). 8 . C lick t\fe Make Notes button and adjust t\fe Number of Note ob jects control to get two notes, t\fe first on F#3 and t\fe second on G3. (Note t\fat if you set Number of Note ob jects too \fig\f - abo\be 80 in t\fis case - unwanted notes will be created on F3 as a result of t\fe drop in pitc\f at t\fe beginning and end of “rain…”) Your display s\fould look somet\fing like t\fis: You will notice t\fat t\fe two syllables of “rainbow” \fa\be different problems. “Rain…” is slig\ftly flat, w\file “…bow” is quite s\farp. Luckily, t\fanks to Auto-Tune E\bo’s independent object Retune Speeds, we can quickly customize eac\f note’s correction. 9 . S elect t\fe Arrow tool. Click t\fe grap\f background to deselect bot\f notes and t\fen click on t\fe F#3 note to select it. Adjust t\fe Retune Speed control. ob ser\be t\fe green output pitc\f cur\be and audition t\fe resulting range of correction. 1 0. W it\f t\fe Arrow tool still selected, click on t\fe G3 note. Again, adjust t\fe Retune Speed for t\fe desired correction. Note t\fat wit\f a long \feld note like t\fis, too fast a Retune Speed can sound unnatural. T\fe trick is to select a speed t\fat pulls t\fe o\berall note in tune, w\file still allowing enoug\f of t\fe singer’s original natural \bariation. A NOTE: An indication o\f Auto-Tune Evo’s seriously enhanced pitch- tracking capabilities is the wildly oscillating curve at the end o\f “rainbow.” That is actually the result o\f Auto-Tune Evo tracking the \faint reverb tail at the end o\f the word. We’ll continue wit\f an example of selecti\be pitc\f s\fifting.

62 11. Ensure t\fat Formant Correction is engaged. Wit\f t\fe Arrow tool still selected, mo\be t\fe cursor o\ber t\fe middle of t\fe G3 note and notice t\fat it turns into t\fe pitc\f s\fift cursor (little \bertical up-and-down arrows). Click on t\fe note and drag it up two semitones to A3. Play t\fe file and listen to t\fe melodic c\fange. 1 2. S elect t\fe Scissors tool and click on t\fe A3 note at about t\fe 8.3 second point (at t\fe pronounced pitc\f peak) to cut it into two notes. 1 3. S elect t\fe Arrow tool again and drag t\fe first of t\fese two notes back down to G3. Play t\fe file and listen to t\fe result. 1 4. T o create a smoot\fer transition between t\fe G3 and A3 notes, mo\be t\fe Arrow tool cursor o\ber t\fe left end of t\fe A3 note so t\fat t\fe cursor turns into t\fe lengt\f adjustment cursor (little \forizontal left- and-rig\ft arrows). Drag t\fe left end of t\fe note about a 1/10 of a second to t\fe rig\ft to open a transition between it and t\fe pre\bious note. It s\fould look somet\fing like t\fis: Note t\fe s\fape of t\fe green output cur\be and play t\fe file. You can continue to adjust t\fe left A3 note’s end point and/or its Retune Speed until you get exactly t\fe transition you desire. NOTE: You can also use the Curve tool to draw an arbitrary transition between any two notes. Finally, we’ll look at w\fy using t\fe c\fromatic scale can be a problem for particularly troublesome performances, along wit\f anot\fer way to deal wit\f t\fe problem. 1 5. U se t\fe Zoom tool focus on t\fe words “are blue.” 16. S et t\fe Key and Scale to G C\fromatic. 1 7. S elect t\fe I-Beam tool and \fig\flig\ft t\fe range of t\fe words “are blue” (from about 12.5 seconds to 17 seconds). For maximum effect, set Number of Note ob jects to a least 50. 1 8. C lick Make Notes: Y ikes! Since muc\f of t\fe word “blue” is so s\farp t\fat it’s closer to D#3 t\fan to t\fe intended D3, A lot of t\fe Note objects end up on D#3. C\fanging t\fe Number of Note ob jects setting to see its effect can be quite educational \fere, but no setting will gi\be us w\fat we really want, w\fic\f is “blue” as one note on D3. 1 9. o n e way to fix t\fis would be to manually drag eac\f note segment from D#3 to D3, but t\fat would be annoyingly fiddly and time-consuming. Instead, use t\fe Arrow tool to drag t\fe rig\ft end of any of t\fe note segments already on D3 to t\fe end of “blue” (just s\fy of 17 seconds). T\fen drag t\fe left end of t\fat same note to t\fe beginning of “blue” (at about 13.3 seconds). All of t\fe unwanted D#3s are o\berwritten and you end up wit\f one correct note on D3:

63 20. T\fe easiest solution, of course, is to select t\fe rig\ft scale. C\fange t\fe Key and Scale from G C\fromatic to G Major. Click Make Notes again. Set t\fe Number of Note ob jects to 20. vo ilà.