Antares AutoTune Evo user manual
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Auto-Tune reborn! Owner’s Manual Pitch Correcting Plug-in

©2011 Antares® Audio Tec\fnologies. All rig\fts reser\bed. Certified Isinglass-free.™ All trademarks are property of t\feir respecti\be owners. www.antarestec\ P rinted in USA Re\b 2.0 PN 23036-0311-M02

The Obligator\f Legal Mumbo-\bumbo T\fe Antares® Auto-Tune® E\bo software and t\fis User’s Manual are protected by copyrig\ft law. Making copies, adaptations, or deri\bati\be works wit\fout t\fe prior written aut\forization of Antares Audio Tec\fnologies, is pro\fibited by law and constitutes a punis\fable \biolation of t\fe law. Antares Audio Tec\fnologies retains all owners\fip rig\fts to t\fe Auto-Tune E\bo software and its documentation. Use of Auto-Tune E\bo is limited by t\fe following license agreement. Please carefully read all t\fe terms and conditions of t\fis license agreement. At t\fe time of installation of t\fe Auto-Tune E\bo software you will be presented wit\f a copy of t\fe agreement and asked w\fet\fer or not you agree to it. Continuing wit\f t\fe installation process beyond t\fat point constitutes suc\f agreement. Auto-Tune Evo License Agreement Antares Audio Tec\fnologies grants you a non-transferable, non-exclusi\be license to use Auto-Tune E\bo under t\fe terms and conditions stated in t\fis agreement. Use of Auto-Tune E\bo indicates your agreement to t\fe following terms and conditions. License You may: 1 . U se Auto-Tune E\bo on only one computer at a time. You may not: 1 . M ake copies of Auto-Tune E\bo or of t\fe user manual in w\fole or in part except as expressly pro\bided for in t\fis agreement. Your rig\ft to copy Auto-Tune E\bo and t\fe user manual is limited by copyrig\ft law. Making copies, \berbal or media translations, adaptations, deri\bati\be works, or telecommunication data transmission of Auto-Tune E\bo wit\fout prior written aut\forization of Antares, is pro\fibited by law and constitutes a punis\fable \biolation of t\fe law. 2 . M ake alteration or modifications to Auto- Tune E\bo (or any copy) or disassemble or de-compile Auto-Tune E\bo (or any copy), or attempt to disco\ber t\fe source code of Auto-Tune E\bo. 3 . S ub-license, lease, lend, rent, or grant ot\fer rig\fts in all or any portion of Auto-Tune E\bo (or any copy) to ot\fers.

Term of t\fe Agreement T\fis agreement is effecti\be until terminated by you or Antares. You may terminate t\fe agreement at any time by notifying Antares and destroying all copies of t\fe manual, and erasing Auto-Tune E\bo from all mac\fine-readable media, w\fet\fer on-line or on arc\fi\bal copies. In t\fe e\bent of breac\f of any of t\fe terms of t\fis agreement, you s\fall pay t\fe attorney’s fees of Antares t\fat are reasonably necessary to enforce t\fe agreement plus resulting damages. Limited Warrant\b And Disclaimer AUTo-TUNE Evo AND ACCoM PANYING MATERIALS ARE PRo vI DED “AS IS” WITH oU T WARRANTY oF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS oR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT N oT L IMITED T o, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES oF M ERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS F oR A PARTICULAR PURP oS E. Antares Audio Tec\fnologies does not warrant t\fat t\fe functions contained in t\fe program will meet your requirements. T\fe entire risk as to t\fe use, quality, and performance of Auto-Tune E\bo is wit\f you. SoME JURISDICTIoNS Do NoT ALLoW L IMITATIoN S oN HoW LoN G AN IMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS, S o THE AB o v E LIMITATI oN MAY N oT APPLY T o Y oU . THIS WARRANTY GI v ES Y oU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS. Y oU MAY ALS o HA v E oT HER RIGHTS WHICH vA RY FR oM JURISDICTI oN T o JURISDICTI oN . Limitation of Liabilit\b IN No EvENT WILL ANTARES BE LIABLE FoR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING LoS S oF D ATA, L oS T PR oF ITS oR oT HER SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, C oN SEQUENTIAL oR INDIRECT DAMAGES ARISING FR oM THE USE oF AUT o- T UNE E v o oR ACC oM PANYING MATERIALS. THIS LIMITATI oN WILL APPLY E v EN IF ANTARES oR ITS AUTH oR IZED AGENT HAS BEEN AD vI SED oF THE P oS SIBILITY oF SUCH DAMAGE. Y oU ACKN oWL EDGE THAT THE LICENSE FEE REFLECTS THIS ALL oC ATI oN oF R ISK. S oM E JURISDICTI oN S D o N oT ALL oW L IMITATI oN oR EXCLUSI oN oF LIABILITY F oR I NCIDENTAL oR C oN SEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, S o THE AB o v E LIMITATI oN MAY N oT APPLY T o Y oU . W\few! Now t\fat t\fat’s o\ber, let’s get on to t\fe good stuff.

Contents Chapter 1 Getting Started What’s \few in Auto\bTune Evo 3 I nstalling and Authorizing 6 T echnical Support 7 Chapter 2 I ntroducing Auto\bTune Evo Some background 9 S o what exactly is Auto\bTune Evo? 9 A little bit about pitch 9 Ho w Auto\bTune Evo detects pitch 1 1 How Auto\bTune Evo corrects pitch 1 1 Automatic Mode 1 2 Graphical Mode 1 4 Pitch Shifting and Formant Correction 1 5 Chapter 3 Auto\bTune Evo Controls Common Controls 1 7 The Options Window 2 1 Automatic Mode Controls 2 3 Graphical Mode Controls 3 3 Pen Tablet Input 4 8 Chapter 4 Auto\bTune Evo Tutorial Tutorial 1: Automatic Mode Basics 4 9 Tutorial 2: Targeting Ignores Vibrato Function 5 1 Tutorial 3: \fatural Vibrato Function 5 2 Tutorial 4: MIDI Functions 5 3 Tutorial 5: Transpose and Formant Control 5 4 Tutorial 6: Graphical Mode Basics 5 5 Tutorial 7: Precision 5 7 Tutorial 8: Make Curve Function 5 7 Tutorial 9: Import Auto Function 5 9 Tutorial 10: Make \fotes Function 6 1

vi Chapter 5 \few Features Quick Start Guide 65 Ch apter 6 The Auto\bTune Vocal Effect 77 Ch apter 7 Oth er Creative Applications 79 Ch apter 8 The Auto\bTune Evo Scales! 81 Ind ex 83

1 Welcome! on be\falf of e\beryone at Antares Audio Tec\fnologies, we’d like to offer bot\f our t\fanks and congratulations on your decision to purc\fase Auto-Tune E\bo, t\fe latest (and indisputably greatest) generation of t\fe worldwide standard in professional pitc\f correction. Before you proceed any fart\fer, we’d like to strongly encourage you to register and aut\forize your copy of Auto-Tune E\bo. (You can skip a\fead to t\fe Aut\forization and Installation instructions on page 5. We’ll wait.) Also, if you’re planning on discarding t\fat lo\bely Auto-Tune E\bo box, it’s probably a good idea to write down t\fe serial number t\fat appears on t\fe bottom of t\fe box for future reference. (T\fe inside co\ber of t\fis manual would be a good place.) At Antares, we are committed to excellence in quality, customer ser\bice, and tec\fnological inno\bation. Wit\f your purc\fase of Auto-Tune E\bo, you \fa\be created a relations\fip wit\f Antares w\fic\f we \fope will be long and gratifying. Let us know w\fat you t\fink. You can count on us to listen. Again, t\fanks. T\fe W\fole Antares Crew

3 Chapter 1: Getting Started Auto-Tune E\bo represents t\fe most substantial ad\bancement in power and ease of use since Auto-Tune’s original introduction in 1997. If you are new to Auto-Tune, we encourage you to read t\fis manual and work t\froug\f t\fe tutorials in C\fapter 4. It’s t\fe quickest way to become familiar wit\f w\fat Auto-Tune E\bo does and \fow it does it. If you are upgrading from a pre\bious \bersion of Auto-Tune, you will find t\fat most of w\fat you’re already doing will continue to work in Auto-Tune E\bo, only better. Howe\ber, t\fere’s more new stuff in Auto-Tune E\bo t\fan in any pre\bious Auto-Tune update. To get up to speed quickly, just c\feck out t\fe new feature o\ber\biew below and t\fen refer to t\fe detailed New Feature Quick Start Guide in C\fapter 5, w\fic\f will tell you e\beryt\fing you need to know to make use of Auto-Tune E\bo’s new capabilities. ONE BIG IMPORTANT NOTE It is critical to note t\fat Auto-Tune E\bo will NoT o pen sessions created wit\f Auto-Tune 5. T\fe impro\bements made to t\fe core tec\fnology are so extensi\be t\fat it just won’t work. For t\fat reason, we \fa\be configured Auto-Tune E\bo suc\f t\fat it and Auto-Tune 5 can be acti\be in your DAW simultaneously. Howe\ber, it’s also important to note t\fat we will not be releasing future updates to Auto-Tune 5, so it is ine\bitable t\fat between computer oS a d\bancements and \fost updates, Auto-Tune 5 will e\bentually stop working. If you \fa\be current sa\bed sessions wit\f instances of Auto-Tune 5 t\fat you may need to access into t\fe indefinite future, we offer t\fe following suggestions: • If you are satisfied wit\f t\fe current Auto- Tune 5 settings, use w\fate\ber met\fod your \fost offers (bouncing, offline editing, etc.) to permanently render t\fe corrected tracks. • If you belie\be you will need to keep editing into t\fe future, remo\be t\fe instances of Auto- Tune 5 and replace t\fem wit\f instances of Auto-Tune E\bo. What’s new in Auto-Tune Evo T\fe following are t\fe key new features t\fat \fa\be been added in Auto-Tune E\bo: General Features • Dramaticall\b en\fanced core tec\fnolog\b: W\file Auto Tune’s patented processing tec\fnology \fas always pro\bided unmatc\fed speed and accuracy, for Auto-Tune E\bo, Dr. Andy \fas gone back to t\fe pro\berbial drawing board to create a seriously e\bol\bed \boice processing tec\fnology t\fat takes ad\bantage of t\fe \fugely more powerful computers t\fat are now t\fe norm for digital audio recording. T \fe result is E\bo™ vo ice Processing Tec\fnology, offering powerful new features and capabilities along wit\f pitc\f detection and correction t\fat is substantially more accurate and reliable o\ber a muc\f wider range of audio input quality. • R edesigned user interface: Continuing t\fe process begun wit\f Auto-Tune 5, we \fa\be again refined t\fe Auto-Tune user interface to allow for smoot\fer, more intuiti\be workflow. • R eorganized common controls: Wit\f t\fe addition of t\fe new pitc\f s\fifting, formant correction, and t\froat modeling capabilities described below, we \fa\be reorganized t\fe

4 common control area to ensure t\fat all of t\fe parameters used by bot\f Automatic and Grap\fical correction modes are easily a\bailable at all times. • T racking control back w\fere it belongs: Back in Auto-Tune 5, we consolidated t\fe Auto Mode and Grap\fical Mode Tracking controls and mo\bed t\fe resulting control to t\fe op tions dialog. T\fis turned out to be a none-too-popular mo\be. It’s now back in t\fe common control area w\fere it’s instantly accessible in eit\fer mode. (And speaking of t\fe Tracking control, t\fe new E\bo Processing tec\fnology allows t\fe Tracking control to more easily correct (t\fe now rare) octa\be pitc\f-tracking errors.) Automatic Mode Features • Real-time pitc\f s\fifting: Auto-Tune E\bo’s new Transpose control pro\bides extremely \fig\f-quality real-time pitc\f s\fifting o\ber a two-octa\be range (+/- one octa\be in semi- tone increments). • F ormant correction (Native versions onl\b): W\file Auto-Tune’s classic pitc\f adjustment tec\fnology still pro\bides t\fe optimum results for t\fe \bery small inter\bals typical of con\bentional pitc\f correction, for larger inter\bals or outrig\ft pitc\f-s\fifting, engaging Auto-Tune E\bo’s Formant Correction function preser\bes \bocal c\faracter o\ber a muc\f wider pitc\f-s\fift range. • T \froat modeling (Native versions onl\b): Utilizing t\fe latest incarnation of Antares’ unique t\froat modeling tec\fnology, t\fe new T\froat Lengt\f control actually allows you to modify \bocal c\faracter by passing it t\froug\f a \bariable-lengt\f p\fysical model of t\fe \fuman \bocal tract. ( T\froat modeling is only a\bailable w\fen Formant Correction is engaged.) Graphical Mode Features • Resizable Grap\fical Mode window: In most \fosts, Auto-Tune E\bo’s Grap\fical Mode window can be resized in real-time, limited only by t\fe size of your monitor. (In \fosts t\fat don’t support real-time resizing, t\fe window size can be set in t\fe op tions dialog. In vS T \fosts, resizing is limited to a maximum size of 1600 x 1200 pixels — still not too s\fabby.) • N ew Note-based pitc\f correction and pitc\f s\fifting: In addition to Lines and Cur\bes, Auto-Tune E\bo introduces an entirely new met\fod of pitc\f editing: Note ob jects. Clicking t\fe Make Notes button will cause Auto-Tune E\bo to analyze t\fe tracked audio and create grap\fic representations of t\fe target notes (w\fic\f can be fine-tuned wit\f t\fe Number of Note ob jects control). T\fese objects can t\fen easily be edited, s\fifted in pitc\f, and indi\bidually pitc\f corrected or retuned. New Note ob jects can be drawn wit\f t\fe new Notes Tool, and t\fe transitions between Notes can easily be customized wit\f t\fe Cur\be Tool. L ike Auto-Tune E\bo’s ot\fer editing tec\fniques, Note ob jects can be employed in selected parts of your track and intermixed wit\f t\fe ot\fer tec\fniques. You are always free to select w\fic\fe\ber met\fod (Notes, Cur\bes or Lines) is most effecti\be for eac\f particular editing task. • O bject-based Retune Speed settings! In one of Auto-Tune E\bo’s initially less ob\bious, but functionally most powerful c\fanges, Retune Speed is now an independent property of eac\f indi\bidual correction object (Cur\be, Line or Note). S ince eac\f object can \fa\be its own Retune Speed setting, you will no longer need to automate Retune Speed to get t\fe optimum rate for eac\f note of a performance. (Because of t\fis, t\fe Retune Speed knob is only acti\be w\fen one or more objects are selected.)